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I'm Fine and Neither Are You

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I LOVED this sweet story of Penny, a young mom who is struggling with all the mundane issues of life when her best friend passes away. Penny is forced to evaluate what is valuable in her career, her marriage, and her motherhood. This story is incredible well written and creative, and I couldn't read it fast enough! I highly recommend I'm Fine and Neither Are You to all of us overwhelmed mothers who need a little emotional boost.

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I’m Fine and Neither Are You was an interesting read for me. I thought it was enjoyable but not a total hit, and interesting in the way that I didn’t exactly love the story so much as I appreciated the overall message it got across. This book touched on several relevant and important topics (the opioid epidemic and downsides of social media) as well as motherhood and marriage and the hard work that goes into it all, just to stay afloat. It was about honesty (with yourself and those around you) and that what you see on the outside is sometimes only half the story.

This was a quick, easy, well-written read that was on the lighter side but also packed a punch. I loved how the author balanced wit and humor with giving the more serious topics the delicacy they deserved. Sometimes it’s nice to know you’re not alone, even if it’s just relating in some small way to fictional characters, and being real and relatable is what especially made this book for me. Filled with flawed characters that I didn’t always like, but also couldn’t help but root for, this was overall a read that I’m glad I picked up.

Thank you NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for the free copy in exchange for my honest review.

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Thank you Netgalley, Lake House Publishing and Camille Pagán.
Penelope is a working mom and wife who is frustrated with her life. Best friend Jenny appears to have the perfect life: money, husband and one child. Until Jenny suddenly dies and her life does not appear as grand as it was. Penelope life is changed without her best friend by her side. She is re evaluating her life, her marriage and work. She is tired of being the peacekeeper and finally deals with her issues. I rooted for Penelope and her husband Sanjay marriage to work.
Great read, well written, wonderful story. 4.5 ⭐️

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I love novels that peak into the reality of the domestic realm.
Penelope is a working mom of two and married to the underemployed Sanjay. They used to be beautifully in love, now they are just kind of friends. An awful tragedy snaps Penny and Sanjay into marriage saving mode. They make each other lists of everything they want the other to change and take on a complete honesty policy. The thing is, honesty can hurt like a BITCH.
This book felt quite real in the portrayal of a woman’s role at home and the workplace and the insane expectations placed on females. I also loved the honesty in the discussion of marriage and commitment. I LOVED Sanjay. He was a sweet angel baby and a good man who just got lazy. My one complaint is how easily certain aspects seemed to resolve at the end. Overall, a great, emotional, and realistic read

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Penelope has got a lot on her plate. She's the primary breadwinner of her family, with her husband mostly working for home as a writer with a sporadic income. She also has to take care of the little needs of her two kids, from making their lunch to taking them to camp. Her husband, although well-meaning, has started to fee like third child to her. She's not happy with her life - not her job and not the present state of her marriage.

Her whole life is shaken when her best friend Jennie dies of an overdose of pain pills. She finds out that Jennie and Matt who she found to be the perfect couple actually had a lot of problems. It's a shock to her because she shared all the little details of her life with Jennie, but had no idea about Jennie's problems. That's all it takes for Penny to take things on her hand and bring changes to her marriage before her life can head to the same end as Jennie's. Little does she know that these changes will force her to face her own demons and come to terms with some harsh truths.

This was a poignant story about marriage. Penny and Sanjay are two realistic characters. It was quite amazing to see the love between these two and the trust they had in their own love for the other. Penny is the girl who always says "Everything's fine" and doesn't like to share if she's having a hard time. Sanjay is a great guy who got complacent for a while but is loyal and committed to his family. I really liked him. They work well as a couple. This book had a great message that although honesty and honest communication can be a bit rough at the beginning, but it is effective in fixing the problems.

A really good read about happiness and honesty, and the thin line between marriage, family and friendship.

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I took a departure from my usual suspense novels to read this one that I had recently heard some buzz about. This novel is about a woman named Penelope who is in a rut in her marriage, career, and over-all life, having frequent fantasies of running away and being free. However, a tragedy close to home occurs and has her re-evaluating her life and how she can make the most of it to truly be happy and enjoy what she has. She and her husband, Sanjay, decide to make a list of 3 items they each want the other to change and then to totally commit to working on those items as well as being completely honest with each other. As the story unfolds, Penelope realizes that outside appearances aren't always what they seem to be and she is not the only one having a hard time while masking it on the surface.

     I enjoyed Penelope's wit and her amusing self-talk and I often related to her internal dialogue regarding what she was thinking vs. what she would actually decide to say out loud. A big theme that took center stage was that not everyone's life is as perfect as it appears on the outside. This is such an important reminder in our time of Instagram perfect pictures, where we only see the good times. It drives the point home that we truly don't know what's going on under the shiny surface of other people's lives, even those closest to us.

     Overall, I give this book 4 stars. I felt that it was a fun read that I zipped through pretty quickly, but I did sometimes feel that it was a little dramatic. While there were definitely some big issues touched on, some of the back and forth between Penelope and Sanjay seemed a little nit-picky and ultimately, unrealistic with how quickly and easily Sanjay was able to change his habits just because Penelope asked him to. That being said, I am glad I ventured off from my usual genre to see what else is out there!

​I received an ARC of this novel in exchange for my honest review.

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I wasn't a huge fan of the book at the begining, but it (and Penny) slowly grew on me. The tragic event to start off the book shocked me because I wasn't expecting it at all, but I liked seeing how Penny coped with it and how that extended to the rest of the book. This book is definitely "realistic fiction" as it deals with the opiod epidemic that is currently happening across America.

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What can I add to the positive reviews this has justifiably received? It's a good read with good characters who will remind you that the grass is not always greener. Sadly, Penelope finds that out when her best friend Jenny dies. Penelope's journey with her husband Sanjay might resonate even if the specifics are different for you. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC. A good story well told.

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This is a humorous, relatable and honest book about relationships and motherhood. I could put myself in Penelope's shoes throughout the book! She is an amalgamation of what so many women go through in today's world trying to juggle it all. I loved the writing style. I laughed and cried and most of all fell in love with the book!
Thanks to Camille Pagan, Lake Union Publishing and NetGalley for the ARC of this book!

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With the unfortunate accident of her friend Jenny, Penny finds herself at a crossroads in her life: her marriage isn’t feeling as strong as it used to, her boss keeps demanding more from her, and her best friend just left her. After Penny and her husband decide to be completely honest with each other in order to save their marriage, Penny starts to doubt herself if honesty was the best way to go about it. ⁣

“Walking in her shoes” was exactly how I felt while reading this book. It gave me insight into what a working mother deals with on a daily basis. You “think” you get it, but really, it’s hard to completely understand when you haven’t experienced it, right? The author did a fantastic job of making the reader exhausted along with Penny. I was tired!! You have the financial pressures of being the bread winner, what happens when the kids get sick and you need to let her boss know in order to take care of them (and use vacation days), and the constant reminder of being the minority (a woman) in the corporate world.⁣

As a stay at home mom, often times I have wondered what it would be like to be a full-time working mom. And some days, I feel resentful for this path that I have chosen. The loneliness of staying home with less than happy coworkers (toddlers) and the lack of personal space and time to do what You want to do. What I realized is every path you choose has its obstacles. And that’s okay. You will have highs and lows. But by working along side your spouse (if you have one) by being honest with each other, encouraging, and sometimes carrying the weight of it all, is necessary (and vital!) to stay strong together. ⁣

I absolutely loved this book. This would be a great book club choice!⁣

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A special thank you to NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Penelope Ruiz-Kai is doing it all—with little to no help from her husband—working, mothering, housekeeping and cooking. Her best friend, Jenny, is one of those women that seems to do it all and makes it look easy. From an outside perspective, it would appear that Jenny is incredibly well-put-together will her Instagram worthy home, adoring husband, well-behaved child, and popular lifestyle blog, whereas Penny's house is always upside-down, her husband is barely working, her children are unruly, and her career is unfulfilling.

When a shocking tragedy pulls back the curtain on Jenny's life and all is not as it appears, Penelope is rocked to the core. She decides that she can no longer keep quiet about the issues that are plaguing her marriage. She and her husband, Sanjay, decide to make a list of changes they want the other person to make and above all, commit to being totally honest with one another.

At first the idea seems to be a good one as it forces the couple to actually talk to one another. But then things take a turn for the worst when secrets are revealed and tensions flare. As Penny struggles with the very real possibility that this could actually end her marriage versus save it, she questions if honesty really is the best policy...

Pagán's novel is an exploration into the intricacies of marriage, and how fragile relationships are. It is a comment on commitment, and how easy it is for women to lose themselves when they become a wife/mother. Balancing a career, family, and marriage is a difficult feat in itself and Penny also has the added stress of an ailing parent and dealing with a monumental tragedy. The story also examines how destructive the lies are that we tell each other and ourselves in order to keep up the facade of happiness, and how facing the truth is never easy, but necessary to save one's self.

The writing was absolutely captivating with Pagán striking the right balance of humour and emotion. There are times when the story is so raw and heartbreaking and I found the novel completely real and relatable.

Penny was such an interesting character—she is flawed, yet the most enlightened because her perception was challenged as a result of a monumental loss. Jenny was also incredibly relevant because of the digital age we are living in. Many women use social media as the lens to view their lives through which is incredibly damaging to their self worth. It is hard enough being a woman, you don't need to compare yourself with another woman's best versions of themselves—these versions are filtered, edited, and fractured reality.

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Thank you @netgalley and Lake House Publishing for sending me an ARC of “I’m fine and neither are you” by @camille_pagan
This was a difficult book to read, just because it was so honest. This is my third book about marriage, this year and I think this one hit me the most. The author goes deep down to the core of how relationships work and how much effort goes into making a marriage work. The sacrifices you have to make and how communication is the most important key.This was my first Camille Pagan novel and I loved how close to reality her story was. I gave it 4 ✨

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Do you ever just say, “I’m fine” when someone asks how you doing? I know I do it all the time. It’s the automatic response for a lot of us.
This book showcases a relatable, sometimes funny, sometimes heartbreaking reality of what happens when we constantly say we are fine when In fact, we are not.
Even though my life doesn’t mirror Penny’s 100%, I saw a lot of my inner feeling on the pages of this book.
For me, this was a quick read that I really enjoyed and I recommend it for anyone tired of pretending everything is fine

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I just loved this story!!! I think every women can relate to all the ups nd down on their feelings!! I just love Camilles books

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Camile Pagan's portrayal of being a mom.,a wife, and a woman was spot on for me. Funny, sad, serious and heartwarming So many times , we say we are fine and want to be seen as having it all ... We want the perfect clean home , the well behaved children, a loving happy marriage, and a successful career . This novel really hit home with being honest about your happiness , what matters most to you in life , and having those awkward conversations with your spouse .. This novel also hit home for me because I recently lost my best friend (as did the main character ) and I could relate to a lot of what she going through … Overall, this women's contempary fiction was a great palate cleanser from all the suspense thrillers I read

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I heard someone say this was a book for target audience. I am not in that group but I truly enjoyed this story. Well written and easily readable, I wish all young couples would read it.

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I received an advanced digital copy of this book from the author, and Lake Union Publishing. Thanks to all for the opportunity to read and review.

The novel, while adequately written did not live up to the hype. None of the characters are overly likeable. The plot is predictable. At times I wished I could reach through the pages and smack sense into all of them.
The main character, Penny is the typical "overworked working mom" and infuriating to boot.

3 out of 5 stars.

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This is a bit of a departure from the type of books I normally read. There was surprisingly a dead body but no murder or mystery. This was instead a snapshot into the lives of Penny and her husband, Sanjay. Told in first person, this could have been anyone’s story and I think that is why it will appeal to many readers.

I resonated with so many aspects of Penny’s life; although, I am not married nor have any children. The death of a best friend could knock anyone off the precarious balance of their fragile life. This book shows the impact of such a life challenge. I particularly liked when Sanjay told Penny she needed to stop making it seem like life was perfect. She wouldn’t tell anyone how hard or challenging things were since she didn’t believe that would matter or seem relevant to others. She wasn’t being honest with others because she didn’t want to rock the boat. That fact alone caused people to take advantage of her kindness. This made her life miserable even though she never realized it.

This book shows how the death of her best friend ended up saving her life. Was she going to die any time soon. Nope. But her life, and her family, was in jeopardy of imploding. Like they said, ‘if momma ain’t happy, nobody’s happy.’

I enjoyed the journey of how they pulled themselves out of the mire of their challenges. Great flow, engaging characters you can relate to. It is a life revealed.

I received this as an ARC (Advanced Reader Copy) in return for an honest review. I thank NetGalley, the publisher and the author for allowing me to read this title.

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I’m Fine and Neither Are You was love at first read! I devoured this book in under 48 hours and am over the moon with Pagan’s writing and the relatable characters she’s created.

I couldn’t believe that the story was based in Ann Arbor and that Penny works for the University of Michigan - oddly enough I’m a fellow Michigander who also works at UM! Perhaps that was what initially hooked me, but ultimately Pagan’s ability to dive deep into the many layers of being a wife, mom, working professional and friend was what kept me turning each page as quickly as possible.

As a fellow female workaholic who’s about to embark on marriage and starting a family in the next few years, this book served as a fictional guide towards what to consider and ask myself as I go through these next steps in my life. I thank Pagan for painting a realistic picture of the many pressures women face and also being unafraid to display raw emotions from all character perspectives.

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Thank you NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for this free ARC in exchange for my honest review.

I’m Fine and Neither Are You is a story about a woman named Penny, a wife and working mother of two, who has been furiously treading water while maintaining a false smile above the surface. A tragedy causes Penny to realize she’s not the only one faking a perfect life, and she embarks on a mission with her husband to reclaim her life, career, and marriage.

Camille Pagán is tackling some serious issues in this book, and I think the message she’s getting across is important. I think many readers will relate to Penny’s story and perhaps enjoy her journey more than I did. But for me, the entire book is quite depressing, and I found Penny’s character to be overwhelmingly whiney and hard to root for. Penny saw everything in her life through a negative light — her husband is too immature, her kids are too much of a handful, her house too old and plain, her coworkers too annoying — it just felt like I was listening to a friend complain and complain and complain and by the time she reaches her enlightenment I had simply had enough!

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