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Drakon’s Tear

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Shifter goodness…

I’m not sure how I managed to go from book one to six in this series but I know I’ve missed a lot of that goodness! Drakons are rare but they pop up in the most unexpected places. Abigail is running from horrible memories, trying to find a safe place to heal, little knowing she was going to find even more danger…

Vasili was a great shifter hero as he and Abigail built trust on the run. I’m one hundred percent sure I wouldn’t have been anywhere near as chill as Abigail as they fled, and fought, their mutual enemies. Wary and unsure, they had to believe in each other or their escape would have been ridiculously short. Deadly enemies and unexpected allies surrounded them so they had to think fast, and on their feet, meaning this story flew by as one confrontation led to another.

Suspense, steam and a melding of hearts made this story another favourite from one of my favourite authors…

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I loved the first book in this series (Drakon's Promise) and I was delighted to find that Drakon's Tear was just as good if not better than it. The two main characters were really well written and their story arc was well thought out and well written. I can't wait for the next book in this series. I am reviewing this book based on an ARC received from NetGalley in exchange for an honest opinion.

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Drakon’s Tear is book six in the Blood of the Drakon series by N.J. Walters

This was another enjoyable edition to the Blood of the Drakon series. Here we get Constance’s sister Abigail.

Each story added a little more detail, adventure and questions that you can’t help but wonder the answers too. The series and stories are all insta mate/love stories. They are also predictable, but still good. Sometimes predictable is enjoyable.

The author did add a new element in this story with the Ice Drakon and the knowledge Vasili wields. He’s unique compared to other Drakons. I liked this new element and the knowledge he has. We still have the over all arc with the Knights still trying to capture a Drakon’s and using anyone they can to get what they want. I hope one day we see the Knights as a whole get their comeuppance.

Drakon’s Tear was a delightful read.

Rated: 4 Stars

*Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy provided by Entangled Publishing, LLC via NetGalley with the sole purpose of an honest review. All thoughts, comments and ratings are my own.

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DRAKON'S TEAR can easily be read as a stand-alone because there is enough background information to bring you up to date. So, if you love to read about a vulnerable yet strong heroines, a hero with a protective streak, danger, intrigue and a romance that will make your heart beat faster then get your hands on DRAKON'S TEAR!

Besides the main couple, Vasili and Abigail, there are others who add to the overall seamless storyline; characters from past books come into this one, an amazing priest with a very intelligent, quick mind, who knows a lot of things the world isn't ready for and bad guys who are really slimy, evil dudes. Humor slips in and out of the pages, balancing with the action and danger neatly.

Annetta Sweetko, reviewer for Fresh Fiction

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Drakon's Tear is another good Drakon romance by N.J. Walters. Good plot and characters. Loved the paranormal feeling of the book.

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These books are all unique and interesting in their own way and this one is no different. Rather than spending time with all the drakons we already know, we get to take a trip into Russia with Abigail, who we previously met. If you haven't read any of the previous books in this series, I would recommend starting from the beginning, but you can probably muddle through if you must.

Abigail is on a bit of a vacation. She's taking photos, exploring the world, and generally trying to get over her horrible kidnapping by the Knights. While wandering the streets, her gift for sensing gemstones calls her to a store where her life turns upside-down (again). Poor Abigail, she just wants some peace, but is immediately under attack when it's found out that she was able to identify the hidden "treasure" in that store. A trap, for sure, but it leads to even more complicated matters when she becomes the companion of a certain mysterious Russian man who saves her life.

Vasili is a mystery and a loner, which makes his drive to protect Abigail even stranger. Don't worry, though, because everything is revealed and we even get a nice HEA at the end of all this. There are new friends (or at least tentative friends) and a bit of resolution to all of this. Overall, this is a very satisfying paranormal read, whether you enjoy dragon stories or not.

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I'd like to say on here for the record that the cover is deceiving. Why? As I was reading, I thought to myself, this isn't one of those trashy romance books. This novel consists of fantasy, suspense, action, and mythology. Kinda like Sherrilyn Kenyon's and J.R. Ward's but without a lot of sex scenes. So, it deserves a better cover, but that's just me.

This novel really draws you in at the very beginning. I was hooked and could not put the book down until a little over 2 hours later. I appreciate the fact there was hardly any steamy scene(sorry, too much of it gets too old for me. Nah, I'm not sorry. It's just TMI for me)

If you enjoy




family bond

good vs evil






light romance

then you'll enjoy this fast action novel. I wouldn't mind reading her other books in the series. This can be a stand alone book.

I'll give this book a low 4 stars.

I received this interesting ARC from Entangled Publishing, LLC /Entangled: Amara through Net Galley for my unbiased and honest review. Thank you!

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I’d not read the previous books in the series, but this one worked well as a standalone. The book was fast faced and exciting and the relationship between Abigail and Vasili absorbing. Vasili is the perfect hero, strong, intelligent and totally protective of Abigail. Abigail is slightly vulnerable, after her experience of being tortured but strong in her own way and resilient. Vasili’s dragon is quite miffed by how she thinks to push him away to protect him!
A totally enjoyable book!

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Fun, sexy and exciting new addition to this great series. A new twist to the previous books along with being ultra alpha he showed a sweet side. I enjoyed the new good elements of magic and even though its a predictable story the author keeps you anxiously turning the page.

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It is one of those books that you want to finish right away, but you also need to savor each word and each turn of events.

It so good that it made me smile as read the lines. Action packed and you will fall in love all over again. If there will be a next book in this series, i look forward to it.

I received a free, advance copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for my unbiased review.

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4.5 - "What do you know about dragons..?" Stars!

Another addition to the hugely enjoyable Blood of the Drakon series. Abigail Owens featured in book five in that she was Constance’s sister. But Drakon's Tear is her all on her own.

This time she was going to save herself…

Now away from the bright lights of Vegas, Abigail is traveling around the world taking pictures and trying to decide what to do with her life. A musty little antique shop in Moscow opens her up to a whole world of adventure when she discovers a bracelet, fashioned from silver, but adorned with a sapphire of the purest quality, she has seen stones of this caliber before and knows immediately that it is in fact a Drakon’s tear.

She could be his downfall if he wasn’t careful…

Vasili Zima, is drawn to both the stone and the woman wearing it, but living the way he does, and for the length of time he has, makes him wary of her motives when it comes to the power the stone seems to be wielding over the both of them, having evaded the Knights of the Dragon for the length of time he has, his first suspicion is that Abigail is being used to trap him, doesn’t matter though as his Drakon wants her, and he senses immediately that she will be more than just a casual acquaintance to him.

They hadn’t know each other long in the scheme of things… but it didn’t seem to matter. They’d been through so much in that short amount of time.

One thing that proves true once again with this author and her writing, with Drakon’s Tear is that she’s a stellar story teller, we have gone completely off track quite a bit in the scheme of the original story arc now, particularly with the original cast of villains barely having any involvement in this story at all. I would still like to see the organization as a whole get its comeuppance and I am assuming that at some point the author will tie off those loose ends in a forthcoming book. But the characters and story lines being explored are still really enjoyable, easy to read and chock full of sexual tension and sexy times, which are all plus points for me, so I look forward to seeing what she has in store next.

"I have a gift for finding rare and special things… And what I found is you."

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I was glad to find out The Blood of the Drakon series didn’t end with the last Varkas brother and actually continued in Drakon Unchained. I loved that NJ Waters was introducing more Drakons and that their world was slowly expanding, bringing in new characters and new allies.

Each story added more detail, more adventure and of course more questions that you can’t help but wonder at the answer to.

This latest addition focuses on Abigail and Vasili. After her kidnapping and torture at the hands of the Knights, Abigail decides it’s time to get out of her sister’s hair and finally take that trip to Europe she’d always talked about. When a detour lands her in Moscow, Abigail finds herself once again drawing the attention of the Knights.

When her gift to sense powerful and important gems leads Abigail to an enchanted bracelet, she finds herself once again on the run while dangerous men follow at her heels.

This might just be my favorite of the series so far. There was so much potent chemistry between Abigail and Vasili. I loved their instant attraction, the fast pacing of the story worked for them and made their story engaging. It does follow the same formula as the previous books, Drakons are notorious for being a suspicious bunch and Vasili is no different. With Abigail trying to keep Nik’s secret and trying to gain Vasili’s trust, things aren’t easy but I loved that Vasili’s instincts beat out his logic. He was the possessive, protective alpha that I love in book boyfriends and the way he acted and felt for Abigail was swoon-worthy on all levels.

Another reason why I enjoyed this one so much more is that Vasili introduces new elements to the story with his extensive knowledge of magic. It was fascinating to know he had a new weapon to fight the Knights. His tattoos were another stroke of genius!

Would I recommend? This whole series is worth checking out.

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This was a nice book, good background story and likable characters that you wanted to learn more about. An entertaining weekend read.

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The newest book in the Blood of the Drakon series is an explosive adventure and rockin’ romance. Abigail and Vasili are two very strong and bold characters that have fiery chemistry and insists that readers join them in fighting the enemy. The romance between these two is on the sweet side as Abigail and Vasili are two people who are a bit unsure of the other due to their pasts and not knowing who to trust, so the magnetism has to work a bit of overtime in order to ensure that this couple gets with the program. This doesn’t mean that the pages aren’t heating up with lots of steamy passion because the sexy Drakons take passion and desire to a whole new level. The relationship has a couple of unexpected surprises as well which really makes this romance extra special and spicy.

The story has a fast plot and keeps readers glued to the pages with a lot of thrilling suspense and excitement that gets the blood pumping and keeps reader turning the pages. Vasili and Abigail know all about the evils of the Knights of the Dragon organization whom are the very persistent enemy of all Drakons and now they are after our hero and heroine once again with some nefarious tricks, lures, traps and mercenaries. There seems to be no end to how wonderfully surprising this series can get as every book gets better and better due to the author creative mind that adds little but important details that makes every book stand out.

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it didn't take me long to recall that our heroine, Abigail, is the sister from book 4 of the series. She's been traveling and exploring Europe for since the end of that book. We also soon meet Vasali, the hero, when her travels lead her to Russia and events draw the two together. Alas a new (to us) branch of that nasty evil group, Knights of the Dragon, have a hand in events and soon the tow are on the run unsure if they can trust each other or their instincts. There is steady action from the start but with nice breaks where we get to know our h/h better and watch them work through their (understandable) suspicions and mutual attraction. Since Abigail is now Nic's (book 4) sister-in-law, we do get a bit of the original drakons bringing this book together as a true part of the series although all the action primarily takes place in Russia and centers around the current couple. If you are new to the series, you won't be lost, but if you've been along since the first you'll be happy with the balance as well. All in all an enjoyable read that will keep you reading as new bits of drakon lore and history are revealed till the happy (and sweet) ending.

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This is the sixth book in the series and can be read as a stand-alone. Abigail is doing her best to start again after being kidnapped but feels someone his watching her. The only person she truly trusts is Vasili. The story is fast-paced with loads of drama and the chemistry is off the charts hot. I really liked this read and look forward to more in the series.

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Good lord, I couldn’t read Drakon’s Tear fast enough this weekend to figure out just what was going to happen between Vasili and Abigail!

Abigail is trying to run from her past. . . err . . . put her past behind her. She’s wanting to explore the world, away from the concerned, prying eyes of her sister, Constance and Constance’s mate, Nic. Her travels have taken her to Moscow, where she discovers a beautiful bracelet—not knowing it’s a drakon tear, and one that’s been charmed with black magic.

By chance, Abigail meets Vasili, and he’s the only one who can keep her safe. The only one who can protect her from the Knights of the Dragon. The only one who will love her for the rest of her life.

Drakon’s Tear kept me at the edge of my seat (and ignoring my family) the entire time. Would Abigail and Vasili stay ahead of the Knights? Would Vasili be able to protect himself and Abigail? Just what kind of drakon was he?

I loved the romance between Vasili and Abigail too. I loved the fact that Abigail knew about the Knights—and the danger they represented—and that Vasili didn’t have to really worry about Abigail not “getting it” and just loving her and keeping her safe became his top priority. I loved how Constance and Nic and Warrant also helped with background information and helping uncover just who charmed the bracelet. Seriously, I cannot get enough of these fantastic Blood of the Drakon stories.

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Abigail thinks that floating around the world will be the start of her usurping her independence. No more cowering in her sister and brother in laws shadow. She is an adult and wants to make her own place in the world, mistakes and all. She thinks she is soooo smart when she ditches the guards that she realised Nic set on her trail But no sooner than she ditched them and bad guys start popping up, determined to take her at all costs.

Abigail has a talent for gemology, she can tell at a glance if a stone is real or not and someone is determined to use her talent to help trap a Drakon! Enter Vasili! He is a bit of a shady character but he works on the side of the light and is a Drakon. He scoops all the artefacts that the Knights could use against his kind. Not that he knows much about them but he really doesn't the Knights in charge.

When he dupes Abigail into accepting his help, he sees it as a chance to get to know her. She is left thinking that she doesn't know who to trust

Fast paced and intense! Vasili even manages to stump Nic with new information about drakons and their past. These damn knights will not go quietly! Continuing to enjoy this series!

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Just because you are paranoid, doesn't mean that someone is not after you. Abigail was kidnapped before and now that she has been rescued, the feelings of being watched have not disappeared. And when confronted by a stranger in a cafe, the possibility becomes real. Danger, action and suspense in this 6th story of the Drakon series. Will the stranger be the one to set her free? Will her powers over gems be revealed? Will a future happiness be guaranteed?

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Drakon’s Tear by N.J. Walters is a fabulous addition to the Blood of the Drakon series and the story of Vasili Zima and Abigail Owens (we met Abigail briefly in book 4). As with the previous books, Drakon’s Tear is a fast-paced, exciting and sensual read, with engaging characters and a well developed storyline, and while you could read this as a standalone, I highly recommend starting at the beginning to allow a full appreciation of the overall world building and the flow of the series. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and have no problem recommending this book and the entire series.

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