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The Flatshare

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This is such a delightful book, but The Flatshare is so much more than just a cute romance. Some really tough topics are tackled in an unexpected and amazing way, this story surprised me in the best ways possible. ⁣

I love forced proximity in romance, and this is forced proximity with a twist. Tiffy and Leon share an apartment, but have never met. After a bad breakup, Tiffy is desperate for a new place to live and responds to a classified ad for a flatshare. Leon works the night shift and will only be at the apartment when Tiffy is working. Their friendship is formed through cheeky little notes left throughout the apartment, and it doesn’t take long before the two start questioning if they could be more. Even if they haven’t met yet. ⁣

The concept of this story is wild, sharing a bed with a stranger that you’ve never met sounds like my idea of a nightmare #germaphobe. But I loved everything about this book! The story progresses through dual perspectives, it took a minute to get into the voice used for Leon’s chapters but once I did I loved his chapters so much. Tiffy is quirky and delightful, but also dealing with the emotional trauma caused from her last relationship. I was not expecting how heavy her experience would get, but this book brings awareness to how isolating and controlling emotional abuse can be. I thought O’Leary handled that aspect of the story so well. ⁣

It is impossible not to completely adore Tiffy and Leon and root for them as their relationship progresses. There are so many fantastic side characters that make this book come alive. Even if you think you don’t like romance, I highly recommend reading The Flatshare. It is SO much more than a sweet romance book! This was hands down a 5 star read for me! ⁣

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After reading a few books with serious tones/subjects I wanted a lighter and brighter book. I very much enjoyed those previous books but I was ready for a chick-lit kinda thing to break it up.

The Flatshare is Beth O’Leary’s first novel. I knew the term flat share meant to have a roommate, sharing an apartment – each with their own bedroom. But in this novel they share a bed, not at the same time. One works nights and the other days.
The deal is that for a mere $350 a month she will have the flat from 6pm - 8am Monday through Friday and on weekends. The remaining times belong to Leon, who could use the extra cash that this arrangement will bring and never the two shall meet.

I’ve never heard of sleeping in the same bed as your room-mate and I can say it would never have been something I would have done.
They speak to each other via notes and letters left tacked to the fridge or on a table. When one is out at work and the other person at home, they find a note. And usually food! Sometimes they forget they haven’t had conversation in person. They are getting to know one another slowly as pen-pals who live together, but have not met. Weird and quirky.

The beginning was a bit confusing for me as Leon pondered about Kay and Ritchie, people who were not introduced to the story. Who are these people, I wondered. It all fell together shortly and I knew the character’s places.

Tiffy’s job is assistant editor at a DIY publishing house. She sums it up: “I love working here. This is the only possible explanation for the fact that I have been assistant editor for three and a half years, earning below the London living wage, and have made no attempt to rectify the situation…….”
As for the supporting characters a good deal of the book focuses on Tiffy’s favorite author, Katherin, who writes about knitting and crocheting. Also a treacherous coworker named Martin which you will just slightly loathe in the beginning and yes, this will deepen as you get to know him more.

Leon is such a good person. He’s a night nurse at a hospice, taking tender care of a little girl named Holly who has leukemia and senior patients who need constant care. Can’t be easy being a nurse. His supporting character is his brother Richie who resides in prison for a crime he says he didn’t commit. All the characters’ stories merge and overlap at different parts of the book.

I was looking for something light with a bit of humor and I found it in this book. What I wasn’t expecting was subject of emotional abuse and how well this author handled it. It wasn’t a constant but when it needed to be addressed in the story it was deftly woven in. Overall a funny, romantic lighthearted book but it certainly did touch on serious subjects at times.  Happy endings for most :-)

There was a bit of food in this novel! Tiffy is a baker and Leon likes to cook so we had a variety of tempting treats. Homemade oat bars, mushroom stroganoff, risotto, Victoria Sandwich with Homemade jam, carob date brownies, banana bread, ales and cocktails.

Much thanks to Netgalley for the complimentary copy of this book.  Publication date is May 28, 2019.  I will look for more by this author.  All opinions are mine and I was not compensated for this review.

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4.5 stars

What a wonderful debut novel! The Flatshare was such a sweet and emotional story that surprised me in the best way. I absolutely fell in love with the idea behind this book and was instantly intrigued by the tagline "What if your roommate was your soul mate?"

Tiffy and Leon were such interesting characters and complemented each other so well, even though they seem to be opposites in every way. Tiffy is eccentric and has a tendency to overshare, while Leon is quieter and much more reticent. Their meet cute and intimate living situation are atypical, but all the awkwardness only endeared me more to the characters. I loved how a simple note exchange set in motion such huge changes for both of them. It had me asking myself if you really can get to know someone through the traces they leave behind? The author allowed Tiffy and Leon's friendship and relationship to develop naturally and I loved the slow burn between them.

The story is told in dual POV, and I will admit that Leon's chapters took a bit of getting used to. I ended up loving his abbreviated speaking/writing style, however, and I really feel like it fit his character perfectly. Some of the Britishisms went over my head, but the author's sense of humor and witty banter had me gasping for air because I was laughing so hard. With all the laughs, there are some serious issues as well, and I felt that they were addressed very honestly. For example, Tiffy struggles for a large portion of the book with her past relationship. I appreciated that the author didn't rush through her healing or downplay the effect that emotional abuse can have on an individual as well as their friends and loved ones. I really loved how patient and supportive Leon and all of Tiffy's friends were. They stood by her and lifted her when she needed them, but what I loved best, is that ultimately, it was Tiffy who had (and did) save herself.

The secondary characters really were amazing (please tell me a Richie book is in the works!) and added some wonderful comic relief at just the right moments. I was smiling ear to ear as I turned the last page, and Leon and Tiffy's story couldn't have ended in a cuter way. Definitely recommend this one and can't wait for more from Beth O'Leary.

*I voluntarily read an advance reader copy of this book*

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I went in thinking that it would just be a cute roommate story but I was so wrong. It was totally cute but it was also so much more than a simple romance book. It was such a great debut novel. It’s told in dual perspectives and while Leon’s chapters took come getting used to, I realized they were written to go along with his personality.
Tiffy was in desperate need of a place to stay after sharing an apartment with her ex boyfriend so she agrees to a Flatshare with Leon. They sleep on the same bed but never at the same time and they develop a friendship through post-it notes. I love how they learned about each based on clothing, books, food, and post-it notes. Eventually they both end up at the flat at the same time and get to meet.
The author did an amazing job a addressing abuse in this book. She highlighted the fact that abuse comes in different forms, not just physical. With out giving to much away she also wrote the book in a way that also shows that mental health is important. The friendships in this book were also so amazing. They encouraged her but also tried to give her space to come to terms of her past relationship on her own. And finally LEON! He is totally Book Boyfriend material. A man of few words but a total romantic. He is the good guy who got the girl. Once again, I loved that he gave her space to process her past relationship while still standing by her side.
Thanks to @netgalley and @flatironbooks for my review copy.

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Such a fun, unique read with more depth than I was expecting! I don’t usually read “romance” but this had more of a literature feel. I loved the characters and didn’t want it to end!

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The Flatshare was quirky, eccentric, and not at all what I expected. I adored this story. It was sweet, sometimes frustrating, and completely original. Tiffy and Leon share a flat, but not really, seeing as they are never in the flat at the same time. They communicate via post-it notes. Did you know that you could fall in love via sticky notes? I sure didn't, nor did Leon and Tiffy.

There is so much to love about this story. Leon is quiet and stoic, and he bears so much weight and responsibility on his shoulders, it's a wonder he doesn't collapse. Tiffy is trying to escape an abusive relationship she hasn't yet figured out is destroying her. These two people are such an unlikely pairing, but they start making more sense then they should. It's a delicious, belly-curling, slow burn masterpiece. The writing style is unique, and while at first, Leon's chapters felt stilted, you rapidly realize that it made sense for his character, and I loved him even more because of it. This story is so much more emotional than I was expecting. It is truly a character driven story. These people quickly become a part of you, and it makes an already lovely book that much sweeter.

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A huge shout out to my friends at @flatiron_books for gifting me this early copy!

Y’all know by now how much I am a sucker for a good romance. Like seriously, is there really a better genre out there??

Flatshare instantly sucked me in. I love when the synopsis of a book hints at a happy ending because it makes me want to read the book even faster.

As a nurse this book really spoke to me because lovedddd that Leon was a nurse! He was sympathetic and you could tell the majority of his life revolved around his career (ain’t that the truth of all nurses). I also really like the way that the author gave so much depth to this book outside of the romance, with the court hearing, jail, and a stalker, there was a bit of suspense throughout this book.

If you’re looking for romance filled with depth and a little suspense, this book is for you!!

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4.5 stars

As soon as I stumbled upon the synopsis for The Flatshare I knew I needed to read it ASAP. I’ve been on an uncharacteristically long thriller binge lately and was in need of a good light hearted romance novel. So obviously when Netgalley sent me an ARC I was over the moon and couldn’t wait to dig in!

The Flatshare follows book editor Tiffy who, after a particularly nasty breakup, is on the hunt for a new and affordable place to call home, when much to the chagrin of her BFF’s comes across an ad for a flatshare. The deal is that for a mere $350 a month she will have the flat from 6pm - 8am Monday through Friday and on weekends. The remaining times belong to Leon, who could use the extra cash that this arrangement will bring and never the two shall meet.

Quickly, Tiffy and Leon begin exchanging notes left in the apartment for the other to find. They start as pleasant exchanges about the flat but soon turn more intimate and the two form a friendship.

Okay that’s my requisite recap, now on to all of my gushing about how much I loved this book and complaining about how much didn’t want to put it down but had to because, you I absolutely adored Leon, he was not your typical male protagonist, for starters he was an ethnically ambiguous brown male, which we rarely get to see in novels like this, he was also quiet, gangly, awkward, charming, caring, sincere and sweet and I just could not get enough of his interactions with, heart worn on her sleeve, Tiffy who was quite the opposite with her mere presence filling up an entire room.

The only thing that held me back from giving The Flatshare the full five stars was that I felt the typical romantic “misunderstanding” wasn’t needed here. Tiffy and Leon had enough drama in their respective personal lives why with Tiffy’s crazy ex-boyfriend and Leon‘s wrongly imprisoned brother, that that usual trope was unnecessary, in my opinion. As we neared the end, I was confident that Beth O’Leary and I were in agreement and that that was one romance staple we could do without here but alas hijinx ensue and bam! short lived heartbreak *wamp wamp*.

That was my one and only complaint with this charming and butterflies-in-the-pit-of-your-stomach inducing rom-com. I highly recommend The Flatshare and I cannot wait for more from Beth O’Leary!

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I adored this cute rom-com about Tiffy and Leon. What a fun premise, sharing a flat and yet not being present at the same time. I found the communication by notes adorable and I loved how their relationship developed slowly. The story was full of romance, but also dealt with family and legal issues, as well as discussions about abuse. I will definitely be keeping my eye out for more books by Beth O'Leary! Thank you netgalley for this arc in exchange for my honest opinion.

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This book is a real slow burn. Tiffy and Leon don't even communicate via note for a chunk of the book, making me a little antsy in the process. But once they start leaving notes for each other the book picks up speed, though it's a very long time before they meet.

The chapters alternate between Tiffy & Leon's perspectives, and they are very introspective and give the reader a sense of understanding. Leon's voice is sparse and sometimes hard to follow, but even that helps paint a picture of his internal process and personality.

If you want a book where sparks fly fast and immediately you should look elsewhere.

If you tend to read more literature than romance, this will be your gateway to the genre.

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I started reading The Flatshare when I got on a redeye from Los Angeles to New Jersey. Didn't sleep at all because this book had my full attention! Tiffy's been living with her boyfriend and has an enjoyable, but low-paying job in the DIY book publishing industry. When she finds an ad that's for a flatshare/bed share, but the roommate will only be in the apartment during normal business hours due to Leo's job as an overnight nurse, she hesitatingly moves in. Tiffy's only ever met Leo's girlfriend, Kay, and part of the rental agreement is that she and Leo don't meet. Instead, they begin leaving each other notes about where belongings should go and what's available in the refrigerator. Short post its turn into longer ones and eventually the two do meet. From then on, lots of individual stories break off that end up intertwining both Tiffy and Leo. Thoughtfully written characters with camaraderie and real issues give The Flatshare a magic that's been missing in most of the novels I've read lately. Fans of Friends and Younger, don't hesitate -- grab this one ASAP!

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Cute, fluffy with super likable quirky characters. Tiffy and Leon share an apartment and a bed but have never met each other because one works a day job and the other works night shift. They start writing each other post it notes... It was interesting watching Tiffy come to terms with the emotional abuse of her past relationship. The dialogue is a little distracting at times switching between notes to play script to quotes. Reminded me a lot of Sophie Kinsella’s writing!

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The Flatshare was a rollicking good time. The characters were quirky and interesting and I loved the whole idea behind the story.

Tiffy Moore needs a place to live. She has recently left her on again off again boyfriend (hopefully for good this time) and has little money to rent a new place. She stumbles across an ad for someone looking to share his flat and his bed during the hours opposite his nighttime work schedule.

Leon Twomey needs money. Every penny he makes is being used to pay a shady lawyer who is supposed to be helping to overturn the sentence against his brother. Leon runs an ad looking for someone to share his flat and help pay the bills. With his weird overnight work schedule and staying at his girlfriend's house over the weekends, Leon thinks he has found the best solution to his problems.

Tiffy and Leon begin their roommate relationship by leaving sticky notes for each other. As more and more notes get left, Tiffy and Leon begin to wonder about what kind of person they are sharing space with. The anticipation builds for them and for the reader. I loved the whole "will they, won't they" You've Got Mail vibe this story had going on.

As time goes on, Leon and Tiffy run into opposition from current girlfriends, ex-boyfriends, lawyers not doing their job, and surprise shower time visits. Many opportunities arise for them to actually meet, but one or both often get cold feet.

This was a solid 5 stars for me and one of my favorite books so far this year. I can't wait to own it and give it a re-read.

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Actual stars...4.5
Oh man. To say I "read" this does not do the book justice. I devoured it!
In the beginning, the only character I really liked was Leon, but as the story unfolded....and more about Tiffy was shared, I found all the characters endearing.
They is discussion (and aftermath) of emotional abuse, so be warned if that is a difficult topic.

Otherwise, this is a great story about two unlikely people becoming friends. A beautiful and fun read.

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I love this book! It is written from two different points of view, which was very well done. And these two characters communicate mostly through sticky notes, which I thought was quite clever, and might even be considered a bit old fashioned, since we tend to use our phones for everything these days. A very enjoyable read-highly recommended!

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I lovvvved this cute story. The chapters alternating POV was a great way to slip into the main characters personalities. A slowburn romance enmeshed in women’s contemporary fiction. Low on steam but high on quirky humor.

Can’t wait for the next book from the author.

I received a complimentary e-ARC from the publisher via NetGalley. All comments/opinions are my own.

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This was so. freaking. cute! Slight spoilers on netgalley as cannot hide.

I'd heard lots of good things about this one and how awesome is the synopsis? I loved the first chapter but then it changes to Leon's chapter and I had to re-read it like 5 times. It's like I was speeding along and then got slogged down by mud. It was so jarring and it really pulled me out of the book. I immediately went on to goodreads on netgalley to see if other people had issues with it and if it was this way in the whole book. I saw lots of people talk about it but they were still highly rated (with a few low ratings) so I pushed through. His chapters did get easier to read but I still wasn't a big fan of them - until suddenly I was. I don't know if they got smoother or if I just got more settled into the story, but after about 45% ish, I couldn't put this down. So yeah. I understand *why* she wrote his chapters the way she did, it was just a bit jarring and it took me out of the book. I was never close to DNF-ing, but it did feel like it might bother me enough to detract a star.

So, clearly, if I am rating this 5 stars, *that's* how good this book is, that the good outweighs any annoyance I had about that. Also, it helps that I did get used to his chapters and they didn't bother me at all for the last half.

Okay, on to the actual book. I loved Tiffy. I loved Leon. I loved Tiffy's friends, I loved Richie, Holly and Mr Prior. I loved every character, even loved to hate Justin. What a piece of poop. I knew it would all work out but I was scared for Tiffy. I loved how everything happened, the plot, the conflict, the resolution. That epilogue! Oh my hearts. So much swoon. So much love. I hope hope hope Richie and Rachel get a book? Or even just Richie if that wasn't a hint. I totally called Gertie and Mo, so my radar is on pars with Rachel's. Wink.

I have read books before that start off where the characters don't actually meet face to face for quite some time and sometimes they drag and you want it to hurry up. Not the case in this one. I loved meeting them separately and then reading their notes and then their meeting! OMG! I laughed. I covered my face. So many feelings.

Ok, what else. Everything about this book is freaking delightful. defreakinglightful. I just... love. So much freaking love. I need more from this author.

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A charming contemporary fiction piece that combines romance, comedy and drama. Both protagonists are extremely likable from their first appearances combined with an original meetcute, The Flatshare is a surprisingly interesting and fresh romantic dramedy!

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This story was lighthearted and sweet, and has just enough drama to keep things interesting but not depressing. The characters were well-developed and likable, and the chemistry they built before even meeting each other was really great. I really appreciated that both of the main characters had extremely unique voices and narrative styles, which isn't always the case with dual perspectives.

I'll definitely recommend this book to friends who are looking for a feel-good summer read! Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC!

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***ARC received for an honest review***

I went into this read with super low expectations and was pleasantly surprised.

Tiffy, sliding out of a relationship, suddenly needs a place to stay. Leon, who works nights, has come up with the weird plan to rent out his single bedroom flat for the hours he’s not there. They communicate through adorable little notes that give you a peek into their personalities and let you watch them start to like one another.

Tiffy and Leon each have a supporting cast that’s fully involved as they metamorphosize from weird flat mates to more. Recalcitrant Leon is a nurse. Compassionate and beloved - he’s not the chattiest of fellas. His notes take some getting used to bc he doesn’t use pronouns. But they sum up Leon for you.

And Tiffy...Tiffy. Seems ridiculous. And that name. But there’s this surprisingly intense issue that arises in the book related to her. I kept thinking I’d get frustrated by the way she handled it. I kept waiting for her to do something unrealistic. But I ended up really liking this unexpected depth.

And I think unexpected depth is the phrase for this sweet little book. It neatly floated just between fluffy and intense in a happy middle ground that felt like Baby Bear’s porridge.

Y’all know I’m like a crunchy taco. Hard on the outside but oh so soft and cheesy and gooey in the middle. I will perpetually enjoy an intelligent light read - and this had wit and supportive friends and a heroine who saved herself and therapy and emotional triggers and realizations about deep-seeded fears and gaslighting all with an underlying light that shone from Tiffy herself.

I’ve been busy and intense lately. This was the perfect happy not sappy read for a weekend of work-traveling.

<a href=""><img src=""width="400"></a>

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