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Things You Save in a Fire

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This was my first Katherine Center book and I will most definitely be back for more! She has such a great way of writing that is easy to read but doesn’t feel like just another light read.
This book was great! iIt opened the window to a world I knew nothing about- the world of firefighters. The different setting (a woman in a mans world for sure!) along with some twists you will not expect set this book apart from every other chick-lit, light, romance book you are used to. I highly recommend picking it up!

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I Cassie is one of the toughest firefighters there is, she has saved many lives and has the highest medal the department has to give, so why give that all up up to help her ailing, estranged mom in another state ?
Cassie has a rigid schedule, be the best , no friends or love at anytime !
Cassie was so many, many things but her bravery and strength hooked me from the first page, her layers of hurt had me turning the pages long into the night !
This is my second book by this author and I must say , she now has a permanent place on my TBR list!
I laughed and cried and will carry this book and it’s true lessons of forgiveness, compassion, and moving forward in my heart and in my life from now on!

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Katherine Center is one of my favorite authors and I believe that I have read everything she has written, novel wise. I was beyond excited to see she has a new book coming out this summer and was thrilled to get an ARC from Netgalley to read in return for an honest review.

This book, for me, started out a little slow. I didn't find the main character, Cassie, overly appealing and felt a bit disappointed as I read the first couple of chapters or so. Was this going to be the first Katherine Center book I didn't like?

As the book progressed, however, I found my way into the story and the characters and from about a third of the way in, I was sold. I very much enjoyed the story and the themes of forgiveness, of softening the hard spots and letting love in and of gender equality and respect in the workplace.

Katherine Center is just a solid, enjoyable author and I am so glad that she writes and shares her stories with us!

Thank you again to Netgalley and St. Martin's Press for this ARC!

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Katherine Center has a knack for creating realistic, relatable, down to earth female protagonists. Cassie's journey was a fantastic reminder for all of us. We need people!

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Amazing. Couldn't put it down. Somehow, every single book, Katherine Center sucks me in from the first sentence. It's like I've been dropped into a conversation and I want it to go on forever.

I loved it. The characters, their lives, their loves. Just beautiful. I would like this author to continue writing forever. She's remarkable.

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This book was too light and fluffy for my taste. The storylines seemed to jump around and I didn’t care for the style of writing. I felt as if certain storylines were forced and predictable.

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This is my first Katherine Center novel; I’ve had How to Walk Away on my To-Read list for awhile. And now that book is moving straight to the top of the list! This book was actually lovely. I stayed up for hours finishing this book; it was such a beautiful blend of love story, mother daughter story, tiny mystery, coming of age, feminist hear me roar - you will root for this girl with pride in your heart and tears in your eyes. Highly recommend. Thank you NetGalley for allowing me to read and review!

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This was such a great story, and the author does a fantastic job of making you fall in love with and root for the characters. I thoroughly enjoyed this story!

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Things You Save in a Fire is an emotional story about vulnerability, forgiveness, love and the life-changing power of courage. It’s about a strong young woman, the only female firefighter in her Texas fire station. To avoid being fired, she transfers to Boston where her mother lives. As she tries to adjust to her new life, while also taking care of her mother, she finally learns how to forgive and to love. Great storyline. Awesome characters. I was fortunate to receive this novel from Netgalley as an Advance Reader Copy, in exchange for an objective review.

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This book was really good. There were moments when I was upset with the self-deprivation and at Diana bc I mean she was a crap mother, but read it through. Take the messages to heart and learn that there is so much messiness and parents are humans and life isn’t abt the revenge or the journey sometimes, but abt the forgiveness we give ourselves and others in order to get to happiness. Bonus star for a total of 6 for using my all-time favorite word: yentas! Thanks NetGalley for my ARC!

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Like a cheesy greeting card channel movie but with more substance!

I do adore a happy ending. In real life those endings are messy. They are not easily won and they come with a lot of sacrifices. Like Cassie who is established as a star firefighter in Austin, Texas. The world is looking bright for her until she’s confronted with a past she wasn’t able to ignore.

Her estranged Mother calls her. She needs help. In Boston. But only for about a year. That’s all. Normally Cassie wouldn’t go. She’s got her life in Austin. But that all got twisted around after what she did at an awards ceremony. The same ceremony she was to be presented with a plaque.

So Cassie goes to Boston. This isn’t the typical sappy story, although that’s happily there too. Cassie has to challenge her past. Her anger. All while working with the hot Rookie, in a male dominated firehouse that is not too keen on having a female in the house.

I enjoyed the pace of this book. It moved along really well and made for perfect rainy day reading. It was a sweet story, especially the dynamic between mother and daughter. This is one I would definitely recommend if someone wanted a fast, happy ending, feel good book.

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I just discovered Katherine Center this year when I read "How to Walk Away" (which I enjoyed very much) and I think I loved "Things You Save in a Fire" even more. I adore that the main character is a female firefighter and we are able to see the difficulties and discrimination she faces in such a male dominated career. As a physician with a husband who has been an EMT for over thirty years, a lot of the scenes were familiar and Center did a good job making most of them realistic. I also enjoyed learning about the details of firefighting and the risks inherent in that world. The characters are well drawn and likable. I especially loved that "The Rookie" was almost always called by this nickname, even in Cassie's mind. He is a great character and I fell in love with him right alongside Cassie. For anyone looking for a delightful romance with interesting quirky characters, this is the book for your. And kudos to the cover's gorgeous!

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Cassie is the only female fire fighter at her Austin, Texas fire station. She is tough as nails and is as strong as any of the men in her station. After an incident happens, Cassie's only choice is to move to Massachusetts and transfer to a new station. Her mother, who abandoned her on her 16th birthday, lives there and has been asking Cassie to move there and help take care of her for one year. It's there that she meets the rookie firefighter, who started the same day as her. She feels an instant connection to him, which freaks her out.

This is a story about forgiveness. Cassie needs to forgive her mother and herself, allow herself to feel things, and trust others.

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the advanced copy in an exchange for my honest review.

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I "found" this author when I read How to Walk Away and was so grateful to receive an ARC of her newest book. It was another fantastic one! I loved everything about it! If I start, I will ruin the book for others. This story has everything - drama, suspense, romance, complex relationships. I can't wait for her next book and you should read this one!

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Katherine Center does it again after her massively successful "How To Walk Away." She still manages to capture the same magic and depth as she did in her previous novel with this new one. This will definitely be a 'must read' in 2019!

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The lead character in this book is one I found to be unbelievable at first. She just seemed too good to be true; that is, until she showed her humanity. The depth of the character continued to grow and I connected with her. She was written with such feeling and grace.

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That was an amazing book! I couldn't put it down and ended up reading it in a few hours!!!!!
The story is captivating, Intriguing, Entertaining, but it will also pull at your heart strings a lot (have tissues handy!!!)
It's a beautiful story about heartbreaks, the power of forgiveness, and second chances! The characters are outstanding i love the chemistry between the two main characters Cassie and "Rookie" .. but i also enjoyed the sense of family and camaraderie between Cassie and her crew that she works with! The book is amazing and the author did a wonderful job writing it! It has all the right elements and it's a book you can find yourself reading over and over again!!!

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*Was given an ARC via Netgalley by the publisher in exchange for an honest review**

I absolutely loved reading this book. It was very welcoming to see a female firefighter be so respected by an all make department. When Cassie Hanwell was given an award for saving a child's life, someone from her past was the man handing out the award. Thinking that he was being cute, he groped her in front if 300 of her colleagues. So, then Cassie bashed her award in his face and used all her self defense lessons she knew on him.
She had to apologize, which she refused to do and that led to her losing her promotion. But it worked out in a strange way. Her estranged mom called her to ask if she would move to Boston to help take care of her. She first declined, but now welcomed the opportunity.
Moving to a small, outdated firehouse in the suburbs of Boston, the firehouse there didn't welcome Cassie with open arms. And she did everything she could to not let it bother her. The same day she joined, a new Rookie joined the house as well. But he's a legacy so he had a step up that she didn't.
Slowly the men came to appreciate her quick thinking and gave her the respect that she deserved. Until she started receiving threatening notes in her locker, on her car, her tires were slashed. But the final act that made her lose it was having a brick thrown threw her half blind mother's home at 5 a.m. She turned in papers to quit. The captain wouldn't let her.
When she git set up for running into a massive fire after telling the Rookie and another guy she wasn't going in. The other guy framed her.
Great story.

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Katherine Center is an author that never disappoints. Her ability to write romance, and create strong, dynamic female characters is one that I love. Although she can be cliche at times, and just a tad predictable, sometimes we need a feel-good book that doesn't require us to follow every twist and turn and instead allows us the opportunity to be mindlessly happy.

The story followed that of Cassie, a female firefighting badass with a bit of a troubled past that inflicts internal pain on her, and keeps her closed off to a lot of people, from her mother, to romances, to herself. When Cassie finds herself living with her estranged mother and working at a new fire department, training a handsome young rookie, she realizes that maybe all of the things she has been pushing away are actually the things she needs to cling to in order to resolve her past and move forward.

If you're looking for an optimistic, light read, then this book is for YOU!

Something I thought extremely notable is that Center tied in her past novel, How to Walk Away. Though it was a quick reference, fans of Center will jump for joy when they see how she utilizes her past work to make her present work all that much better. It makes me wonder if we will see references in the future about Cassie and Owen. Only Center has the power!

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First off many glorious thanks to St Martin’s Press, the author and Net Galley for the ARC. I start with a disclaimer: I am not a fan of romance novels. I did find my self totally immersed in this one and it was a great read! The female characters were so strong and independent especially Cassie. I laughed out loud, fell in love with the rookie as well as the book.
5 sappy stars😍

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