Member Reviews

A gripping story, found it hard to put down. Well written with lots of insight into adoption, refugee status
and the struggles encountered by many.

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a heartwarming book with flawed people who come together for the sake of a child. I enjoyed this book and the subject matter

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This is the first book by Mona Risk that I have read, but it won’t be the last. For Sarah’s Sake is a well-written, emotional, suspense-filled story that captured my interest at Chapter One and held it until the end of the book. It was so emotional and intense that I couldn’t put it down.

I definitely recommend For Sarah’s Sake. I look forward to reading more books by Ms. Risk.

I received a copy of For Sarah’s Sake from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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For Sarah's Sake is a good book. I liked the writing style a d the characters are well developed and interesting. The story is amazing and I would recommend!

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FOR SARAH'S SAKE by Mona Risk is an emotional journey. A second chance to renew a marriage. After a devastating loss, a year later is the love still there? An orphan, a little girl brings a couple together. Overcoming major obstacles, including themselves and their past.

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Geez, what the hell kind of woman talks to a bereaved child like she's a nuisance?

That's a lot of dating for one doctor.

She's so cute!

Marie was a brave woman.

I want to slap Joey.

Someone arrest "Auntie".

It's so funny how they manipulate little Sarah.

What the hell? What kind of place is this nursing home? Did they check anything before admitting poor Henry?!

Geez, is Heather sleeping with her lawyer, too?

David, stop keeping stuff from your wife!

You suck, Glen. She's a kid.

Turns out her feeling was right, David.

Wow. They all have more forgiveness than I ever could have.

I received an ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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The cancer-related death of two-year-old Sarah’s mother sends the child to David Dutton, the doctor who cared for the woman during her illness. A letter explains the child’s circumstances and asks the doctor to find a loving home for little girl. Touched by the letter and the woman’s faith in him to make certain her daughter finds a good home, the doctor vows to find her father’s family or to find a loving family to adopt her.

David’s estranged wife, still struggling with the crib death of their infant son, finds that the toddler has stolen her heart. Jennifer abandons her divorce plans, moves home to care for Sarah, and decides to adopt her. But the search for the child’s relatives puts her plans . . . and Sarah . . . in grave danger.

While readers may easily predict the outcome in this pleasant, quick-read novella, the story offers a few unexpected twists and turns along the way as it builds some keep-the-pages-turning tension into the telling of the tale. It’s a charming narrative filled with compassion and guaranteed to touch the reader’s heart.

I received a copy of this e-book from NetGalley.
#ForSarahsSaske #NetGalley

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This story grabbed me frok the start. The conditions Sarah lived through while her mother was figghting cancer were terrible the best thing that happended as her "auntie" forcing her to see Dr. Dutton. I readlly cherred doe Jennifer and Dr. Dutton. I wanted her to be addopted by the the Dr,. and his wife, al three needed eachother to heal. I read the story in one day - did not want to put the story down.

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I read the book For Sarah's Sake by Mona Risk. The book  made me want to adopt a child even more. One thing that I didn't like about the book was it was more graphic than I'd like regarding sex and things of that nature. Besides that I really liked this book.

I would recommend this book, except for the sex parts. I loved the little girl in the story. But I also wish that she had siblings from her parents so that she wasn't alone. I give this book 4 out of 5 stars.

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What a fantastic book, just loved it from the beginning to the end. All the characters are excellent and I soon found myself getting to know them. I have nothing negative to say about it and I loved the way this author writes

Can definitely recommend this book, you will not be disappointed

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