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This Is the Day

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Thank you NetGalley for providing this book for an honest review. I have always enjoyed the books written by Tim Tebow. I have two sons and he has been a role model for them. Showing that you can be famous and still stand for the truth. His books are inspirational and he has a great testimony.

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An inspirational read from a guy who knows how to make each day count! Despite the fame that Tim Tebow has experienced as a professional athlete, he knows that the real purpose of life is to love God and love others. His story is real, honest and will make you think about how you spend your time. There is also a Bible study series of this book which I also recommend.
Thanks to @netgalley for providing a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Besides being a heisman trophy winner Tim is well known for his exemplary character. He is a motivational speaker who encourages those to get unstuck with their lives by saying, "This is the day to show some courage...." I really enjoyed the book and found it very inspirational.

Thank you to Net Galley, Tim Tebow and the publisher for providing me with my ARC in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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It was very interesting to me read about a guy who is mainly a sportsman. I have been always intrigued about his parents if they write a book I´d get it. I´m interested because he has been brave enough to keep up with his faith even being a very public person. He was homeschooled and I´m also interested in that topic... a lot of people think you are not able to have social abilities if you study that way, but I think differently, he is living proof about it. Every person is different and I don´t think the school has everything to say about someone else´s decision, personality and interests. I´m proud about parents like his, who taught him how to speak, write and work hard for what he is all about. If you are interested in what he has to say, you may find this helpful.

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I really enjoyed reading this book. I've been a Tim Tebow fan for a very long time so I was thrilled for the chance to read this one. This book was truly inspirational and highly encouraging. There isn't anything bad to say about this book. I think everyone should it.

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I truly admire Tim Tebow and his family. This is a very inspirational and motivational book that I thoroughly enjoyed.

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I read Tim Tebow's last book Shaken and was so impressed with him. His constant use of his platform to glorify God, his constant work to keep himself humble, and his foundation work are the biggest things that impressed me about him. Before Shaken I only knew him as the quarterback who wore scripture on his blackouts and took a knee in prayer for scoring a touchdown. But that book showed me there was much more to him than I expected. So when I saw he had a new book available for review I decided to check it out.

This is the Day is a different sort of book than Shaken. This is a call to action and what Tim decides to write about and share is all designed to ignite a spark in the reader a desire to get up and do something. Shaken was more of a call to faith, to trust God even if the path He leads us down isn't one we could have predicted and calls our identity (or who we think we are) into question. Personally, I preferred Shaken.

I enjoyed getting more of Tim's personal story, specifically, his thoughts about transitioning from football to baseball and how the struggles that go along with that change have affected his faith and lessons he's learned from God. But it's always the personal stories of people he's met and those he's taken his personal time to affect for good that has the biggest impact. A few of those stories had me tearing up.

My biggest frustration with Tim's message is the "watered down" message about how to be saved that he shares in every book. If you read the entire Bible or even the New Testament Scripture or even just the words of Christ, you will not find "the sinner's prayer" anywhere within. I believe this prayer came about in an attempt to combat the theory that good works can earn you salvation. That is not taught within the entire Bible, the New Testament, or the words of Christ either. But we are taught that our actions matter. While we can never be perfect enough to earn heaven and there is no scale weighing your good deeds against your sins, you cannot read the Scripture and come away thinking that God doesn't care what we do. He cares deeply about what we do. And He's outlined in His Word what he wants us to do in order for us to be in a covenant relationship with Him. And certainly, He wants us to pray to Him. Certainly, He would love for us to ask Him into our hearts and call Him our personal Savior. But things don't end there. If you're curious as to what more Jesus has called us to, I'd love to discuss this with you, but more importantly, I'd direct your attention to God's Word where He can tell you Himself what His plan is.

This is the Day wasn't quite as good as Shaken for me, but it did motivate me to continue making the steps forward on starting my Etsy shop. This is the Day gets 3.5 Stars. Have you read This is the Day? What did you think? Let me know.

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This is an uplifting book, full of positive thinking, and of course plenty of Tim Tebow. How can you go wrong with that? He's a great role model for everyone. Really enjoyed this book and highly recommend. Thanks to Netgalley for an advance copy.

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This book was a series of stories told about Tebow's life in order to show how some simple principles can help you take action in the world today. Told in a conversational tone, it was an enjoyable read. Tebow shared many of the highs and lows of his life to illustrate how a connection to God and the people around you can enrich your life in many ways.

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This is the Day by Tim Tebow

This new book from Tim Tebow will draw mixed reviews from many. Those who love Tim will love the book. Those who don’t like Timmy will hate the book. I have personally been around Tim during his time in Gainesville and I still don’t know exactly why he is such a polarizing figure. Maybe it’s because he really is the same guy no matter where you see him. His faith is the central part of who he is and that makes many people uncomfortable.

The new book contains some of his thoughts on his journey to try to play professional baseball, but it’s not a baseball book. It reads more like a friend giving advice to those who have asked for what makes Tim willing to take such risks. It contains the underpinnings for his life and the reasons why he does what he does daily.

I fear that some will read the book and find it a little too focused on Tim. There are some of the chapters that contain things that make it appear a bit self-promoting. Those who want to take shots at Tim will find some things that appear to be too good to be true in the pages of this book. Those who love him will just see them as the way life is for Tim Tebow.

I think the challenge that Tim presents is solid. His advice on how to implement that challenge will inspire many to take on a new adventure. His grounding in Biblical truth is steadfast and accurate. I believe everyone can find something of value in the pages of This is the Day. Therefore I can highly recommend you taking the time to read this newest release from Tim Tebow.

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Loved his other books. So glad I got the chance to read this one. I have already gotten my boyfriend to agree to read all of his books. Love his books and can't wait to see what he comes out with next.

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This book is authentic and real. Raw in parts but that's what readers want. They want to understand what drives Tim Tebow and in doing so, come to understand oh so much more.

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LOVED THIS BOOK! Tim Tebow is a phenomenal human being and that is clearly expressed in his newest book “This is the Day.” His faith is evidenced in his writing and you will be blessed!

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This book is amazing and I enjoyed reading it. I felt it was written is a way as he was speaking to his readers making it a pleasant read. The wonderful message was also very special along with being very well presented. I recommend this book to everyone as it will not be a disappointing read. I feel reading a chapter daily is motivational and is set up perfectly for this. This is the Day focuses on God's voice as we can trust in him and how He cares for us -- and so much more.

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From my reviewer: New York Times best-selling author Tim Tebow challenges readers to make each day count in his fourth book, This Is the Day. One of the most polarizing athletes in sports because of his bold faith in God, Tebow stresses the importance of looking for ways to impact others each day.
He also invites readers to go after dreams with strong purpose. Tebow cites his own dream to play professional baseball after his football career was over, something his agent was against. His book is filled with heartwarming, encouraging stories of people who overcome adversity until their dying day.
This is a hopeful book and an easy read. As Tebow says: “Life isn’t just about one day. It’s about this day.” (WaterBrook)

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This is the Day
Reclaim Your Dream. Ignite Your Passion. Live Your Purpose.

by Tim Tebow
with A. J. Gregory

The wisdom, insights, and inspiration in Tim Tebow’s This is the Day are timeless, but I think it is particularly appropriate that it popped up in my reading queue at the first of the new year when peoples’ thoughts turn to renovating their lives. I knew little about Tim Tebow, but I now know that although he is an athletic star, his goal is to help others and humbly point attention on Jesus.

This book will inspire you to be your best and find your path through the strength of Jesus. Tebow tries to walk out his life according to Biblical principles. He is all about following God, loving others, and doing his best. He is also realistic about life’s challenges.

Sometimes nonfiction can be a slower read than fiction, but that is not the case with This is the Day. Tebow intertwines his own background and anecdotes from his life with Biblical truths. He never claims to be perfect, make all the right choices, or have an easy life. He also doesn’t claim to have all the right answers for everyone else’s life. He does, however, know how to come alongside people from all backgrounds and situations and pray with them. He knows how to point people to his best friend, Jesus.

This is the Day does not really fit any category other than nonfiction. Sports aficionados will love it. People, like me, who give a “deer in the headlights stare” when someone mentions the name of a sports team will love it. This book is for men, women, and teens. It is for Christians and those seeking God. It is for people at the top of their life game and for those suffering, struggling and wondering why life is the way it is. I recommend this book for everyone. I think you’ll be amazed and surprised at the wisdom and truths found in the inspirational This is the Day. It can be a life changer for you.

I would like to extend my thanks to NetGalley and to WaterBrook (Penguin Random House) for giving me the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

Rating: 5/5

Category: Christian, Religion and Spirituality

Notes: The memorable lines highlighted in This is the Day greatly exceeded the number I usually mark, so consider the ones mentioned below just a tiny taste of the inspiration to be found in this book.

Publication: November 25, 2018—WaterBrook

Memorable Lines:

God gives us today as a gift. He wants us to pursue it, not just for selfish ambition but to do something meaningful with it. To use it to grow, to love others well, to help someone, to pursue a dream He’s put on our hearts.

…part of living this way means being confident that regardless of what happens in life or with our pursuits, God’s going to use it. He will use for the good our failures, our mistakes, our detours, and our U-turns, just like He will use our successes.

When you keep wondering what could have been or what you should have done differently, here’s what happens: you miss the present moment and cripple your potential in the future.

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I received an advanced digital copy of this book from and the publisher. Thanks to both for the opportunity to read and review.

An excellent read. Full of encouragement from a man with a strong faith. Nothing grandoise, just the affirmation that everyone can lead a life that they want to lead. Interesting stories from Mr. Tebow's experiences tie the book together nicely without being overly "preachy" or pontificating.

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This was a little too religious for me... I really enjoyed his personal stories - both athletic and personal stories.

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❤ Incredibly inspiring!

Every time I listen to Tim Tebow talk or watch a video of him sharing his stories, I'm totally inspired. I couldn't wait to read his new book This is the Day. It was exactly what I expected and more.

In the book, Tim reflects on past experiences, with a strong message to live your days like they're your last, because you never know how much time you have. Also, let go of the past. I especially enjoyed reading a little bit about Tim's family history and all the wonderful things he's done to help people. Even though many of the examples he shares aren't realistic for me because we're two totally different people, what is realistic is accepting the role you have in life no matter what it may be, and in my case, it's a wife and mother. Not only that, one of my biggest takeaways from the book is that it's good to be mindful about others and kind toward them. It can be a simple random act of kindness that can truly change the world.

I found the book to be written well, it kept my interest, and I'll more than likely reference this one in the future. This book will inspire you to live your best life for God, yourself, and others. It is a Christian book, but I feel that anyone will be inspired and can take something from it.


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This was a fantastic read. Tim Tebow really highlighted everything we should be doing on this day and everyday. What it takes to make it count. It's what we do for others that really brings you peace, happiness and success in this world that can sometimes can be a dark place. But we truly have the ability to make a difference. Let our own voice be heard to one's self. It could change your outlook just by hearing aloud all you are capable of doing with guidance from above. Truly a book everyone should read.

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