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The Girl in the Corner

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This is my second Amanda Prowse book after Poppy Day, which I loved.
The Girl In The Corner wasn't quite as much my cup of tea, and I wish the main protagonist could have found her spine a good deal earlier, but it was still impactful writing and an all too credible plot. Genre readers will love it.

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When You open all books written by Amanda Prowse you know they are going to be excellent. touching read.
So The Girl in the Corner came out to read I had to put it on my reading list. This book is beautifully written. and an easy read with brilliant characters throughout. Each character had their own issues and fitted well within this book. Amanda has a great way of making you a part of her books. You will find some moving sad parts of the book so you may need some tissues handy.

I would highly recommend her books especially this one. I just loved it.

Thank you Amazon Publishing UK and Netgalley for the opportunity to review this fantastic book.

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So. I never cry at books. But blow me, this is the second book EVER I have cried at, and the first one I cried at was also an Amanda Prowse book!

This is the story of Rae who is quite under-confident and who puts everyone's needs before her own, until a major upset causes her to re-evaluate her life. I don't want to go into any more detail as I want readers to go on Rae's journey with her.

This was, as is usual with an Amanda Prowse book, written from the heart, and makes you pause and think about your own family and smile when you see similarities.

Another 5* highly recommended read from me!

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Wow! Twists and Turns throughout the entire book! I didn't want it to end, especially after more was revealed. I enjoyed reading about the progression of Rae-Valentine and she finds her confidence and turns into a strong independent woman. A very fast read encompassing, love, loss, best friends, family and how they all intertwine for better or for worse.

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Wow another an amazing novel from Amanda Prowse. How does she continue to write such heart wrenching stories that are so true to real life that you can’t help but feel heartbroken for poor Rae. The story flowed well and kept you gripped and guessing till the end. Covering everyday stress and strains of real life. Thank you Amanda.

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I seem to either love Amanda’s books, or feel let down by them. I liked the beginning of this, and loved the ending, but the rest seemed to go on forever with just the one theme of whether or not the cheated-upon wife should forgive her husband. Having said that, a few of my book-loving friends have said it’s their favourite book of Amanda’s so far, so what do I know?

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I was so excited to read this book. I have enjoyed many novels by Amanda Prowse as she does domestic drama so well. This one feels a little different and actually, I decided very early on that it was my favourite of all of her published works. It was the characterisation that clinched it for me on this occasion. I was instantly able to empathise with the protagonist, Rae-Valentine, and enjoyed watching her get stronger throughout the challenges of her marriage and family life. Her best friend, Dolly, was drawn incredibly well and I fell in love with her straight away. She had me in stitches in several places throughout the story which added a lightness and comedy that complemented the more serious struggles the characters were facing. Even the background characters felt very full and real, particularly Rae-Valentine’s mother. I would highly recognise this book to anyone who likes their fiction to feel real, raw and authentic and enjoy being made to consider, ‘Mmm…what would I do in this situation?’

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I'm a massive Amanda Prowse fan and was very excited to be approved for this book. But there was something about it that left be a bit cold and unmoved. The character of Rae wasn't very fleshed out and Dolly was just annoying. It seemed incredible to me that Rae had never previously questioned the role she played in the lives of her family and friends because they were so important to her until a major crisis hit, then she completely changed her whole attitude about what was important to her.

I've now started reading Coordinates of Loss by the same author which is excellent, so hopefully this disappointing read is just a blip from a normally highly readable writer.

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Rae’s story is one of heartbreak, friendship and finding yourself, and although her journey is painful at times, it’s also about finding strength from within, being kind to others, but being kind to yourself as well. Easy to read, The Girl in the Corner is compelling and capture’s the reader’s attention.

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Perfect chick lit! I loved the premise and the characters were well developed! I recommend this for anyone looking for a light and fun read!

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Loved this story and Amanda Prowse has done an excellent job at capturing you into the story so you feel the highs and lows of the characters.

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The main character in this wonderful story is Rae-Valentine. As a young girl, she forever feels like she is the girl in the corner, hiding away, unlike her outgoing dancer older sister and her crazy best friend, Dolly. After marrying Dolly’s handsome brother, Howard, on the evening of Rae's 25th wedding anniversary, she feels she has it all- living in a beautiful house, two wonderful children, and a comfortable life. When it all comes crashing down that night due to being given information about her husband she never thought she would hear, Rea feels once again like the girl in the corner, being forgotten by those she loves.

Following that evening, Rae has some hard decisions to make and the tale of her finding herself is very, very good. I loved this book and so happy I had the chance to read it by receiving a copy from NetGalley. It’s my first Amanda Prowse book and I can’t wait to read more. Highly recommended!!

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Completely gripping from the first few pages. I could easily identify with Rae-Valentine and could see some of her life mirrored in my own.

This is story about being the person you want to be, to try to live the life you want, and not for those more pushy relations.

Rae-Valentine is a quiet sort of girl, bit of a wall flower, eager to please, lacking in confidence. Her parents appear to favour her older sister, her best friend is rather bolshy and the complete opposite and her husband is her best friends brother.

She has married into a whole different life to what she has grown up with and when one day she hears her husband confess to a brief affair, her life is sent off kilter.

This is a book of self discovery, the majority of which is on a holiday to Antigua.

There are some hilarious moments in this, as well as some that brought me almost to tears,

Like the majority of the books I have read by Amanda Prowse, it was an addictive read, hard to put down, and is definitely a book worth clearing time in your schedule to read in one sitting.

Thank you to Lake Union and Netgalley for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily.

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This is my first Amanda Prowse book, and won’t be my last. Rae’s story was woven together so well that it draws you in without you really noticeing, and before you know it you’ve been reading for 2 hours straight. I couldn’t decide how I wanted Rae and Howard’s story to end. I won’t talk about the story any more as I don’t want to leave spoilers. Just read it

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With thanks to Netgalleyand the publishers for the loan of the book in exchange for an honest review.
The girl in the corner by Amanda Prowse was a story of a marriage lasting 25 years and how the family and friend dynamics change when the wife is told the evening after celebrating 25 years of marriage that the husband had been unfaithful.
It is an insightful story and Rae, the girl in the corner has to come to turns with his infidelity. Or does she?
Highly recommended.

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Another book from Amanda Prowse that you will not be able to put down and you will yourself definitely needing a box of tissues. Rae met Dolly as a teenager and they became best friends. Dolly was the outgoing person that Rae wanted to be. Dolly introduced Rae to her brother Howard, who she then married. Rae has a great life, a loving husband, children and family but she knows she has never fulfilled her dreams. At her silver wedding anniversary party Howard makes a startling confession that leaves Rae feeling betrayed and heartbroken. She then has to decide whether to stay the girl in the corner or lead her own life. The story explores how a woman who finds herself after being in the shadow of others and becomes the woman she always dreamed she would be. A highly recommended read.
Thanks to NetGalley and Lake Union publishing for giving me the opportunity to read and review this book.

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I have read a few of Amanda Prowse’s books and loved them. They usually bring out many emotions, many tears, for me. This one didn’t do that. It was good don’t get me wrong. But it was also just not the kind of book I would usually read. There was no connection for me to the characters.

Rae- Valentine let people make to many decisions for her that she should have made for herself. Especially after her husband of 25 years dropped a bomb in her lap on the night of said anniversary. I did not like him at all. I personally didn’t think he sounded sincere once he came to where Rae and Dolly, Howard’s loud sister, were on holiday. A holiday that was meant for Rae and Howard. He thought Rae would just forgive him that quickly... That is beyond belief in my opinion. Rae was a bit of a pushover though. She sorta of stood up to Dolly but then would back down again every time. She needed to tell them all where to go and how quick to get there. I would have respected her way more if she would have stood up to Howard and Dolly more. Then to find out that Dolly who was her best friend since the young age of 16 knew the secret, or part of it, that Howard was keeping, made her even more of a jerk. Even though Howard was her brother, Rae was her very best friend and deserved more respect from her.

Then something happens that is sad, that part did make me cry, and Rae decides it’s time to get over the anger and forgive Howard. It’s not been that long by the way. But of course she finds out more things and then she decides it may be time for her to do things that she has always wanted to do. But will she? You’ll have to read the book to find out but I have to say I gained a bit of respect for her near the end. The way she interacted with her children, especially her daughter’s new love, gave me hope for Rae. That her sister, Debbie-Jo was very self centered and totally thought the world centered around her. I didn’t like her either. The only one I liked a bit was Dolly. Dolly was loud and overwhelmening but she was herself. She didn’t play games most of the time. I think she truly thought she was protecting Rae-Valentine by keeping secrets.

I gave this book 3.5 stars only because it just didn’t keep me up reading or show the emotions that Amanda Prowe’s other novels have. I think it’s worth reading and do recommend you read it and judge for yourself. It was just not exactly my kind of story.

Thank you to NetGally, Amanda Prowse, Lakeside group, Amazon Publishing UK and Lake Union for letting me read this in exchange for my very honest review.

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After reading several of Amanda Prowse books I feel highly honoured to receive a copy of this book from Netgalley in exchange for a review.

Rae-Valentine meets extrovert Dolly at college, they become friends for life even though she is the opposite of quiet Rae. Dolly is adamant that Rae will love her brother Howard so she arranges a double date which leads to marriage.

Howard and Rae are celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary and Dolly has helped arrange a party that has all the family there.

After the party Howard admits to having a 2 week affair with one of the waitresses at their family restaurant. They had to pay her off so she would not tell anyone!! But now the genie is out of the bottle can their marriage survive such a betrayal of trust.

As usual Amanda Prowse is not afraid to delve into the nitty gritty of emotions, it makes you see their marital difficulties from other people’s options and how it effects the whole family.

A beautifully written book about friendship, marriage and trust that will keep you enthralled and pull at your heart strings.

I was the girl in the corner, being the youngest and quietest of 8, growing up you would often find me in the corner reading. My favourite short story was “The mouse that roared” and believe me if you rile me I have learned to roar before scuttling back to my book!!!

A must read book with a surprising ending.

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This book centres on the life of Rae Valentine and how she ends up living her life in the shadows in relation to her best friend Dolly and then all of the other people in her life. This includes her husband, who is Dolly's brother, who she meets when she is 16 years old.

Rae starts to question her life when her husband Howard reveals that he has been unfaithful to her. This rocks her world and she is not sure of anything as a result.

A highly enjoyable read.

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Another good read from Amanda Prowse. In this story, Rae is absolutely broken when her husband confesses to having had a brief affair with a much younger woman. To try and get her head straight, she goes off on holiday to Antigua with her sister in law. But will she be able to forgive her husband, or is she really prepared to walk out on everything she knows and start again? A good story with an ending that surprised me! Thanks to NetGalley for a preview copy.
Copied to Goodreads.

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