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Crave the Heat

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Smokejumper Dak Parrish has come home to Oregon to fight fires—and to mend fences with his family. He left the Warm Springs Tribal Reservation after feuding with his father. Now, with tribal lands threatened by an arsonist, Dak gets a chance to make amends by acting as a liaison between the reservation and the forest service criminal investigator—a woman who sparks a surprising and hungry flame in him. After a trauma on the east coast, Heidi Sinclair left DC to start fresh as a criminal investigator in Oregon. But her first serious investigation provides one stubborn obstacle after another—including an arrogant firefighter she suspects knows more than he's saying. Though she tries to battle her attraction to Dak, it’s too late. As they track down the arsonist, someone will do whatever it takes to keep old secrets buried, even if it turns everything Heidi and Dak have fought for to ashes .
This was a decent read. I’d not read this author before so I didn’t know what to expect. I read through it rather quickly. I really liked Dak but had some issues with Heidi. I recommend this book and look forward to reading more from this author.
**I voluntarily read and reviewed this book

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If you go through my Kindle, TBR pile, and my read shelf on Goodreads, you'll notice that there is a serious shortage of firefighter romances. I'm not quite sure why, but it's something I hope to change in the future. Starting with Crave the Heat, the second book in Marnee Blake's The Smokejumpers series...

After more than a decade, Dak Parrish returns home to join an elite group of smokerjumpers and to mend ties with his family. The last person he expected to see at his station was his domineering father, yet there he was demanding Dak keep an eye on the new investigator that was sent to find out who is behind the recent fires. Things start to get murky when the fires get closer to home and threaten someone Dak has come to care for.

Needing a change of scenery, Heidi Sinclair left her previous life in DC in hopes of leaving traumatic events behind her. Now living in Oregon investigating recent fires when Dak is seemingly thrown at her. Working with him is one thing, but when their attraction starts to grow Heidi finds herself in a similar situation as the one she left. Soon the lines start blurring and she finds herself in danger.

I really enjoyed Crave the Heat. It was short and sexy with enough suspense to keep me guessing. The characters were lovable. The author's writing style was fantastic. I was originally drawn to the book from the cover and Crave the Heat totally delivered. I hope to pick up the 1st book before the next book comes out.

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The Smokejumpers #2, This can be read as a standalone. The two main characters in this book have quite a bit of baggage and throw in the suspense and you have a good read. It didn't jump out and catch my attention like I hoped it would but it wasn't bad. It went along at a steady pace the suspense and action were very good the romance is what got me. Dak and Heidi's attraction was pretty much instantaneous but Heidi moved to Oregon to escape her past, her ex and all the grief that relationship caused so she's pretty hesitant to get involved with someone again especially someone who such a high risk job. Dak has family drama up the wazoo, back home for the first time after ten years and the first time he sees his father it's only because his father needs him to do something and thinks he can manipulate Dak, he's very wrong about that. The romance, it was pretty hot and heavy at times but Heidi's wishy washy, back and forth actions got old quick, after the second time you just want to smack her upside the head and say, "it's a good thing".

Dak is a smokejumper he gets roped into acting as a liaison between the reservation and the forest services. Heidi is new to the arson investigator position here and she doesn't know a lot of people when first assigned a liaison she's a bit put off but the hottie ends up really helping her by introducing her to people who could actually help her. For Dak the series of fires happening on the reservation is personal and even though he knows who might be behind this he tries to fix it himself instead of informing Heidi and the local authorities. Which in the end causes a big rift between him and Heidi.

Overall, this was a good read. I really enjoyed the climactic conclusion to the events and when Dak and Heidi were together and she wasn't running scared I liked them together.

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Dak Parrish has come home to Oregon to fight fires and hopefully mend his relationship with his family. Criminal investigator, Heidi Sinclair wants a fresh start but her first investigation in Oregon provides one stubborn obstacle in the form of an arrogant firefighter.

Heidi and Dak are strong, bold characters that are easily identified with and readers easily become caught up in their story. The chemistry between Heidi and Dak sizzles with lots of fiery heat and the romance burns at a slow pace that builds to combustible proportions as Heidi does her best to fight their attraction. Lots of emotional turmoil peppers this story throughout and keeps readers and characters on tender hooks as Heidi tries to overcome the trauma of her past and Dak tries to mend the broken family fences.

The plot is suspenseful and fast paced with lots of intriguing mystery that keeps readers glued to the pages with surprising twists and old secrets that add to the tension building suspense. The characters and their situation is what really makes this story and grabs readers’ by their imagination with those old secrets adding tension to the relationship and in the investigation. Once again, the author provides well written words that paints vivid imagery that captures the imagination and brings the story and the wonderful characters to life.

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Marnee Blake brings the heat (pun intended) as well as suspense, intrigue, life or death danger, and heart-tugging romance in this second book of her new contemporary romance series centered around a group of smokejumping firefighters who risk their lives each time they're called out. I thoroughly enjoyed book one and have been looking forward to returning to Oregon for more emotion-packed stories. Crave the Heat does not disappoint!

This time around, it's Dak Parrish whose heart is on the line. Dak was introduced in the first book of the series but we don't really get to know him until now so you'll be fine jumping into the series at book two. You can always go back and read book one, Tempt the Flames, later. (read my review here) Dak is a good guy and I was immediately drawn to him. He's a person who always tries to do what's right, what's honorable, but circumstances have placed him in a position where he may have to make a choice that puts his honor at odds with his heart and scuttles his relationship with Heidi before it even has a chance to become one. Heidi isn't in any rush to jump into a relationship. She's determined to prove her worth in her new position, there's trauma and feelings of betrayal in her past that she has yet to deal with, and she suspects Dak may be keeping information important to their investigation from her. Not ideal circumstances for two people who are slowly falling in love while on the trail of a serial arsonist, yet neither of them can deny the flames of desire that flicker between them nor the emotional attachment that deepens the more time they spend together. I enjoyed the chemistry between these two as well as their emotional evolution, both individually and as a couple. They so deserved a happy ending and I was pulling for them though, for a while, I had no idea how Blake was going to pull off their HEA.

As for the mystery portion of the book, Blake excels at crafting a story that keeps me on my toes, eagerly anticipating what's coming around each corner. She's done that with each book she's written. I figured out the identity of the arsonist early on but it didn't detract at all from my enjoyment of the rest of the story. There are still plenty of twists throughout that had me wondering what would happen next and the climactic scenes, one in particular, left me gasping.

If you like contemporary romance with complex characters, hold-your-breath suspense, betrayal, life or death danger, emotional romance, and plenty of sizzle, I enthusiastically recommend Marnee Blake's Crave the Heat as well as book one in the series, Tempt the Flames.

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This is a mystery with a love story in the background but everything here burns hot. And you're kept guessing till the end.

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The second book in the Smokejumpers series, Crave the Heat, brings us Dak and Heidi’s story. Mystery, suspense and romance, this was a well written story with great character interaction, and I look forward to reading more

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Review: CRAVE THE HEAT by Marnee Blake
Publication Date: January 15, 2019
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Reviewed by: Reading in Pajamas/ Donna
Rated 3.5 Stars

I enjoyed this story and the mystery of who the arson is. Yes, it did have some problems for me – Dak and Heidi were blatantly honest about their feelings and the corresponding reluctance with each other yet held deep secrets that didn’t mesh with that honesty. Their emotional transitions weren’t smooth either. I also thought the climax scene could have been more believable. Despite these reservations, this book was a nice read.

*Review copy provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.


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Crave the Heat is the second book in Marnee Blake’s Smokejumpers, and I’m thoroughly enjoying this high-octane series. In this instalment, Ms Blake has delved into some serious mystery and suspense, which only added to the overall impact of the story.

I did like the new characters that were introduced; Dak, Heidi and even Dak’s brother Mikey, but I also found Heidi’s constant advance and retreat relationship with Dak exhausting. While Heidi’s reservations were understandable based on her past, it was also blatantly obvious that she hadn’t learnt anything from her failed marriage, and was still basically self-absorbed.

Moving on though, the story plot was intriguing and well written, and the author certainly has a knack for reeling the reader in and ensuring that we will definitely be excited for the next book in the series.

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Crave the Heat by is a book that was recommended for me to read. Marnee Blake is a new author so I have not read any other book in the Smokejumpers series. No problem, the story is a stand-alone as far as Dak and Heidi’s story goes. There is family drama, mystery, suspense and romance all put together in this story.

Finding and stopping an arsonist is the cause for the meeting of Dak and Heidi. Dak has family issues that are a major part of the story that includes the Warm Springs Tribal Reservation. I loved the setting of the reservation. Heidi has many fears and issues of her own. The angst, drama and conflict over shadow the investigation at times but ties together in the end.

Well-written with complex characters it is an interesting and enjoyable read. I look forward to reading more by this author.

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Crave the Heat by Marnee Blake
Smokejumpers #2

The blurb for the book pretty well sums up the story. Dak is home after being sent away over a decade ago and hopes to reconnect with his family. There is a lot that comes out about his family through the book. So, his father who is a big deal on the reservation wants him to work with Heidi as she tries to uncover who is starting fires on and around the reservation. It is being kept hushed up by some but why? Heidi has issues of her own. There is the issue of finding out who the arsonist is and the one about Dak and Heidi having a bit of romance and another to do with Dak and his family and a bit about fires. I never really felt the “click” between Dak and Heidi and also didn’t see much about firefighting mentioned in the story. This was a somewhat predictable story as I guessed who the arsonist was early on. Inevitability was iffy for me at times but know some will really like it.

Thank you to NetGalley and Kensington Lyrical Liaison for the ARC – This is my honest review.

3-4 Stars

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This is the second book in the series, and I liked it. Decent suspense plot, though I figured out the culprit fairly quickly. But, it didn't really impede my enjoyment of the story!

Dak Parrish is a smokejumper. An elite hotshot wild land firefighter. He's gotten this position by hard work, and he's done it alone. He hasn't seen or spoken to his family since he left home at 17. He moved to California to live with his aunt, and that's where his career began. Though the dreaming of his beloved job started long before that, after his family's home burned down when he was a child. He's found himself back in Oregon, not far from the tribal lands where his family still lives. He followed his friend and co-worker, Lance (the hero from book 1) there from California the year before. He's been trying to get in touch with his mom because he heard she'd been ill, but his father was preventing it. Then his father shows up at his work, asking Dak to become a liaison between the Forest Services investigator and the tribe. She's there investigating some arson fires, and his father wants him to help her out. But what ulterior motives does he have?

Heidi Sinclair used to live and work in D.C., for the DEA. After a tragedy, she left her job and life there to get away and start fresh. She's enjoyed her new job with the Forest Service so far, and it gets even more interesting when she begins to investigate an arson fire. She's getting push back from the tribe's law enforcement, and now she's been saddled with a "helper" they handpicked for her. She doesn't like it, and she's determined to get to the bottom of it, regardless of her serious attraction to Dak.

Heidi and Dak both had some serious issues to work through from their pasts, that were affecting not only their fledgling relationship, but also how they went about their jobs. They both had severe trust issues, with good reason, not to mention a fear of letting anyone too close. They each had legitimate reasons why they were that way, but they both had to realize how much damage they were causing themselves because of it, and move past it. Their chemistry was strong, and they were drawn to each other right away, but neither of them could trust it, or each other, as they each had their own motives for wanting the other's help.

Dak's family was a HOT MESS. He can't seem to relate to any of them, but it's not only because he's been gone over a decade. They're all super secretive and standoffish, and won't let him in one inch. He begins to suspect their motives, and that's hard for him to accept, or admit, especially to Heidi. Meanwhile Heidi is still nursing her wounds and hasn't really ventured out into the world again after her prior ordeal. Sure she moved across the country, but she has stayed to herself, hasn't really made any friends or bonds at work of any kind. She's just been drifting. It took Dak and Heidi meeting and wanting each other to really break loose from the way their lives had stagnated.

The suspense plot was a little thin, and I thought I had the culprit figured out about halfway through. Turned out I was right, but it wasn't really an issue for me. I only wish we'd gotten to know a little more about why it happened, and what the issues really were. AND what the final resolution was. I would've LOVED an epilogue. I'm a junkie for them anyway, but I wanted to see in the future for Dak and Heidi's evolution, as well as see how everything settled after all the events of the story. Hopefully we'll get some of that in book 3. It'll be about the heroine from book 1's brother, and Dak's fellow smokejumper, Hunter Buchanan. He was injured in book 1, and I'll be glad to see him back to work. I'm looking forward to it.

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Thank you Netgalley for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Heidi is investigating fires that have been started in her area when she is assigned a partner whom she is both resistant and attracted to. Both hold secrets from each other but work together to catch an arsenist. The romance felt pretty flat and the romance develops pretty quickly icy despite Heidi's weak attempt at resisting it. The plot is slow to develop and the mystery pushed to the background. Unfortunately this didn't hold my interest for long.

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3 1/2 Stars

While Crave The Heat starts out very slow taking its time to build the story but takes away the tension needed to drive this type of story forward. Once the story picks up the romance does as well taking away the reason Heidi Sinclair is on the tribal reservation to begin with.

The mystery arsonist and the reason why is interesting but not enough for this reader to read book 1 or continue this series.

Thank you to netgalley and the publisher Lyrical Liason for the advance copy of Marnee Blake Crave The Heat

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This is the second book in Marnee Blake's Smokejumpers series. I have to admit that I am a bit of a firefighter fan and stories about the elite smokejumpers that parachute into out of the way locations to deal with wildfires are always going to be something that I'm interested in.
In this second book, we learn more about Dak, who appeared as Lance's friend in the first book. Lance and Meg, who were the main characters in book one do make a small appearance in this book, although most of the story focuses around Dak and Heidi, who has just arrived in the area to investigate who has been setting fires around the area. There is a bit of a mystery/thriller dimension to this story, although I will admit that I had worked out who was setting the fires long before they did. I didn't really get to the bottom of why they were doing it, however, but then neither did any of the characters in the book.
Overall I liked both Dak and Heidi, they seemed to work well together and there was certainly chemistry between them. I'm not sure that I'm that into the dysfunctional family idea, especially seeing as that played a major part of the plot in book one and then here we are with another in book two.
This was an enjoyable read and I'd be keen to continue with more in the series.
I received a complimentary copy of this book through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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An entertaining and engaging book, full of twists and turns, that you cannot put down.
It's well written, the characters are well developed and the plot never bores.
I loved it and I liked the characters.
I look forward to the next instalment in this series.
Many thanks to Kensington Books and Netgalley for this ARC

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This is the second book in Blake's Smokejumpers series. I have not read the first book in the series and it did not seem to matter. This worked as a stand alone book.

The heroine, Heidi, is a DEA agent who moves to Oregon following a divorce. She becomes a criminal investigator and her first case is looking at a bunch of fires on and near a reservation. The hero, Dak, is a smoke jumper. Having grown up on the reservation where the fires are, he gets pulled into the investigation.

This was a little bit of a slow burn for me and it took me awhile to get into the story. Once I did though, it was a good plot with interesting characters.

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Dak Parrish has family issues. That's what he'd jumped at the opportunity to come back to Oregon to fight fires—his father, mother and little brother live on the reservation nearby. While his mother appears not to want to have anything to do with him, his father makes an impromptu visit, blackmailing Dak into helping an arsonist investigator look into suspicious fires...A prickly female investigator that quickly gets under Dak's skin...

Like its predecessor this story also didn't bring much to the table. The characters were bland (although the heroine was slightly too bitchy for my taste), the suspense had its moments, but the final reveal (without much motive behind it, or a worthy resolution) left everything to be desired, the pacing was plodding...

Another puffed-rice-cake equivalent.

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Well I've got to say I did not see that coming. The twists and turns that Crave the Heat, takes kept this book very entertaining.

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I do like Marnee Blake's 'The Smokejumpers'  series - a series of elite firefighters is one that's hard to resist after all. 'Crave the Heat' is Dak Parrish's story, whose convoluted family history plays a prominent role in the latest case of arson that brings his path into a spectacular collision with forest service criminal investigator Heidi Sinclair. 

The lines of battle were clearly demarcated here at least: Dak's loyalties were torn between his family and his own need to work the right side of the law with Heidi, though it became clear that the plot was always going to lead to a point where these ties frayed and broke. 

The attraction was fast and furious between Dak and Heidi, though I struggled to believe their near-instant connection at times, particularly when Heidi's mixed signals bleeped strong despite the smidgen of self-awareness she had. Her constant pushing away Dak did get annoying after a while as she projected her own traumatic past and fears - rather unfairly - onto everything Dak said or did. In turn, the poor guy doubted himself more and more and frankly, I thought, deserved better all the times she cut and ran. 

Blake's insertion of some suspense drove the story forward nonetheless, even if the few twists in the story left me a bit nonplussed and more so, with a resolution that felt a little less than complete.  Still, the writing, like in all of Blake's books, is straightforward and steady, and makes it all go down quite nicely for a few hours of escapism.

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