Cover Image: Good Night, Kitty Kitty!

Good Night, Kitty Kitty!

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I received a free ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

The illustrations in this book are very cute. The text is short and flows well Definitely a fun read for younger kids.

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Great bedtime story! We really enjoyed it. The entire family did, including the cats! Delightful! Get this book now!!!!

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A cute little book about a little girl who is getting ready for bed, but kitty kitty wants to stay awake. Simple sentences and illustrations make this a perfect book for beginning readers.

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This book was adorable. As parents, we all know the drama of getting a child to sleep, but in this book the child is trying to get their kitten to go to sleep. Since my daughter is obsessed with cats, I knew she would love this book. She may have been a bit old for the reading level (she is seven), but she still enjoyed it and laughed during the funnier parts.

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I loved this book. It is exactly my cat, I couldn't dream of a story that better captured what I love and am frustrated by so perfectly. Great interplay between the pictures and the text. My five year old daughter loved it as well, I had to read it many, many times.

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'Good Night, Kitty Kitty!' by Brenda Ponnay is a picture book about a small cat that isn't ready for bed quite yet.

A young child gets ready for bed and tries to convince the cat that it's time to sleep. Kitty doesn't want to settle down, hiding around the house and not getting in to bed. Will Kitty Kitty finally get the hint?

This is a cute little book with pretty cute drawings. The kitten is black with green eyes and has a mischievous look. I'm not sure it would settle a toddler down, but I'm sure it might get a few giggles.

I received a review copy of this ebook from Xist Publishing and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this ebook.

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Any cat servant knows how they can stick to you like glue as you brush your teeth then suddenly go into a frenzy just when you’re getting ready for bed. Even worse are the 2am drag races through the house as they tear around like speed demons and your living room becomes the Talladega Superspeedway. Here a cute little girl tries to get her beloved Kitty Kitty to calm down, stop jumping on the furniture and snuggle in with her to go to bed. Luvs! ♥ B

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This book reminds me of my grandmother's cat Sam. Standoffish until he got what he wanted, but still a best friend. This is simple and short book perfect for the littlest ones bedtime.

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If you have ever owned a cat then you can totally relate to this delightful story. Cats have attitude, let you sleep in your bed (when they think it's time to go to sleep) and have the run of the house ( or so they think). Those qualities are exactly why we love them.

This sweet pet owner has come to the end of the day and wants nothing better than to lay her head down on her pillow and drift off. Her beloved kitty has other ideas. After the ritual of brushing teeth and reading a bedtime story it's time to extinguish the light and curl up and get some sleep. As the light snaps off this is the very time that Kitty decides it's time to play and it's .... games on.

The child finally rounds up her rogue bedmate and together they enjoy a cuddle which results in a snoring human and a contented purring Kitty who too falls sound asleep.

The sentences are simple and perfect for a beginner reader. The illustrations are expressive and charming. This book will make a perfect bedtime story to share snuggled under the covers together. Just make sure to include your feline in on the reading so he will be privy to the end of the story and act accordingly. It's time then for everyone to get some sleep, pets included!

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This is a very simple book with repetitive words about a Kitty who does not want to go to bed. It can be read to a little one as a bedtime story or used with early readers and they can read it to a sibling who is getting ready for bed, or to someone else in the family as their own bedtime story. The illustrations are large, yet very simplistic. A cute book. I read this to my two year old granddaughter and she liked the book, but it did not make her want to take her nap. The publisher, Xist Publishing, generously provided me with a copy of this book to read. The rating, ideas and opinions are my own.

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A gentle read to help a young child make the transition from a busy day to nighttime. Kittens are cuddly and small and they need to settle for the night as well.

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Illustrations are good. The kid tries to put her per kitty to sleep. It is for early readers

Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for the eARC

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A simple story that is perfect for little ones learning to read. The language is tailored to younger readers and the illustrations are adorable.

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I am probably not the person who should be reviewing children’s books.
I thought to give this a shot because I’ve been reading to kids for years so I know my way around a decent picture book. This book is perfectly easy. Perfect to give to the kid just learning to read. Especially one that can relate to it because he/she/they have a cat. The illustrations were also simple but still adorable.

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This book had some cute illustrations but it was a very simple story. I read it to my 2 1/2 year old granddaughter and it didn't have much appeal to her. I'm not sure what the author was trying to convey in this book. I don't see it as something I would purchase for my grandkids.

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Simple illustration with a cute story in short. It has repetitive sentences so it teaches toddlers to build vocabulary (about directions - places). It is -as the title gives hint- a bedtime story. Could be too short for kindergarteners, but it is perfect for younger kids.

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*thank you to Netgalley and Xist Publishing for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review*

5 stars!

This was ABSOLUTELY adorable!!
I am a big cat fan, so yeah, when I saw this available to request to read I immediately hit that button and I am so glad that I did. I wasn't expecting much but this book is perfect for toddlers and children beginning to read. It's a fun and funny little book with very basic illustrations (which actually work really well!) This little easy to read book is one that kids will want to read over and over. It's great for bedtime and I would highly recommend it. I just loved it!

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The illustration in this book was undeniably simple and adorably done. As bedtime books go, it is short maybe a bit too short for me. I think there could have been something more in content to drive this book home for me. Having two pages and only four words two of which are “kitty kitty”, left me wanting for it to be more in depth or at least offer kids a way to flow into the next steps of getting ready to bed. For a toddler-young child book the illustrations would be perfect for them and something they would enjoy looking at.

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This is a great bedtime story. It is about a little boy who gets ready for bed. He brushes his teeth and calls to his kitty to come into the room, jump on the bed. But as all cats do he wants to play at night. It finally ends up with him and his kitty sleeping. It is a great beginner reader and I really like the closeup of the kitty. The illustrations are good and the facial expressions on the cat remind me of my own. Especially the "who me?" look. I recommend this book for 2-5 yr olds.

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An absolutely adorable story about a little girl and her kitty getting ready for bed-eventually. A fun, very short read with cute pictures.

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