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Perfect Crime

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Up to the now-expected usual high standard. With loose ends tidied up I now look forward to seeing which direction the next book heads in.

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This series just keeps on getting better and better. If you haven't read any of the other books in this series shame on you. Another gripping and fascinating tale featuring DI Luc Callengh and his best friend and boss DCI Ava Turner. I love the one liners between these two and of course will they or won't they. An excellent police procedural with some very gruesome murders. Put me off toast for life. I read this book in one sitting, reading late into the night I HAD TO KNOW. This book had me on the edge of my seat and, feeling squeamish and tapping my kindle like a demented wood pecker. When I requested this book I could not wait to start reading. Another masterpiece in the Perfect series, a thoroughly entertaining read and has left me wanting more. An easy five stars and so Highly Recommended.
I would like to thank the author, Avon Books UK and Netgalley for the ARC in return for giving an honest review.

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Perfect Crime is the latest book in Helen Fields' police procedural thriller set in Edinburgh and like its predecessors it is another exciting and engaging story.

The main characters are well established and fleshed out with the supporting cast also very distinct.

The story moves along at a decent page and kept me hooked throughout

Definitely thoroughly recommended

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A fascinating and gripping story which keeps the reader spellbound throughout. Helen Fields two main characters, Luc Callanach and Ava Turner are a great team, but will they ever get to work together again and also sort out their love life. The reader will have to find out in future stories.

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The crimes in this one are pretty gruesome, as with the earlier books in the series, so enjoy it and be prepared to cringe.
There are surprises and twists as Luc and Ava hunt down a killer who is targeting people committing suicide or wanting to commit suicide.
I really enjoyed the hunt for the killer.

In the background, Luc is tracking a man who attacked his mother in the past. This lands Luc in trouble and he is suspended.
Ava is questioning her new role as DCI and Luc's boss.
And a woman from Luc's past turns up again.

The thriller part of the book worked well and it's five stars for me.
The action is fantastic and I kept turning the pages to find out what happened next.

What worked a bit less well for me was the number of times Ava took her clothes off in front of Luc, and then said they were only good friends. Could a woman really sleep naked next to a man she likes (twice) and nothing happen? I guess I'm not a romantic suspense fan and I thought it took over the story a bit too much for my liking.

Thank you NetGalley, Helen Fields and Avon Books UK for the free e-book. This is my honest review.

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Excellent well written book, enjoyed reading, un-put adownable from first page. Good story line and believable setting, UK crime at its best. As good as previous books.

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I’ll be honest, this book was hard for me to get into. I’m not sure if it was because I haven’t read any of the other books in the series and was not already connected to the characters or if this book was just not for me.
“Stephen Berry is about to jump off a bridge until a suicide prevention counsellor stops him. A week later, Stephen is dead. Found at the bottom of a cliff, DI Luc Callanach and DCI Ava Turner are drafted in to investigate whether he jumped or whether he was pushed.”
I think others should give it a try even though it wasn’t my favorite. Thank you #netgalley and #avonpublishing for the chance to read an advanced copy of this book.

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This is the fifth book in the DI Luc Callanagh series and the second one that I have read. It was an excellent police procedural but a little short on the suspense and mystery. I found it easy to figure out who the serial killer was, but I kept reading for all of the drama between Ava and Luc, not to mention Luc’s fascinating backstory that needed to be told. The tale is basically one of multiple so-called suicides that Ava and Luc investigate and find out that all may not be as it seems. Luc backs himself into some personal trouble and ends up being investigated himself. There is a new character, DI Pax Graham and I found him to be rather annoying at times as he interfered with the scenes with Ava and Luc. My favorite characgter, of course, is Luc, a vulnerable former Interpol agent who lost his job through no fault of his own and is trying to make a new life for himself in Edinburgh. Fans of police procedurals will definitely enjoy this newest book by Helen Fields, and you will have to read it yourself to find out if you can guess who the villain is!

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Gripping and fast paced, I couldn't put this down. Turner & Callanach investigate when a man is found dead in suspicions circumstances. They discover he was talked out of committing suicide weeks earlier but they aren't convinced that he took his own life. Then another body is found after suffering a brutal death and the team try to find out if there is a link. Can a clinic where people go for counselling help to provide the answers.
Meanwhile Luc finds himself in the middle of an investigation after an elderly man is found dead in a care home. shortly after Luc has visited. Has Luc taken the law into his own hands to right an old wrong or is someone trying to set him up.
As the team try to find the killers Ava and Luc struggle to maintain their close friendship. Will the cases bring them closer or pull them apart.

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Have we had too much of a good thing? Whilst I have enjoyed all of Ms Fields' books to date, this one was, in my opinion, not so enjoyable. Yes, we had DI Luc Callanach and DI Ava Turner trying to solve some gruesome Edinburgh murders, but the book seemed to get lost in the middle.

However, this will not put me off the author's work. She is excellent at describing gruesome scenes, and her characters are well drawn. Maybe a move out of Edinburgh to freshen things up?

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What a good book this was to read, it really had me gripped from the off. As I have not ready any of the previous 4 books in the series, some of the references didn't make sense nor quite did one of the storylines, but it wasn't enough to put me off thoroughly enjoying the book!

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Great read. The author wrote a story that was interesting and moved at a pace that kept me engaged. The characters were easy to invest in.

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Helen fields never disappoints. The fifth book in the series however can be read as a stand alone as with all the books. For us lovers of the characters I suggest starting from the beginning because the chemistry between the two main characters is brilliant and not to be missed.
A number of suicides happen and Manchester MIT investigate when it becomes clear this is not what it seems. This book is written very well and carefully researched, the author has you hanging on until the very late hours just to find out what happens next. I can not wait till the next book!

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First and foremost, a large thank you to NetGalley, Helen Fields, and Avon Books for providing me with a copy of this publication, which allows me to provide you with an unbiased review.

In a series that keeps finding new ways to impress, Helen Fields captivates the reader’s attention yet again. While on a short holiday from work, DI Luc Callanach finds himself at a care facility, where he comes face to face with one of the residents, riddled with dementia. The reason for the visit is to allow Callanach to confront one of the two men who raped his mother many years ago. Barely able to hold his emotions in check, Callanach wants to make it clear that he will never forget the horrible things his mother was forced to endure, even if he may be facing his biological father at present. Upon returning to Police Scotland, Callanach and DCI Ava Turner are called out to a crime scene next to a castle wall. They are baffled to discover why they might be involved in what appears to be a clear-cut jump. How quickly suicide turns into a homicide, as some of the injuries discovered in the post-mortem are surely the work of someone else. Seeking to better understand the victim’s backstory, Callanach and Turner learn he visited a counselling centre to help with suicidal thoughts, but this brings them no closer to understanding what took place. When a second victim turns up dead with another suicidal presentation, Callanach and Turner wonder if there is a killer on the loose, seeking to turn thoughts into action. Meanwhile, the man Callanach visited turns up dead the same day as the aforementioned visit, smothered with a pillow. Could Callanach have taken out his aggression on a man who could not fight back? DCI Turner seeks to keep her underling’s ties to the victim off the radar, but does wonder if a temporary leave may help from muddying the waters too much. When a third victim is discovered, Callanach and Turner know that they must act fast, not only finding the killer, but also honing in on potential targets before their psychological worries cause a loss of life. Might there be someone lurking in the shadows who acts as a conduit for those who seek death already, or perhaps someone with a sinister game-plan, seeking only pawns in their sadistic adventure. Another stellar addition to the series that will have readers rushing to learn more. Recommended for those who have come to enjoy the nuances of the series, as well as those who love multi-layered police procedurals.

I remember randomly stumbling upon Helen Fields and this series, seeing much of the hype it was getting. As soon as I allowed myself a chance to delve in, I was hooked. From its interesting cases through to its characters who offer multi-faceted approaches to make the narrative even better, there is something for everyone . DI Luc Callanach again takes centre stage in this piece, working through some of the revelations of his personal life, while also trying to advance his career in Police Scotland. Series fans will know he is the ‘pretty boy’ of MIT, but his dedication and determination are second to none. His ongoing interaction with his friend (and now superior) DCI Ava Turner gives the reader something to enjoy as a secondary storyline in this novel, serving as character development for both. Ava Turner proves to be an interesting character in her own right, offering the story new and interesting flavours as she seeks to come to terms with a handful of conflicting emotions as they relate to Callanach. Turner is also trying to keep her team together, even as the commanding officer looks for any holes to tear her apart. With interesting characters who serve in many capacities, Fields keeps the reader’s attention throughout, helping to enrich the story’s growth. The story was a wonderful spin on the usual police procedural, with a killer whose intention is to offer a ‘shove’ for someone already on the precarious edge of life. Adding some development in the Callanach saga can only have interesting fallout for the protagonist, in this and future novels. One can hope that there are more books in this series, whose momentum never stops.

Kudos, Madam Fields, for another wonderful novel. I cannot wait to see where you will take DI Luc Callanach in the near future.

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Another excellent instalment in the Perfect series.

In this one, my ship so, so nearly came in. (Get your act together, Luc and Ava!)

Also, of course, there was murder to be solved. As always, Ms Fields dropped the right number of clues to keep me guessing, with one very obvious lead that made me overlook the real culprit until quite late on in the book. Meanwhile, the secondary plot line put poor Luc under unfair suspicion again, but at least there's now one chapter of his life that can be closed for good.

I'm not sure if this book would work as a standalone. By now, having read all previous entries in the series, I really feel like I know the characters and a lot of that development work/past history would be lost reading this book in isolation. As a series fan I stayed up to silly o'clock to finish it and would definitely recommend the series to those who enjoy gripping police procedurals with a healthy dose of police personal lives thrown in as well :-)

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Although this is book number five in the series, this is only the second that I have read. And, it may be the last. There is just something about these books that make them hard to get into, and stay interested in. Its a shame because the author does have a strong writing style that makes it easy to visualize what is going on, but there are times when its just too much. As interesting as the concept was, the execution was more depressing than entertaining. I can certainly understand why the author would choose to show a suicidal person's mindset, but it doesn't make for the most entertaining of reads. Even the surprising twist at the end didn't make up for what we had to slog through to get there. I feel with another round of editing, there could have been more things cut from the final product that would have sped things along without taking away from the overall story.

Overall, I'm sure this novel (and series) will appeal to those who enjoy well written police procedural novels set in the UK. I just don't think they are for me.

DISCLAIMER: I received a complimentary copy of this novel in exchange for my honest review. This has not affected my review in any way. All thoughts and opinions expressed in this review are 100% my own.

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Recommend this novel to others. I found it to be a gripping page turner. A new author for me that I will keep my eye on.

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Thank you Netgalley for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review.
This is my first time reading this author and I really enjoyed reading this psychological thriller. I didn't feel like I was reading a book from a series nor missing important details, the author smoothly takes the reader into the action of what appears to be a suicide attempt that later leads to a murderer. Eva and Callanach match well together and give the story an emotional, human feel. I enjoyed the mystery and unexpected twist. Great read!

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A spate of apparent suicides leaves Edinburgh’s Major Investigation Team on the trail of an elusive serial killer who is targeting victims with histories of mental illness or attempted suicide.
Fast-paced and relentlessly gory, Perfect Crime is not for the faint-of-heart. Fields conjures up a plot that grips you by the throat and refuses to let go until its very final pages. Needless to say, I was enthralled.
Fields possesses a remarkable talent. She has the ability to invoke feelings in the reader that are both tangible and lingering so much so that one particular scene, depicting the horrific death of one innocent victim, disturbed me so I had to put the book down for a few moments - a testament to Fields’ ingenuity.
In the midst of that investigation, another arises which implicates our very own DI Callanach. His traumatic past threatens to extinguish what he’s built in Edinburgh; his friendships, his work relationships with colleagues, and ultimately his enduring relationship with DCI Ava Turner.
It would be no exaggeration to say Luc and Ava are the heart of this series. Throughout the past five books, they’ve gone from mere work acquaintances to close friends and confidants. Their on-going flirtation/playful ribbing ramps up in Perfect Crime, culminating in scenes that are a feast to those who have been watching their relationship closely since its inception.
Without giving too much away, Luc and Ava's relationship is one that continually enraptures the reader, constantly changing, deepening, transforming and by the end of the book, my hunger for them did not abate in the slightest. Fields forges ahead, presenting the next challenge for our two heroes, which will undoubtedly be revealed in the next book, Perfect Dark (Book #6).
It was great to see Dr Alisa Lambert back in action, her persistent mothering of Ava pleases me to no end. The promotion of Max Tripp to Detective Sergeant was also greatly welcomed. Reflecting back on Perfect Remains (Book #1), I had anticipated great things for Tripp, his diligence and growth under Callanach’s tutelage evident, and although they were not in close contact in this book, it was nice to see their connection commented on by Ava. Of course, I can’t forget DS Lively, who fulfills a somewhat lesser role but nevertheless undergoes some interesting character development in this book.
The appearance of the newly appointed DI, Pax Graham, was also an interesting development. He was a character I looked forward to seeing more of after his contribution to MIT in Perfect Silence (Book #4) but he has me scratching my head. It will be interesting to see how things unfold with him at MIT especially given the final scene. Appearances from Lance Proudfoot, Natasha, and DS Janet Monroe also stood out.
Once again, Helen Fields does what she does best. Engaging the reader from the outset, she never shies away from the graphic and grotesque, the brutal honesty of death at the hands of another, and the ripple effect it has on those left behind. That is certainly palpable within every page of Perfect Crime.
I would like to thank Helen Fields, Avon Books UK, and the NetGalley for the advanced copy.

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A million thanks to Avon Books UK for allowing me to read Perfect Crime in exchange for review. I am already counting down to Perfect Dark and this one hasn’t even been published yet!

This series is amazing and continues to impress me. Somehow they are unique and the serial killers are equally terrifying yet all completely motivated by different things. I also will never tire of picturing DI Callanach without a shirt.
DI Callanach and DCI Turner are so good at their jobs and their relationship definitely enters into the plot of this book more than it has before. Their friendship is so deep, they really look out for each other and help each other and I like the connection.
I think this one in particular, the fifth book in the series, relies more on past events than some of the others. You could probably still read it as a stand-alone and follow along without trouble, but there are a few things barely touched on that are fully fleshed out previously. I would highly recommend starting with Perfect Prey at least before moving on to this one but if you are going back, do yourself a favour and read them all. You definitely will not regret it.
This series is dark, always has a few chapters with the serial killers point of view, as well as a strong police team with interesting members. DI Callanach and DCI Turner are definitely the main characters but all of the supporting characters are well fleshed out and developed as well which makes a very interesting and fun read.
Available April 18, 2019 I can not recommend this book and this series more.

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