Member Reviews

Firstly I would like to thank Netgalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for a review.

Secondly, while I devoured it in one sitting - yes, I totally read way into the early hours and finished it in one go - I must warn you that it is number four in a series. Don't be put off by this though, just go and find the first three titles to read and enjoy first:
1) City of the Lost
2) A darkness absolute
3) This fallen prey

Basically, the book is set in the Yukon, in a small, off grid town called Rockton; a haven, of sorts, if you can afford to pay the entrance fee and are prepared to live without most of today's modern amenities. The main character is Casey Duncan, a Detective on the towns small police force and the story follows her and her experiences. In this book a US Marshall somehow discovers remote Rockton and demands that the town 'handover' one of the criminals hiding there - which is enough of a problem for people living in a town that's not supposed to exist - until he is unfortunately murdered, leaving Casey to solve the case of his untimely demise.
Of course that isn't even the tip of the iceberg, but I'll leave you to read about it.

Each book in this series has the same, exquisitely detailed descriptions of the world it is set in ; characters to both love and hate; and for me, always a nice bonus, strong female protagonists and intriguing storylines.

It made me read past my bedtime, will you?

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I'll let you in on a little secret about how much I like this book. I was about thirty pages into the story and stopped reading. I bought one of Ms Armstrong's earlier books in the series and read it so I could have a better understanding about Rockton and the people who live there. That book was very good as well.

Kelly Armstrong has created a fascinating, off the beaten path community in her Rockton Series. The Yukon is the perfect place for people who need to disappear for a variety of reasons. The book moves quickly with things that totally surprise me. The characters are interesting and well developed. I like both main characters: Casey Duncan Rockton's Homicide Detective and Eric Dalton the Sheriff. They work well together both on and off the job. For the animal lovers there is a Newfoundland pup that is being trained for tracking.

In the not too distant future I will be reading the other two books by Kelly Armstrong. I received an Advanced Reader's Copy of The Watcher in the Woods from St Martin's Press through NetGalley. The opinions expressed are completely my own.
#TheWatcherintheWoods #NetGalley

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This was an entertaining story. Very different, I cared about the characters and what has and will happen to them. This is the first book I have read by this author, but it will not be the last. I would like to thank the author, publisher, and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book in return for an hones review.

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I loved it! This is an EXCELLENT book in an EXCELLENT series by an EXCELLENT author! I woke up this morning knowing I'd finish the novel today and I almost couldn't bear the thought. I didn't want it to end! This book is very hard to put down. The characters, the surroundings, the mystery and the story telling captivate from the start. This book brings Casey's sister to Rockton and it's wonderful how they air their past misunderstandings and begin to mend. I enjoyed this book thoroughly.

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This series just keeps getting better. Casey and Eric are a great match and their relationship adds a lot to the story without overwhelming it. The mystery is full of twists and the ending comes as a surprise. I have yet to solve the mystery before the author reveal in these books. These characters are complex and draw the reader in. You become invested in the people and this community. I can't wait for the next one!

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This is the first book in the series that I have read and I am enthralled. Casey is a strong character and I love reading of her exploits. Now I must start at the first of the series. Thanks to st. Martin’s Press and to NetGalley for providing me with a galley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Wow kelley is an amazing author. Every book by her is incredible. This is always why she will be my favorite author. The relationship between Casey and Dalton is incredible. I enjoy how much Casey has grown since first coming to Rockton. She is an amazing strong woman character and I absolutely love her badassness. Loved this book so much and this series is absolutely incredible.

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I received a free copy of Watcher in the Woods in exchange for an honest review.

To be fair to the author, I didn't finish this novel. I had not read the other books in this series and their events were too critical to understanding what was happening in this book. I stuck with it for awhile because I was very taken with the relationship between Casey and Dalton as well as the strained sibling relationship between Casey and her sister, April. The premise of the town in the middle of the Yukon filled with people running from their pasts seemed so interesting. The problem for me, however, was that I just didn't understand the backstories of the numerous characters.

I will come back to this novel when I have read at least the first title in the series.

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I love this series and this read was the best so far , Bringing in her sister to help a wounded Kenny from book three, also brought a USMarshall or so he says , what happens next is a cat and mouse game of who done it , who is it , thrilling , fast paced read, keeping you guessing to the very end of the out come

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Found this story to be a jumble of characters with no real solutions. I will state that I have not read the previous books in this series, nor am I tempted. I nearly quit the book, but decided to continue, sometimes the story improves, not the case with this one. This is a “who done it” with no finesse and reason, too much side story, too many characters, each with their own agenda and the reader is left with a “wtf” just happened and does it fit in the story.

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I would definitely recommend reading the first three books in the Rockton series prior to reading Watcher in the Woods. Having not read those books there were lots of points in the novel where I felt like I was missing background on a multitude of characters that would have given me a lot more insight into the investigation main character Casey is leading alongside her sheriff boyfriend into the death of a U.S. Marshal. Rockton is clearly a place people come to when something goes wrong in their life but the wrongs vary quite wildly, and no one but Dalton (Casey's boyfriend) truly knows what they people are there for. That leaves almost the entire town under suspicion, and Casey has very few people she can completely trust. In addition, she's brought her sister into town to help an injured citizen, and is trying to figure out just exactly what kind of relationship they have and could have in the future. I feel like there's a lot going on in this novel where the depth is created on understanding the background of the characters, and without that the story seems somewhat confusing.

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A Complicated Surprise

I was provided a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

I have not read the other installments in this book series, so without the backstory, the plot seemed more complicated than most books. However, the story was so compelling that I didn't mind the extra effort to figure out what was going on with the characters. The author does a stellar job providing the necessary background without bogging down the current plot. In fact, The Watcher in the Woods sucked me in from the first page and kept me reading long after I should have been asleep. I will definitely be reading this author's other books and anxiously awaiting the next book in this series.

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You know how you love a series from an author and then you discover their new series? You want to love it out of loyalty and you find you love it because it's honestly just as good as the original series?

This series is suspenseful, fast moving and the characters are complex. The book leaves me needing more information and looking forward to the next installment.

I've just purchased the previous books in the series - if you loved the Other world series, you MUST read this series.

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Interesting read. First book I have read by this author and I really enjoyed it. Contains an interesting concept which I think could actually work and may actually be in existence and only the people that need to know, know. Hmm. Something to think about. Look forward to reading other books by this author. Received an advance reader copy of this book but that had no bearing whatsoever on my review.

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WOW, another fantastic installment in the Casey Duncan/Rockton series. I love the concept behind the town of Rockton and all that inherently brings with it. So many story options which will, hopefully, keep this series going for a long while.

We get to meet Casey's sister April and we also learn a lot more about what makes Casey tick, which was long overdue I think. Lots of intrigue and the usual dose of murder and mayhem will keep you on the edge of your seat and guessing who did it until the very end. Not to mention all the town drama and learning more about some of the colorful residents. Armstrong crafts yet another story that was impossible for me to put down.

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I really enjoyed this book. The unique setting of Rockton in the Yukon was as vibrant as the characters. I especially enjoyed the solid, loving relationship between protagonists Casey and Dalton as they worked together to solve a murder. I loved the level of trust they had, and the easy way they were able to read one another, no matter the situation. It was refreshing to read a story about a couple who could work together without the tedious and pointless bickering I’ve found in so many other books. My only criticism of the novel is that the pacing lagged from time to time.

When I received Watcher In The Woods from NetGalley for an honest review, I didn’t realize it was #4 in a series, and it took me a little while to understand the backstory, especially how and why Rockton was founded. A brief mention for newbies to the series at the beginning of the book would have been helpful. Watcher In The Woods was well-written and richly detailed and I will probably download book one in the series to revisit the Yukon.

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I'm going to be short in blunt in saying that Kelley Armstrong really had to real me in on a genre that I'm not keen on reading. But for god's sake. It's Kelley Armstrong. Of course I'm going to read it. And knowing this series isn't even over yet, that there's more to come? Yeah, I'm totally down for that. Give me Kelley Armstrong on any given time of day and you'll know I'll be reading it.

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I received this ARC for an honest review. I devoured this book. I read it in ONE day. I just love Kelley Armstrong’s “Rockton Series.” I highly recommend to read it in order. This is the fourth book in the series, and I am begging for more!
Casey & Dalton are in Vancouver to find Casey’s sister April. April is a neuroscientist and is very skilled. Casey needs April to help remove a bullet from Kenny’s back in hopes he won’t be paralized. The problem is, April is not very fond of Casey. They have not gotten along their whole life. April is mean & belittled Casey every chance she gets, but unexpectedly April agrees to help but only for 4 days. They sneak April into Rockton by dressing her up in Casey’s clothes.
A little while later, Casey & Dalton someone in the woods. They do not recognize the man. He takes off. Casey & Dalton search for him, but they only find his campsite. When Casey gets homes, she can tell someone is there. Diana comes in & is taken hostage by US Marshall Mark Garcia. He is looking for a fugitive. He won’t tell them who because he doesn’t want to get in the way. They keep trying to keep him out of Rickton, but he came back. When Garcia is being brought to lock up, he gets away. Casey & Dalton hunt him down in the woods. When they find him and try to bring him back, Garcia is shot in the back and killed. Who done it? You have to read it!
I love how Armstrong writes. She does so many twist and turns. She keeps you guessing to the very end. I love her writing style, and I never get tired of her stories.

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To be fair, I believe I would have enjoyed this more if I'd read the others in the series first. I found myself confused (and often just plain bored).

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4.5/5 stars

Watcher in the Woods is the fourth book in the Rockton/Casey Duncan mystery/thriller series.

I love Kelley Armstrong and I absolutely adore this series. This book takes place approximately 2 weeks after book three.

The narrator is once again 32 year old detective Casey Duncan. These books take place in a small off the grid hidden town called Rockton (in the Yukon/North West of Canada).

Each of the books in this series have a self-contained mystery. But we get to see many of the same characters in all of the books. The title for this book was particularly fitting to me, as there is someone watching them from the woods.

My favorite people in this series are Casey and her boyfriend Sheriff Dalton. I love them so much!

I'm also completely obsessed with the hidden town of Rockton. I love how there are only 200 people in this town. I love that it is completely hidden from the rest of the world. And I love the forest that borders the town and all the trouble that occurs there.

The mystery in this particular book has to do with a US Marshal who is searching for a particular Rockton resident. Which resident was he after? Also is that same person after the Marshal? This mystery was really exciting and I really enjoyed this aspect of the story.

The author reminds us of what happened in the last book, which I appreciate. And we are introduced to a new special character. I really hope that this new person appears in the next book.

There were some amazing twists and turns in this book. And it all leads up to an amazing conclusion. I just love this series and can't wait for more of Rockton!

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