Cover Image: A Holiday by Gaslight

A Holiday by Gaslight

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A charming holiday romance which manages to develop a believable romance in the novella length which always impresses me when an author manages it. I enjoyed the family dynamics as well though this is the part of the story which suffered a bit from the shorted format but not enough to take away from the fun read.

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Such a delightful book. But seriously, I'm not a fan of the genre but the cover and title catch my attention. I'm glad it did, I love it.

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This book made me inexplicably happy.

Sophie is a strong, level-headed character, wanting to make the right choice for her family in a businesslike way. Following the recently published “On the Origin of Species” by Darwin, aristocratic Sophie understands that she must adapt or let her species die out. Comes in trader Ned - the silent but strong type, maybe a bit overwhelmed with what he has gotten into, but fearless in meeting it heads on, guided by another literary gem of the era “Gentleman’s Book of Etiquette”. Ned’s romantic pursuit of Sophie is stoic and cold until she prods him to change his ways. Sweet and innocent, I suspect this is exactly how courtship panned out in Victorian England, which made those few shared kisses extra special.

Mimi Matthews is a new author for me, and this book was such a delight, I will return! I can highly recommend this book for readers looking for a quick, easy, gingerbread-filled read this holiday season.

Thank you Netgalley and Perfectly Proper Press for this opportunity to read and review.

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I really love this story enough that I can say our patrons,will love it too because the Victorian inspired love story where a,woman is stuck in financial ruin and then later grows to love and in it for the right reasons. This is a prime example to never be afraid to be who you are and to find love for the right reasons. How someone may appear on the outside might not who he'll be in the inside and it might be totally unexpected.

Thank you Netgalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review. This will definitely be considered for collection historical fiction collection. That is,why we give this book 5 stars.

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Mimi Matthews is a fairly recent discovery, but a favourite historical romance author of mine. She writes historically accurate Victorian novels and novellas that are on the sweet side as far as steaminess goes, but usually also emotional stories with great characters.
I liked all of the mixed messages and class confusion in this one. The hero is completely out of his depth trying to navigate the society of the landed gentry (as is his friend), and this results in him nearly losing his chance with the heroine before the courtship even begins.
As you can probably tell by the title, Matthews has struggled to find a home in mainstream publishing because of the style of her books, but they are worth your time.
Much of A Holiday by Gaslight takes place in rural Derbyshire at Christmastime, and I actually read it while *I* was in rural Derbyshire, and so it felt that little bit extra special to read.

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Ned foolishly follows wrong advice from a book to court Sophie. Instead of being open and trying to win her affections, Ned comes off as somber and serious. Sophie has tried to make conversation with Ned, trying to fill the silence between them to get to know each other, but his silence makes her think it isn't working. Her family may be in near ruin but she won't marry a man that isn't warming up to her. She is willing to give him one more chance at her families Christmas party. Ned must try to court Sophie by treating her as a stonemason's daughter.
ARC generously provided via Netgalley, in exchange for the above honest review.

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Loved this little novella! It was long enough to get a great story in and not too overwrought with historical romance tropes. I did feel vindicated by the author's note about her using Gaskell's North and South as an influence because I totally thought Mrs. Sharpe had some Mrs. Thornton in her. I saw some influence of Mr. Thornton in Ned but not nearly as much as I would have thought as it kept going so I was glad that it wasn't heavy handed.

This would be a great Christmas movie!

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Thank you net galley for the advance read copy of this novella. I enjoyed this historical fiction set in Victorian times. The storyline tells of the ups and downs of main characters Sophie and Ned who come from two different classes. I was cheering them on and loved the deeply swoon worthy missed in the novella. I loved the Christmas setting. I enjoyed and would recommend this clean romance by this gifted author.

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Victorian London, romance, class-consciousness, love

She is level headed and knows that her aristocratic father has spent the family into debt with all of his farsighted improvements to the country house, but she is more ill at ease with man who is courting her because he seems so unemotional than because he is a rich cit. He has been raised to be reserved but it seems that he is going to lose the woman who fascinates him. They agree to begin again at the Christmas house party and decide the outcome at the end of it.
Well told and engaging!
I requested and received a free ebook copy from Perfectly Proper Press via NetGalley.

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Do you see that cover? The beauty and atmosphere perfectly showcases the romance inside!

Like any dutiful, Victorian era daughter, Sophie is willing to marry for the financial assistance her family needs, but the handsome Edward Sharpe is too grim, too serious and too quiet for her. Sophie does what any strong-willed young lady would do, she breaks off their courtship, but was that a wise decision? Could there be more to Edward than she gave him credit for? Did she even give him a chance?

A simple, and sweet tale of romance with all of the feeling of the Victorian era, with the addition of a young woman far ahead of her time and a man looking for more than a simpering damsel. Maybe all Sophie needed to do was be herself and the real Edward would come out, too!

A HOLIDAY BY GASLIGHT by Mimi Matthews is a feel good, yet sweet romance just in time for the holidays!

I received a complimentary ARC edition from Perfectly Proper Press!

Publisher: Perfectly Proper Press (November 13, 2018)
Publication Date: November 13, 2018
Genre: Historical Holiday Romance
Print Length: 147 pages
Available from: Amazon | Barnes & Noble
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If your heart desires something that is basically fanfiction inspired by North and South (Elizabeth Gaskell), you might like this.
Sophie has been courted by the silent manufacturer Ned Sharpe for about two months, but she's tired of being the one to do all the talking. She hasn't learned a single thing about him in these two months, and can barely tell whether he likes her. She tells him that their courtship must end, since they have nothing in common.
At home that day, she's confronted by the reality of her family's situation...with no money to speak of, and a father and sister who like to spend, Sophie's best hope of a stable future is to marry well. But she will not do this unless she feels at least friendship for the gentleman. Admitting that she may have been too hasty about Mr. Sharpe, she seeks him out and suggests that they continue their courtship, but only if they can be perfectly candid with each other and get to know each other's true personalities. To that end, she invites him to spend the holidays at her family's estate.
This was a sweet story, with more than one nod to North & South by Elizabeth Gaskell: the strong, silent suitor with an intense mother and a background of poverty, and some mistaken assumptions on the part of the heroine.
I enjoyed it. It was fairly clean, although there was some passionate kissing.
Since it's a novella, it's a very fast read.

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A Holiday by Gaslight was a lovely novella that I obtained for review purposes from Netgalley. Mimi Mathews has been on my radar lately as a historical romance author to watch. I enjoyed her previous works immensely, and this one was no exception.

Sophie needs to marry for money, and therefore, her parents intend her to take Mr. Sharpe as a husband. He's quiet and reticent, but when she becomes convinced that they can never be happy together, she breaks it off. Her parents are furious, and this leads to one last chance for them to get to know each other over a holiday party.

I loved the book! It was a charming historical romance, perfect for the holiday season. Sophie and Edward were adorable together, and the premise for why Ned was so cold was cute. The book had snappy dialogue and a nod to historical events.

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4.5 Stars. This historical romance is a charming novella with a festive holiday backdrop. It's a perfect Christmas read for the Victoria-era loving romantic! I really enjoyed the development of the connection between the main characters. Both Ned and Sophie were great characters that I really liked.

Ned is a wealthy man who has made his fortune in trade. Sophie is the daughter of a Baron facing financial ruin. Due to the fact that her family finances are not very good and that she has no dowry (spent by her father), Sophie's family was encouraging of her being courted by the wealthy Ned, even though he was in trade and from a humble background. Sophie initially gives it a chance but decides Ned's lack of conversation and cold formality is not something she wants in her life so she ends it. After ending the courtship, much to her father's dismay, Sophie realizes that her options are limited and that maybe if she could get Ned to open up, to be less formal and cold, they could be a good match. The story follows what happens when she agrees to give it another chance over the holiday. It's truly a great read! I really enjoyed it.

Mimi Matthews is a new author to me but I really enjoyed the style of her writing and the way she conveys the story. I wasn't sure what to expect when I first began reading but right from the start I was sucked into the story. The characters are well developed and the plot doesn't feel rushed or cut short like I sometimes find in novellas. I will definitely be checking out more from this author.

I received this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. This does not in any way affect my opinion of the book. All thoughts and opinions are 100% my own.

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This was such an enchanting holiday novella. I picked it up when I was in a less than stellar mood and it had me smiling in no time. Sophie's family needs for her to marry money, which Ned has plenty of, but she wants to marry someone that she feels a connection to. Since Ned does not really talk to her she feels that excludes him. She gives Ned one last chance to convince her to risk the happiness of the rest of her life on him during a Christmas house party. I loved Sophie so much and poor confused Ned stole my heart. Sophie's family issues were a bit over the top for me but they did not keep me from loving every page of this tale. Mimi Matthews is a new to me author but I will certainly be reading more of her books as soon as I can get my hands on them.

I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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A perfect short escape to a sweet Victorian Christmas romance. I've never read Mimi Matthews works before, but I enjoyed her writing style. The characters were people you would want to know and the settings were lovely. I'm looking forward to reading more by this author!

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Well done Mimi Matthews. You’ve done it again. Pairing Prince Albert’s death with the theory of evolution and gaslight making its way into English homes is ingenious. Sophie is part of the aristocracy, her father throwing all the family money into modernising his home while along along his attitude towards his two daughters is outdated. Ned is the son of a draperer. With ambition and intelligence he has made himself a wealthy man. Now he wants to court Sophie but has no idea how to bridge the gap society has placed on them. It’s Christmas and there’s a house party - the scene is set for angst, romance and a happy ending. Loved it.

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God, I LOVE Mimi Matthews. I love netgalley for giving me advance access to her books and I love Christmas for inspiring this bit of magic.
I literally read this book all the way through without stopping. I love stories like this and characters like this: sensible heroines and heroes who seem so cold and unfeeling but actually are SO into their girl. I'm gonna buy this when it's released and read it all over again!

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A sweet, romantic novella set in historic England focuses on Sophie, the daughter of a Baron, and Ned, a wealthy tradesman.

If you're a fan of Downton Abbey or Outlander, I think you would enjoy this story.

Sophie and Ned are an endearing couple, trying to find their way through a romance that neither expected and learning about each other as they go. Trying to navigate cultural mores of the time, all while deciding if they can truly make it as a couple.

The story was absolutely worth a read, I really enjoyed it and found myself rooting for Sophie and Ned throughout its entirety.

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This is a very cute holiday novella. I loved the main characters of Ned and Sophie. He is a man of trade, who is very wealthy.
She is the daughter of a Baron.
Her family finances are not good, so they encourage the match. Sophie gives it a chance but decides Ned isnt for her. He's too formal. cold and hardly speaks. She ends it, much to his dismay and that of her father.
After rethinking her decision, she invites him to the country for Christmas, hoping the informal circumstances will help them get to know each other better.
From there you can see the relationship develope.
A quick read, but an entertaining one.

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Hooray hooray! A Christmas novella by one of my favorite authors! A Holiday by Gaslight is a wonderful story about Sophie Appersett and Edward Sharpe. They have been courting until Sophie decides they do not suit. Woe! Misunderstandings! Change of hearts! This is such a sweet and tender romance, and Sophie and Edward are both extremely likable. Mimi Matthews has been able to give such depth of character to both of them in this novella than some other authors are able to do in a whole book! The novella rings true to the time period and touches on the technological innovations and thinking of the time. I would highly recommend this novella as well as the rest of Mimi Matthew's books.

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