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It's Not Supposed to Be This Way

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This book opened me up to the profound reality of surrendering control to God and allowing Him to navigate the course of my life. As someone who finds solace in note-taking, I meticulously recorded my reflections and journeyed through each chapter with journal in hand. Though I still encounter hardships, my perspective has undergone a radical shift. Sometimes, it's through brokenness and shattering that true renewal occurs. I understand now that tough times are inevitable, but with this newfound outlook, I welcome them as opportunities for growth.

Through years of therapy, recent journaling, and the wisdom gleaned from this book, I've gained a deeper understanding of life's complexities. It's not about attaining perfection or ease, but rather embracing the inherent challenges of existence in this garden. We will face wounds, tears, and moments of despair, but as long as we anchor ourselves in trust in God's will and purpose, He can redeem even the darkest moments for our good.

Life's garden was never meant to be a sanctuary of comfort; it's a terrain where we're meant to experience both beauty and pain. These trials serve to strip away our reliance on self-direction, compelling us to turn our gaze wholly towards Him. Amidst life's storms, I've discovered that keeping my focus on God makes the journey a bit more bearable.

And to those considering delving into this transformative journey, don't hesitate—this book is available for free on Kindle. Trust me, it's worth every moment. Lysa vulnerably shares her own hurts and pains, creating a space where you feel understood and not alone in your struggles. Dive in, and let the journey begin.

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Normally I really enjoy Lysa’s books, but this one felt so fake and full of fluff that I just couldn’t. Maybe it’s because I’m a big mood reader or not. But it just wasn’t what I was expecting and I wanted more details instead of what I was given. So many words yet so little meaning.

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This book was just a long sermon. Yes, I knew this was a Christian book, but I was hoping for more stories from the author. The stories the author does offer are about infidelity and medical diagnoses; the rest of the book is the author’s interpretation of the Bible. The only message I took away from this book is that God doesn’t cause the bad, he allows it. The rest was just too much for me. While I couldn’t relate to the author’s struggles, I wanted more detail to how she practically got through her hardships; I’m sure her faith helped her through, but I wanted more than just quoted bible verses.

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Really inspirational and thought provoking book. I really appreciate her insight into life not always going the way we think it will

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Lysa TerKerurst continues to challenge her readers in areas and gives hope of growth and life in others. A new and intriguing way to look at life. A very personal read and I am thankful she shared her thoughts.

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Lysa's words are not only timely and true, they are tried through tears and testing. I'm so grateful that she's been willing to share her words of wisdom with others who are facing impossibly difficult situations.

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Popular author and speaker Lysa TerKeurst delves into her personal struggles, heartaches, and disillusionments in this release entitled, “It’s Not Supposed To Be This Way”. As a inspirational writer and speaker she has a large social media following which encouraged my decision to pick up this book to read. This book can uplift and encourage you as you go through your own battles, always remembering that without God there is no lasting peace.

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Thank you so much to NetGalley and Thomas Nelson books for my copy of It's Not Supposed to Be This Way by Lysa TerKeurst in exchange for an honest review. It published November 13, 2018.
I regret sitting on this book for so long! My book club kept almost reading it, then the pandemic happened! A year later I finally decided to pick it up, and I devoured it! It only took me 48 hours, I couldn't put it down! Lysa's writing is like a friend having coffee with you, sharing her soul, encouraging you, making you laugh and cry in the same conversation.
I've been disillusioned with Christian books lately, they either fall flat, or tiptoe into the heretical. This was nice to let my guard down and drink it in. I highly recommend this, and will definitely be buying it for loved ones in my life.

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There is unexpected strength to be found
President of Proverbs 31 Ministries and New York Times best-selling author Lysa TerKeurst compares our lives to living between two gardens - Eden and the yet-to-come Eden restored in her book "It's Not Supposed To Be This Way. Finding unexpected strength when disappointments leave you shattered", published by Nelson Books. She acknowledges that there are things that break beyond repair (p. 17), or deals with lies such as "God won't give you more than you can handle (p. 111). TerKeurst deals with the disappointments and disillusions that we feel and that leads readers to question the reality of God and she tries to help readers how to handle them. I feel personally challenged by chapter 8: "Letting Go fo What's Holding Me Back", especially when TerKeurst asks: "What if the worst parts of you life are actually gateways to the very parts you'd never want to do without?" Indeed, this book is not just for reading, it is a "book-that-makes-the-readers-work".
I highly appreciate the book. TerKeurst is very personal, honest, real, vulnerable, and transparent and bases the book on the Bible. She has included the "Going to the Well" segment at the end of each chapter as a recap with statements to cling to, scriptures to soak in, questions to reflect, and a prayer. This challenges readers to go deeper with what they have read. At the end of the book "9 Scriptures for Surviving the Times When God Seems Silent" tackle some lies and give biblical truth, and a list presents the main scriptures used in the various chapters. The notes can serve readers as reference and for further research about the topic. I recommend this book for those who feel lost and who struggle as well as for those who are next to them and sometimes don't know how to help.
The complimentary digital copy of this book was provided by the publisher through NetGalley free of charge, but I have also bought a printed copy for myself. I was under no obligation to offer a positive review. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.
#ItsNotSupposedToBeThisWay #NetGalley

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This book couldn’t have come at a more perfect time. It’s been sitting on my shelf since Christmas time. And I just picked it up because it was practically screaming at me. God saved this book for the perfect moment, the moment I would need it most. The message of this book is living giving and hopeful, one full of the grace of God, one that applies to everyone at some point or another. I love how raw the author is about her story, encouraging the reader to keep seeking the Lord and living for him in the midst of things that are hard, unexpected and unwanted. There is applicable scripture and other women’s testimonies all over the book. It’s practical and insightful and makes the reader want to dig down deep and journey with God through their pain. Excellent book. I highly recommend it.
I received a digital copy from netgalley. I was in no way required to write a positive review. All thoughts are my own.

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Thank you NetGalley and publishers for an ARC. All opinions are my own.

This is a wonderfully written book that encourages perseverance in the midst of pain and unforseen circumstances. TerKeurst is vulnerable and shares devastating circumstances that caused her pain both physically and emotionally. I enjoyed her authenticity and the idea of pursuing Christ, no matter the circumstance. Although people sin, which affects those around them and life on Earth is fragile, God is still good!

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Lysa TerKerurst continues to challenge her readers in areas and gives hope of growth and life in others. A new and intriguing way to look at life.

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This was a really personal book and I am so thankful the author was able to write this in the midst of everything she was going through. Too many times books on this subject are written by someone so far removed that it ceases to be helpful.

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Wow. Lisa’s writing is always so honest and challenging. This book is no different but goes so much deeper as she shares the trials she has encountered and how the lord has pushed her through. Great read!

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Oh the vulnerability and scripture centering heart of Lysa Terkhurst! This book was so relatable and resonated deeply with some of the frustrations and NOs I'm currently walking through. My heart hurt for the pain that Lysa walked through, but I was so grateful for her teaching and wisdom in the ways to turn to God instead of away from him.

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This book absolutely shattered my heart. I read it after a friend lost her baby, while my brother-in-law was in the final stages of his battle with cancer, and I'm well acquainted with Lysa's personal story. I love the title because I think it's almost the exact phrase every single human heart screams at some point in our lives--and it's true. None of this--the hurt, pain, disease, suffering, etc.--is supposed to exist. God's design didn't originally include death or suffering or sin. And yet, man fell and here we are. The amazing thing about all of it, and what Lysa highlights so beautifully, is that God is with us through it all. He didn't want this for us, but He carries us through. I love this book and will return to it time and again I'm sure. It's incredibly comforting and helped reframe the way I view personal suffering. Highly recommend!

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I received this book from Netgalley for review and all thoughts and opinions are my own.
Lisa has a very personal story to tell. She shares her faith through severe marital trials, devastating illness, pain and loss. She relates her story with advice she used herself in this season of suffering. She points to a God who loves with a view to personal repentance and turning from sin.
( Note: Since then, her views are becoming less reliable and less trustworthy within the faith community. I recommend this book, yes, but will no longer be purchasing or recommending her books and studies to others)

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I received an ARC from Thomas Nelson via NetGalley this review is my personal opinion.

I truly believe this is one the book that everyone should read it, all do from the beginning she explains all the process she lives through her husband infidelity, this story is so much more than that. Lysa Terkeurst shared not only Biblical insights and helpful recommendations for those hard and difficult times. I cry (a lot) while reading this book, her honesty touches my heart. All do I am single, and maybe some will think: Well I’ve never been married so why should I read this book?. Or maybe you are happily married. But in total honesty, we all have that moment when things don’t go according to “the plan” and what happens in that in-between moments?. It hurts and it is painful, what I like about this book, Is not only pretty words to make you feel great about yourself. But an honest and center bible advice on how to navigate through those unknown waters. How to trust God, even when it doesn’t make sense. That even in the dust, God can and will do miracle in us.

Truly grateful for the ARC of this book it was a beautiful and unexpected blessing in my life.

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We’ve all suffered disappointments. Sometimes those disappointments are blips on our screen, but other times they are soul crushing. Those are the times we often question why God let this terrible thing happen to us or to a loved one...even though we trusted and prayed about it. This is a beautiful, openly honest book about how to navigate those times. Filled with beautiful analogies, author created parables and scriptures to help you look at your heartbreaks in a different light. Thank you to Netgalley for this digital copy in exchange for an honest review.

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It's Not Supposed to Be This Way was a heartbreaking read. The author was so vulnerable with what had happened in her life and you can't help but ache for her. I read her book Uninvited last year and loved it. This one wasn't as strong of a read for me, personally, but I do give the author credit for writing about such a difficult time in her life and still being able to help others.

*Disclosure of Material Connection: I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention/review it on my blog. I was not required to give a positive review, only my honest opinion - which I've done. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own and I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.*

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