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Out of the Dark

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Evan Smoak is my favorite character. The books are well written and full of action and suspense. The things that Smoak had to go through just makes me like him even more. Smoak takes what he has learned and helps other people in need. Yes, he is like the A-team.

But now people are after Smoak because of what he knows. It this could be turned into a movie my heart would stop beating. Hurwitz was clearly born to write because Smoak is a well-developed character. And thanks to Netgalley I was able to devour the whole series. I want some more lol.

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Evan Smoak is a master of organized chaos. He understands the power of intelligence and misdirection. This fourth Orphan X novel features all the usual tactics and an All-Star lineup of characters from the first three books. He's gonna need them as he takes on his most dangerous mission yet.

The Orphan program broke up several years ago, but knowledge of the actions and the people who took part could bring down the most powerful man in the world. The President. And Orphan X believes that only by taking out the head will you kill the beast. But the President is on the offensive also. He frees Evan's old nemesis Orphan A and gives him free rein to take out any and all remaining Orphans. Evan must not only protect Orphans that he has helped in the past, but team up with one who he has hurt. And in the midst of it all, the RoamZone rings with a young man calling for help.

Hurwitz excels in writing details of weaponry, excellent backstory, and seamlessly-integrated plots that blend into actual historic timelines. But what makes this Orphan X story is a vastly different development into Evan's character. After being taught the Orphan rules by his mentor Jack, and learning that trust only brings more responsibility, he is now able to let more people into his life. Some he has to and others who readers thought he'd never speak to again.

This is another compelling addition to the Orphan X saga. The first half of the book sets up the mission with surveillance and recon, and the second half flies with constant action. Hurwitz does dole out a little background for those who may not have read the first books, but I think it's imperative that readers start with Orphan X to really understand Evan's character.

4.5 out of 5 stars

Releases on Jan 29th

Thank you to NetGalley, Minotaur Books, and Gregg Hurwitz for an advanced copy for review.

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He’s your last, best hope, but who can Evan Smoak turn to when he is out of options and his life is on the line? Orphan X is back and he is even more larger than life, more seemingly invincible, yet even more vulnerable and “human.” And. He. Is. A. Target.

OUT OF THE DARK is Gregg Hurwitz’s latest razor-sharp tale of Evan Smoak, a product of a life of being trained to kill, no questions asked, but somewhere along the line, Orphan X began to ask questions, and he became a threat to be eliminated. Until then, he is the last resort for those in need, he has found his moral compass and he is looking to pay it forward to those responsible for what he became. Vengeance will be his…

Non-stop action, explosive tension and through it all, Evan still finds time for hope and love, if only he could get free of the clutches of his past, but it doesn’t’ stop him from seeing to another orphan’s future freedom…

Evan is an over-achiever, the best of the best, but can he stay one step ahead of his fellow orphans gunning for him? High energy action, moments of sweet connections and gut-deep revelations make this addition to the Orphan X series another powerful, and magnetic read!

In a world of anti-heroes, Orphan X has set the bar for greatness and Gregg Hurwitz has created a fine line for Evan to balance between good and evil, justice and justifiable as he becomes something between a saint with tarnished wings and a sinner with a crooked halo.

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Evan Smoak really has his hands full this time. The President is hell-bent on destroying all of the original people connected with the Orphan program, and right now Orphan X is at the top of the list. They’ve tried before but he was too good at what he does to be their victim. What’s next? How will the assassins sent by the President try to fulfill his kill order?

But the President is not the only worry Orphan X has on his plate right now. There is the woman downstairs, the young man who is depending on Evan to protect his remaining family, and the contact from another Orphan who tried to kill him in the past but now claims to be there to help him.

I know it’s an old cliché but I really didn’t want to put this book down after the action began. This is the fourth book in the series and it is important to read the previous three books to fully understand how Evan and other characters have interacted in previous adventures. Orphan X is also known as The Nowhere Man because of his crusade to help people who have nowhere else to turn, all the while remaining human and showing his compassion for justice. This is the best Orphan X so far, a terrific plot with lots of action and an unexpected ending.

Thank you, NetGalley, for offering me a free advance copy of this novel for my honest review.

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Four and a half stars. The fourth book in the Orphan X series once again kept me up late and wanting to read more. I was a bit surprised by the ending as I know there is supposed to be 5 in the series and while I want to know what Evan Smoak is going to do next, I feel like there was a lack of a cliff hanger. Perhaps this is good for the person picking up this book as a stand alone, which it could be, however, without reading the first 3 prior, one doesn't have quite the appreciation for all the Evan has done and some of the character growth in this one. Hellbent had me not wanting to wait a year for the next one because of the suspense and this one left a few things open, but not to the point of dying to know what will happen in the last book. Otherwise, this book was fast-paced and suspenseful throughout and I loved the detail and research that must have gone into the extent of the President's protection detail.

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Someone wants to eliminate all traces of the Orphan Program, a highly secretive, off the books program that trained young people to be assassins. Evan Smoak/The Nowhere Man/Orphan X, has left the program and now helps people who have no other place to turn. With no choice but to fight back Evan goes after the man who started the program, the current President. Another Orphan has been unleashed to go after Evan, making his mission harder than it already is.

This is a great series. Every book is filled with fast paced action and suspense. It is a good series so I recommend all of them, but this one could be read as a stand alone. I look forward to more books in the series. Thank you to net galley for an advanced readers copy.

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Evan Smoak is a deadly weapon, a former member of the Orphan program, he just wants to live a "normal" life in the shadows, quiet and unseen by any remnants from his past. But they just won't let it go. Someone at the summit of power is out to eliminate him and called in another ex-Orphan to find Evan. This time Evan has met his match and needs help from that very same violent past to flush out the enemy and survive. Once again, Gregg Hurwitz weaves a fast paced and thrilling tale of mayhem with a main character that while flawed in his violence seeks redemption through his good acts and craves a life of normality like those around him. Out of the Dark is a well written, 4th volume addtion to the series.

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Out Of The Dark is the fourth installment of the riveting Orphan X series. The first three in the series are highly recommended. In fact, as I started Out Of The Dark I wondered if the previous three could be topped. I was not disappointed! Out Of The Dark is thrilling and thought provoking and I will proclaim it as one of the best books released in 2019. Evan Smoak (Orphan X) is a great character that has quickly become one of my favorites in the thriller genre. I hope to read many more books in this series and by Gregg Hurwitz in the future. I'd like to thank the publisher and netgalley for an advanced copy for an honest review.

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The Nowhere Man, aka Orphan X, is an ex military asset that is now being hunted to be exterminated. But he has other ideas. I’ve never been a fan of spy novels, however, I’m so glad I gave the initial book in this series a try. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the action packed and heartfelt novels. This latest in the series does not disappoint! As always, I look forward to the next installment of the Nowhere Man.

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Fans of this brilliant series will know Orphan X's background and how he became The Nowhere Man, helping those at the end of their tether and desperate, with nowhere else to turn. At its highest levels, the government has been eliminating the Orphans, and Evan Smoak's mentor and father figure has been killed. Evan is not taking this lying down, and makes the decision to go after the originator of the original Orphan programme. There is just one slight fly in the ointment, he just happens to be the most highly protected man in the nation, he is the President of the United States. President Bennett is aware that Evan is zeroing in on him, and activates and unleashes the most powerful and dangerous of orphans, Orphan A. Evan Smoak is inundated on many fronts, and yet despite all this, he cannot ignore a vital mission as The Nowhere Man. This is high octane, fast paced and thrilling read. Highly entertaining and gripping! Many thanks to St Martin's Press for an ARC.

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The latest segment of the Orphan X saga is always eagerly awaited to see if Hurwitz can top himself. With this installment, he's in fine form with another winner.

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The Nowhere Man is back! Evan Smoak, Orphan X has chosen a new case, to assassinate the president. What a ride! Gregg Hurwitz has done it again, edge of your seat adventure, some new characters are introduced and old characters come back to help. Action packed from beginning to end. I have told several people about this series, absolutely love it and can't wait to see where The Nowhere Man/Orphan X will go next.

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I received a free copy of OUT OF THE DARK (Book 4 of the Orphan X Series) by Gregg Hurwitz through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Evan Smoak is a disenfranchised government assassin (Orphan X) turned private vigilante (The Nowhere Man). In the last installment, Evan finally found the people hunting him. The problem was that those people were working for someone else, so Evan needs to stop the someone else. The problem with THAT is the someone else turned out to be the President of the United States. Killing the POTUS is going to be a little tricky. To complicate matters, Evan is having to deal with a few simultaneous issues; Orphan A is now actively trying to murder Orphan X, and The Nowhere Man receives a desperate plea for aid from someone in urgent need. Evan is also having difficulty compartmentalizing his emotions in regard to both his personal and professional connections.

I have really enjoyed this series and was excited to see this available for review. Mr. Hurwitz did not disappoint. OUT OF THE DARK was a great addition to the Orphan X series. However, it did leave me wondering whether there would be additional tales; it could go either way.

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I was not sure about this book as I gad not read the first three in the series. It didn't matter, I was hooked from the beginning. Evan is Orphan X, one of many children raised by the government to be the perfect weapon. Only Evan broke off and spent his time helping those who really needed his special skills. But the government who trained him now wants him dead, to be sure he can never reveal the truth of where he got his training. This is a relentless story start to finush, in the Jason Bourne mode, heart stopping tension!

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I look forward to the next book in this series each January, so I was beyond excited to receive an e-ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

This latest chapter of Ethan Smoak’s adventures did. It disappoint. It had all the action, all the excitement and all the relationships, I’ve come to expect in these books. The adrenaline kicks off right from the start and really hooks you, making you want to know “what’s next”.

The main story focuses on Ethan’s efforts to get to the President/understand why he’s being targeted and the secondary story focuses on the latest Nowhere Man case, which is very compelling. The C story moves Mia ana Ethan’s relationship a tiny bit forward and a large step back.

This one feels like a closure to many plot points but leaves enough open and interesting that I hope to get to enjoy more of Ethan’s adventures in 2020!

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4.5 stars

Out of the Dark is the fourth book in the Orphan X series and my favorite since the first in the series. I loved the first book and its balance between the Orphan Program aspects of the story and Evan’s constant urge to atone for his past. Out of the Dark achieves the same balance, and both of his cases in this book are highly entertaining and race along to the fabulous and highly satisfying ending. I particularly enjoyed learning about the multitude of ways the U.S. president is protected, from the outfitting of his limousine to the way his food is chosen, and the thousands of people who work daily to ensure that the person who holds that job is safe. Out of the Dark is a fun, highly-entertaining read, and I look forward to more Evan Smoak adventures.

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I believe I stumbled upon this series through some link to Lee Child and his series. I'm so grateful too! Awesome series.

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Great continuation to this series. I love the concept and found myself wrapped up in this book with a hard time giving it up when the time came.

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I received a free ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an unbiased review.

Out of the Dark is the fourth novel in Gregg Hurwitz's Orphan X series. It is crucial for readers to have read the other books in this series for this novel to make any sense.

Over the course of the series, readers have seen trained assassin Evan Smoak gradually gain compassion and humanity. He fights the good fight for helpless people but he does so using deadly and illegal means. His unique skill set and years of training provide him a laser focus against his enemies. His biggest enemy to date is the current president of the United States who was the instigator of the original Orphan program. That program involved recruiting young orphans and training them to be killers in the service of the government. Now the president wants all the orphans, especially X, dead.

Hurwitz balances the plot line of Smoak v. president with a plot of a young man, Trevon, whose entire family is murdered by a drug lord. Trevon's sister is still in danger. Only the Nowhere Man, Evan, can solve Trevon's dilemma. These plot lines show Evan's deadly determination as well as his humanity. Adding to Evan's emotional chaos is his burgeoning relationship with Mia, his neighbor, as well as his young ward from book 3.

I've really enjoyed this series.
#NetGalley #OutoftheDark #OrphanX

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The fourth instalment of the famed Orphan X. He's back with brand new intrigue and edge of your seat thrill. I felt it wasn't as strong as the previous three books, but still good. This will sell again well. Greggg Hurwitz still has it!

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