Cover Image: The Girl in the Corner

The Girl in the Corner

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This was a disappointing read, I found it difficult to get into and I just felt irritated by the actions of some of the characters. The main character Rae-Valentine, came across as much older than her mere 43 years of age. I could not believe that she described herself as middle aged! What nonsense. She also described her parents as suffering from decrepitude, a word generally used to describe the very aged and physically failing. Her parents couldn’t have been much more than early 70s, and these days that is no age at all. She felt the need to ferry them around to appointments, and order online groceries weekly for them, which they regarded as some kind of magical event - all of this was so stereotypically ageist, as if they were incapable of independent living.
The story was very contrived, even to Rae’s holiday crush, despite her devastation with her husband’s betrayal. Really?
The constant navel-gazing and introspection of Rae became very wearing, and I frankly could not wait to finish the book.
The ending was all very predictable regarding Howard. Rae’s final actions in response were so completely unrealistic, it was unbelievable. I’m sorry to say that this book left me cold.

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I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an independent review.
Amanda Prowse is one of my favourite contemporary authors and yet again she manages to deliver an excellent read. What I like best about her books are that they are very ordinary subject matters written in an extraordinary way. The characters are always rich, real and easily relatable to, well written and their stories always draw me in from the off.
Another cracker of a book with a few scenes which particularly resounded with me and brought a few tears to my eyes.
Highly recommended. 5 *****

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I received this book "The Girl In the Corner" from NetGalley and all opinions expressed are my own.
This book was okay. I found the characters a bit annoying. I just didn't look forward to reading it each day.

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Nice and easy read, perfect for a rainy Sunday! Although the story is a bit predictable, it's being presented in a good style that makes it a joy to read and easy to relate to the main character and share her feelings. It was my first Amanda Prowse but I see why she has a big fan club.

Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for providing a copy!

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The story is about Rae-Valentine who has been "beige" for all of her 16 years until she meets Dolly, who is an explosion of colour and noise, who introduces her to her brother and a whole, exciting new family.
Rae's sister, Debbie-Jo, is their parents' star and Rae feels that her place in the family is in the background, in the corner. She feels that her family resents her for "marrying up", especially as Debbie-Jo leaves it up to Rae to care for her parents and shuttle them around.
In her own marriage she is the "pleaser", always making sure everything runs smoothly for her husband, children and the family business. But she feels secure in her life.
But then everything is shattered by her husband's bombshell. She starts seeing everyone in a new light - her husband; her best friend - her sister in law; her role in supporting everyone's lives. In a way the bomb Howard dropped shook Rae out of the corner.
I wondered as the story progressed towards the end why it was continuing as I thought the pinnacle moment had already occurred and everything had been sorted out. Boy, did the ending blow me away.
An awesome read. Amanda Prowse has the ability to take you so deep into the story that you really see the characters. I saw Howard as "Howard" in the Big Bang Theory; Dolly I imagined as "Penelope" from "Criminal Minds" - just her outward eccentric appearance.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for the opportunity to read this book.

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First of all, have some tissues near by before you even open this book. I wish I’ve been warned what to expect from Amanda Prowse. The Girl in the Corner is the first book I’ve read by her and it’s written with so much emotion and care. So realistic and touching, which makes it incredibly powerful. Adored the story and purchased another 3 books by Amanda Prowse straight after.

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This is the second book i have read by Amanda Prowse and i spent most of the book willing Rae to assert herself and be the person she desperately wanted to be. Without ruining the book for anyone, it took one of the saddest experiences for her to gain the backbone she had hidden. I enjoyed reading this and would like to thank the publishers and netgalley for letting me have the book to review. #girlinthecorner#netgalley

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Amanda Prowse has done it again, another fab read which kept me engrossed from beginning to end. Highly recommend

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Another great book from Amanda Prowse, the Girl in the Corner tells of family life with the story moving between the friendship of Rae-Valentine and Dolly and Rae’s marriage to Dolly’s Brother, Howard.

As the stories unfolded (yes, dear Reader there is always multiple stories in an Amanda Prowse novel) the Girl In The Corner, had me hanging on to every word until the very last page, and I found myself shouting advice to Rae-Valentine several times!

I really recommend The Girl In The Corner and give it 5 stars.

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There are a few authors who are bumped straight to the top of my to be read pile as soon as I am lucky enough to get a copy of their new book.
Amanda Prowse is one of those authors and yet again she hasn’t failed to deliver.

This story written in the third person is a tale of a woman who has always put her family first, but after being dealt a devastating blow when a betrayal is revealed on the night of her wedding anniversary, but will her family stand by her like she would for them.

As always this was an emotional rollercoaster, beautifully written, with great characters and a heartbreaking storyline.

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A beautiful, descriptively written book full of poignancy, laughter and tears. This book is so realistic it could relate to many of us who go through the same experience in our every day lives.I absolutely love Amanda’s books , her understanding and empathy is second to none and her writing just flows through the pages. Thanks to TBC and Netgalley for the opportunity to read this wonderful book.

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I really wanted to LOVE this book but I didn't. And I am very disappointed because I really love this author and previous reads. It was decent and I liked it but I just couldn't get into any of the characters or the story line. There were good parts, a few laughs but this book just didn't do it for me. My apology to the author.

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A Girl in the Corner is an emotional book that will touch the core of your heart. It is about Rae-a shy girl/woman who allows everyone to run her life and has always been too afraid to go after what SHE really wants. Reading through her sad, trying experiences is heart breaking. You can feel her frustration at herself, at her husband and at her best friend, his sister. Rae has to find her inner power and strength to make choices that are hers and hers alone in order to achieve the life she really wants.

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Yet another amazing book from Amanda. I have now read every book and you don’t think there could be a better one and yet along comes The girl in the corner. I was so excited to get this early and the book did not disappoint me. Amanda’s characters are always believable and you can imagine in your minds eye exactly what they are doing or even facial expressions. Maybe everyone has a bit of Rae in them feeling a bit pushed in the corner at times which is why her actions keep you on tender hooks to see which way things will work out. Some tissues are always needed as Amanda does it again. This is a standalone story but if you haven’t read any other of Amanda’s books Why Not!! This book only took me 2 long car journeys to read it so once you star you can’t stop. All families are unique and those in this book have their strange ways but also traits that we can all relate to which is why this book is a must read.

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This is the draft of the review that I plan to post on when the book is released:

A shock revelation causes Rae-Valentine to reevaluate her life.

An emotional family drama. The story is absorbing. and well, analytical. The main characters are well drawn and believable.

This book would be a great winter sun holiday read.

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Oh my goodness Amanda Process never disappoints! Was thrilled to be able to read her latest novel! Must say it took me a little while to get into which is unusual, but was soon hooked. Amanda writes sensitivily and it was easy to live through Rae Valentine's emotional trauma. Tricky situation for her sister in law and best friend Dolly....time in Antigua together starts to clarify things for Rae but is complicated by Howard's arrival.
Was pleased to find that the story didn't end as I imagined it would.
A really enjoyable and satisfying read. Highly recommend. Stick with it if you find it a struggle initially.

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Another great book by Amanda Prowse. Some great characters in this and I really felt for the main character Rae. Again the author really demonstrates some of the realities of family dynamics especially in this novel where the characters are so intertwined.
This book also made me want to go on holiday and I loved the ending. It made me cheer!!!!!

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Amanda Prowse in fine form with thoroughly believable characters who you're able to strongly picture in your mind. I was rooting for Rae-Valentine all the way through this book - never once seeing her as downtrodden but knowing that her moment must come. .At the very end I could have jumped up and cheered! Highly recommended. I want to be that woman.

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I really enjoyed this book ,the characters are very believable and brought to life beautifully ,The story is about love ,betrayal and finding out who you really are and new beginnings .This story is an emotional roller coaster with a few laughs on the way .Brilliant . Many thanks to the Publisher ,the Author and NetGalley for my preview copy .

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Another excellent and very relatable read from accomplished storyteller Amanda Prowse. Rae -Valentine has always felt like the girl in the corner, timid, shy and unnoticed by those around her. As a child she was in the shadow of her talented older sister Debbie-Jo and as a gawky and gauche teen she hid behind her flamboyant friend Dolly. Despite a disastrous double date Dolly sets Rae up with her brother Harry, and soon the teenage sweethearts are walking down the aisle. Twenty five years later, and on the night of a party celebrating this momentous anniversary, Harry shatters not only Rae's world , but also her sense of self worth. Unsure whether their relationship has a future, she heads to Antigua for a little breathing room , to try to clear her head.
As always the real strength and heart of this book, like so many others by this author, lies in how well crafted and empathetic her characters are. While Rae, as the protagonist, is an obvious example, there are some touching moments later in the book which really highlight both the strengths and flaws of characters like Rae's parents and the indomitable Dolly.
I read and reviewed an ARC courtesy of NetGalley and the publisher, all opinions are my own.

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