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Deliver Me

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Wow! Didn’t see that ending coming!

Creat story with likable characters. A must read for those who like a good mystery.

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Great read! Looking forward to reading more from this author! I highly recommend this book and author to all!

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Abby is pregnant. But how could that be, when she is single currently without no physicalities going on in her life? Yes, but there is that Silvester night alcohol-fuelled party, right? So there are some pressing questions waiting for her - what to do with the baby? Who might the father be? Was the sex voluntary (aka in the drunken stupor, no memories afterwards) or was it unvoluntary, meaning she was raped?
And there are the strange messages also...

The premise is interesting, but the execution is quite one-dimensional and even a bit emotionally detached. Maybe this strange coldness was why I was not able to connect with the main character Abby - but actually, she is not very much connected to herself, really. More mature girl would probably act more sensibly when realizing she is pregnant after an encounter she has no memory of. Do not get me wrong, I applaud her decision towards the baby (this is the saving grace and the reason for the 3 stars). But, for example - how about speaking to the lawyer about what are your possibilities? Having some medical checkups re possible veneral diseases? And she is very distanced from herself emotionally. Girl, you are pregnant, this is a huge change to your body, mind and soul! Do you do not care an ounce about yourself?

The sleuthing part is also done quite weakly. Abby and her gay friend Danny are contacting the possible fathers by chance, asking and taking the answers on either face value, or based on the emotions running at the moment. As if you are looking for a decent guy who will at once realize his newfound fatherly responsibilities just because!
And the child's father's identity - well, this is some lazy writing.

This is a pity, because the topic is very relevant and could be played with much more layers.

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No.. No..No.. it can't be! When Abby's doctor tells her she's two months pregnant, first there's shock, then disbelief. She hasn't been with anyone in more than a year .. so how is this possible?

Desperately seeking an explanation, Abby remembers the New Year's party she attended ... about 2 months ago. She remembers being at the party, she remembers waking up with the father of all hangovers.. and not much else. This baby must have been conceived that night ... but who was she with?

She enlists the help of her friend, Danny, who hosted the New Year's Ever party. She feels that she must have been drugged and assaulted ... and she wants a list of all the men who attended that party.

While starting her personal investigation, she starts receiving anonymous text messages...and packages delivered to her home that she shares with her sister and brother-in-law. Someone knows her secret .. but who? She's only told one person .. her friend Danny, but he swears he knows nothing about any of it. And she's pretty certain that someone is following her.

This is well-written, the story line is intriguing. Characters are well drawn, warts and all. Can't say that I liked most of them, but they drew me into their stories. It was fascinating to see how Abby goes through and accuses first one man and then another of fathering her child. Yet she feels attracted to one of the men that she thinks may have taken advantage of her when she was passed out. There are some twists and turns that point first in one direction, then another. Th conclusion was a total surprise ...

Many thanks to the author / Querus Books / Netgalley for the digital copy of this psychological fiction. Read and reviewed voluntarily, opinions expressed here are unbiased and entirely my own.

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After going to a New Year’s Eve party and having too much to drink, life seems to go on for Abby. That is until she starts not feeling well. Symptoms of a pregnancy, maybe. The doctor confirmed that it was in fact a pregnancy and that she was two months pregnant at the time. It seems Abby has a foggy memory of that night and must retrace her steps to see who the father is. As time goes on the writer adds more suspenseful interactions and does a great job at keeping on point. The characters were very well developed and the protagonist was spot on yet it still had a ya feeling about it. I just could not seem to get passed that. The book was well thought out though and written in such a way that it seemed so real.

Thank you to netgalley as well as the author/publisher for allowing me to read this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

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This book was essentially a YA version of the Handmaid's Tale; with the exception that the protagonist starts off incredibly naive and believes in the oppressive regime and its policies until they negatively effect her. It was also poorly written and rather boring. I would not recommend it.

I was given a free copy of this e-book by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I received a digital ARC of this from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. It has been on my to read pile for a while now but I am so glad I have finally got around to it! I haven't read anything by this author before but I definitely will again! I was convinced I knew who the father was - and I thought I had been right until about 90% of the way through when that theory was flipped on it's head. A great story with a jaw dropping ending! Brilliant twist. I can't wait to read more by Karen Cole.

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*thank you to Netgalley, Karen Cole and Quercus Books for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review*

2 stars.

What started out as a pretty interesting story, slowly went downhill. I was intrigued at the beginning as to how this was all going to turn out. Abby is at her Doctors appointment where she finds it that she is pregnant. Dumbfounded as to how the happened as she hasn't been in a relationship for over a year, she works out that she had been raped at the New Year's Eve party her friend Dany had organised. She was really quite drunk so she has no memory of that night. With a list of suspects and trying to work out who got her pregnant. 

It really bothered me that some characters did not class this case as rape. Cleary she was in no position to give consent. To me, that's rape. Drugged or drunk makes no difference. It wasn't consented.

Unfortunately it lacked suspense and by the time it was revealed who had gotten Abby pregnant, it wasn't a shock. It wasn't who I had my suspicions about but when I did read who it was, it kinda made sense because sometthing I had noticed at the beginning of the story didn't add up so this answered that little nugget of confusion I had. I was kinda over it by that stage though and uninterested. The story spent a lot of time going nowhere in particular. It was basically going from suspect to suspect, the same thing over again.

I would give this author another try though. It wasn't a complete write off and I hope I enjoy her future books more than this one. There was potential.

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A thrilling read which kept me turning the pages, characters you care for and just brilliantly written. Great novel!!

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Took me a while to get into the books, as I was somewhat annoyed by Abby's character and behaviour, but once I was hooked there was no stopping me..... A great read.

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This is a brilliant modern thriller. It's really different from any other I have read. I really enjoyed the twists and turns and the shocking ending.

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Wow, what a fantastic read by Karen Cole. She really delivers the suspense in this one. This is the second book I read by this author and it was amazing. It was just as good as the first of even better.

This book was about a woman who finds out she is pregnant but swears she doesn’t remember having sex with anyone for quite some time. She’s on a mission to find out what happened to her and who the baby’s father is.

I can’t say enough good things about this book. I love the plot the instant I read the blurb to this book. I wanted to find out how just as much as this woman did who the father of this child was and what happened to her. Was she drugged and raped or was she just stupid black out drunk and couldn’t remember what happened. I couldn’t believe how many twists and turns this book had as I read from chapter to chapter. And wow what an ending that I never saw coming. I just couldn’t believe who the father was and why he did it. I absolutely enjoyed this book so much.

Between the plot, characters and all the twists in this book it made it an easy and fast read. I would definitely recommend it and happily give it 5 Hearts❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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Oooooh I really enjoyed this and motored through the book.

Abby basically ain’t feeling well so goes to the Dr who says she’s pregnant, she says she hasn’t had sex in a year! That the only thing she can think of is that she drank so much on New Years Eve and someone must have taken advantage of her, which horrifies her obviously and she starts to retrace her steps to figure out who did it.

As she starts investigating she’s taunted by the person who did rape her and the book gets very interesting.

Had me hooked from the start and totally fooled in places too, wasn’t sure who it was or who to trust. Really good book and I’m on the lookout for more by the author!

Great read go buy it

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New author for me but pleasantly surprised. Thank you for the approval and look forward to a book relationship with other reads in the future,

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This was a good story, although I did struggle to believe that anyone would systemically accuse random people of rape as Abby does, however if you suspend reality and enjoy the read it s a good read.

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Wow, couldn't put this book down! I loved the main character and her dilemna/situation was scary but compelling. Did not see the twist coming, I was genuinely quite shocked at that revelation and that made the whole situation seem even more scary. Highly recommended and can't wait for Karen Cole's next offering!

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I get into this book not really expecting anything. Just merely intrigued by the blurb. I must admit, I wasn't impressed at first. I just keep on reading because I am curious on who could be the guy who got her pregnant and how. I thought I had things figured out. Boy, I was so wrong. The twist definitely came as a surprise. The last couple of chapters are pretty intense and somehow disturbing. I ended up impressed by how things wrapped up, though not that happy about how things end. Still, a good read.

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I went into this book not sure what to expect. I thought the premise could be really interesting, but I also thought it could potentially be really mishandled, however, I think the author did a pretty good job with some really tricky subject matter.

I found it extremely frustrating how all, except one, of the characters refused to believe that the main character had been raped. Even if the main character has not been slipped a date-rape drug, she was clearly at such a level of inebriation, that she was incapable of giving conscious consent. While I found this incredibly frustrating, sadly, I think it is probably terribly realistic.

I enjoyed all the aspects of the story of the main character struggling with, not only her own feelings on her pregnancy, but also those of her sister. When you have a friend or family member who has struggled with infertility or miscarriage or infant death it can be extremely difficult for them to deal with someone else having a healthy pregnancy. I thought the commentary on that part of the story was really well done.

I did find the main character, at times, incredibly aggravating. At times she can become incredibly accusatory, without any real evidence, and at other times she made terrible decisions. While some of her decisions can be explained by her heightened emotions due to her pregnancy and volatile situations, sometimes it went beyond what I could accept.

I had a theory throughout most of the story as to who I thought the father of the baby was. A couple of times the author made me question myself which I liked but for the most part I was pretty convinced. The ending of this book had me completely shocked - which I loved! I so rarely get surprised by the end of thrillers so I was pleasantly surprised with the ending of this book.

Overall a very solid thriller with an incredibly creepy premise.

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This is about a young woman who finds out accidentally that she's pregnant when she hasn't been sexually active for a long time. She believed that she's been raped and she can't rememer. She sets out to find out who's been with her at the party. This journey takes a toll on her as she tries to find out the father's identity of her unborn baby. She is also getting freaked out because the father of her unborn baby is her stalker who's been leaving notes and presents for her. It's been a roller coaster ride for her.

I wasn't happy how the ending played out with hardly any emotion in it. For that reason, I'm going to give it a high 3 stars.

I received this ARC from Quercus Books through Net Galley in exchange for my honest and unbiased review . Thank you!

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This book is stunning – I was completely hooked from start to finish and I loved every page!

The plot is excellent, I loved the suspense the author builds up and the twists as the story develops are superb. The characters are well developed and they work brilliantly within the plot. It is all very well craved and the execution of the book is spot on.

I do love a good psychological thriller and this is one of the best I have read in 2018 – I love a book that keeps me guessing and this one definitely did that!

No hesitation in giving this one 5 stars – very highly recommended!!

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