Member Reviews

Patience for Christmas was a wonderful read that’s just the thing to get you in the mood for the holidays.

Patience Friendly may no longer be accepted in polite society after her father lost the family fortune but she won’t let that stop her from finding a way to survive. Writing as an advice columnist under a pseudonym, Patience enjoys her work with the exception of her overbearing publisher, Dougal MacHugh. After Dougal challenges Patience to take on a rival columnist, the two begin to spend a lot of time together and it doesn’t take long for sparks to begin to fly.

Patience and Dougal’s relationship is initially a bit adversarial as Patience believes Dougal cares about nothing but his profits and Dougal has a tendency to intentionally rile Patience’s temper. I liked watching the two get to know one another more during the advice-a-thon and I loved seeing how well they played ideas off of one another. The forced proximity trope is one of my favorites in romances and this novella had hints of that which I loved. There is a secret that Dougal is keeping from Patience that causes some tension once revealed, but I liked how it proved to be a clever twist that ultimately moved the story forward.

Overall Patience for Christmas was the perfect holiday read and I loved the crossover with the characters from her Windham Brides series. I definitely recommend this novella if you’re looking for a quick and fun holiday read.

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Patience has nothing to entice a man to ask for her hand. Her family is not part of high society. She has been down that road. Now left with a tattered reputation, Patience has found a way to support herself through her writing. Her publisher, Dougal McHough, likes to challenge her at every turn. He enjoys arguing with her and taking the opposite view just to get her going. They both feel an attraction that they believe is one sided. When Dougal kisses her under the mistletoe to prove a point, all bets are off. Lovely holiday read.

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Grace Burrowes never disappoints. This novella was a quick and enjoyable read with the wit and heart I expect. I loved it.

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Received in exchange for a honest review.

This is fun, entertaining and at times flirty.

The attraction between Dougal and Patience is wrought with tension but there. They are really fun to read about. Patience the lady who gives sound advice for women and men and is driven batty by her publisher Dougal. Dougal who admits his attraction, does something crazy to keep her from going away and his gamble almost ends disastrous.

Patience was steady and hard working. She learns so much about Dougal as they work together over the holidays on the advice-a-thon. This closeness has them become closer and act on the attraction only Dougal does have a secret. And it can destroy things for him.

Love how Dougal changes and Patience becomes stronger and stands up for himself. Towards the end Patience frustrated me because yes she has a right to be angry but she did something as well and it was in line with Dougal’s. So she should be angry but not indignant and push him away. That was the only time I got frustrated. i thought she was going to far. So glad Dougal doesn’t sit back and take it to heart.

The story is well written, entertaining and fun. The characters are ones you instantly like and connect with and the romance was fun and sweet.

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Patience Friendly has been dealt a serious setback when she was younger. A betrothal that left her ruined when the viscount denied ever proposing after he found out she was not a heiress. In the past 10 years she has done everything she could to support herself. Her latest effort is with publisher Dougal MacHugh where she writes an advice column. When Dougal suggests a way to increase readership and thus her wages, Patience agrees, but what she doesn't know about Dougal could definitely test her trust issues with men once again.

I enjoyed this novella and especially loved the arguments and counter arguments for each letter Patience answered. There are no glittering ballrooms or soirees in the story and it was refreshing to see what happens with the opportunities available to a young woman who has been jilted. When Patience and Dougal begin to see each other in a different light, Ms. Burrowes pulls the reader in even more to see how it will all end. I loved the twist in the story. It was well done. This is a quick read and fans of regency romances will definitely enjoy this story.

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Patience for Christmas was my first book by Grace Burrowes but it won't be my last. While it's a bit lower on the heat spectrum than most of the historical romances I've read, the story is sweet, engrossing, and heartfelt. Patience and Dougal are such great counterpoints for each other and their chemistry and banter are everything! What really impressed me about this story is the attention and care that was put into every single character featured in the book - even when the side characters where on the page, I was totally engrossed in the story. I can't wait to read more from Grace Burrowes; she left a great first impression on me with this delightful novella. 4 out of 5 wine glasses.

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This is an entertaining historical Christmas novella by an author I really like. My rating 4.5.

Patience is a determined young woman supporting herself by writing an advise column. A past betrayal by a young man has left her cautious of men and a natural champion for women. Patience’s columns have been getting a rival opinion from Professor Pennypacker.

Her publisher, Scottish, stubborn and overbearing Dougal MacHugh, challenges Patience to take on twelve days of advice against her rival. It would mean extra income for the publisher and the Patience too, even if it will cut into other activities.

Dougal sets out to work side by side with Patience to help choose the letters and get the columns completed. They banter with their opinions growing closer and closer while spending long hours working together. But Dougal has a secret that could cause a major backfire.

I totally enjoyed these feisty characters and the love that blossomed between them. The secret (easily guessed) is revealed to the reader long before it is inevitably revealed to Patience. The tension builds as the passion develops between the couple and we wait to see how Patience will respond to Dougal’s secret.

I enjoy Ms. Burrowes' writing style and this novella didn’t disappoint as I was thoroughly entertained. I recommend this as a quick, delightful Christmas romance. I recommend this author to readers who enjoy good historical romance with some heat but not too steamy.

Source: NetGalley.

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This was a very nice Christmas read. I found the story charming and liked the characters. There is a central deception, a plot device I generally dislike, but I could tolerate it here. I liked the fact that the heroine had a career, a rarity in historical romance.

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Patience For Christmas by Grace Burrows is being released today, 12-18-18, in e-book form. This novella was previously included in The Virtues Of Christmas in 2016. This was my first read and I found it witty and well written. At times the lead characters are amazingly close to the repartee of Nick and Norah Charles. They play off each other well. As a person owned by a cat, I think King George is inspired and to be adored (my cat made me say that).

Our heroine is Patience Friendly, a fiery-haired, and tempered, advice columnist. This spinster has found a way to apply her talents to a job that pays the rent. Using her nom de plume has allowed Patience to live independently, not on the charity of distant relatives. Unfortunately the struggle for survival has left her a little isolated and lonely too. A dog would be a good companion (my dog made me say that).

Our hero is Dougal MacHenry, handsome, Scottish owner and publisher of the circulation that carries Patience's popular column. He's handsome, Scottish, and has a burr, that's really all you need to know (sigh). He thinks about, and enjoys meeting with, Patience a little more than an employer should. He thinks she's pretty and smells good. When he manages to get a kiss under the mistletoe the romance race is started.

To increase sales, and intrigue Patience, Dougal proposes a pen-to-pen contest with her popular rival. It's a he said, she said competition over the 12 days of Christmas. This requires the couple to spend lots and lots of time together. It's fun to keep up with the number of sweet treats mentioned and consumed during a mere eight chapters. It's astounding.

As this is a romance book there is a happy ending. We'd be up in arms if there wasn't. Receiving an ARC is a privilege, and one I enjoy. Being able to share my opinion is a pleasure. Both are free and without obligation. Happy reading.

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Grace Burrowes engages Patience in an advice letter writing war with the Professor in the regency novella Patience for Christmas. This is a romantic romp between Patience and her editor. Read for the witty remarks and social activities in Regency England.

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I received an ARC of this book to read through NetGalley in exchange for a fair review. Patience For Christmas is a lovely holiday novella by Grace Burrowes. It was originally published in the holiday collection The Virtues of Christmas. I adored the heroine Patience Friendly jilted by a suitor she is now considered to be quite on the shelf. Patience supports herself by writing an advice column for publisher Dougal MacHugh. With the holiday season fast approaching Patience enters into a battle of the columns with a rival advice columnist and in order to do so spends quite a bit of time with Dougal. Sparks fly but Dougal is keeping a secret and Patience is not sure she wants to give up her independence. The perfect story to curl up somewhere cozy with a cup of tea and while away a chilly afternoon. Medium Steam. Publishing Date December 18, 2018
#NetGalley #PatienceForChristmas #GraceBurrowes #ForeverGrandCentralPublishing

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This was a charming story. I always enjoy a Grace Burrowes book of any length, and this novella was delightful. A lonely publisher and an equally lonely advice columnist work together to put out a series of extra newspapers before Christmas and defeat a rival paper. Burrowes is great at writing women who are prickly but still likeable, and this was no exception.

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I enjoyed this story about ordinary non-nobles and gave it a B+.

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Another great Christmas story. Patience writes an advice column for Douglas MacHugh’s publishing company for enough money to survive. He has asked for extra stories during Christmas to rival advice columnist, Professor Pennypacker. I thought this book funny and touching. The hero accepting Patience as an equal in a time when it was not done made for a delightful story. But not just equal, a genius, clever and insightful. Who is this Professor Pennypacker? You need to read to find out. Sweet story. I received this book from Net Galley and Forever/Grand Central Publishing for a honest review. The opinions expressed are my own.

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Burrowes is on a roll this holiday season, and the second of her Christmas romances is just as charming as the first. I found both main characters engaging and exciting, and their repartee was to die for. As usual with a Burrowes novel, one will find humor and warmth as well as strong personalities and a strong sense of progressivism.

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Patience for Christmas by Grace Burrows. I enjoy a historical romance where the women have unconventional thought processes for their time Patience is writing a column for income but also because she loved it. Her publisher, Dougal is Scottish and drives her crazy however he does provide her with ample amount of crumpets to keep her nourished. The author created some amusing scenes as they bantered back and forth about different topics that she would write about.
The scenes between him and his workers endeared him to me. You could see that he cared about them and took his responsibility seriously.

Sexual content - one scene and is descriptive.

I received this book from Netgalley. I was not required to write a positive review.
You can see my full review at More Than a Review dot com where I rate the level of sex, violence, language and drug/alcohol use in books.

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Sweet romance novella that happens during Christmas time. Patience Friendly works for Douglas MacHugh as a writer for his publishing house. During this time they take upon the task to respond to 12 letters and publish all responses by Christmas Eve. They get to know each other, since they are working close with each other. I enjoyed the story and though it was a novella the story of these two was very well developed and did not feel rushed. I liked their bantering and by the end of the story it made me crave crumpets.

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What a delightful book. I enjoyed it so much. The characters are strong and the chemistry between them wonderful. Great short read.

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This Christmas novella was part of an Anthology book previously. I had read the story then and enjoyed it.
When given an opportunity to read it again and leave a review, I was happy to reread it.
This story is about Dougal McHugh and Patience Friendly. He is the publisher of McHugh and Sons newspaper. She is their womens advice columnist.
In trying to compete with a rival columnist, Mr. Pennypecker, Patience has to be in the office everyday for 2 weeks leading up to the Christmas holidays. She and Dougal work together put out the best column they can. Every night he escorts her home. Every morning he brings her cakes from the bakery. . Everyday their relationship grows.
It was an excellent story, watching a relationship grow and develop. I find in many novells this aspect is missing. You sometimes feel you walk into the middle of a story. But that was not the case here. You saw this relationship bloom right from the beginning.
Well done Grace Burrowes!

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I love novellas at Christmas - the length is just right for one evening, when you steal a couple hours away from holiday madness to breathe and remember what you’re in the season for. I try new ones every year, but only the chosen few make it to my annual re-read list. Patience for Christmas has the distinction of making it onto that list.

Patience Friendly’s fiancé - a viscount - jilted her when it became clear that her family’s money had dried up. Now, she writes an advice column called Mrs. Horner’s Corner for Scottish publisher Dougal MacHugh. The blight on her season? Professor Pennypacker, a rival columnist. When she learns of Pennypacker’s plan to publish twelve days of columns leading up to Christmas, she throws herself into doing the same. Working long hours alongside Dougal makes her see her boss in a new way. Unfortunately, what she doesn’t see is that Dougal is Pennypacker, a character he hatched in order to drive sales.

Why this book is a B+ and not a DIK is right there in that Big Secret, since the reveal and reconciliation are predictable and formulaic. However, the rest of the book is strong enough that it doesn’t matter.

Patience is a lovely, practical heroine. I enjoyed how she grew as a result of her career, how financial independence and labor became fulfilling to her. Dougal, who recognizes her talents, supports and pushes her to grow as a writer and a thinker, doing things like gifting her his copy of Mary Wollstonecraft's A Vindication of the Rights of Women. I liked that his brusqueness covered up his affection for her, and the way the authors shows clearly the heavy responsibility of running a publishing house which secures the livelihoods of many people, including relatives.

The book is part of the Wyndhams series, and I wish it wasn’t. I wanted the page count of Patience talking to former heroines to be spent on characters I actually cared about in this book. Opportunities were missed to explore the contrast between the workaday world of Dougal and the luxurious life Patience lost, and which her wealthy Wyndham friends represent.

The author’s prose manages to be lighthearted and funny without being excessively modern:

MacHugh the saddlemaker was his cousin, as was MacHugh the stationer. MacHugh the fishmonger wasn’t related as far as they could tell, but the trail was promising, three generations back on the Irish side.

I also appreciated minor, smoothly integrated historical details (Patience picks up a “carrying candle”; Dougal wonders why her neighbors aren’t putting lights in their windows as required by law and Patience points out that they are poor).

Before buying this, you should know that this novella is a new Kindle release but not a new work. Burrowes released Patience for Christmas in a paperback duology Virtues of Christmas in 2016; the other story in the original is Respect for Christmas. Both of these stories are now available in separate Kindle editions; the duology, as far as I can tell, is paper only.

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