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Sin and Ink

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3 1/2 STARS!

✦ Dual 1st POV
✦ Former MMA fighter, now a tattoo artist
✦ She's his office manager at the shop
✦ . . . oh, yeah, and his late brother's widow
✦ She's biracial (I think?), Polynesian descent
✦ Hot and angsty

Really enjoyed the heat level here. Knox has a dirty mouth at times and I loved it. The angst of "She's off limits, she's my dead brother's wife!", combined with his guilt over believing he was guilty of his brother's dead -- a guilt that was made worse by his own mother, ugh -- got a bit tiring for me. But I think that's partly because I wasn't in the mood for high angst, something that usually doesn't bother me.

I do wish Eden's sexual experience with her late husband hadn't be reduced to "nice, and I loved him, but oh yeah, I only had a few orgasms over the years we were together" while she has INSTANT -- and multiple -- orgasms with Knox from the moment he first touches her. IDK, that kind of shit bugs me in romancelandia and it's a cheap out on dealing with a heroine's previous sexual experience, IMO.

I wanted to see a bit more from the ending -- more of them actually together and happy and working on things in their lives (separately and together). It's not that the ending was incomplete, it just wasn't as strong as what I wanted after literally 95% of the book being nonstop "we shouldn't!" angst, you know?

Still, this was a hot and angsty read, and one that I would recommend. I'm curious to see what the rest of the series has in store.

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Whew! *fans self* "Sin and Ink" is a hot and steamy romance/erotica. Knox is a former MMA fighter and current owner of a tattoo parlor (Hard Knox and Ink). He quit MMA, despite being a champion, when his younger brother, Connor, died the same day he won his title two years before the book begins. Connor had a brain aneurysm that ruptured when he was punched during a fight and died almost immediately. Knox and his family were left reeling- Knox even more so because he was the one who started in MMA and Connor had followed in his footsteps.

Connor also left his wife, Eden. Connor and Knox met Eden on the same night, at an after-party. Knox was just about to say hi to Eden when Connor slipped in front unknowingly and got there first. Since then, although Knox has remained undeniably attracted to Eden, he has hidden his attraction down deep. Since Connor died, Eden has put her own life on hold. She has been living with Connor and Knox's mother, Katherine, and their stepfather, Dan (their father died when Knox was 15). A year before, Knox came and pulled her out of her funk, hiring her as the business manager for the tattoo parlor- a place where she really found her stride and shone. As time has gone by, Eden has found herself attracted to Knox in a way that feels forbidden (since he was Connor's brother).

The book gets started with a bang, so many intense and deep moments from small things- I don't think I've ever read such steamy touches/kisses. The author really describes everything so deeply that what you would think would be small moments feel so intense! If you can get past Eden and Knox being brother/sister-in-law (which is certainly helped by them meeting in the past/outside of the context of her dating Connor), then this is a very intense and passionate romance. This book moves fast! It is a quick read in terms of pace- I read it in two sittings.

I will say there is quite a bit of angst from both of the main characters- both feel a lot of guilt about Connor and what it would mean to be together. If you are in the right mood, this can be a really great read- so hot/steamy- their passion just leaps off the page. The angst felt a little drawn out (but maybe this is realistic considering how awful Katherine was in terms of reacting to Knox), but I understood the way it all worked out, and I think it was overall well done. Overall, I would definitely recommend this book for people who are looking for an intense relationship with much hotness!

Please note that I received an ARC from the publisher through netgalley. All opinions are my own.

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This is my third Naima Simone book and I'm starting to think there's no way this author could ever let me down.

While this was more fast-paced than the others I've read, it did not lack the necessary feels I look for in my books and the level of hotness the others have achieved.

Because let me tell you, Ms. Simone can write 'em hot!

It probably has a lot to do with her male characters, especially her heroes. They're intense and swoon-worthy and can't-help-but-fan-yourself hot.

I took a break from reading YA fantasy and I don't regret it one bit. It was just what I needed.

A bit taboo, a few feels, a few scorching sexual-tension-filled scenes. Knox has always been in love with his sister-in-law. He saw her first but because he's one amazing guy, he didn't do anything about it when his younger brother met her. He let them fall in love, let them get married and be happy. Even though he was going through hell.

But tragedy strikes and Eden becomes a widow. But Knox steps up and she becomes the manager of his tattoo shop. Things happen. Both good and bad.

I'm not saying any more because I don't want to spoil it for anyone. I'll just leave it at: read it.

It's worth it. I'm really hoping Ms. Simone will give us stories with the side characters and other Gordon brothers because I loved them. Plus, I would love to see how Eden & Knox's relationship evolves, because not all is tied up in a pretty pink bow. Because it's realistic, more than a story.

I voluntarily agreed to read an early copy of this book and my rating is 4.5 stars.

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Knox and Eden know they should resist the pull that they feel towards each other but as time passes and hours spent together, it gets harder and harder to stay away from each other. Theirs is a love that should be forbidden but the heart wants what the heart wants, and now it's only a matter of time before they give in to a passion that refuses to be denied. Will it all be worth it when family and friends find out, or will the fallout be to much for their budding relationship to withstand?
This is a tale of a love that should be, but the connection between these two is hard to deny. Knox and Eden have both been through a lot and these two tortured souls are having a hard to find their new normal. This story is full of heartache, anguished filled moments, and hot love scenes which eventually leads to secrets being revealed and revelations made. A story of love that's taboo may not be for everyone, but if you're open to a spicy read that's not for the faint of heart, I think you'll enjoy Sin and Ink

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SIN and INK by Naima Simone is a story about Knox a former MMA fighter now tattoo shop owner and his deceased brothers wife. She's also employed at the tattoo shop and lives with his family. There's lots of family drama and some very HOT scenes!

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Naima Simone's Blood and Ink has a great mix of plot and erotica. A bit too heavy on the guilt, but since the story was being in love with your brother's widow. It's to be expected.

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One rough-edged, dirty talkin’, tattooed bad boy with a hidden depths. One forbidden to him, fiercely protective, sassy woman who didn’t know she tamed the beast. One complicated relationship neither saw coming...

Naima Simone writes smashing characters and some of the hottest **fans self** love scenes I’ve read to date! This book was exactly what I was hoping for! Raw, sexy, and oh...em...gee...HOT, HOT, HOT, Sin and Ink was a sensually wicked read!! I found myself pulled in to the story from the get-go and swiped pages as fast as my hands could manage! Knox and Eden weren’t perfect and I loved that. The loss, heartache, and disappointment Eden and Knox suffered, individually and together, made me wish and hope they grabbed for love, light, and happy for their future.

Now I’m hoping Knox’s brothers, Simon and Jude get their own stories😁

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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4.25 stars

I've heard so many fantastic things about Naima Simone's books and I can totally understand why everyone loves her so much! Sin and Ink was amazing! My first Naima Simone book and I cannot wait to read her backlist!

Sin and Ink was an emotionally intense book in many ways. It's a taboo romance between a man and his brother's widow. It is also very much character-focused so prepare yourself for that. Understandably, there are many complex emotions involved in the story and Ms. Simone does a fantastic job navigating and translating these emotions so the reader can truly understand the characters. I fell so hard for Knox. He has so many admiring qualities and you're probably shaking your head like 'Are you crazy, girl? He wants his brother's widow!' But trust me on this - there is so much more to Knox. He's a tortured hero and as you keep reading, you can't help but fall for him. I also adored Eden - she is a fantastic heroine. She has a quiet strength about her that was given the spotlight in the last third of the book. She's quietly fierce and extremely loyal. What's not to love?

The angst level is also perfect - it doesn't take over the story and only shows up at the right moments. And the steam level was just HOT! The only thing missing is an epilogue wrapping up the story.

I hope Ms. Simone decides to write stories for the other brothers! I really liked them!

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I volunteered for this ARC

Amazing gritty gripping and love being worth the fight! It was a very detailed emotional book with a good story line and true angst. Sexy steamy and true love.

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Heartbreaking but sexy! Heartbreaking because Eden's husband, Connor, died after a MMA fight. She's devastated and Know, his brother, feels the blame. Eden has taken a few years to heal and ready to stand on her own- live alone.

Knox has been in love with Eden from the start, but Connor got her first. Reconciling that with loving his brother's wife, guilt over his death and throw in his mom that rips him to shreds and you get big, bad, broody Knox- the tattoo master. Seeing Eden every day at work is crushing but when she starts showing signs of interest in him he feels like he has betrayed Connor once again. Eden can't believe or fight this longing she has for Knox and is shocked to find he has been in love with her for years. While this is all forbidden fruit- it's hot sexy chemistry with a yearning for a happy ending.

Naima Simone writes these two as perfectly imperfect people who you need to get together. Despite all that can be seen wrong in it, the mother dead set against it, Knox and Eden must fall in love. The battle they each wage separately to arrive at that point makes for a sweet, sexy and intense read.

Please let this be the first of a series! I want more of this gang!

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I enjoyed this erotic book. It was a little lean on plot and heavy on the sex, but that was okay.
Loved Knox, he was broody and Alpha but still vulnerable and possessive and sweet. I enjoyed Eden, she was trying to come to terms with her desires after Connor passed away. Knox and Eden together were extremely hot and sexy. A fast read that's good when you don't want a story that will make you think too much.

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Wow! Great book!! I really enjoyed reading this book! This is Knox and Eden book, Knox is ex mma fighter and Eden is his sister in law!! She married Connor Knox brother and he passed away in a match doing mma ! Knox had actually always had feelings for Eden but stepped aside when she fell for his brother! Knox mother was horrible! I understand she lost her son but she blames knox! This book had everything! It was heartbreaking, heartwarming, really really hot! It definitely got me all up in the feels!! Don't miss out on this book! I hope it's going to be a series?! Thank you NetGalley and of course my favorite publishing house, entangled!! Thank you for sharing this book with me!

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This book kinda sucked me right in from the start. It is my first erotica in a long time, and its right up my alley, I love the angst, emotionally scarred alpha males. I like the dark forbidden taboo stuff, I think that the brother in law wasn't as taboo as it could have been, but it was still angsty. The sex was pretty well done, though sometimes Knox would do something like "guide her down to him" and I couldn't figure out what that meant unless I reread and paid attention. I read this at work so I wasn't as focused as I could have been I guess.

I wasn't fond of the tattoo chair in the beginning, I thought it came on all of the sudden, I had to look and see if I missed a page, I thought more suspense could have been built before all that happened. The book itself is heavy on erotica, not so much on plot, I thought the tattoo/fighting could have been expanded on just a little bit more, I like my erotica with plot, otherwise I feel like I'm reading something I could find on literotica.

Aside from all that, I thought it was one of the better eroticas I've read in a while, I did take a break because it all seemed the same, and I really enjoy the darker part of books and this delivered nicely

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Sin and Ink by Naima Simone is chock full of steam and angst. Yes, it’s an erotic romance but she didn’t skimp on the emotions or character development. This story has all the feels and the angst got to be a bit much at times but I still couldn't put it down.

. I fell in love with Knox for his strength and depth of emotions. He seemed to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders. Eden was perfect for him despite the “forbidden” aspect of their being together. I understood where they were coming from but a few times I wanted to knock their heads together and say "get over it!" but they did eventually figure it out for themselves.

I recommend this to anyone who loves well-written, steamy stories full of angst.

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Wow, just wow. Sin and Ink, is beyond sexy. Knox pushes all my book boyfriend buttons. I was kind of jealous of Eden, she got to touch and lick all of that man. Yummy!

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‘Sin and Ink’ is somewhat different from Naima Simone’s previous offerings, but considering this is categorised clearly as erotica with several sides of forbidden/pseudo-incest/the tortured hero who wants what he can’t have, I knew what I was in for the moment I requested for this ARC. But every forbidden-type thing in romance is my kind of catnip, so I did expect quite a bit of push-pull and pretty much the soul-hollowing kind of angst that typically accompanies such tropes.

It isn’t to say that it can’t get painfully exhausting. Simone’s writing is drawn up with descriptions of every minute detail that strangely heightens emotion, yet still feel like page filler at times—from interior décor to every small movement that the characters make, to the relentless unravelling of every emotion they have. Both ride the waves of guilt and regret, all through the simmering sexual tension that underlies all of it, though there are parts that feel stifling as well as both Knox/Eden do the one-step-forward-two-steps-back routine until something finally, finally gives.

Essentially, a lot of ‘Sin and Ink’ is a long, long journey of angst and emotional overload of wanting to cross a line; this is however, repeated ad nauseam when Knox keeps swimming in guilt as he rehashes all the reasons why Eden is forbidden goods while the latter tries to decide whom she really loves, with the constant fixation on body parts that leads to imagining how each other would be like in bed. There is the use of a trope that I absolutely detest nonetheless, (Eden watching Knox hook up with another woman in the past and then getting aroused by it ) though this is a clearly personal preference, which in a way, becomes a disturbing part in how Eden—spurred on by this memory—finally decides to do the same to Knox later.

But is this nitpicking on my part? Maybe. I’m well aware of the expectations that I have to manage considering this has been published under Entangled's Scorched Imprint.

’Sin and Ink’ is after all, primarily erotica and a decently-written one at that if you take into account what this story is supposed to be heavy on sex and lighter on plot. In that, it delivers. The sexy times are abundant and scorching, despite the dead spouse whom Eden can’t seem to let go of and Knox’s constant self-flagellation and the subsequent uncertainty surrounding their forbidden relationship. So if this is exactly what rocks your boat, then ‘Sin and Ink’ does exactly what it promises.

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Sexy and hot enough to melt your kindle, this is a wonderful book that fans of the genre will love. Eden is a widow whose husband's (Connor's) family had "adopted" her after his death, especially important to her since she doesn't have a family of her own. Knox is the Connor's older brother whose mother blames him for his death.

As a MMA champion that retired to own a tattoo shop, Knox is the ultimate bad boy and Eden is smitten and can't stop fantasizing about him. When Knox returns her interest, their "forbidden" relationship adds complications to their family and their lives, but they can't seem to stop....

If you enjoy the genre, you will love this book. Sexy, sexy, sexy, and HOTTTTT with a bit of spice. I loved the relationship between Knox and Eden and the way their hidden secrets were revealed.

Put this one at the top of your TBR list. The author is on my must read authors' list.

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Wow. This book is just fantastic.

Knox is in love with Eden, his brother's widow, and the tangled and shameful feelings about his attraction to her are difficult for him to overcome. Meanwhile, Eden has been fighting her own attraction to Knox, but the longer they work together, the harder it is for them to ignore their feelings.

This is such an angsty, delicious read. This is almost more of an erotic romance, because they already know each other so well, a lot of the development of their relationship is shown through the development of their sexual relationship. (this is SMOKING HOT and very satisfying, by the way). But the emotional punch of the forbidden love aspect, especially as it relates to Knox's mother and her disapproval, is just so wrenching and so good.

I have only TWO quibbles---one's about geography and one's VERY important to the character and a bit spoilery, so just stop reading here if you care.

As a Chicagoan, there's a misspelling of a street name (it's Halsted, not Halstead), and it wouldn't take 40 minutes to get from Ukrainian Village to Bridgeport...probably 20 minutes.

Spoilery one: It seemed both unnecessary and hard to believe that Eden had never had orgasms with her husband? Did the author mean *during intercourse* only, but then OF COURSE he brought her to orgasm after? I honestly am just hoping it was lack of clarity, but there's really no reason for Eden to have never experienced orgasms with her husband. This implies that Connor is THE WORST, MOST SELFISH LOVER EVER. Because I'm sorry, if she was married for 3 years and she only had a handful of orgasms? Then that's the only logical conclusion, and probably something that would have worried her and made her very unhappy or maybe even would have sent her to a doctor. More than anything else, though, I think it's unnecessary. Eden can still think Knox is a great lover who teaches her something about her own desire without her having had a pleasure-free sex life with her husband.

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Knox is an alpha man that oozes ***, "without a word, he kicks the door shut behind him, never releasing me from his emerald stare. “I’m staying.” The man is such a charmer, “these days, my ***k only gets hard for you. And I could hate you for that.” I liked this book, I liked Knox, and I liked the story but this author is known to me from her WAGs series and that's always going to be my favorite. I will say Knox has some brothers that need stories of their own.

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I LOVED this book! I devoured this book; read it all in one sitting. It has all of the feels. Couldn’t get enough of it!

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