Member Reviews

This was literally such a surprise! I wasn't sure about it since it's kind of a overdone premise-- Girl wants to go against society and prove she can do anything that the boys can. This was so much more than that.

Rhen Tellur, wants nothing more than to be a scientist. Her entire life mission is to bury herself in scientific experiments with her father to find a cure to a disease that is not only ravaging her community but her mother as well. Unfortunately, Rhen and her father are limited in what they can learn because they don't have the means to have a laboratory with updated equipment. So she formulates a plan to disguise herself and her cousin, Seleni, as boys so they can enter the labyrinth competition for a prestigious scholarship to attend the all-male Stemwick University, which is sponsored by the mysterious and magical Mr. Holm.

I wasn't sure if I was going to like Rhen as a character, sometimes the characters trying to prove society wrong are a bit irritating and kind of preachy. Instead, she’s quirky and fun, strong, caring, and awkward and Seleni is a wonderful best friend who is right there with Rhen every step of the way even though what they are working for isn't her dream. She wants to be a wife and mother and she's okay with that but she also knows how much this means to Rhen and she there for her.

I really enjoyed all of the characters and the look into different types of friendship. The magical system isn't front and center and at times you forget that you are reading fantasy and then a magical creature will pop up its head.

I loved that this was about being a strong person and work for your dreams as well as a story about being a strong girl. I feel like this is a great books for young girls to read but I don't think it would alienate boy readers with all of the "Girl Power".

I received this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

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*ARC kindly given by @netgalley for my honest opinion.*

"To Best the Boys" by Mary Weber is an empowering and thought-provoking young adult novel that blends adventure, mystery, and a dash of romance. Weber creates a vivid world filled with strong-willed characters who defy expectations and challenge societal norms. With its gripping plot and themes of courage and perseverance, "To Best the Boys" is a refreshing and inspiring read that resonates long after the final page.

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This book lived up to what I thought it would be! A little bit deeper than what I usually read, this book delivered in all of the right ways and is definitely worth the read. Overall would recommend!

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Mary Weber's "To Best the Boys" is a literary gem that surpasses even the highest expectations, delivering a captivating blend of adventure, science, and resilience. This extraordinary tale takes readers on a thrilling journey through a mysterious labyrinth, challenging societal norms and celebrating the indomitable spirit of its remarkable characters.

The world-building in "To Best the Boys" is nothing short of exceptional. Weber crafts the province of Caldon with meticulous detail, seamlessly blending a society where women are confined to wifely duties and men pursue higher education. The stark contrast sets the stage for our fearless protagonist, sixteen-year-old Rhen Tellur, who dares to dream beyond the confines of societal expectations.

Rhen's character is a shining beacon of strength, intelligence, and determination. Her pursuit of becoming a scientist in a world that denies such aspirations to women is inspiring. Weber masterfully develops Rhen's character arc, infusing it with depth and nuance that make her journey both relatable and extraordinary.

The labyrinth, a central element of the plot, is a testament to Weber's storytelling prowess. The intricate challenges within the maze mirror the complexities of societal expectations and gender roles, creating a metaphorical landscape that adds layers to the narrative. The suspenseful and unpredictable nature of the labyrinth keeps readers on the edge of their seats, eagerly turning pages to discover the fate of the characters.

Weber's exploration of societal norms, gender roles, and the pursuit of knowledge is both thought-provoking and timely. The novel encourages readers to question expectations and forge their paths, resonating with themes of empowerment and self-discovery.

"To Best the Boys" is an extraordinary five-star read that not only meets but exceeds expectations.
Mary Weber has crafted a masterpiece that combines adventure, intellect, and courage, leaving an indelible mark on readers. I wholeheartedly recommend this novel to anyone seeking a captivating tale of resilience, empowerment, and the triumph of the human spirit.

Prepare to be immersed in a world where the labyrinth is not only a physical challenge but a metaphorical journey toward breaking barriers and defining one's destiny.

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Due to a sudden, unexpected passing in the family a few years ago and another more recently and my subsequent (mental) health issues stemming from that, I was unable to download this book in time to review it before it was archived as I did not visit this site for several years after the bereavements. This meant I didn't read or venture onto netgalley for years as not only did it remind me of that person as they shared my passion for reading, but I also struggled to maintain interest in anything due to overwhelming depression. I was therefore unable to download this title in time and so I couldn't give a review as it wasn't successfully acquired before it was archived. The second issue that has happened with some of my other books is that I had them downloaded to one particular device and said device is now defunct, so I have no access to those books anymore, sadly.

This means I can't leave an accurate reflection of my feelings towards the book as I am unable to read it now and so I am leaving a message of explanation instead. I am now back to reading and reviewing full time as once considerable time had passed I have found that books have been helping me significantly in terms of my mindset and mental health - this was after having no interest in anything for quite a number of years after the passings. Anything requested and approved will be read and a review written and posted to Amazon (where I am a Hall of Famer & Top Reviewer), Goodreads (where I have several thousand friends and the same amount who follow my reviews) and Waterstones (or Barnes & Noble if the publisher is American based). Thank you for the opportunity and apologies for the inconvenience.

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I had such a fantastic time reading this book! The whole concept of pretending to be a boy to get this amazing opportunity, was such an intriguing idea to read! That women really offered the opportunities to get an education, it's a horrible situation. And I loved watching her smash those expectations away!

Rhen was a really fantastic character. She wants to be a scientist, but she's about learned everything that she can, living in this small town. She's smart and she's not afraid to take chances, and watching her take on this challenge was really great!

I really couldn't put this book down! The maze was fascinating and weird, and as the story progressed, there were all these interesting twists and turns, and I just wanted to know how it would all end up! And oh, the writing was so well done!

The synopsis is a bit misleading. The last line reinforces the idea that this book is basically all about the maze, but it's not, that's only a small part of the book. It doesn't start until a third in, and then it doesn't take up much of the rest of the book. The rest is the prize that she was looking for, to get this education to see if she could figure out a cure for this sickness.

This was a really fantastic read, and I had such a great time reading it!

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In a world where boys are trained at university and women are taught to keep house, Rhen's scientific prowess has been nurtured by her father as they work together to figure out the unknown disease that claimed her mother's life and the lives of so many in their small town. Determined to pursue higher education but without an open door, Rhen determines to make one for herself by entering the scholarship competition for the Stemwick University. The only problem -- she's not a boy. Not only must she disguise herself to enter the competition, she has to come out on top and be acknowledge by the competition sponsor. This isn't an easy feat, especially since it seems that the labyrinth is a deadly place to be.

I loved this book. The mysteries for solving and a strong feminine lead who is able to hold her own in a society that looks down upon women joining the scientific profession. The mysterious labyrinth, the colorful cast of characters, and a suspenseful story drew me in and kept me hooked until the very end. Highly recommend!

Thank you to Mary Weber for sharing this awesome story with us all. Also, thank you to NetGalley and Thomas Nelson for a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. The opinions in this review are all my own.

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Lovely YA. Yes, there is an inspiration by The Hunger Games, but this novel has the aspirations of its own to show the proper place of a girl (which is to be whatever you want to be and to grow in your own ways). I liked the sensible descriptions of a smart, nerdy girl in the unjust society (both socially and towards women) - and that this novel is not based on fear and hatred towards men/patriarchy (as some are these days), but mostly on education, fight for justice and leading by example.
There is also includiveness presented in the characters with diverse needs (like autism and others - as the authoress herself explains at the end of the novel).

Having said that - while I loved the smartness and gentleness of the novel, I would love the “games” part to be longer, more game-y and with more focus on how can one grow within these kinds of situation. Yes, I am a big fan of The Hunger Games:) In this aspect, the novel is a bit tame, as I think it could benefit of playing it less safely here. But I recognize that this is a personal preference.

All in all, I find Ms Weber being a fine YA writer and I like to follow her works, as she can write with substance and added values and her plots are always interesting.

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hm. there is a solid foundation present within this story, with really creative ideas, but it isnt developed as well as it could be. in other words, this isnt bad but it could be better.

strong feminist vibes and women empowerment are very present themes in the story, but its a little too overpowering. every word and action by rhen is basically to prove men wrong. i get it, i think it will inspire the target audience of this story, but it was just a bit much for me and took too much attention away from the plot.

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To Best the Boys by Mary Weber was, for me, a highly anticipated read, and I really enjoyed it. It started slow but soon picked up, and I was completely caught up. Highly recommended!

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I’m always up for stories where young women are taking their futures into their own hands, which is exactly what Rhen does when her mother’s survival is on the line. Competing in a life or death event for a coveted spot at an all-boys university, she shows her bravery, intelligence, and dedication to her cause. And it certainly helps that the competition is set in a labyrinth which I swear is just a weakness of mine.

TO BEST THE BOYS was just a good book when looking at it from every direction. Though the story started slow, it picked up to an unputdownable pace. Rhen is the sort of protagonist you can’t help but love. You want more for her as much as she does herself, not settling for a life of being nothing more than a wife. She has a loving relationship with her cousin that I couldn’t get enough of, and even the romance wasn’t bad (though certainly not my favorite part of the story).

I think my only real complaint with this book was that I wanted more of the world. There were so many interesting aspects that weren’t explored and I just wanted a little bit more. Especially with how strong of a character Rhen was. I just wanted to immerse myself a little bit more.

I’d definitely recommend this one for fans of strong heroines who refuse to settle for the scraps society gives them, and readers seeking an exciting competition story.

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It was a bit slow 2/3
The main character got my attention on the first few pages, so that was great

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4/5 stars
What. A. Book. I read this in one day, it was so hard to put down! Such an easy read too, i thoroughly enjoyed it.
So the story is about Rhen, who decides to enter a competition that originally only allowed boys to enter. It’s set in a different world, where ghouls, basilisks and magic exist. There is a love triangle of some sorts, but we all know from the very beginning which boy she will be choosing.
I loved how Rhen is a strong female character, and so human. She cares so much about the people around her, especially her mom. I love how she’s passionate and smart. More young girls should read this book, because she is a great role model.
I’m normally not that keen on YA Fantasy, but this book has exceeded all my expectations. I would definitely recommend this book to people that like strong female characters and a little bit of fantasy.

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A beautiful magical tale from start to finish of a girl who disguises herself as a boy to win a chance at attending University. I freaking adored this world and all of the characters, the writing style and the plot was what I've been looking for, I would highly recommend giving it a go.

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This just didn't accomplish what I think it was trying to accomplish. I was expecting an exciting and action-packed feminist fantasy, and I was disappointed with the execution of what we got.

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I totally was sold with the advertising of it being handmaids' tale/hunger games vibes. Those are my favorite types of books! I really enjoyed and enjoy any book that makes the attempt to create a feminist narrative in a male-dominated world. So I definitely give kudos for it doing that! I think where the book got a little annoying for me was that the whole point, the whole goal of this book, was to take a stand against men. With stories that aim to create a feminist narrative, there need to be other aspects other than just defeating the big man. The bond of sisterhood - overcoming your own inner monologue of prejudices - accepting yourself - and so on! Which, you can kind of see by reading between the lines, but I wanted that to be MORE. I would still recommend this to anyone who is looking to quench the thirst of these dystopian worlds that pull from hunger games and handmaid's tale.

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To Best the Boys by Mary Weber
3.5 Stars
This is a thrilling new fantasy where one girl takes a stand against society and enters to compete for an esteemed scholarship to an all-make University. This is set in the province of Caldon where women train in wifely duties and men pursue education. But Rhen wants to be a scientist. Rhen and her cousin make the choice to put on disguises and enter the labyrinth and claim the scholarship.

-I didn't get into the story until the labyrinth. I liked the labyrinth parts even though some parts felt rushed, well others were well balanced.
-The theme of women and education, feminism were all handled well. I liked how these girls took things into their own hands. Even though they are strong characters, Rhen is a lovely character. Who is sweet and cares for people. Rhen and her cousins, Seleni, relationship is great! A great female friendship that doesn't turn on each other.
- This book does have a 'game-ish' feel to it. I like the maze, they get attacked by monsters, and so on. This may sound bad but I liked that their lives were on the line. (I've read a few where not bad happens to the character and it takes away from the danger.) But this book lets bad things happen to the characters.
- When I was reading I thought why do the 'upper' rich kids want this scholarship but this isn't just for a scholarship it's like a bragging right. To get to say you went through this and won out of everyone who took place.
-Rep that I really loved is dyslexia, Rhen does have dyslexia and she doesn't let that stand in her way.
-I wanted to know more about the world. The background how things ended up here and just more.
-Overall if you like cousin friendship, strong females, labyrinth games with a prize, then you might like this read.

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I was really excited to read this and was a little let down but nonetheless i really enjoyed this . The representation in this was really good. The plot was nice and fast paced and i loved this book.

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Thank you so much for allowing me to read and review your titles.
I do appreciate it and continue to review books that I get the chance to read.
Thanks again!

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3.5 stars

I received a copy from the publisher via Netgalley for an honest review.

The synopsis of this story is not very accurate, yes, there is the competition and so forth, however, that does not even start until more than half way through the novel and seems such a small part of the bigger story. I do appreciate that this novel does look at this society with how females are considered second class and essentially a Victorian type society of what is and is not proper concerning ones gender.

I so appreciate how Rhen is such an intelligent woman and SOME men in her life (especially her father) see that and love it about her, whereas other men, like the one who keeps saying he plans on courting her, just expects her to be a housewife. I like that this novel gave a voice to women breaking barriers and doing what they need to do to get to where they want in life. I do also like that with Rhen's cousin, Seleni, the author also showed that some women do want the life of being a wife and mother, and that's okay too.

The novel wasn't bad, I just expected a lot more of the labyrinth bit as that was played up a great deal with the synopsis and the cover and it's really only about 1/4 of the novel. There was a lot of political unrest and a crazy deadly virus that was going about and is Rhen's main area of scientific study and it seemed a bit surprising to me because that is not what I had expected with the novel. Regardless, it was a good novel and felt complete. I believe this is a standalone and sometimes those are just nice to have!

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