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Thank you NETGALLEY for the opportunity to preview CLOSER by KL Slater. Well another hit - Slater is one of the best dramatic writers today. She takes family situations and puts a spin on it that keeps the reader in suspense.

Emma and Shaun are married, but not together. They stay together for their daughter and things are "ok". Until Shaun gets a new girlfriend and things begin slowly to take on disturbing events. Emma knows Shaun's new girlfriend, and as a matter of fact, she is her boss. And Emma's daughter begins to change and withdraw. Emma knows somthing is not right but she feels like she is the only one who sees whats going on. Why won't anyone believe her - and she needs to do something soon before her family is really destroyed.

Really good - Fans will love Slater's latest novel CLOSER.


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Slater's books can be a hit or a miss with me, depending on the story line, but II think her last few books have been getting better and better. I really enjoyed this one. Couldn't put it down

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A real slow burner that will draw you in piece by piece and then BAM it just hits you !!

Emma and Shaun are still married but they are no longer together. They have decided to live under the same roof for the sack of their little girl, Maisie. Everything seems to be going well until Shaun finds himself a new girlfriend. To make matters worse his new girlfriend is Emma’s boss, Jo. It all starts to move too fast and before Emma knows what’s happening Shaun has moved in with Jo and her daughter, and Maisie has a new ready made family.

Everything is not quite as it seems as Maisie suddenly starts to change, she becomes withdrawn and stops eating. What is going on ? Who is to blame ?

This book will draw you in page by page and keep you hooked right until the very last word. There are some really great characters, some you willl just love to hate !! A really great psychological thriller with a killer ending.

Thank you to Bookouture and NetGalley for a digital copy of this book.

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And the award for some of the most unlikeable and infuriating characters ever goes to …. well, pretty much everyone involved in this story except for ten year old Maisie. I dare you to read this and not feel incredibly sorry for her. I just wanted to wrap her up in great big bear hug and keep her safe from harm.

Emma and her husband are separated but still live in the same house for the benefit of their young daughter. Everything seems to be going well until Shaun falls in love with Emma’s boss, Joanne. Talk about making things complicated. But the person suffering the most in these new circumstances is ten year old Maisie. It becomes clear to Emma quite quickly that her daughter is not okay. But who’s responsible for the change in Maisie?

This is quite the slow burner. For the longest time, it felt as if little was actually happening when in fact, the scene is set perfectly for what is to come. With references to events from both Emma’s and Joanne’s past and flashback chapters by an unknown character, K.L. Slater kept me guessing until the end about how things were connected or how they would pan out. There are some incredibly dark secrets to unravel and the tension builds up slowly to quite the shocking conclusion.

Did I mention the unlikeable characters? Joanne irked me from the moment she was introduced to me. And let’s not even waste words on her dreadful daughter, Piper. However, the one I wanted to slap fiercely more than anything was Maisie’s father, Shaun. Either he’s ridiculously oblivious, blind or just stupid. I haven’t quite decided on that bit just yet. I do know he was utterly infuriating.

Full of suspense, this had me hooked from start to finish. Although I must admit it has left me with a few unanswered questions, making me think I missed something along the way. I’ve come to expect solid psychological thrillers from K.L. Slater and this one is no different. In a genre that’s often up and down, K.L. Slater manages to remain absolutely consistent!

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K. L. Slater is one of my favorite authors. I have read all her books and I am glad to report that they are all fab reads. Closer is her latest title and Slater has done it again! What a twisty, compulsive read!

The story begins with Shaun and Emma at the end of their marriage. The two are separated but still good friends. They share the common goal of wanting to do what’s best for their little girl, Maisie. However, things start changing when Shaun meets Joanne.

Emma and Maisie were my favorite characters in the story. I was rooting for them and I hoped things would work out for them. I also enjoyed their narratives the most. Maisie’s development through the chapters really broke my heart though. I wanted to find out the identity of the person who was stealing her joy and punch or yell at them or something.

The author did a fantastic job in developing the characters and I also enjoyed the mystery bit of this story. I couldn’t really guess who the villain was. In the beginning, I thought their identity was pretty obvious but boy was I wrong!

Although I enjoyed reading this title, I really didn’t like the ending. It wasn’t a bad ending, no far from it. It was quite twisty and unpredictable. However, it just didn’t bring me any joy. I like it when things are wrapped up neatly and the conflicts are resolved. In this case, I was left turning pages, trying to see whether there was an additional chapter.

As always, the author managed to create characters that got under my skin and a story that won’t be easy to forget! I recommend this title to fans of psychological thrillers. As a matter of fact, just read all books by K. L. Slater.

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When, in the space of one blurb, you see phrases like "An absolutely gripping psychological thriller" and "The most gripping psychological thriller you’ll read this year," you tend to expect big things. At least I did. However, I didn't find those things in Closer. I would not call this story a psychological thriller. There are some psychological elements, but the best I would go is domestic drama with the occasional sinister bit. There are some current and serious issues tackled here, but if the point was to "grip" the reader, it certainly missed the mark with me. Unlikable characters aside, and there were plenty, most of the story was drawn out and well, rather boring, and there were odd chapters here and there that seemed out of place with the rest of the story. I got where those chapters were supposed to be going, and we do finally get to the big reveal. I suppose that's where the thriller part should've kicked in, but I already had most of it figured out and after all the lag time, it all comes together in a few abrupt pages. I should mention that there is a big twist at the end, like the last two pages of the book, but that wasn't exactly hard to see coming either, and after everything else, it was just too little, too late. I've seen many rave reviews about this book, so maybe it's just me, but this is most definitely not the most gripping anything that I've read this year.

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Closer was an amazing Psychological thriller, I am a massive fan of KL Slater, her books get better and better with each new release, I loved the twist in the story, such an addictive read and highly recommended.

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Closer by K.L. Slater is a psychological thriller.

First, let me thank NetGalley, the publisher Bookouture, and of course the author, for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

My Synopsis:
Emma and Shaun are separated, but living in the same house so that their 10-year old daughter Maisie has some stability. With rules in place as to chores and babysitting, everything has been going fine. That is, of course, until Shaun starts dating. That may have been okay, but when he dates Emma’s boss Joanne, that is bad. The fact that Joanne’s daughter Piper and Maisie do not get along, makes it worse. The fact that Shaun does not see the problems that Maisie is having is just ridiculous.

Emma, however, knows her daughter. She sees the weight loss. She sees the look on Maisie’s face every time she comes home from spending time with her dad’s new family, or from dance class, where Piper seems to have taken all her friends. She sees her daughter slowly dying inside.

Emma thinks Joanne is hiding something, and she is going to dig until she discovers the secret. On the other hand, Emma has her own secret, which seems to be coming back to haunt her.

My Opinions:
I love Slater’s books. This one, however, seemed slow to me. I’m not sure what made it that way, since it was a fast read. I also wasn’t real keen on most of the characters. I couldn’t relate to either Emma’s constant outbursts, or Joanne’s uppity attitude. Shaun was just weak. Piper was a spoiled brat. I did, however, like Maisie.  I loved the mother/daughter bond theme but found it a little lacking.  But generally, when I can only cheer for one character, and that is a child, it isn't the book for me.

I did like how the chapters alternated between different perspectives, including Maisie’s. I think the author really nailed the mind of a 10-year old.  I thought the plot and pace was good, and I really loved the twist at the end.

Overall, it was a good read.

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I have really mixed feelings about this book. At its most basic, the story of a young girl being influenced to hate herself and food was a good one. I liked part of the ending but felt other parts were a bit too far. The worst part, however was that I couldn't get over my distaste for the father/husband Shaun. Every time he showed up, my interest in the story got completely thrown off. It was hard to think that both of Maisie's parents would be so self-involved to not see what was happening. This left me feeling a bit dissatisfied with the characters and the book overall.

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Shaun has made the decision to leave his loveless marriage to Emma and move on, leaving their dear daughter Maisie caught in the middle of all the pain and confusion

He’s fallen head over heels for a gorgeous single mother, Joanne. And she has a daughter about Maisie’s age. Fantastic! Well, hold on…
Joanne just happens to be the boss of his soon to be ex-wife. Ouch! And here’s the icing on the cake. Her daughter Piper is an obnoxious, spoiled brat that Maisie absolutely can’t stand to be around.
Sounds like the makings for a warm and fuzzy blended family... don’t you think?

This book started off somewhat slowly as the characters and story-line developed. But soon enough I was on edge, anxiously awaiting the directions this book was taking me - and no clue how this was going to stitch together! I just assumed it probably wasn’t going to turn out well for any of the characters involved!

Oh, and did I mentioned the show-stopping shocker of an ending!? I actually had to read it twice! The first time I just about dropped my kindle!

Well played K.L. slater! What a fantastic punch you delivered. I was lulled in, thinking you’d play it safe! Boy, did I call that wrong! Fantastic ending to an all-around great thriller!

A fun and thrilling buddy read with Susanne!

Thank you to NetGalley, Bookouture and K.L. Slater for an ARC to read in exchange for an honest review.

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Emma and Shaun have a ten-year old daughter called Maisie who they both adore and would do anything they could to keep her secure and happy. But sadly their marriage is dead although they still cohabit and share Maisie’s care giving. The trouble starts when Shaun meets and falls in love with Emma’s boss, workaholic solicitor and widow Joanne. She too has a daughter caller Piper who is the same age as Maisie. They even have similar tastes in some hobbies but do not like each other. Blithely Joanne and Shaun move in together quickly, hoping Piper and Maisie will complete their happy, fun loving merged family.
Almost immediately Emma knows something is terribly wrong. Maisie all but stops eating, she stays alone in her bedroom as much as she can get away with and almost overnight becomes friendless. She is not the bouncy, confident, delightful daughter that she was before the split up. She loves her father but hates that she is never alone with him. Emma suspects there is more to her sudden loss of weight than she knows about, but Maisie refuses to speak about her visits in any detail and begs her mother to let her stay at home and not have to visit Joanne’s swish penthouse apartment to play happy families. Very concerned by Maisie’s loss of weight and unhappiness, she seeks out advice from her family doctor who tells her not to worry. As it’s all part of growing up.
Work becomes a nightmare. Joanne refuses to bring her private life into the office. When Emma insists they discuss the matter, she is edgy and uncooperative. Emma becomes more and more frustrated because she knows her daughter is unhappy and suffering. She wants to know what is going on. She cannot talk to Maisie’s teacher because she is on long term sick leave. Instead she goes to see Maisie’s dance tutor who is very concerned and helpful, saying she will keep an eye on things.
Both of the leading female characters are keeping dark secrets in this novel. Emma knows she must become a detective and find out more about Joanne’s past but Joanne is way ahead of her. She already knows all about Emma courtesy of Shaun. The two rivals are both determined to win the battle between them. I liked feisty Emma but detested Joanne who was manipulative and deceitful. I thought Shaun was a bit of a drip and should have trusted the Maisie he knew so well. Joanne worked him like a puppet. I thought the pace of the first two thirds of the novel was very slow but it did eventually pick up. I enjoyed the study of the relationship between Emma and Maisie, but could not find much warmth in Joanne’s relationship with Piper, who was indulged and spoilt. This is where Shaun should have intervened, but just didn’t bother, and all to Maisie’s detriment. I was shocked by the abrupt and chilling ending and have thought long and hard about my review of this novel. It’s given me food for thought.
I received this book through my membership of NetGalley and from publisher Bookouture in return for an honest review. Thank you most sincerely for my copy. I quite liked parts of the novel but disliked other parts for the reasons I have already mentioned. It’s a 3.5* review from me.

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Closer is bestselling author K.L. Slater's seventh standalone psychological thriller, but does it match up to the standard of the others? Yes, yes it does! In fact, it surpasses said standard. As Slater is one of my all-time favourite crime writers, I always tend to go into her books with a feeling of trepidation, however, after the first couple of pages, I knew it was going to be one helluva edge-of-your-seat nail-biter!

The characterisation is excellent - there are many characters that are highly unlikeable, but they are definitely the type of characters that a reader loves to hate. A well written, easy read, that grabbed me from the first pages, and I found I was reading faster an faster in order to find out each characters fate. Slater always manages to make me care deeply about the outcome for each of them which I feel is the sign of a masterful writer. Sher broaches some difficult topics here but does so sensitively. Of course, there are the customary shocks and surprises, with most being unexpected and unpredictable. The story is definitely more of a slow burner than a fast-paced affair but because of how action-packed it is and how it is structured this was never noticeable to me.

Told from different perspectives with each PoV getting their own chapter, it manages to avoid becoming confusing and convoluted as some multi-view stories do. If you have enjoyed Slater's previous novels then you'll enjoy this one too! For me, this moves to the very top of the pile in terms of the best of Slater's work, although you cannot go wrong with any of them if I'm honest! Kim Slater has once again proven that she's amongst the most skilled psychological thriller writers out there. With plenty of suspenseful moments, the tension builds over the course of the story, and the author lulls you into a false sense of security, making you feel as though you have it all figured out., then BAM, everything changes and you realise your predictions were so far away from the direction the author was really taking the story in! I loved that my ideas were completely blown out of the water by some massive surprises and misdirection!

Many thanks to Bookouture for an ARC. I was not required to post a review, and all thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.

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Closer is a psychological thriller that has you on the edge of your seat with the twists and turns and red herrings thrown at you.
I have read several books by K.L.Slater and have enjoyed them all and this is no exception. The book is mainly told from Emma’s viewpoint but also from her daughters and her husbands new girlfriend who is also her boss. Emma and Shaun have called time on their marriage but for the sake of their daughter, Maisie, they are living under the same roof, sharing housework and looking after their daughter but not a bed. Within a few weeks of this arrangement Shaun has met and fell in love with Joanne and suddenly moves in with her and her daughter, Piper whom Maisie cannot stand.
Things start to happen and Maisie changes from a bubbly outgoing girl to a reclusive anorexic ten year old saying that Piper has said horrible things to her and taken all her friends away from her. Emma knows something doesn’t add up and looks into Joanne’s past but is Emma making more of this than it warrants.
I devoured this in less than a day as it certainly had me hooked from the first page and can’t wait to see what’s in the next thriller by K.L.Slater.
I would like to thank Netgalley and Bookouture for this ARC I received in exchange for an honest review.

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This book was great. Had clearly defined chapters when switching from one characters point of view to another. I did not see the ending twist coming, Maybe because the character didn't have a very large part in the book? Only thing I found funny/weird was that towards the beginning of the book Emma says to her daughter don't eat with your mouth full, when I believe it was meant to say don't talk with you mouth full, unless of course that's how they say it in the UK.

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This book started a little slow for me dragging on at the beginning. It is being told from the view of multiple parties. Emma knows her daughter is sick, she has lot of lot of weight and had become very withdrawn. Her husband has taken up with another woman and moved out. Every time her daughter maisie goes to see her Dad she comes home more and more withdrawn. She isn’t eating and the weight is falling off of her! Emma sets out to find the truth but what she find is much much more. This book kept me guessing till the end! The author knows how to tell a story and keep you wanting to turn that next page! Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
Thank you netgalley for the chance to read and review this book earlier than it’s release.

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A gripping psychological thriller that had me hooked.
I really enjoyed this book and was desperate to know how it would end.
Emma and Shaun are living separate lives but it’s still a shock for Emma when Shaun tells her he is seeing someone else.
Their daughter Maisie is unsure of his girlfriend, Joanne, and even more wary of her daughter, Piper.
Both girls are ten years old and it’s heartwrenching watching Maisie struggle when things start to spiral out of control.
I can’t say too much more as I wouldn’t want to spoil it for you but I can say the ending will take your breath away!
Thanks to Bookouture and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book.

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This is a twisty good psychological thriller . It had good well drawn believable characters. It had well thought out plot twists that kept you guessing till the end.
I’m a huge fan of K l Slater. Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for letting me review this book

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Wow, what a book!! I was hooked from the start. Absolute brilliant read.
When Emma calls her marriage with Shaun a day, the last thing she expects is for him to find love straight away.
Shaun falls for Joanne, Emma's boss. Joanne has a daughter named Piper who is the same age as Emma and Shaun's daughter Maisie.
Emma's and Maisie's life as they know it goes from good to horrific. Bullying ensues and things start happening to Emma's house and car, which she needs to get to the bottom of before its too late.
Loved every page, especially the climax.

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I was excited to get a copy of this book, because I'd heard so many good things about it, but honestly it just didn't do it for me. I found it to be drawn out, setting the scene shouldn't take over half the book, and I found myself bored reading it. Yes it deals with some major, important issues and I can see where the author is trying to go. And yes it did have an interesting and unpredictable twist at the end, but by that stage I really wasn't interested. When I finally finished the book and put it down, my thoughts were "Thank goodness that's over." However other people have really loved and rated this book, so I'll leave it up to other readers to draw their own conclusions, it just wasn't for me.
2.5 stars rounded up.
My thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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With Closer, KL Slater has delivered a slow burning domestic drama in which a mother has to suffer not only the final end of her already fractured marriage but the slow deterioration in her young daughter's mental and physical health.  Maisie is an outgoing and energetic child, fascinated by her dance classes and the apple of her mother, Emma's, eye. When Emma finds out that her husband Shaun has moved on from their marriage it is hard enough. They had been trying to keep things unchanged for Maisie's sake, still living in the same house, albeit in separate rooms with separate lives. But now Shaun is moving out and when Emma finds out who with, it is the final straw. Faced with a new family she doesn't like, Maisie quickly loses some of her sparkle, but just how worried should Emma be.

What I loved about this book is how well the author has captured the anxiety of a mother watching her young child go through a complete personality change and being helpless to prevent or reverse it. With the majority of the story told from Emma's point of view, you really do get into the heart of the emotion involved and you can feel her devastation as she watches her daughter disappear, both emotionally and physically, in front of her eyes. That heartbreak and concern is hard to imagine but I think KL Slater has come about as far as it is possible to get in depicting it in this drama.

However, there is a kind of dilemma here for the reader as, as much as we sympathise with Emma, she is also someone we cannot necessarily trust entirely. It is very clear that something has happened in her past, something the reader does not know initially. Added to this her animosity towards Shaun's new partner, Joanne, who just happens to be her boss, and the knowledge that Maisie doesn't like Joanne's daughter, Piper, you have to wonder just what is driving Maisie to such a dramatic change in personality. The ambiguity between whether it is an external factor or Emma's own anxiety and feelings projected onto the child will keep you guessing until the end.

There are segments told from Maisie's point of view and in these we getter a clearer picture of what is happening but not necessarily why or who is responsible. The scenes in which she interacts with her new 'family' are sometimes hard to watch as you can are privy to some unwarranted comments, ones which fall right into the field of bullying, although Shaun is blind to it, casting Maisie as the aggressor rather than the victim. They can be hard to read but do portray that erosion of self confidence and the whole impact of bullying extremely well.

Many angles of this book are well hidden, with several story threads not fully revealed until the end of the book. It seems everyone is keeping secrets, with perhaps only Emma's mother on the level, as critical as she is of Emma's parenting. Their's is a strained relationship, again portrayed extremely well, as mother and daughter struggle to properly understand one another, something I think many people will be able to identify with.

I really think this falls more into the domestic noir sub-genre than necessarily psychological thriller in the traditional sense. Yes, there are many elements which will keep you guessing until the end, but there are so many themes that people will recognise - the breakdown of a marriage, the impact on children, bullying in schools and families - that while at the heart of the story is the mystery of what is hurting Maisie, it is as much about an observation of human nature and the protective nature of mother to daughter, be it Emma to Maisie or Joanne to Piper. Don't get me wrong, there are some big reveals and brow-raising moments within the novel, but for me it is the emotional toil which leads, with the surprise or suspense element taking a more subtle second place.

A thoroughly enjoyable domestic drama, full of secrets and lies and examining their devastating impact on a young and impressionable mind. Definitely recommended

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