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Saving Meghan

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What a read! Was Meghan REALLY physically ill or had one of her parents planted ideas in the 15 year old's mind?

Subconsciously or not, Meghan shows signs of possible "mito" illness per Dr. Zach Fischer. However, Meghan has had ill episodes that especially peak when her parents visit her.This, after Meghan was placed in care at White Hospital.

Talk about twists and turns! First, you are led to truly believe one character - then you are led to believe
a conflicting personality.

Superb character development (even if you were not happy with some of the characters). Also, a unique plot that keeps you wondering about many events right up until the end!!!

Hats off to D.J. Palmer for a brilliant story - could quite well be the best thriller/suspense story of the year!

Many thanks to St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for a wonderful read!!!

(6 stars)

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Fifteen-year-old Meghan has been in and out of hospitals with a plague of unexplained illnesses. But when the ailments take a sharp turn, clashing medical opinions begin to raise questions about the puzzling nature of Meghan’s illness. Doctors suspect Munchausen syndrome by proxy, a rare behavioral disorder where the primary caretaker seeks medical help for made-up symptoms of a child. Her mother, Becky, is Meghan’s biggest advocate and is trusting her gut. Is everything she puts Meghan through for her health or because Becky is obsessed with finding an answer for the mysterious symptoms?

This is a well written book with lots of twists and turns. I was drawn into this story and read it in one day. I definitely recommend it.

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Finished Saving Meghan this week. It is about a 15 year old girl who has been in and out of hospitals for a few years without a diagnosis of what is wrong. Doctors begin to suspect Münchausen syndrome by proxy, and believe that her mother is harming her. You are reading the story from the perspective of Meghan, her mother and her doctor.

I enjoyed this book and it reminded me of My Sister’s Keeper and Everything, Everything. I’d give it a 4/5.

Thank you to @netgalley for the advanced copy in exchange for an honest review. Saving Meghan hits the shelves on April 9th, 2019. #netgalley #bookreview #savingmeghan

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When Becky Gerard gets an emergency call about her daughter Meghan, she's willing to trespass all rules and regulations on board an airplane ready for take-off to California. It's the start of an emotional hurricane packed with unexpected twists and actors in Saving Meghan. 

Does Becky suffer from Münchausen by proxy? Meghan, the fifteen-year-old daughter for whom no conclusive diagnosis can be found, ends up with a promising doctor Zach may be faking her illness. Instead of a physical cause at the mitochondrial level, her symptoms may come from a psychological disorder as well. Carl, Becky's husband for over twenty years, and widower of already one lost child is fighting in its own way to save the girl. The novel shows great insight into psychological patterns, credible hospital processes, legal procedures over child abuse, and many ways to fool the system. There's a delicate balance between love and hate, faithfulness and betrayal, marriage and divorce, past and present. The narrative alternates between the main characters. The plot is set in the modern age of Facebook support groups, Facetime conversations, media coverage, and layman's medical knowledge grabbed from internet searches versus more educated guesses by medical staff.

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I received a free copy from NetGalley. A sick kid, a mother who would do anything for her daughter, maybe? Or maybe it is mom who is making her sick. So may twists and turns and no real likable character since at some point in the story all them are made out to be the bad guy by someone else. It keeps you guessing until the end.

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Saving Meghan by D. J. Palmer is an interesting read, although some parts seem very improbable. Palmer tells us the story using several different points of view and keeps the reader wanting to discover what is actually going on. I was given an early copy to review.

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Saving Meghan was just ok for me. I didn't fall in love with any of the characters, and the book seemed to drag on in the middle. Lacked excitement for me, but did have some plot twists.

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I really enjoyed this book! It was quick moving and I couldn’t wait to get to the end to see how it al played out. I have never a book by these authors and I will definitely look to read more by them!

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Book Review: Saving Meghan by D.J. Palmer

Medical and psychological thriller, whodunit, and family drama with a plot which quietly transitions in from a seemingly humdrum hospital emergency room scene to an earth-shattering, breathtaking shock - the most horrifying experience which could ever happen to parents, short of the loss of a child.

The reader empathizes and is beset with the urge to get to the conclusion - something has to happen and it better be good - and is aptly rewarded with a decidedly unexpected final twist.

But will Meghan be saved or not?

Well-researched and credible; replete with medical terminology and conditions interpreted in layman's terms.

Incredible writing. Unputdownable and highly recommended.

Review based on an advance reading copy provided by NetGalley and St. Martin's Press.

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WOW this book kept me guessing! A few times I thought I had it all figured out and them BAM I was WRONG! I love when that happens! The storyline was different and I loved that too!
Ok so since this book is full of twist and turns I cannot say anything more because I want you to have those OMG moments like I did! Just trust me and go one click Saving Meghan!!!
I look forward to more from DJ Palmer!!!!

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I'm giving this book 3 stars. It kept me interested throughout till the end. I found myself skimming through parts of it because I felt like a lot of it was predictable so for that reason, I gave it the 3 stars. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this book in return for my honest review.

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A very interesting book. It started off slow and I struggled to stick with it. I was gripped by the middle of the book, that characters, the fast pace of the plot and the need to know how it ended. And then I was *sigh* disappointed in the ending. It felt like this big reveal was coming and the author wrote it like that, but it felt disingenuous. I think I either needed some more hints along the way or some more meat to the plot in the beginning to set up the end. I did enjoy the characters and the plot had me turning pages as fast as I could read them, just regret the ending. I don’t have that satisfied feeling that a reader should have when finishing a good thriller.

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I was sent this book to preview
I saw the author was D.J. Palmer (a pseudonym for Daniel Palmer), I have read 5 of Daniel's books, and 2 are on
my shelf now. I had to read this one. Then I read this description -
is she a devoted mother or is this Munchhausen Syndrome by Proxy.
I was eager to read this book.

A mother knows her child, loves her child, cares for her child, and senses when something is wrong/not well with her child. Her child's advocate, mentor, best friend, their rock.
Parent who loses a child- loneliest, most desolate journey of their life.
Even when receiving a diagnosis- a mother watches her child like a hawk, monitoring symptoms, doing own research, gathering facts.

I was so intrigued by this story that I read it too quickly.
I thought I had it solved, I was mistaken.
When I read the last page, I wanted more. I recommend this book!!

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Thanks to NetGalley for an advanced copy of this book. It is one of the most unique books I’ve read in a while. It was a nice change from the usual plot that most domestic/psychological thrillers take. This is the first medical thriller and the first DJ Palmer I’ve ever read and it won’t be the last. This book kept me hooked from the beginning and I was shocked by the ending. I was wrong the whole time about the “bad guy” in the story was. In addition to being a great thriller, it was also extremely insteresting to read and learn about Mito disease.

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This one kept me guessing. Great character development, and fast paced plot line and several unforseen twists. Highly recommended

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I thought I had this story all figured out . How wrong ! The author leads you on only to twist and turn and keep things interesting .

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Becky is Meghan's Mom. In fact, this defines her in practically every possible way. Meghan started having strange symptoms in the last two years and yet doctors could not find a diagnosis. Becky knows her daughter is NOT making this up. It's gotten to where Meghan's dad Carl does not believe it is real.

Carl has his reasons for doubting what kind of problem is at work in this family, because Becky grew up lying about her mother's supposed symptoms.... so her mom could keep collecting disability checks. It was 100% manufactured and to play the game well enough to keep getting checks, any a nd every advantage was put to work, teaching Becky to manipulate people as part of the game.

Is Becky doing a role-reversal where her daughter feels she must act ill? It's unclear. Is Becky using every trick to get doctors to pay attention? Oh, quite clearly.

Is something wrong with Meghan?
Or, is something wrong with Becky?

Everything changes when Carl himself suggests a specialist to see, and a diagnosis to look into, because the changeability of symptoms could BE a symptom with the disease nicknamed "Mito."

Suddenly, both Carl and Becky lose custody of Meghan as a hospital steps in to prevent abuse. They protect Meghan -- or do they?

Keeps you guessing. Worth the read.

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Thank you Netgalley, the publisher and D.J. Palmer.
Could not put this book down, was totally engrossing. Full of twist and turns in every chapter. Every time you thought you knew who was harming Meghan, something happened to keep you guessing. This book kept me guessing to the very end and I surely did not expect that ending.
Very well written story with wonderful characters.
Highly recommend.

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I was thrilled to death for the opportunity to read an ARC of his new book. I was drawn in from the first chapter and could hardly put it down! Highly recommend!

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Saving Meghan is an excellent book. I was never sure exactly how everything would come together and when I finished reading the book, I wondered how I let the clues slip by me. I spent fifteen years working in psychiatric hospitals so I was familiar with the issues that played a part in this story. The medical aspects of this book were well researched and added to the excitement of trying to figure out who did what.

Congratulations to the authors for a well written exciting story. The characters were skillfully created and believable. The plot was interesting and came to a satisfying conclusion. I think this book is good enough to be a best seller. Look for it on the scheduled publication date: April 9, 2019

Thank you to St Martin's Press for the Advanced Reader's Copy.
#SavingMeghan #NetGalley

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