Member Reviews

Legend Bay is a force to be reckoned with on and off the ice but when he find a soft bundle on his front porch he has no choice but go to the corkey neighbor and ask her for help. With his history with Pepper Nantais will she help Legend with this huge life changing predicament he find him self in ??

Pepper might be little but she has the biggest heart of anyone you know, after all of the back and forth;s she has had with Legend .. Pink Flamingos and Colors Colors Colors all of the lawn .. can she help him ?? They never have seen eye to eye, maybe just maybe this little bundle will change both of there lives forever ..

There is so much I want to say about this book because it hits home but I wont give anything away because Sawyers writing is spot on with Peppers Lida's medical issues it will pull you in hook line and sinker !!

Between find new life and love these two characters will find happiness at the end of a long long tunnel that never seems to end !! You have to have faith and faith in this story comes from a little girl named .. Charlie !!

Can't wait for Dax !!

Wow Just Wow !!

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Sawyer Bennett scores a hat trick with the third book in the Arizona Vengeance series, LEGEND. I’ve been looking forward to reading Legend Bay‘s story since book two, ERIC. The hockey goalie has been feuding with his new neighbor, Pepper Nantais. He hates her excessive lawn decorations, and she loves to egg him on. When Legend gets a shocking surprise, its Pepper that comes to his rescue.

I adored this story. It took an unexpected twist that was brilliant. Pepper and Legend have great chemistry. They make a dynamic couple. Pepper is an inspirational character. I love that she writes children’s books. She is thoughtful and brave. Legend is fiercely loyal and protective. I love how his life changed because of Charlotte (Charlie).

I enjoyed the plot. It was believable and engaging. It had a little of everything: humor, drama, romance, conflict. Sawyer Bennett does an amazing job expressing her characters' feelings. LEGEND is a page-turner. I have loved every book in this series. I cannot wait to read book four, DAX. I voluntarily reviewed an advance reader copy of this book.

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OMG how can I not love a story that includes hockey and characters that are named Legend and Pepper. These names suit them too (haha). As you read this story, Legend appears to live up to his name especially in the hockey world. I picture Pepper as a bohemian gal with an extra helping of flamboyancy (love it).

This story has extra intrigue right from the start. Legend and Pepper started off rocky but the a BIG surprise brings them together. I love the progress of this relationship. Intertwining it within the Arizona Vengeance world only ups my fangirling.

My favorite part of this story is at a dinner that occurs when Cold Fury characters meets Arizona Vengeance characters (eek). Pepper and Gray’s conversation CRACKED ME UP. I know, I am being vague. Yes it is intentional. You need to experience all in this telling (wink).

Sweet, sexy, intriguing, and yes even some angst are a part of this book. Awesome addition to Ms Bennett’s repertoire. Happy Reading!

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Legend Bay is methodical and organized, with every part of his life fitting into a neat orderly box. When a new neighbor moves in next door and fills her yard with kitchy eclectic decor, Legend finds his peaceful retreat spoiled. Even though Pepper’s free spirit and love of color irks Legend, she is the person he calls first when his life takes a twist he didn’t see coming.

I love a good enemies to lovers, opposites attract, and single dad stories, and this book checks all three boxes. There is a lot going on in Legend’s life, but he rolls with the punches as best as he can while trying to find a new balance. Pepper is confident in herself and enjoys getting under Legend’s skin with her yard decorations almost as much as she enjoys the decorations for herself. Even though she pokes his buttons, she is also the only one he trusts enough to have his back as he adjusts to a life he knows nothing about.

I loved watching as their dynamic shifted from antagonistic neighbors, to reliable partners, to a cohesive unit. This was a relatively smooth transition, as it happens fairly quickly. They weren’t looking for what they found together, but it fit with who they were. Due to their background, they were not strangers at the beginning of the book, and they quickly find ways to put their animosity aside and work together. As they work more closely the sparks turn from annoyance to attraction.

I loved returning to the Arizona Vengeance world, with cameos from Legend’s teammates and others. This story has a little more suspense and drama than I remember from previous Vengeance books, and I loved the addition for this particular story. There is also more plot building for both Tacker and Dax, and both teases have me anticipating these stories even more than I already was.

I received a copy for free from Netgalley and the author in exchange for my honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

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I am loving these Vengeance guys!! Legend is the latest in a yummy string of hot hockey players. He's playing at the top of his game, on a team that is really coming together. The only pesky thing in his life is his quirky next door neighbor. Yet when his life is turned upside down by a very unexpected gift left on his doorstep she is the one he comes to depend on the most. Pepper has always had a bit of fun driving Legend crazy but when push comes to shove she knows she has to help him out. Spending time together has them both seeing each other with an all new appreciation. Without realizing it Legend has fallen hard for his quirky neighbor. Does she feel the same?

As with all Sawyer Bennett books the writing and characters are outstanding and I think you will really enjoy this story. I highly recommend this book.

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Ms Bennett does it again!
Going into Legend I wasn’t sure what to expect. Neighbors who have a high level of animosity and a baby gets dropped into the mix? How could this go?
Getting to know Legend and see him fall in love with his new daughter seriously tugged on the heart strings. Seeing the softer side of the big, bad goalie make him that much more of an appealing character.
Pepper is a character that we have met before and she has always been fun, but here we got to see her deeper, caring side.
I loved seeing these two together in this well written story. There a lot of issues touched on, but one of my favorite parts was that from the minute Legend asked for help, he and Pepper were a team.
Also in the mix, is the larger Vengeance team. There are fun glimpses of previous Vengeance couples as well as teammates who will be featured in upcoming books. While these books are all connected, each one stands on its own and Legend is a wonderful addition to the series.

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Legend is the third book in the Arizona Vengeance series by one of my favorite authors, Sawyer Bennett. You can read each book in the series as standalone but I do recommend reading the series. It’s full of smokin’ hot hockey players, strong women, sexiness, sweetness, and everything in between. I will make this fast so I don’t spoil anything.

Legend has a stick up his ass. Pepper wants to remove it. They have lived next door to each other for only four months but ever since he moved in, Pepper has driven him crazy. Who needs that much crap in their yard? A crazy person. A sexy as hell crazy person. Or he wants her but can’t admit it. Then his life is twisted upside down and he needs her. Even that was hard to admit but he does.

Over the next few months these two have gone from enemies to lovers. It’s beautiful, funny, and hot as sin. And it’s not that he just needs her. He wants her. More and more every day. But, what will happen when their life is tested?

I absolutely loved this book. It’s my favorite in the series so far. It was more emotional then I expected and I loved that. If I wasn’t in the beginning of GS cookie season I would have read it in one sitting. I had to know what was going to happen next. It was awesome catching up with the team once again. I am excited for the next few books. is my favorite in the series. It gave me all the feels. I loved the characters. The story. The heat. The love. The devotion. Everything.


I shouldn’t think about her this much but I’ve never had someone fascinate me as much as annoy me before.

“What in the hell is that?”
“Flower planters,” she says matter of factly. “And I think they look fabulous.”
“They look pink,” I grumble.
“They add pizazz to your drab abode,” she counters.

I turn to Pepper—finally—and she grins at me. “You’re really hot when you’re being all famous and stuff.”

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My world just got narrowed down to this eight-pound bundle of wonderment in my arms and I am a different person as of now.

Being traded to an expansion team wasn’t necessarily what Legend Bay wanted but being a part of The Arizona Vengeance is turning out to one of the best moves of his life. The team is starting to come together, and he’s playing the best hockey of his life. A curve ball in the form of a baby is the last thing he expected and not just any baby…. a baby left, literally, on his doorstep. In a matter of seconds, he went from footloose and carefree to being a dad.

I’m kind of afraid to even talk about this book because I don’t want to spoil anything for anyone. There are twists and turns, or majorly shocking discoveries in this book (well, other than the whole “baby on the doorstep” thing; but it’s the transitioning moments that are so sweet I want everyone to see them for themselves.

I have to say, the previous encounters with Legend in the previous Vengeance stories, I thought Legend was interesting but I really didn’t think I was going to like him. I expected him to be pompous, arrogant…just a douche. Well, color me surprised and completely impressed!!! I loved this guy!!! He’s giving Ryker a run for his money for the top position in my heart for “best single dad”.

Just this morning Legend’s biggest issue was dealing with his annoying neighbor Pepper; now he’s trying to figure out how he’s going to raise a baby. While I loved the storyline, the thing that jumped out to me most was Legend’s acceptance of his responsibility for his daughter. I found myself wanting to skip the parts about he and Pepper’s relationship and just read the parts about him adapting and getting to know his daughter. I don’t know what it is about Sawyer but she makes the smallest parts in a story intriguing (not saying that Legend’s relationship with his daughter is small). It sounds crazy but I was so proud of this guy.

“Wow,” I murmur as I look down at her, and my cheeks ache as I don’t think I’ve ever smiled like this – so big – in my entire life.

Such a sigh worthy moment.

As I mentioned, Legend was nothing like I expected. He wasn’t the brained dead jock that’s normally associated with athletes. This guy was smart and he was actually in touch with his feelings. This new dad had no problem picking up a book and reading what he needed to know about properly bonding with his daughter.

Other than “Baby Charlotte” aka “Charlie” (and yes, Legend named her….so freaking sweet!!), there’s Legend’s relationship with Pepper. She and Legend went from feuding neighbors to Lover’s pretty much overnight. While it may seem like it happened fast, it was just right, they clicked. Even without Charlie in the picture and Pepper jumping in to help Legend with her, these two were meant to be together. They fell into their relationship and adapted to each other very easily. Pepper was immediately in-tune with what Legend needed, she helped but wasn’t overbearing. She wasn’t insecure…. she was confident but not cocky. What her family described as a “flighty” personality, I adored. She had some issues of her own that I was pleasantly surprised that didn’t end with a miracle solution wrapped up with a nice little bow around it. Sometimes you just need that dose of reality in a story to complete it. This book really makes you want to get deeper dive and better understanding of women who suffer from postpartum depression.

Aside from Legend and Pepper, we get a little more information on Dax and Tacker. Each have a few issues going on in their lives and I liked how Legend looked out for and cared about them. I’m pretty sure their stories are going to be heartbreaking but I can’t wait to read them.

Okay, one more thing I loved about this book and it’s something Sawyer touched on in her intro; this was primarily Legend’s POV. I LOVED THAT!!!!! I’m always interested in the male POV and unless it only them you still get most of the woman’s perspective.

So, another hit for Sawyer.

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LEGEND by Sawyer Bennett! Well, I don't know how she does it, but Ms. Bennett once again has produced a WOW! I adored LEGEND - the man and the story. Legend is a sexy, masculine hockey player but, boy, does he have a heart of gold that made me melt. Pepper, his neighbor, is spunky, colorful and full of life. Together, they were fun to watch as they traversed the path that was laid before them. For me, when a story has all the fixins - makes me laugh, shed a tear, hold my breath and cheer and scream - it's a winner. This tale has heartwarming moments as Legend adjusts to being a Dad, but there are also moments of danger and fear that were certainly gripping too. I have been a big fan of Ms. Bennett's previous hockey series, Cold Fury, and was nervous to try this new one out but, since book one of Vengeance, I have been hooked. Cannot wait for Dax's story next! (received ARC for honest review)

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Legend is 3rd book in the Arizona Vengeance Series and my favorite of the series so far! I have been waiting patiently for Pepper Nantais story! I love Pepper and she grates on Legend Bay’s nerves. Things change when she ends up being a support for him. As Legend starts to fall for Pepper he realizes.

“Pepper is exactly the woman I never knew I needed.”

There are some twists and turns and emotional hair raising moments that kept me on the edge of my seat as they unfolded.

I loved every moment of reading Legend. 5 HEA stars for sure!

Now who is next? Dax? Tacker? They need their stories told too!

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This is my favorite of the series so far. I'm sure that could change down the road, but for now Legend is a major swoon for me. Add in Pepper and Charlie and I was done for.
A quirky, artsy neighbor grates Legend's nerves til one night he needs her and realizes she's more than her gawdy lawn.
The story moved at a great pace, kept you interested and had you falling in love with everyone. I love that Sawyer Bennett has written all these hockey players and somehow keeps them fresh and interesting. I also love that she is setting you up with so many stories to come. I can't wait for more of all these players.

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I just adore both Legend and Pepper! Legend is really a great guy and has been thrown a huge curve ball. I just love how he steps up and just takes to parenthood like a duck to water. Pepper is so passionate and I love how unique she is. I really love the storyline and enjoyed Pepper and Legend's romance. We also get a fantastic look into Dax and Tacker and see more of where their stories will go.
I really love the Vengeance, possibly even more than Cold Fury!

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I was anxiously waiting for this release since Erik's book and the comical tension between Legend and Pepper. The third book in the Arizona Vengeance series did not disappoint. I loved the 'enemies' to friends to lovers story. Legend was full of ups and downs for the characters. Heavy on the drama but Legend and Pepper rely on the support of each other to get through the tough times.

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In the latest in her “Arizona Vengeance” series, Sawyer Bennett pairs up the sassy, carefree Pepper Nantais and her serious next door neighbor and hot goalie Legend Bay for a whirlwind enemies to lovers with a surprise baby thrown in romance.

Legend is not blind, he recognizes Pepper’s beauty but she also exasperates him like no other. And just when he was about to let her know what he thought of the eye sore that is her latest Christmas decoration, he finds himself asking for her help with bundle of joy that was left on his front porch.

Pepper doesn’t hesitate to go above and beyond aiding her neighbor, not because she’s been attracted to him since he moved in, but because she has a beautiful heart that catches Legend off guard. Soon they’re both knee deep in diapers, loving every minute of spending time together and falling for one another.

I loved getting to know these characters. Legend had a gruff exterior that was hiding a very sensitive side which immediately embraced fatherhood and caused my ovaries to burst. But the best aspect of their story is the reason they go from friends to lovers and he falls in love with Pepper: it’s not her beauty, nor that she’s there to help him out, it’s that she’s smart, funny, caring and challenges him.

The chemistry between Pepper and Legend was palpable since they were first introduced and their romance was absolutely cute, sweet and sexy. And despite the fact that their road towards a happily ever after had some major bumps from outside factors, or perhaps because of them, their happy ending feels truly hard-won and satisfying.

Both Pepper’s and Legend’s family are present and very supportive, but it’s the tight knit Arizona Vengeance team, who are loveable and vividly depicted, who add a wonderful layer to the story and series. It is a great pleasure to catch up with previous couples (include one crossover one) and see what they’re up to and get to meet the heroes that will mostly likely feature upcoming reads.

Legend is book #3 of the Arizona Vengeance series by Sawyer Bennett. It is told from both points of view with a happy ending.

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3.5 stars

After reading the first two books in this series I had preconceived notions on how this book would play out.  Two pages in and it was obvious that everything I thought I was getting with this book wasn't going to happen.  It took a hard turn into a completely different storyline that took me by surprise.

The story flowed seamlessly.  Legend and Pepper formed this team that could stand against anything that was thrown at them, and there was a lot!  Even with the added pressures and drama in their lives these two managed to find a lot of time to get both down and dirty while being still being mushy and sweet with one another.

This book also shed some extra light on Tacker and his situation.  It left me with even more questions about him and how he's going to be able to turn his life around after such a tragic loss.  His parts were heavy both in topic and emotions.  It left me craving his book even more than I already was.

Overall I enjoyed this book but, it didn't really resonate with me like the others in the series have.

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Gawdddd Legend is the stuff wet dreams are made of...seriously where did this super serious, stick in the mud come from? I'll tell ya...he came from rainbows and unicorns. The man is AMAZING!
Like at first you might not be into him, but then good lawddd when he get's to talking dirty and taking off clothes...your mouth hangs open and your eyes get all googley.
Pepper is the most amazing girl, she is smart, sexy, and easy going. She is just what Legend needs.
These two were meant to be together. Their story is a wild, crazy ride that you won't want to miss. Lot's of drama, lot's of laugh's and lot's of hot sex!
#Baby #Whimsical #DirtyFaceTime #Charlie

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Ahhh, Sawyer Bennett, you are writing to please my heart! I knew I loved the first two books. Top of my favorites list from you. But after reading your note to readers in this one---- I know every book in the series is going to be my favorite. Written family series style--where we get to catch up on previous couples in each story but there is a main couple who works on their HEA---perfect reading for me. Like one big epilogue the whole series long. Sigh.

This book also ticks off some of my favorite tropes: hockey book, frenemies to lovers and single parent. Great friendships, a small bit of angst and some super hot action will keep you turning pages through the whole story. Legend fights his attraction to Pepper for as long as he can. When he suddenly needs some help, he starts to see her in a different light.

Loved, loved, loved everything about the book. Grab it and enjoy!

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Hang on to your ovaries for this one ladies. So far the Vengeance guys have all been hot but throw a baby in the mix and you won't be able to stop the swooning.

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Oh my. I just loved Legend and Pepper’s story. From enemies to lovers, Pepper and Legend sure know how to heat up the pages. Legend takes his surprise in stride and Pepper goes along for the ride. I was on the edge of my seat, for sure, at the end. You’ll not want to miss a moment of the Arizona Vengeance guys.
5 stars!!!

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A diverse group of players who have each other’s backs both on and off the ice. Through relationship troubles, family concerns, personal issues, tempestuous neighbours, surprise parenthood these teammates stick together. The usual ribbing ensues as does the solidarity to back a teammate.
Legend begins as a seemingly gruff character but is soon swayed to show a softer side through unforeseen circumstances and a little persuasion.
A fantastic addition to the Arizona Vengeance series.

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