Cover Image: The Good, the Bad, and the Duke

The Good, the Bad, and the Duke

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Lady Daphne has held a tender for Paul since she was a child and now as an adult, the feelings are still there and have increased over time. Daphne had her reticule stolen and it contained her journal where she wrote some of her most personal thoughts. Trying to find the kid who stole it, she encounters Paul and he agrees to help her. As time goes by they form an attachment and he asks her to marry him and she says yes. Paul learns some devastating news and breaks with Daphne. There is a HEA but there is a lot that has to happen before this becomes a reality. The book is well written and I would highly recommend it as a great read.

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The Good, the Bad and the Duke by Janna MacGregor is an enjoyable read that happens around the Christmas holiday. The story is unique, complex and very relatable. The characters are very relatable as well. I loved the back and forth, twists and turns of the story. The guilt and interests of the characters also added to the story. Although at times, you want them to put it behind them. . It kept me interested and it was hard to put down. Highly recommended.

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Regency romance is not preferred genre and I tend to avoid it, but I was given a Jana MacGregor book to read and I was hooked after the first chapter. “The Good, The Bad, and The Duke is the fourth book I have read by this talented author and I feel as if her characters have become my friends. In her latest masterpiece Lady Daphne Hallworth has been half in love with Lord Paul Barstowe since he helped her rescue a baby bird when she was young, but a falling out with her brother kept her from exploring her feelings until fate forced their paths to cross. These two lost souls strike a bargain to help each other out, but the more time they spend together the feelings of long ago roar back to life. I was given an advanced copy of this book, and all of the opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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I received an e-ARC of this book from NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review. I enjoy Janna MacGregor's writing in general. This particular book did not catch my attention the way many others have. I found the characters too rote, too genteel and young to be as imperturbable as they were written. 3 out of 5 stars.

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I really enjoyed reading this book. It is not your traditional historical romance. This book was captivating and a great read!

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I love this book series and I hope there will be more books. The story is about Lady Daphne Hallworth can't wait to celebrate the holiday but her family accidentally leaves her home alone. So Daphne uses the time to work on her dream of opening a home for unwed mothers. She is trying to purchase a house but her brother’s best friend-turned-enemy, Paul Barstowe, Duke of Southart wants the house too. Also, he stole her diary, which has family secrets in it as well. Paul aims to open a hospital to honor his brother and restore his reputation. So they both make a deal, he will help her find her diary if Daphne can change her family’s opinion of him. I very much enjoyed this book.

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I couldn't put this book down! So good. So entertaining. The characters were so relatable and really drew you in. The plot was intriguing and the romance was sweet.

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Another great novel in The Cavensham Heiresses series! I loved the connection and the conflict between the characters. I love escaping into Janna MacGregor's books!

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I was immediately drawn to this book by the beautiful cover. It is the perfect lure for the upcoming holiday season.

This is the first book that I’ve read in this series. It works fine as a stand alone but I did feel like I was missing a detail here or there.

Lady Daphne has long harbored feelings for Paul, the Duke of Barstowe. But Paul has fallen out of favor with Daphne’s family thanks to some youthful indiscretions.

Years later, the two cross paths again. Daphne is pursuing her dream to open a home for unwed mothers. Paul wants to build a hospital to honor his late brother. They end up wanting the same tract of land. During their negotiations, they make a deal---Paul will help Daphne find her lost diary that contains family secrets if she’ll convince her family to forgive Paul..

I thought this was a nice read for the holiday season. You can’t help but like the two characters and root for their happily ever after. If you like historical romance, this is well worth the read.

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Lady Daphne Hallworth and her family are about to leave town for the holidays, but in all the confusion, Daphne is left home alone. Deciding that she has had enough of going unnoticed, Daphne plans to stay home and enjoy Christmas alone. She is out taking a stroll when her most prized possession is stolen... a journal in which she records her most private thoughts and desires. Daphne is desperate to get it back, so desperate that she risks ruining her reputation by chasing the thief into a gentleman's gambling establishment.

Paul Barstowe, Duke of Southart, is immediately enraptured by the beauty trying to get into Reynold's, a men's only gambling hall. When he realizes who she is, Paul immediately rushes to her aid. Paul was once Daphne's brother's best friend, but past mistakes destroyed any love her brother had for him. Paul isn't sure Daphne will accept his help, but is relieved when she decides to put her trust in him. Could this be the second chance Paul was looking for? Can he prove to Daphne and her family that he is a changed man; a better man? And what will come of his budding relationship with Daphne?

I must admit, that I have only read one book in author Janna MacGregor's captivating CAVENSHAM HEIRESSES series. It was the first novel, THE BAD LUCK BRIDE. I have been meaning to pick up books two and three, THE BRIDE WHO GOT LUCKY and THE LUCK OF THE BRIDE. Instead I skipped ahead to book four, THE GOOD, THE BAD, AND THE DUKE. I do feel it can be read as a standalone, but there are some details I was missing but not having read books two and three, so I will definitely be picking those up soon. Back to THE GOOD, THE BAD, AND THE DUKE... it was just my kind of read. I love the sister falling for the brother's best friend scenario. Paul did some bad things in the past, but he more than makes up for his actions in this story. He is strong, stalwart, and sexy. Daphne and he made the perfect couple. She is witty, wicked (in a good way) and has such a big heart. Daphne helps Paul learn to be a better man, although to be honest, he has always been one. I love that Daphne surprises Paul by taking charge like she does. If it was up to him, he probably would have resisted longer, in order to be a gentleman. THE GOOD, THE BAD, AND THE DUKE is a keeper. I cannot wait for book five in the CAVENSHAM HEIRESSES series, ROGUE MOST WANTED.
Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars!!

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This was a very sweet book...

Daphne is left behind by her family at the holidays. Paul has been her friend from childhood, but estranged from her family.

There are secrets here, and things to be discovered. Watching these two work together, and those secrets come out, was a lot of fun. A great weekend read!

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I loved this book! Daphne was such a great main character, and I liked getting to see Paul slowly redeem himself. I haven't read the other books in the series, so it was hard to understand some of the family dynamics, but otherwise everything was great. I loved how passionate Daphne was, I only wish she'd kept a *little* more of her personality from her youth.

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A very enticing storyline from the Regency Period of England. The young Duke of Southart, Paul, is trying to deal with his grief as well as the new responsibilities of being the Duke of Southart.

His grief is from the death of his father and his brother. He is grieved. Not so much for his father but very grieved for his brother’s passing.

From his younger days he has been a free spirit whom spent his time gambling, seducing women and just generally acting poorly. But now he must reform his ways and establish himself as the Duke of Southart and thus gain respect from the community as he takes his place in society.

Then there is Lady Daphne Hallworth, a young woman who is dealing with her own grief and her own issues of society. Her sister has died and Lady Daphne is cut to her core with grief.

Both the Duke and Lady Daphne want to do something to honor their lost siblings. The Duke wants to establish a hospital to help fight the diseases that are decimating the population of England. Lady Daphne wants to open a home for unwed mothers.

The Dukes desire is “Noble,” but Lady Daphne’s desire to open this home is against all societal acceptance. But that is all the more reason to open a home.

The underlying current of the story is that Lady Daphne and the Duke of Southart have known each other their entire lives. The lady has loved the Duke the whole time. But the Duke has been blinded by his own misguided youth.

Will they both establish the charities they want to? Will they find love in each others presence? Will they be able to overcome the grief and issues of societal mistakes that seek to unravel their reputations?

The research is well done, the writing handles all the Regency decorum well and the love that grows between the two is very much true to life.

They are a few scandalous things that MacGregor includes, such as the sexual promiscuity of the time. But while that seems out of place it really isn’t. Sex has always been something that brings ruination to many a decent person.

All in all this is a delightful story, I trust you will enjoy it.

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I very much enjoyed the romance of Paul and Daphne! Paul doesn’t have the best reputation, but Daphne has always loved him from afar. Her family forgets her at Christmas and when her beloved journal with all her secrets and fantasies is stolen, Paul assists her and she begins to show him he is a good person.

This book was hard to put down. The romance was sweet and the adventures they go on to get the journal back are fun. Overall, a great historical romance.

Thanks to the publisher for a review copy via NetGalley.

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I know it’s early to be reading Christmas-related books, but really – is it ever too early to read Christmas stories? ❤️

Lady Daphne Hallworth quickly became one of my all-time favourite characters. She tried her best to be “the perfect daughter/sister/etc” and she shoved all her feelings in a diary. It actually sounds like something I would do, with the exception that I’ve tried to write a diary several times, but I always end up forgetting to write in it. I personally like to lay at night thinking about what I would write, and sometimes even say it out loud, in a whispered voice, just to put those feelings out there. So I can imagine what Daphne felt when her diary was stolen – as a result of a good action, which is even worse!

But, rest assure dear reader, she is not alone. In comes Paul Barstowe, Duke of Southart, former friend of Daphne’s brother, and her former (and current!) crush. Paul acted badly in the past and that caused him to alienate his friends, but Daphne never truly believed he was a horrible person, instead she believed he was someone who had made mistakes, but who was truly a good person (which, of course, it’s true).

Daphne is left alone at Christmas and Paul is the one that is going to make her company and help her retrieve her diary. Paul and his Moonbeam.

I loved their relationship, Paul was so sweet with Daphne, and all he wanted was to help her. Even the impediments that might have gotten in the way, it was all resolved and I loved how strong and determined Daphne was, and how Paul tried to be his best version, for himself, for Daphne and for those that now depended on him. That’s one of my favourite things about the book, Paul’s awakening to become someone… not different per se, but someone with new objectives and a different view of life and of what really matters. And that’s also what brings Daphne’s family and friends back to being friends with Paul. They see how he’s improved, and that he is trying, he’s doing his best to become better, and he deserves the vote of confidence.

After reading this book, I decided never to have a diary with me in public and, if I ever do write in a journal, to have it locked at all times, because I don’t know if I could handle the stress of losing or having it robbed, with all my private thoughts. Daphne’s fight and endurance to act the right way not just for her, but for her family and those that might be affected by what she had written, was inspiring.

The Christmas ambience helped the story’s redemption arc, and it was lovely to have the beautiful descriptions of winter and Christmas decorations. I do love a good Christmas romance.

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I received this book as an advanced readers copy,I loved this book so much. I could not help but to be hooked and there is a new plot in every chapter which made it such an enjoyable read.

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Get out your Pom-poms because you’re going to root for Paul and Daphne to overcome some pretty insurmountable odds!
Paul Barstowe is a destroyer. His father told him often enough that he had learned to live up to it. And now with his brother’s passing & his father’s sudden passing, he is the Duke of Southart and more determined than ever to right his past wrongs and prove to the ton that he can be a Duke to be respected.
Lady Daphne has admired Paul since she was 9 years old. He was the only one to really see her. He was a rakehell of the first order but she knew if given a chance, she could love him. But he had caused too much pain to those most important to her. She would continue to admire him from afar and get on with her life.....but fate has other plans.
Left by accident when her family returned to family seat a few days before Christmas, Lady Daphne decides to make the best of her situation. A brisk walk to her favorite park will help put her situation into perspective. But when a street urchin steals her reticule, her world is turned upside down. Her diary is in her reticule. Her deepest, most intimate thoughts, tirades about her family, angry letters to her dead sister were contained in its pages. She and her family would be ruined if the diary fell into the wrong hands. And her thief just ran into a gaming hell and who’s on the sidewalk outside? Paul Barstowe, Duke of Southart.
Paul was here to pay a debt-in and out. A commotion brings his attention to the majordomo trying oust a woman from the hell. As she tilted her her, the force of recognition hit Paul like a blow. What in the blazes was Lady Daphne doing here? Unchaperoned? Lord Smooth and Easy to the rescue. But who’s rescuing whom?
Janna MacGregor gives another A+ in her Cavensham Heiresses series. This is one that will leave you with a big love filled sigh!

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I voluntarily reviewed an ARC from SMP via NetGalley. This is the first book I’ve read from the this author and I’m glad I did. I really enjoyed the characters and the era. I don’t typically read these kinds of romances but I was pleasantly surprised. It was a well written story. Paul was a misguided lost man who did do some bad things but he’s making up for them now. Daphane is what back then you would call a wallflower. She tries to hide and is still troubled over a tragedy that happened in her childhood. Paul was her brothers friend who she looked up to and harbored a crush on. Then a falling out between the men left her searching the sidelines trying to catch glimpses of him at social gatherings. I’ll definitely look into more books from this author and maybe more era books than my typical contemporary romance.

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“Sometimes the heart does what it wants no matter what common sense says.”

Since the tragic death of her sister, Lady Daphne Hallworth has done her best to not be a burden on her family. Shrinking away and becoming a wallflower at various functions, Lady Daphne has perhaps done too good of a job hiding away…especially when her family packs up and leaves for the Christmas holiday without her. Left alone to her own devices, she is determined to embrace her spinsterhood and start working on obtaining her own townhouse and staff, as well as finalizing her dreams of opening a home for unwed mothers. But when an act of kindness causes her most prized position to be stolen, Daphne is put in the path of an unlikely hero coming to her rescue.

Paul Barstowe, Duke of Southart, has been known as a scoundrel throughout the ton. But when his brother falls ill and passes, this rake of a Duke pledges to mend his ways in order to honor his brother’s dying request. When he spies a beautiful lady at a most unscrupulous gambling establishment, not only is he shocked to discover it is a former childhood acquaintance, but also the sister of his former best friend. Seeing a way to both rescue the fair lady and perhaps get back in the family’s good graces, Paul volunteers his services to assist Daphne in her quest to retrieve her journal.

As Daphne and Paul spend more and more time together, Daphne is finding it harder to hide the fact that she has been in love with him since she was a child…and Paul is discovering that perhaps his heart is not as hard as stone after all…

When I first started reading The Good, the Bad & the Duke, I was thinking to myself this was yet another spinster heroine and rakish hero romance…been there, read that over and over. But as the pages turned, I discovered there is so much more to the romance between Daphne and Paul. These are two lonely people that so desperately want to love and be loved, but both put on a mask of indifference hiding this need from those around them. That is until they take a chance on each other…and then, dear reader, that is when the story ignites!

This is the first book I’ve read by Janna MacGregor, and I loved it so much, that I ran out and bought the first installment to this series! While this is the 4th book in the series, it can be read alone. Highly recommend and look forward to reading more!

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Oh , I’ve waited and hoped for Paul’s redemption, and him to be seen as he truly is , not how he believes he is .
Hoped that he could earn the respect and love of a good woman , someone who would fight for him , and who would see him for the strong , honourable man I knew him to be deep down.
Janna has given him a brilliant story an adventure with his perfect partner, a feisty woman who won’t let him back down and give up , She’s awesome.
Daphne is all I wanted to see and more ,in his life .
Paul needs her , and together they make for the best so far that I’ve read in The Cavensham Heiresses romances .
A wonderful and addictive book you really won’t want to finish .
I received an advance copy of this book and chose to submit a review

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