Member Reviews

Yes a hundred times to this book. I'm glad mine is on its way to me. This extract has just made me more excited for the book. The writing is just beautiful it sucks you right in.

I recommend people to get this book so that they can enjoy it i mean common it has dragons

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This excerpt has left me dying to read more. I knew I was going to want to check this out after hearing it discussed in Book Riot's ALL THE BOOKS! podcast. I'm not a sci fi or fantasy reader, nor do I read YA/New Adult, but I think the story and the writing (the prose! the prose!) have sealed the deal for me. Will be picking this up on my Kindle ASAP.

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I read very little of this extract due to the poor formatting, however now I have the book in my hands and it is beautiful, entrancing and I am so excited to read the full thing later this year. Samantha Shannon, I am so freaking excited!

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Thank you to NetGalley, the publishers and the author, Samantha Shannon, for the opportunity to read a digital preview copy of The Priory Of The Orange Tree in exchange for an honest and unbiased opinion.
What a preview. I loved it so much, I raced out and brought the paperback edition so I could keep reading.
This is going to be an amazing ride.

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After this sample I'm so excited to get my hands on this book! One of my most anticipated reads of the year.

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An absolutely fantastic extract, I can't wait to read the whole book! I love the world, already I can tell that the worl building is exquisite.

The cover is stunning too.

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Extract looks amazing, it's going to be THE bestseller. Well written and full of all the right fantasy feels.

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I loved the sampler. I was so hooked into the story by the end of the sampler that I wanted to buy the book right away.

I can’t wait to read more

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I've been looking forward to this novel since I first heard of its upcoming existence! I love Shannon, so everything she writes goes on my radar. This extract does not disappoint and has only made me want it that much more! It's just enough of a preview to get an insight into whether you'll love the rest, and I can already tell I will devour it once it's in my hands.

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What a brilliant idea this taster/extract is. Its not just a few pages, we get a good 100 pages of the book to get our teeth stuck into.

What unfolds is the beginnings of an epic story of war, politics, love and dragons. I cant wait to get my hands on the full 800 page book as soon as possible.

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I'm extremely grateful to have read the first 7 chapters before it was published. From the beginning you can clearly understand this book is going to be epic! It is fundamental, from the beginning, to understand how this new world created by S. Shannon is divided, to better understand the situation lived by the different characters. There are so many protagonists that I almost thought to start getting notes, but what I was sure from the beginning is that my favorite was going to be Ead. She is my hero, I loved her from the beginning and cannot wait to read the rest of the story!

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I've seen so much about TPOT I decided just to give the extract a go. Unfortunately, I could tell pretty quickly that this book just isn't for me. I lost track of all the different people and places. It's not a genre I would usually go for but I am trying to push myself out of my comfort zone. Apparently this was just a smidge too far!

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The first few pages are actually quite tedious and confusing.
Although I do expect and can accept some confusion at the beginning of an 800-words tome, I have seen better introductions / expositions to high fantasy novels.
I also know that Shannon can do (and has done) better!
I'm still looking forward to reading the finished novel!

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I didn't even try to finish this excerpt cause I knew that I the more I read the more I needed to finish this book. I will have to go out and buy it so that I can read it all the way through! What I read was very very good!

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I am so hyped for this book!! This excerpt just made me more excited! It’s going to be so good and I cannot wait for the full version to arrive!

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Loved this extract and cannot wait to read the full book! The characters are very intriguing and the world is interesting!

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I’m not normally a massive fan of fantasy, especially epic fantasies, but I’ve heard so much about this one I wanted to give it a try. I love the female heavy cast and the easy to follow writing style and I pretty much immediately went to preorder it straight away

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"The stranger came out of the sea like a water ghost, barefoot and wearing the scars of his journey."

This book starts with such a beautiful opening line that it immediately drew me in. And we are quickly introduced to this world full of Draconian laws that is told through several different perspectives.

Due to the formatting issues with this extract, I was only able to read a few chapters, but I am looking forward to getting a physical copy of this book so I can continue on, as I am excited to see where this leads!

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I have been waiting this book for some time and when I saw this sample I was very happy. The book looks amazing. The writing is great, the worldbuilding fantastic and I liked the characters. To be honest, in the beginning I was a little confused because there are a lot of names for both characters and nations, but I was still hooked. I have high hopes that this is going to be one of my favourite books of the year and I am looking forward to read the rest of the book.

Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for the free sample.

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I received a free copy of this book via NetGalley and am voluntarily leaving a review. From the expert that I've read so far, I look forward to reading the rest of the book and seeing how the story progresses and how Ms. Shannon is able to weave all those different storylines together into one cohesive plot. The stirring of something momentous was happening and it was enough to keep me engaged, despite the jumping back and forth between characters storylines. I will be purchasing the full book when it is released and recommend to others.

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