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A Charm Like You

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Reviews by the Wicked Reads Review Team

Avid Reader – ☆☆☆☆
M/F Romance

Gabi is trying to figure out where she goes from here. With a cheating husband about to get married and have a baby, Gabi thinks she's hit rock bottom. But when even more is thrown her way, she will have to rely on her friends and family to get her through.

Thatcher is known for not being very fun or easy going. When he finds himself at a divorce support group, he doesn't expect to be attracted to anyone. With his constant worrying about his siblings and running the family business, he doesn't think he has time to follow that attraction.

When it turns out that they actually know each other, both have to decide if their attraction is worth it or if business trumps their feelings. When a series of unfortunate events (or fortunate, depending on how you look at it) occurs and the gang has to band together, everyone will have to decide if the strangeness that is their little town is real or just their imagination.

I really enjoyed watching the development and thought process of Gabi and Thatcher. It was a slow burn that just got hotter and hotter. You could really see them processing the situation and their relationship. I also loved how both were shoved out of their comfort zone. I do wish that there was more of a resolution between Gabi and her ex-husband, but I'm not sure what it would be.

This was a very enjoyable read and I loved the quirkiness of the town and its people.

Ruthie – ☆☆☆☆
This is the fifth book in the series, and although this was my first introduction to Charmed, I enjoyed it no end. I recognised that there were elements which I had missed by not having read earlier books, but could still really appreciate Gabi and Thatcher's story. I definitely plan on going back to find out the detail in earlier books.

From their first meeting it was clear that there was amazing chemistry between the two of them, and then we are along for the ride. Gabi has a lot of baggage that she is working through, which holds her back. She is also pursuing a new venture which means a lot to her, so extra complications really cause her to be diffident. Thankfully, those around her are supportive, and Thatcher is determined.

A really lovely read, with the beauty of community thanks to the small town, people who care, and a really hot romance – delicious reading, thank you.

Mary Jo – ☆☆☆☆
I enjoyed this book. Gabi is a strong person who's had more than her fair share of bad luck. Her cheating ex has more than done her wrong, so much so, that she's wary to start a new relationship. Thatcher is hardheaded and knows what he wants, and Gabi is what he wants.

Another great installment in the Charmed in Texas series and I'm hopeful there will be many more to come.

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Gabi has this back and forth thing going on & it irritated me so much. I can’t explain how much it did but it got to a point where I couldn’t enjoy the story because she would end up doing something else that annoyed me to the point where I wanted to throw my kindle across the room.

I like the fact they met a divorce support group, they both have been through their fair share but Gabi’s actions for me just feel over dramatic.

The only thing that kept me reading was the fact that I like Thatcher. He was the saving grace in this book for me personally.

3 stars

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Gabi Graham might have hit the proverbial rock in rock-bottom. Hitting the single scene after ten years is hard enough. Finding out that her cheating ex-husband and his new barely-legal fiancée are expecting—that’s enough to drive Gabi over the edge and into a neighboring town’s divorce support group. It’s not really her thing to listen to anonymous strangers bash their exes, but at least there are cookies. And a sexy fellow newcomer who ignites her long-dormant libido. Spending a few lustful, post-meeting moments in Hot Guy’s truck can’t hurt. Unless, of course, Hot Guy turns out to be Thatcher Roman—her best friend’s brother and Gabi’s silent business partner.
Ok, so I’m not a huge contemporary fan for whatever reason. However, when I started this book, Gabi’s pain and everything she was going through made me really feel for her. At one point in the book, I might have even choked up for a second...I really liked Thatcher as well. I had expected his POV in this book as so many books give both POVs nowadays. I think it helped me to like him and the book more without his POV. Anyways, I really loved their story. However, the reason for 4 stars instead of 5 were the few issues I had with the book overall. First, there were a number of couples that interacted with throughout the story and my perception was that the author assumed the reader had already read the books because their interactions and parts in the book had me confused and not really sure why they were in some of the roles they were in. A slight bother was that all of the males in the book were “gorgeous’, a fact brought up a couple of times. The big thing that knocked this from a 5 to a 4 was there was a mystical element at almost the end of the book that didn’t need to be there to wrap up the climax of the book the author wrote, not to mention how the stories themselves were wrapped up with the mystical interaction. It really took some of my love of the story away from me. Regardless, I look forward to reading more from this author. I highly recommend.
**I voluntarily read and reviewed this book

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A Charm Like You is part of a series, but can be read as a stand-alone novel. I didn't read the first book in the series and I still completely enjoyed this book.

Gabi's husband left her for a younger girl, and she’s losing her house in five days. She had no idea, she was going to lose her house, Her husband has destroyed her whole life, and everything she use to know. Gabi needed to get her life back. She started attending a divorce recovery group. This is when she meets "hot guy", and sparks happened almost instantly.

This was one of those books you can't stop reading. I loved everything about it. The way this author writes, put your right there in the story with the characters. I read this entire book in one sitting!

I was provided an ARC copy of this book via NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review

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I did a lot of swooning reading this book. It was a unconventional meeting, a insta-"charm," and some magic & secrets. I haven't read the whole series, yet, but I really need to.

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Normally I love this trope of falling for your siblings best friend even though it's totally nonsensical, it presents a great opportunity for a fun story and A Charm Like You was well on its way. But after finding out just how closely she and Hot Guy (from her divorce group) are entangled, she turns into a completely different person. Gone was the woman who confronted her ex for his crappy behavior and suddenly she's an anxiety-ridden young girl.
There was plenty to like about this story however, including the humor and most of the interactions between the main characters.

Honestly it just felt a little immature for where these characters should be in their lives and that stopped me from truly enjoying the story. But I do love a small town romance which means I'll probably give the previous books a read.

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Sharla Lovelace concludes her irresistibly delightful romp through the small town set novels, Charmed in Texas, with A Charm Like You.

After Gabi Graham finds out that her dishonest ex-husband and his too young fiancée are expecting a baby, she decides to go to a divorce support group where she discovers there’s a lot more than cookies and ex bashing.

During her first meeting she spends some time with a super Hot Guy with a Clark Kent name tag. After her next meeting she goes to second base with said Hot Guy in his truck. But the next time they see each other turns out to be a bit disastrous when she discovers Hot Guy is actually Thatcher Roman, her silent partner and her best friend’s brother.

Even though they’ve both been burned, the chemistry between them is undeniable and Thatcher is willing to give them a chance. Can he convince his reluctant business partner?

Lovelace writes with an enchanting combination of wit, humor and sexiness. And speaking of sexy, who would fall for a hero who is helpful, thoughtful, caring, protective, willing to put his past issues in the past and take a chance on love? Thatcher is a perfect book boyfriend. Unfortunately Gabi’s trust issues were seemingly unsurmountable and her reluctance to take a leap throughout the book grated a bit.

I loved this town and series! I'm so glad Sharla included a super happy ending for all of the characters. It’s sad it has come to an end but I’ll remember these characters for a very long time. A Charm Like You is book #5 in the Charmed in Texas series by author Sharla Lovelace. It is a standalone contemporary romance, told from both points of view.

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When Gabbie goes to a divorce support group the next town over she never imagines she will meet someone on the first day. That is not what this group is about, however some things can't be resisted.
Thatcher shows up at a divorce support group not telling anyone he is going. Not only does he meet Gabbie but he is hoping to get to know her better.
Both of them are in for one big surprise and have to figure out how to work around it.
This is a great series each book holding true to charming. I look forward to each book and have not been disappointed yet.

** I received a copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for a honest review**

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4.5 stars - This is another winner. I have really enjoyed the series. I feel like each book just gets better and better and better. Maybe it’s because even though each book is a standalone, the characters repeat and with each installment we learn more about them and their relationships with one another. What most prevalent is how supportive and loving they are with one another. The attraction and romance (trying to fight it and giving into it) that’s building between Thatcher and Gabi are at the forefront of this read, with sexy times attempted but only finally happening at the end.

It’s a great read and I can’t recommend this one enough.

I received an ARC of this book, via NetGalley, in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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I really enjoyed this novel by Sharla Lovelace. Small town romance at it's finest. I love a romantic story that grabs the readers attention and doesn't let go. This book did just that! I read it in one afternoon. I don't believe I have read anything else by this author, but I will be looking into other books to purchase. I hope her other offerings are just as good as this one.

I received an advance copy via the Publisher via NetGalley in exchange for my open and honest review.

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It’s always a delight to go back to a beloved small town, and I was SO looking forward to visiting Charmed, Texas one final time.

I started off liking Gabi Graham. Even though her husband left her for a girl she used to babysit, and she’s losing her house in five days (because the idiot ex defaulted on a loan and used the house - he no longer owed - as collateral), she was spunky. She marches into her ex-husband’s office, and tears him apart for not telling her that she’s going to lose her house. I was all “YOU GO, GIRL!” It was a scene frequently needed but seldom seen in books. Sure, she also had moments of sadness and insecurity, but for the most part had moved on and was weathering the pitying looks of everyone in town. When she meets a totally hot and charming guy at a divorce recovery group, she finally feels like she’s ready to move on.

Until she finds out that Hot Guy is her best friend’s older brother. And also her new business partner.

It was at the point of this discovery the book’s pacing and charm came to a screeching halt.

I’m not a fan of the “I can’t be with you because you’re my best friend’s sibling” trope. It NEVER makes sense to me. If you’re a terrible person and your friend wouldn’t want you involved with their sibling, then why are they friends with you? So, when I get repetitive thoughts about how you can’t be with your best friend’s brother, I get annoyed. And bored. And want the book to be over as quickly as possible.

Then we had this whole slapstick, clutzie heroine deal going where the heroine was constantly falling into the hero, thereby putting them into close contact when they are trying to stay away from each other. It happens once, okay. But again and again? I’m no longer amused.

Thankfully, Sharla Lovelace is a skilled writer. The humor in her books (minus the slapstick, accident-prone issues) is effortless and plentiful. The dialogue is witty. The characters are charming. The first 30 percent was good, and the last 40 percent was good.

But sadly, the middle 30 percent made me want to bang my head against a wall. Gone was the entertaining writing, the quirky people and funny town traditions (which gave color and spice to the previous books), and in its place SO MUCH ridiculous thoughts by Gabi about how she and Thatcher could never be together, how it’s such a bad idea. Thatcher was awesome, and she was just stupid about him. It was frustrating.

I’ve enjoyed my time in Charmed, Texas. This book did a lovely job letting us catch up with all the couples from the previous books, and giving everyone a bright future. Despite not exactly settling Gabi and Thatcher firmly into a happily-ever-after, the ending left me feeling like all the loose ends were tied up into a nice, neat bow. And I can’t ask for much more than that!

* thank you to NetGalley and Kensington Books/Lyrical Shine for providing an ARC in exchange for an honest review

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Sweet, quirky, fun all of the things that I look for in a contemporary romance. I'm glad I didn't know the series was 5 deep when I got the ARC since I might have missed out on an opportunity to discover a new to me author and a series of I hope light quirky romances just in time for the holidays.
The blows come one after another. Not only is Gabi's ex-husband marrying the girl she once babysat but they're having a baby the one thing Gabi wasn't able to do and then that piece of s**t let the mortgage on her house lapse and now she's going to lose the house too. Seeing all her happily coupled friends is like salt in her wounds so Gabi does the only thing she can do under the circumstances: find a support group for divorces. Isn't it fate that she runs into Hot Guy even before she walks into the meeting...….
Since the group doesn't believe in using real names Thatcher and Gabi don't know that they are business partners and that Thatcher is Gabi's best friend's brother to boot. That is quite the kettle of fish when the facts come to light. Poor Gabi, she tries to run from Thatcher as fast as she can. As Gabi retreats, and Thatcher advances they light up the town in more ways than one.
I thought the lady protested a bit too much but fortunately the story picked up steam and swept me in before I slapped Gabi silly. All in all a great discovery that should keep me busy for a bit.

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This book has cussing (including f-bombs) and on page sex. If those things bother you, use your own discretion before reading. This is part of a larger series but you do not have to have read the other books to enjoy this one – it totally stands alone.

Much like all of the other couples in this series, the meet cute between Thatcher and Gabi was ridiculously awesome, and their chemistry was off the charts. I loved the way that their relationship developed, and the fact that both characters were flawed and imperfect. Ms Lovelace has a tremendous knack for writing incredibly lovable hot messes, and Gabi was no different. While she wasn't always logical, she was always relatable. And Thatcher was also a bit of a mess, but he was swoony and sexy and oh so likable.

The humor and writing style in this book were, as with the other books, fantastic. I would recommend this book and this series to anyone who enjoys a well-written romantic comedy with just enough drama and sexiness to make it interesting.

SLIGHT SPOILERS IN THIS PARAGRAPH ONLY: The only thing I really didn't like about this book was the money story line. I am trying not to spoil anything, but that was just way too over the top “picture perfect” for my tastes. This series has been so great – the characters have been so relatable and so normal, but the money thing ruined that feeling for me. I was so sad that this series was coming to an end, but the money stuff was way too cheesy-Hallmark-movie for this particular series and I'm kind of glad it's over now. It was a really disappointing end to a great series. Without that, this would have been a five star book.

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I absolutely adored this addition to the Charmed in Texas series. Gabi and Thatcher are strong, fun, complex characters and their story is sexy and emotional. When they first met at a divorce support group one town over from Charmed they had no idea they both had ties to this wonderful quaint small town or the quirky characters that reside there. When she finds out Gabi tries to resist for various reasons but the chemistry is too strong to stay away. Grab a copy and enjoy the journey these two take to find their HEA. I highly recommend it.

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I loved this book! I thought the way that Ms. Lovelace introduced and started the relatioship between Thatcher and Gabi was brilliant and I thoroughly enjoyed their slow burn. There's something about a slow build that is so sensuous and so gratifying.

I really really loved Thatcher and Gabi. He knew what he wanted, which was her. And to see her build herself back up again after her divorce was awesome.

From the cute and quirky town of Charmed to the lovable cast of characters to the heartrending storyline, I fell in love with this series all over again.

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I had fun reading this book. Lanie’s world is crashing after her husband leaves her for a younger woman which shakes the foundation of her life. As she works to rebuild, she reaches out to a divorce support group where she encounters ‘hot guy.’ She believes she needs a just sex relationship especially since she is so afraid to trust and let someone back into her heart and world. Thatcher is captivated by this woman at the group. He is so very structured in his life and ‘Lois’ seems to have that spark that he needs. When their worlds collide in an unexpected way, will these two ‘strangers’ find a new path to love? Lanie and Thatcher were a joy to read and experience. Their meeting is funny and perfect for this duo. With their incredible family and friends around them, this is an amazing cast of characters that provided great depth to this tumultuous journey. Truly a perfect escape. I voluntarily read an ARC of this book and this is my honest review.

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3.5-4 STARS!
I absolutely love Sharla Lovelace and the Charmed in Texas series—all of the couples who return in each subsequent book feeling like family. I believe that this is the last book in the series and honestly it's hard to let these characters go :(
There has always been an underlying sense of magic within this series starting with Aunt Ruby in a Charmed Little Lie and you see it in this one too.
Gabi Graham meets "Hot Guy" Thatcher Roman in a divorcee support group. She has since left her cheating husband and is trying to come to terms with her life and what comes next. With a series of mishaps, the one thing she has to look forward to is seeing "Hot Guy" and thinking about the possibility of a one-night stand.
But it all comes to a stop when she realizes who he is (the brother of her best friend!) and how they are connected in business—should they really be muddying this up for something fun and physical and not serious?
But is it serious... is there more? HECK YEAH! Gabi is just too mistrustful to see it, but it's as clear as day. I understood her trust issues but Thatcher... OH THATCHER! He tried to show and say a million times over that it wasn't just one night with him and that there was more, and that part of the story made me want to hit Gabi in the head for her to see what was in front of her because it was frustrating at times with the back and forth (though I again I understood her side because of everything she has been through).
So will they or won't they? That is the question. I enjoyed the slow burn... I loved the heat and spark... I simply love this town and the magic surrounding it. There were sad parts but also excitement for the possibilities that were given to all the characters in this series that I have grown so fond of.
If this is the end (which it really did come full circle for these characters), then I am very much looking forward to what this author has in store for us next.
Readers who love small-town romance, who love that element of magic, who love fun, quirky characters and well written stories will love this series!

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What if you met an incredibly Hot Guy the first time you attended a support group for those who are divorced? AND what if you were not in the market for a relationship even though you definitely feel the heat when you look at this man? Can you let go of the past and trust again or...not?

I loved this story told in first person by Gabi. She does not deserve the husband she had or what happened to her but boy is she strong and sassy and able to stand up to him with the final rock drops...on her toes...and leaves her super angry...and justly so. Her decision to “go with it” when she is taken home by Hot Guy kind of sets her back soon after when she finds out just who he is. After that happens there is a bit of dithering and dealing with what is really for the best along with some memorable moments that had me unable to put this book down.

Definitely recommend this book and this series.

I am hoping that Thatcher’s brother Jackson will have his story told in a spin-off book in the near future and hope that there will be a return to the delightful town and people of this series if only to catch up with everyone.

Thank you to NetGalley and Kensington Lyrical Shine for the ARC – This is my honest review.

5 Stars

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A Charm Like You is the last installment it seems in a series about a group of friends who's lives have been touched by a mysterious Mr. Bailey. (Maybe it's the last, don't quote me on that, There's an air of finality about how this book ends, but there's totally room for at least one spin-off, if not more both leads have siblings who seem to need happily-ever-afters of their own.)

Anyway, Gabi Graham has been through a lot. Her ex, cheated on her, failed to make payments on her home, got his mistress pregnant and is marrying her. So when she decides to go to a divorce support group, it makes sense. She could use some support. But she gets more than she bargains when she meets this hot guy there. Hot Guy turns out to be her best friend's older brother. And also her business partner.

One of the more confusing things about coming into a series like this late is that some of the friend interactions are super confusing. I couldn't figure out who everyone was and how they paired up together, so this is a series where it's probably best to read from the beginning.

So, as I was saying, Hot Guy (real name: Thatcher) is this total dreamboat of a guy. And he falls hard for our girl Gabi. But Gabi is just about the sex. Only sex. And she and Thatcher can't have it even though they want it because of all the complications. So this is the conflict. And while I enjoyed this a lot, I also felt like this book skimmed the surface of what could have been a more emotionally satisfying romance. It was too much small-town, too much magical realism, too much romantic comedy, when it could have been a book about taking a chance on love when you've given up your dreams. I mean, that is kind of there too, but it's buried underneath all the other stuff, But that was the part of the book I liked best.

**A Charm Like You will publish on December 25, 2018. I received an advance reader copy courtesy of Netgalley/Kensington Books (Lyrical Shine) in exchange for my honest review.

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A Charm Like You is truly a great sendoff to this quirky, yet completely endearing group of characters. This time around it's Gabi Graham's turn to find love after her jerk of a husband cheats on her with his assistant and is now going to marry her and become a father. As Gabi tries to get her life back on track, she starts to go to a divorce support group and is immediately taken with a man she dubs, 'hot guy'. With no real names used during the weekly meetings, what starts as mild flirtation takes a very sexy turn and the surprise of Gabi and Hot Guy's lives are just around the corner.

Let's just say the entire wonderful group of friends we've come to know and love are a bit incestuous and I mean that in the very best way. But it's a whole load of siblings and friends and their lust for one another gets all tangled up. And with Gabi and Hot Guy, their worlds just got a bit more complicated when their real identities are revealed and Gabi doesn't know what to do. I liked that Hot Guy (Thatcher Roman) knew what he wanted and that was Gabi. But I was a bit miffed that Gabi kept turning Thatch away time and again and she was damn lucky he didn't give up on her.

I also love the subtle underlying story that has been a thread through the entire series and that is the bit of 'magic' that seems to follow Lanie's Aunt Ruby, Allie's Dad and the very mysterious Mr. Bailey, Gabi's benefactor for her Wild Things business. We finally get to somewhat understand how these three misfits lived their lives and the whys as to many of their decisions. The final chapters truly answered most the questions both myself and these characters have wondered about since the start.

I have been thoroughly charmed by this sweet and touching series and I'm sad to have to let this crew go. But A Charm Like You gives us the ending we all needed and I'm sincerely satisfied as to how it all concluded.

4 solid stars!

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