Member Reviews

Andrew Hunter is back! Loved the first book and thankfully the sequel is just as good. Fiona hires Andrew to clear her fathers name so she can move on with her life. Many twists and turns , a great mystery and look forward to another book in the series!

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This is the first book that I have read by Kerry Wilkinson, so I was unsure what to expect.

The story starts out strong and introduces you very quickly to the background story of what will eventually become the primary case that is being investigated by Andrew Hunter. Andrew is hired pro bono by Fiona Methodist to look into her father's case. Her father is deceased, but she refuses to believe that her father was responsible for the death of two young college students who were witness to a jewelry store robbery.

In addition to Fiona Methodists' case, Andrew is also hired to look into the theft of two highly awarded Bengal cats. This case adds a bit of humor to the overall story, as Andrew does not like cats.

The complicated relationship dynamics that Kerry build into the story help to provide some airiness to what other wise is a sad story, when thinking of Fiona Methodist. There is the complicated and yet romantic relationship between Andrew and his ex-wife Keira, who he has recently started seeing again. Kerry does a wonderful job in developing these characters relationships, but what he does towards the end is shocking and leaves you wondering if Andrew and Keira will ever get back together with the new information that has come to light. Then you have to add in Keira's father who cares for his daughter, but is ruthless and harsh to Andrew.

Then there is Jenny, Andrew's assistant. She is a hard one to understand because she is such a unique and unusual character. I am curious to learn more about Jenny and her past as Kerry keeps you pretty much in the dark about her. From what you learn in the story though, Jenny is a strong woman who has no fear of anything and is willing to stand up for those she cares about even if it means that she could get injured herself.

This was a really good book to read and at times it did move slowly. I also did wonder, if the theft of the two Bengals was necessary to the story or not. For this reason, I am giving the book a 3 out of 5.

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Andrew Hunter is an imperfect guy, trying to help people, which makes him a perfect hero. Likeable, and identifiable with. In this story he does not disappoint! Really gripped me right through to the end of the book!

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I've started looking forward to Kerry Wilkinson books. Love her protagonists, be it the bristly Jessica Daniel or the adorable Andrew Hunter.

This was another page turner from the author. When Fiona Methodist approaches Andrew Hunter to take on her case to prove her father's innocence in the horrific double murder that had stunned the city, he knew he was going but pure emotions. It seemed a open and shut case, but he couldn't find it in himself to turn the girl down.

This case takes him on a journey full of twists and turns. I love the way the author weaves emotions and life into what is a fast paced thriller. An absolute page turner and one I would recommend to those who enjoy this genre.

Thank you Netgalley and the publishers for the review copy of this book.

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Andrew Hunter is a private investigator. He takes on cases that others won't touch- usually because he finds it difficult to say no!

When Fiona Methodist appears on his doorstep desperate to prove that her father hadn't shot a young couple in cold blood before shooting himself. He was a war veteran. He was her dad. Reluctantly he decides to look into it. Jenny, his rather wacky assistant, says he is a sucker for a sob story! She's probably right! He soon finds himself trying to find lost cats, helping out his not so ex-wife, avoiding a 'Mr Big' as well as a jewel robbery that seemed to have sparked off the murders Fiona's father was accused of!

Although at times I despaired of Andrew & his inability to keep out of trouble I really liked him He & Jenny make a great pair. As well as the action in the story there is also an element of humour in these stories. This is the second in the series & I am already looking forward to the next one.

Thanks to Netgalley & the publisher for letting me read & review this book.

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I love this series. The author has created a terrific duo. It is clear that opposites can work really well together. You just have to adore Andrew as well as Jenny. 

Andrew can hardly say no and often only realizes afterwards what he has let himself in for and Jenny, well, I don't think there are two like her. 

We already know a fair part of Andrew's past. I hope the author will treat us soon to a little background information about Jenny as well. I am totally intrigued by her and she is quite a character. 

I like the author's style. He adds some wit to the mix and he sometimes reminds me of Janet Evanovich (I am a big fan of her Stephanie Plum series by the way).

So this book had me smiling while trying to figure out the culprit. The author proves that humour and crime can go hand in hand. 4 stars.

Thank you, Kerry Wilkinson, Bookouture and Netgalley.

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Excellent book! Loved the characters and it was a great storyline. I would highly recommend this book.

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Interesting characters and a different perspective. The writing was very good. There are two mysteries going on here, very different cases.

I liked Andrew. His relationships with his assistant, Jenny (great character) and his aunt Gemma really round him out. His ex wife, Keira, plays a part in this as well.

The bengal cat mystery was more nuts! I loved reading about those eccentric characters. That’s not to take away from the shooting mystery which was also interesting. It was a different slant as the suspect’s daughter shows us the impact these type of events have on the family that remain, quite sad.

Both mysteries come equipped with twists and red herrings. The conclusion was satisfying. I would continue on this series.

Thanks to NetGalley, the author and Bookouture for a copy in exchange for a review.

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I received a free e-copy of Something Hidden (Andrew Hunter #2) by Kerry Wilkinson from Netgalley for my honest review.

I was so excited to get a copy of this book. I loved the first book and this one was just as amazing. You can, of course, read this book without reading the first one but I highly recommend reading the first book, as it was amazing.

A thrilling mystery filled with crime, murder and even some humor. I love the writing in this series and the characters are amazing. This book is written so well you will feel like you are playing a part in the story and you grow to know the characters. You feel their emotions. Lots of twists and turns to keep you hooked till the end and wanting more.

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This was typical Kerry Wilkinson: great writing, well developed characters and lots of action and suspense.

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This was my first book written by Kerry Wilkinson and I loved the writing style. I connected with the main character Andrew, as well as his assistant, Jenny. I thought the book started off really great, but fell a little flat somewhere in the middle. Andrew had taken on two cases that were totally unrelated and I got bored with the whole cat investigation. I did however enjoy the storyline of Luke Methodist. With so many shootings in the media lately, I often wonder about the families of the shooters and what they go through afterwards. I think the author had a lot of good intentions but it fell just short for me. It needed something more exciting to keep my interest. But I did enjoy the writing style and plan to try another book by this author. Thank you for the advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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2nd book of the series. We get to know Andrew Hunter better and his employee. Andrew's relationship with his ex looks like it might be back on again. Andrew is hired by a young woman to find out if her father murdered 2 college kids. ANdrew then gets sucked into a world he doesn't want to be in. Andrew seems like to much of a wimp to be a PI. Doesn't carry a gun and doesn't seem to have the body or brains. The way this book ended though you will want to read the next book because a clue is given to him about his employee.

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"Sometimes a person's truth was more powerful than the actuality."

Fiona Methodist comes to Andrew Hunter's PI office to clear her father's name. It seems that he was named as the killer of two students who'd witnessed and survived an armed robbery of a jewelry store. Luke Methodist is also dead at the scene and is the de facto murderer and now Fiona is barely getting by as her reputation is ruined by the association. Andrew and Jenny start to look into the case. In addition, Andrew is asked to find two stolen pedigreed cats for another heartsick client. All the while, he's also trying to get back with his ex-wife Keira and spends some time looking after the well-being of his aunt who is having electrical problems in her council flat. So how is it that he ends up interacting with so many unsavory characters as he investigates these very disparate cases and tries to resolve domestic situations? NO SPOILERS.

Andrew Hunter is an interesting character who has many flaws and knows exactly what they are while powerless to change much about himself and his personal life. The secret that cost him his wife hangs over his head constantly preventing him from finding any sense of present day happiness. Jenny is definitely odd -- "sometimes her quirkiness was endearing; too many times it was just strange." They make a great work couple and, thankfully, there's nothing romantic going on. The narrative is quite descriptive, especially about the city of Manchester and the weather, and it sometimes got overlong. There's not a lot of action, really, as the different investigations plod along. The resolutions weren't really all that exciting, but frankly, the cases weren't either. I think this series is more of a character study than a crime thriller or detective style novel. I've read both books in the series and I will likely want to check out the next because this ends on a bit of a hanger. Just FYI, it's not a pulse-pounding suspense thriller but it did provide me with a couple of hours of entertainment.

Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for this e-book ARC to read and review.

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This one wasn't quite as good as the first. It starts off interesting and engaging. About halfway through, the pacing slows and the answers become obvious. The characters of Andrew and Jenny save the story. They are complex and intriguing. I hope the next book picks things back up.

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I really enjoyed this book. The working relationship between Andrew and his assistant Jenny is interesting. Their cases and the way they solve them are engaging. I am a fan of Kerry's books and this one lived up to my expectations. Anything written by Kerry is definitely worth reading.

Thank you to Netgalley for my copy.

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Whenever the news reports on a shooting, I often wonder about the family of the shooter. They truly are victims as much as those shot and their families. So I loved that Wilkinson picked this as the theme for his second Andrew Hunter book.

Fiona Methodist is the daughter of a war vet that kills two university students and then kills himself. She has been ostracized and driven from her job and home since the killings. Convinced her father didn’t do it, she comes to Andrew asking him to find out the truth.

Andrew and Jenny are both slightly off, but they have wonderful powers of observation. And it’s Jenny’s powers of observation that lead her to know exactly what to do, especially for Gem. She is consistently the shining light of this series.

I love the ambiguous ending to this. “Battle not with monsters lest ye become a monster.”

This is a very different series from Wilkinson’s Jessica Daniel series. Much darker. But I enjoy it every bit as much.

My Thanks to netgalley and Bookouture for an advance copy of this book.

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Something Hidden is an appropriate title for this book, as it turns out that many things are hidden!

Andrew Hunter, a 35 year old Private Investigator, finds himself with two cases as opposite as can be. Fiona Methodist is a young woman who wants to clear her father's name. Luke Methodist is widely believed to have murdered a young couple, who were witnesses to the robbery of a jewelry store, before killing himself. His infamy has caused her to lose her job and her apartment and she wants her life back. Andrew takes her case pro bono.

Case #2 finds him searching for the kidnapper(s) of two Bengal cats, a special and highly expensive breed created by mating a Bengal tiger with a cat. The owner is quite distraught, and though Andrew himself is scared of cats, before he knows it he has promised her to find out what happened to them.

Between working the cases which have him meeting all kinds of characters, he's also looking out for his aged Aunt Gemma and trying to sort out his ongoing feelings about his ex-wife, Keira.

I like Andrew. He's very relatable and personable, and honest about his failings and flaws. I also like Jenny, his assistant, full of spunk and sass, seemingly fearless, and an enigma to Andrew. To witness their interactions with each other is pure entertainment.

Told using the third person narrative, the story alternates between sixteen months ago when the jewelry store robbery occurred, and current day, when his compassion leads him to take on these two cases. The current day parts are marked day by day, with all of the action happening in a relatively short time-frame. Combine an interesting story with short chapters and you write a book that keeps the reader wanting to read more.

This is an entertaining read, and rates 3.5 stars from me.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Bookouture for allowing me to read an e-ARC of this book in exchange for an honest, unbiased review. All opinions expressed here are my own.

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I'm getting to like this flawed private investigator and his sidekick Jenny.They make an interesting pairing. Good story lots of twists and turns and more than one villain.

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Loved this book!! I enjoyed it even more than the first book in the series. The opening of the book with the jewelry store robbery had me hooked and I couldn't wait to find out what happened. Andrew and Jenny make the perfect partners. I can't wait to find out more about Jenny. There's definitely something in her past and no one should ever call her psycho. I loved seeing Jenny with Andrew's Aunt Gem.

Andrew Hunter finds himself looking into the case of Luke Methodist, who was accused of killing a young couple in the middle of the day. Andrew takes the case after Luke's daughter shows up at his door insisting that her father was innocent. Andrew's other case involves two stolen Bengal cats. Between looking for two missing kitties and the truth about Like Methodist, Andrew has been spending more time with Keira. Aunt Gem and Rory the pug make an appearance. Of course Jenny is there and always has Andrew's back- from a crazy cat in a box to a scary large hulk of a man.

I absolutely loved the missing Bengal cat case. I mean how can you not enjoy Elvis and Presley and the impressive trio of Michael, Tito and Jermaine (the Northern Cats of the Year)? The Bengal cat owners were all sorts of crazy. I admit I LOVE taking pictures of my cats but I draw the line with custom made cat boots from Copenhagen to keep their paws clean, plaques on the house and spending tens of thousands for a cat. It was a definite surprise who was behind the catnapping. The Luke Methodist case had one twist after another. I enjoyed how Andrew and Jenny unraveled all the lies and secrets tied to what really happened. I really hope Andrew and Keira get back together, I don't think they ever stopped loving each other. They seem perfect for each other, except for Keira's crazy and evil father. He is a horrible person and if I was Andrew I would be scared.

I definitely recommend this book. Although you should read Something Wicked first. I loved the characters, story and writing style. I can't wait to read the next book in the series.

Thanks to NetGalley, Bookouture and the author, Kerry Wilkinson, for a free electronic ARC of this novel.

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A big fan of Kerry Wilkinson's work, this book threw me for a loophole. It starts off with a couple, Owen and Wendy, going to look for an engagement ring in a pawn shop. The couple witnesses a burglary but survives it. Later on, they are killed and it seems as if a man named Luke Methodist did the deed. But why? Enter Fiona Methodist, Luke's daughter, who claims her Dad would never do such a thing. She hires Andrew Hunter to investigate the matter and Andrew, being the nice guy he is, takes the case pro-bono. He, along with his quirky, fearless assistant, Jenny, also take on a case of missing Bengal cats whose owner, Margaret, is quite the eccentric lady. This book just didn't really do it for me. The facts for both cases were messy and the cases were completely unrelated. I really had a problem with what the roles of each of the characters in the Methodist case were and still didn't really understand Luke's part it in as the story ending as it was a bit confusing as to who was working for who and who did what because of why. This started off as a pretty good story but fell a bit flat at the end. Not a horrible read but definitely not a favorite.

Thank you to Netgalley, Kerry Wilkinson, and Bookouture for my ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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