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The Flatshare

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*I received this e-arc from Netgalley and Flatiron Books in exchange for a free review. All opinions are my own.*

Oh! This book! What a pleasant surprise this was. I went into it excited about the plot of two people sharing a flat but never meeting, but fell completely in love with Beth O’Leary’s writing style and her characters. I LOVED Tiffy & Leon. Their interactions with the world and each other put the biggest smile on my face. Their romance was well-paced and filled me with butterflies.

As in all good stories, each characters was battling difficult issues that they needed to overcome, but it never felt overdone or drawn out. Each issue resolved itself in a realistic and tangible way, and I loved watching their journeys.

I am now a forever fan of Beth O’Leary’s work and I can’t wait to see what she comes up with next. THE FLATSHARE is witty, charming, and full of unforgettable characters that will make you remember how fun it is to fall in love.

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tiffy and leon agreeing to share a bed AT DIFFERENT TIMES sounded so fascinating to me.

not gonna lie, the beginning was a little too slow for me but after a while i could not put it down!

the way the main characters (tiffy & leon) became friends was so cute and fresh. the fact they they shared a bed but went months before meeting was so odd but yet so interesting????

this book covered so much it was a little intense sometimes... i honestly loved their backstories so much, it really added to the intensity of everyone's friendships/relationships. tiffy and leon both went through so much but i am in awe with how they each dealt with everything. i loved all the supporting characters and how they were always there for each other.

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Tiffy is just getting out of a bad relationship and desperately needs an affordable place to stay. Enter Leon and his advertisement for a flatmate. However, Tiffy and Leon won’t just be sharing a flat, they’ll be sharing a bed - but not in the way you think (or not yet anyway). Leon works nights and weekends so he is only in the flat during the day and Tiffy works a normal day job so she is only in the flat at night and on the weekends. They build a friendship through post it notes that slowly morphs into something more.

When I first started reading this book, I was expecting your typical romcom. Quirky heroine - check. Outlandish meet cute- check. Funny best friend/side kick - check. However this book is anything but typical. While it does have the afore mentioned characterize (I mean they’re tropes for a reason, right?) here they feel fresh and new. I really enjoyed the progression of Tiffy and Leon’s relationship and couldn’t wait for them to actually meet. I appreciate the slow build and that it wasn’t just “insta love.”

While this book definitely made me laugh out loud at parts, it also covers serious topics like emotional abuse and having an incarcerated loved one. Beth O’Leary does a great job of covering these topics in an honest and empathetic way that also manages to avoid being too heavy.

This book will make a great summer beach read.

Thank you to Netgalley and to Flatiron Books for giving me an advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Ahhhh. I loved this sweet, unconventional rom-com from an amazing debut author! THE FLATSHARE is an endearing novel about two unique characters, Leon and Tiffy, who have a unique flat-sharing agreement. Leon, a palliative care nurse who works nights and stays with his girlfriend on the weekend, needs extra cash. Tiffy, a publishing editor who works on DIY photo books, just broke up with her boyfriend and needs a place to live in London on the cheap. The solution? Tiffy gets the apartment during nights and weekends, and Leon gets the apartment while Tiffy is at work from 9–5.

The two arrange the agreement so that they will never meet, but they begin leaving Post-It notes about regular “roommate” things - When’s our garbage day? What’s with all of Tiffy’s weird kitschy throw pillows? Here, have these extra oat bars! Then, the notes evolve into slightly more personal topics, and the two get to know each other via Post-Its, inside jokes, and shared food.

The chapters are told in alternating perspective, so that you as a reader get to know both Tiffy and Leon intimately, loving them for their weird quirks. At first, Leon totally put me off - his chapters are written in clipped, almost terse sentences and chat-like dialogue, with few personal pronouns. Tiffy also seemed a little too “quirky” at first, like a manic pixie dream girl. But you soon get accustomed to their personalities and realize that they are both imperfect characters. They’re not idealized hotties who everyone would swoon over - they’re unique individuals who just happen to be perfect for each other, despite (or maybe because of!) their weirdness. In that way, the novel reminded me of When Harry Met Sally - both Harry and Sally are peculiar people with strange ways of doing things, but they’re perfect matches for each other. Leon has trouble expressing his emotions, but he is a thoughtful, caring character who cares deeply for a few loved ones, including some of his patients at the palliative care center. Tiffy is a scatterbrained goofball, who depends on her friends for her whole life, loves wearing outlandish, colorful outfits, and loves with all of her big heart.

THE FLATSHARE has all of the most swoon-worthy romcom tropes:

- a VERY CUTE meet-cute

- rumination over the phrase “it’s a date”

- a totally low-stakes near-death experience that brings the two closer together

- pining and surreptitious glances noticing each other’s attractiveness.

I love that O’Leary also doesn’t shy away from addressing more serious topics. Leon’s brother is in prison, falsely accused of a crime he doesn’t commit, but one with many shades of complexity and doubt around his innocence. Two characters in the novel struggle with toxic relationships, written not as a caricature of an abusive relationship but as a very realistic depiction of how a partner can subtly manipulate, gaslight, coerce, and stalk another.

Very excited to see O’Leary’s future works, given such a promising debut!

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Oh, man! I've been looking forward to this book for about a year. This story follows Tiffy and Leon (in alternating perspectives) as they try to save some money by entering into a flatshare. Tiffy gets the flat on weekdays after 6pm and on weekends, Leon gets the apartment weekdays 9-5pm. From the get go you know you're in for a good time. I absolutely LOVED Tiffy's character- quirky but capable. One thing that did bother me about Leon's perspective (so much so I almost DNF'd) was the lack of personal pronouns and full sentences. For example (am going to the store.) This bothered me SO MUCH but once he and Tiffy get to writing notes and I learned more about him as a character I kind of got over it. But seriously. This was a real hurdle for me.

Things that worked: Tiffy & Leon's friendship, notes and other communications; the slow burn, the emphasis on mental health and Tiffy's last relationship- in particular the fallout over it as she began to heal (really really loved this).

Things that didn't work: Leon's perspective, while openly acknowledged in the book at one point, was almost too difficult to read and get past for me.

Read this book if: You want a slowburn roomates (one of my fave tropes) romance that is well written with lovable characters. Don't read if you can't handle a little ooey gooey romcom.

Trigger warnings: *emotional abuse

I received an advanced copy of this book via NetGalley. This did not impact my review.

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Cute, but predictable romantic comedy. The Flatshare concept did give it a sexy little nudge, but overall you know what you are going to get-- a feel-good, boy-meets-girl love story. Reminiscent of Bridget Jones, particularly with Tiffy's friends and occupation.

While I liked the contrasting voices between Tiffy and Leon, I did find Leon's voice a little jarring. The short, crisp sentences didn't flow nicely and I found his sections choppy, especially in contrast to Tiffy's chapters.

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To start I must really commend Beth O'Leary because The Flatshare is one heck of a debut. It was tremendously well written, Beth's style of writing was a bit unorthodox (I don't know about other people but I'm speaking for me), it worked extremely well, the flow and connection, everything was marvellous. 

I find this piece of literature to be wonderfully eccentric and very original, never have I ever read a story with the distinctive elements that give this book it's own ground and sets it apart from the other books in this category. For example, I mean look out how our main characters meet. It never occurred to me, to think situations like this exist, but obviously, it just has to cause people are really crazy. Tiffy needs a place to stay but doesn't have enough cash to afford a good place. Comes in Leon, he is in need of extra cash, and he has a one bedroom flat he's almost always never in, so why can't he rent it out, share his flat with someone else, this person will sleep in his bed, and share everything else in the flat. 

Tiffy Moore is a character anyone would love. I love her so much, I wish I had a best friend such as she. For one I love Tiffy's job and we have many similarities, I work in publishing, also underpaid and somehow I've been made a junior/assistant editor, which also has me gushing about the edit job this book has gotten, it's amazing! I'm a beginner editor, but I spotted a lot of things I recently learnt in an editorial workshop, so big kudos to the editors of this work also, you guys are amazing! Anyways because of this, I was able to understand the inner workings of a publishing firm, and how important Tiffy's job is.

Tiffy has the best set of friends, there are Gerty and Mo, Rachel and the author who Tiffy manages Katherine, who is a bit too much, but everything comes from a place of love, even though misguided. I loved the friendship dynamic, the way it was showcased, really hit home on the fact that your real friends, will always have your back and not deal with your crap.

Tiffy is in a bad place, in this book and I loved how her friends helped her deal, they didn't coddle her, because they wanted her to get better and also face reality. Which was also marvellously shown in this book, the trajectory of her healing and facing things head on. Tiffy is a confident woman, who is vibrant and pure. I loved how she embraced herself and her body like she has motivated me also. She's on the big side, and I'm guessing she's about UK size 12-14 or even more? I'm a small 12, and I get body shamed all the time about how I look and many times than not it gets to me, yet even though Tiffy gets body shamed, she still loves her body and is confident in her skin and who she is. I want to be like Tiffy all the time.

I felt heartbroken as the story progressed and I watched Tiffy break apart because of a terrible relationship, that had done more harm than good, also how easy it was to revert back to old habits, when they were never good for you in the first place, but because you're the victim, you're blind to it. I loved how the abuse in this story was dealt with, and I'm glad it made Tiffy stronger in the end.

Now let me talk about Leon. Wow, I am in love with Leon Towney. He is the sweetest guy, I just love love love. He's more than a book boyfriend, he's my book husband. He's a nurse, who works in the terminally ill side of the hospital, I totally forgot the name, and he's very closed off because he is very picky about the people he let into his life. But really he is a very sweet, caring and wonderful guy, that any girl would be crazy to let slip away, but in this case, I'm happy because he and Tiffy got together, if there's anyone who should have him, it's Tiffy.

Leon is quiet and very collected, but there is this silent confidence and sexy power to him, it's just amazing to read, he also has an amazing relationship with the people he let into his life, and the love between him and his brother is just amazing. I loved it so much, God I so would love a Rachel and Richie story!

Leon handles a lot and it's amazing how he doesn't crack under the pressure, yes he has he moments of being down, but he always powers himself back up, being that shoulder for everyone, I loved how he remained a gem, all through the story. 

I must also add, that the main characters and important side characters of this story understand what it means to communicate. They easily own up to their errors and it was very refreshing to read.

Tiffy and Leon are very different people, and it shows so well, in the way each of their chapters has been written, which makes the characters even more endearing to me. I loved how their story ended, it was just too perfect and sweet, and it left me feeling happy and satisfied like a warm loving hug had embraced me.

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Can you fall for someone you have never met? Beth O’Leary has me thinking that you can! The Flatshare centers are two roommates who share a flat due to their completely opposite schedules. They were never supposed to meet, but love tends to find a way...even through Post-It notes!

Leon is a quiet, shy guy who works the night shift at a hospital. His brother is incarcerated and legal bills for his appeal are adding up fast. He comes up with the idea to rent his flat out to a stranger. They would never be there at the same time, so it is easy income. Little did he know he would get more than a roommate; he got Tiffy.

Tiffy is a six foot tall redhead with a colorful, carefree personality. She is quirky and has a crazy ex. It starts off as a simple note about sharing baked goods, and turns into so much more.

I really adored this story and the format of the writing. The novel is written in alternating perspectives that make it an engaging read. Leon and Tiffy are relatable and I laughed and cried more than once while reading!

​This is book will be available May 28th and I very much recommend it.

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Despite having picked up this book several times, I found it too artificially cute and really strained my credulity. So, many readers may enjoy Tiffies housing issues, I simply could not get involved.

Finding someone to share a flat with, at the right time, with the right hours? A bit too much of a fantasy for me.

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I was so excited for this book that once it hit my Kindle I dropped what I was already reading and got started. Two days later and I can say I absolutely loved this book. It was perfect. A little lighthearted, a little serious. I loved both Tiffy and Leon. I kept turning the pages and stayed up way to late just to finish this one. Highly recommend.

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Oh hello, I've already read this book twice! I love the premise (a nightshift guy and a dayshift woman share an apartment but haven't met; they get to know each other via post-it notes) and it's such a fast read. The main characters are quirky but not annoying, there's a delightful friend group, they have interesting jobs (I love stories that incorporate work; we all spend so much time working, how can you not talk about it), and everyone muddles through their personal and professional problems with a lot of humor. A unique love story that makes you root for both characters from start to finish.

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I really enjoyed this book. It had a serious and light side to it. I didn't want the story to end. I really liked the Leon and Tiffy along with their friends. I think well-written side characters enhance the story even more.

Read this if you're looking for chick lit with some seriousness.

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I have just a word to describe this novel:CUTE.

It was just so cute and everything I wanted and needed omg I cannot stop thinking about it.

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I loved this book! I loved Tiffy (I’m a fellow Tiffany and haven’t been called Tiffy in ages but now I want to be called that) and how interesting and fun she was! She was going through a breakup and got into a flat share with a man named Leon. They shared a bed at different times and somehow this worked for them! Such an interesting story! I could definitely imagine this story happening in real life which made it all the more fun to read! It was pretty amazing from the start and I was just so interested to read about how these two people who live together and don’t know each other would come together (if they even would).

Definitely worth a read for anyone who loves chick lit!

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The Flatshare was an absolute delight and would make such a fantastic movie! I loved the premise of this book! It was so adorably quirky and charming and whimsical while still feeling honest and natural and thoughtful. Everything I need in a romantic comedy :)

Tiffy's boyfriend has left her for another woman, and now, down on her luck with no money to speak of, she needs a cheap place to live.
Due to some unfortunate circumstances in his life, Leon is a little strapped for cash, so he decides to put out an ad for a flatshare. He works as a hospice nurse at night and sleeps during the day, so, who's to say someone can't pay super cheap rent to sleep at his place at night while he's at work? Seems like a pretty clever way to make a quick buck. Tiffy jumps on the opportunity, is vetted by Leon's girlfriend, and quickly moves into Leon's one bedroom flat. They're living together and sharing a bed, but they've never met.

I mean, come on. If that isn't just a charming rom com waiting to happen!

This book could have definitely erred on the fluffy and cheesy side, but it turned out to be so well-developed, layered, and cleverly written. I was completely invested in their lives, their friends, their families, and their tangled web of shared bedsheets. This book is utter candy.

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The Flatshare is a super cute and fun debut and I really enjoyed it!

I thought the odd flatshare arrangement was really unique. Since Tiffy and Leon work different shifts and Leon is always away on the weekends, their paths never need to cross – and Leon’s jealous girlfriend will make sure of it. However, they still need to communicate to each other sometimes and they start leaving each other notes. As time goes on, the notes go more from business to personal. I really enjoyed the notes and how their relationship develops. It’s several months before they do actually meet in person (in spectacularly awkward fashion) and I loved how it developed further from there, as well. Their banter was funny and quirky and I completely shipped them.

I really thought all the characters were well done. I loved Tiffy’s group of friends and the different perspectives they brought to the story. I also liked Leon’s brother who managed to still be a point of lightness in the story, even though he was going through some awful stuff. I even thought Justin, Tiffy’s abusive ex-boyfriend, was well done – though obviously I hated him. While they were sometimes a little over-the-top, all the characters came off as real and relatable and I enjoyed reading about them, even when it didn’t feel like a lot was going on at times.

The story isn’t all fun and romance, though. There are a couple of really heavy topics woven throughout the book. Leon’s brother, Richie, is in jail for a crime he claims he didn’t commit and Leon has been working tirelessly to get him an appeal. Tiffy is dealing with trying to break free of her psychologically and emotionally abuse ex-boyfriend who keeps popping back up. It seems I’ve read a lot of books lately with this particular plot line and while I’m happy that such a prevalent and important topic is being addressed more often, it is really hard for me to read. It’s hard to not get frustrated with the person being abused because it’s so obvious what has been happening and it’s hard to understand how that person doesn’t see it. I did really appreciate Tiffy’s journey, though.

There were a couple things I didn’t love, though. The chapters from Leon’s point of view had kind of a weird narrative and structure. Leon is a really quiet guy and doesn’t use any more words than absolutely necessary. Dialogue was also presented more like a script than with “he said/she said” format. It took a long time to get used to how his chapters were written. It was a little off-putting at first, but eventually I kind of stopped noticing it. Also, while it never got super graphic, there was more focus on sex than I prefer in my books. And though it doesn’t take up much of the story at all, there are a few mentions of American politics that I didn’t love. I read fiction to get away from all the craziness of real life. And doesn’t Europe have enough of their own problems to talk about instead of bringing the US into it?

Overall, I really enjoyed The Flatshare. I loved the characters and the humor and the romance. Even though there were some heavy topics, I really enjoyed almost every moment of the book. I thought it was a very impressive debut and it’s a book I know I will read again.

Overall Rating (out of 5): 4 Stars

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Beth O'Leary has created an excellent novel in which two characters begin their relationship without even meeting one another. Tiffy and Leon both had strong personalities that showed through in both their narrations and in the notes they left one another. O'Leary also kept the story from being all fluff by having Tiffy experience a series of traumas related to her ex-boyfriend. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and can't wait to recommend it to others.

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ALRIGHT, this book was really so fantastic in all aspects! We meet Tiffy and Leon who will be sharing a flat (and a bed), both coming in and out at different times, never actually meeting each other in terms of their initial contract. Of course, with this being a beautiful romance novel, they're bound to meet eventually, and they meet in QUITE LITERALLY the best way I would've imagined them to.

Throughout the flat, they talk through post-it notes and I thought that was SO fun because it started as a little accidental labeling, but it turned into full force conversations. If Beth O'Leary would ever want to do this (considering the book isn't out yet), I'd love to get a little book with all of their post-it notes in it, in order, just marking how their relationship develops.

I continued to love this book because I felt invested in the side characters along with the main two. I think their stories, although not entirely developed because it's not about them, but their influence on both Tiffy and Leon is huge. With Richie's development, the character growth is SO incredibly done, and the influence that Richie's story has on both Leon and Tiffy is clearly present.

Now there's a definite trigger warning for emotional abuse, and an incredibly unhealthy relationship. Despite it being a trigger, I definitely think it was handled SO well, and through the character we can see just how they grows even more so.

This entire novel just presents so much growth individually and within a relationship, and it's really so beautiful to see how it develops. The concept of the entire novel is so creative, and of course, anytime someone "signs" a contract, it's going to be broken. I cannot wait to read the finished copy and see all parts fleshed out!

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I received an advanced digital copy of this book from and the publisher Flatiron Books. Thanks to both for the opportunity to read and review.

The Flatshare by Beth O'Leary is, in a word, brilliant. It is laugh out loud funny and deeply emotional and touching at the same time. The characters are all too human and real. I wanted to be friends with all of these people, especially Gerty. (You'll have to read it to find out for yourself.) There are some incredibly real and emotional themes in the storyline, but nothing is given the "22 minute dramedy" treatment. Every aspect is thought through and well written.

The buzz around this book is well deserved. It should be one of The Books to Read of 2019.
5 out of 5 stars. Highly recommended. Add this book to your TBR list now!

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I loved this British romantic comedy. It was the perfect escape on a cold winter weekend.
Tiffany and Leon are both having some financial and romantic troubles.
So, in order to pinch some pounds (save $), they agree to share a one bedroom flat.
Leon works nights and Tiffany works days so they are able to share the flat and a bed without ever seeing each other. They have actually never even MET each other.
They get to know each other via post it notes left around the flat.
There is a delightful cast of family, friends and ex-lovers (some not so delightful).
There are some poignant moments including recovery from an abusive relationship.
It is laugh out loud funny.
And, yes, there is a happy ending.
This is Beth O'Leary's debut novel. Here's to hoping that we will see plenty more from her, including a return of these brilliant characters!

Will be discussed on both Episode 70 and 71 of Book Cougars podcast. (

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