Member Reviews

After experiencing two traumatic events at 16, Cassie spent the next ten years shutting herself off from emotions and relationships. Throwing herself into her work as a firefighter, Cassie was able to convince herself she was coping, until her estranged Mom asks her to move in with her for a year to help her at the same time her job is at risk. Cassie’s developing relationship with her Mom, and the guys in the firehouse, contribute to making this novel a good read. Recommended.

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This was my first time reading this author! WOW! I have a new FAVORITE Author! I loved the storyline and especially the beginning scene where Cassie smacked the Council member with the award she won! The book had depth, understanding of complex relationships, and above a great plot.
Loved the book from the first page to the last. BRAVO!

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I absolutely LOVED this book! I read "How To Walk Away" this summer and have been highly recommending it to friends and family who ask for a book recommendation. "Things You Save in a Fire" will absolutely be recommended once it is released. I read this book in a couple of days and just couldn't put it down. I began highlighting passages in my kindle app almost right away, because I knew there were such powerful passages that I was going to want to refer to again, especially when writing this review. Without spoiling any of the story, I will say that this is a book of hope, a book about life and the stuff that happens, not TO us, but FOR us... for us to learn, to grow, to enjoy life more. Near the beginning of the book, Captain Harris says, "your struggles might even lead you to your strengths." I feel like this is the perfect setup for what happens in the novel and this book presents a message to the reader without it ever feeling preachy or cheesy. I also love an early moment when our protagonist, Cassie alludes to the story line in "How To Walk Away" and it is revealed that she is the firefighter who was on the site at the accident./fire. On thinking how one moment can change a life, she says, "That's how life is. Things happen. Lives get broken. Some people never can put themselves back together." Although this idea is proven false by the end of the book through the story lines of many characters. A better line to exemplify the beautiful journey in this novel is the following: "Maybe everybody was just foolish and doomed. Maybe nobody got a happy ending in the end. Maybe all happiness could ever hope to be was a tiny interruption from sorrow".

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@katherinecenter you did it again! I loved this book so much and I cant wait for it to hit shelves in August. It’s equally as good as How To Walk Away, which I recommend to everyone. A story about forgiveness, courage, and resilience. “Choosing to love—despite all the ways that people let you down, and disappear, and break your heart. Knowing everything we know about how hard life is and choosing to love, anyway.. That’s not weakness, that’s courage”. This book is the PERFECT romance drama. I'm not a fan of the romance genre, but this one really pulls at your heart strings, in an effortless way.

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Is it possible for a book to be adorable and urbane?

Things You Save in a Fire is so gooey, sticky, sweet, and glossy in some ways (especially by the end) that it could easily be mistaken for a Hallmark movie. However, it's not—because you’d have to leave out all this gritty and brilliant characterization of the narrator, Cassie Hanwell. Somehow this rides such a fine line between being undeniably a RomCom of the book world, while still digging deep and punching me in the heart with the raw, painful emotions that Cassie attempts to keep at bay, that I'm nothing but stunned by how good it really was. How is a romantic comedy unputdownable? Simple—give it some substance.

Cassie Hanwell is a firefighter living in Austin, Texas. We're introduced to her while she's waiting to receive an honor award for her bravery in the line of duty. There's a prank played on her to loosen her up because she's so nervous, and her internal and external dialogue throughout this small section was such a fantastic way to get to know her. She proceeds to pummel a man on stage, reasons for which we find out later, which is completely out of character for her, and once she gets home she receives a call from her mother.

Her mother is having health problems and needs Cassie's help for a year while she adjusts to life with one eye. These two aren't close as her mother is a woman who left her husband and her daughter, Cassie, ten years before when Cassie was 16. While they haven't avoided talking completely, they have never recovered from this divide. Cassie struggles emotionally with any and all people—but especially with her mother. Reluctantly, out of some sense of duty and because of the aftermath from the aforementioned pummeling, Cassie transfers to a small town Massachusetts firehouse with high recommendations from her Captain, and a long list of what not to do as a female firefighter in a place just like the very place she's headed. High on that list is direct orders to not fall for or have any type of fling or flirting with a fellow firefighter. This isn't a problem for Cassie—she doesn't do relationships or even love. Obviously.

Just as obvious, she falls hard for the other new firefighter there—a rookie named Owen Callaghan. They start on the same day, and to distance herself she calls him Rookie—truthfully, just like the others there do. Meanwhile, the typical hilarity ensues. Pranks and training, and along with that we have the typical romantic comedy situations and tension. That's fun and entertaining and adorable.

But mixed in were these fantastic introspective moments with Cassie—about herself, her mom, and life in general. Honestly, I don't know how this was so engrossing; it just was. It was everything you want from a lighthearted entertainingly and satisfyingly predictable romantic comedy, but it also had a heart bruising and tear-inducing rawness with which I really connected. I was completely taken in. This is one of those books that I will highly recommend, try to explain why, and then just insist that it's just that good.

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I am a huge fan of Katherine Center’s books (especially “How to Walk Away”), and I’ve enjoyed all of the books I’ve read by St. Martin’s Press. That continues with this book. This book has it all—romance, humor, suspense, family issues, and a strong female heroine. The characters are well-developed, and I found myself emotionally connected to all of them. I couldn’t put it down, and I hated to see it end! I highly recommend this book, along with Katherine’s other books.

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A happy read with some laughs, some romance, and lessons of forgiveness.

Cassie is a firefighter in a man's world. She reaches milestones in her career and then has to make the decision to move from her comfort zone and current career to live with her mother and become a newbie on a new crew. There are some laughable moments as Cassie meets her new crew, tries to fit in to her mom's life. Things aren't always easy as ghosts from her past come back to haunt her as well.
This was a quick read and the end was much more fast paced.

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Loved this book! Read it very quickly. Yes it is predictable in every possible way but that doesn’t make it any less engaging and well written. Enjoyed the quick call back to Center’s last novel—How to Walk Away.

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Absolutely stunning story with highly developed characters. I finished this book in a day. It was one where I didn’t want it to end so I kept putting it down but had to find out more. I felt like I lived next door. The characters were believable, flawed, hurting, honest and real. Each was developed with their own personality so that I felt a familiarity with them. So many emotions and this is one of those books where you accidentally learn to be a better person. This is easily one of my top 3 books this year! #netgalley #katherinecenter #stmartinspress

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I absolutely loved this action packed romance. It was natural and not forced or overdone. I appreciate an author that can keep me wrapped up in their world, long after I have turned the last pages. This is a delightful read and a good one to escape reality into!

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I received an advance reader edition of Katherine Center’s upcoming release The Things You Save in a Fire from NetGalley.

I’m happy to write that this book is the second Katherine Center book I’ve read this year (the advance copy of this year’s How to Walk Away my favorite read this year), and this has lived up to my anticipation. The Things You Save in a Fire follows 26-year-old Cassie as she moves from Austin to a city outside of Boston to reunite with the mother her left her ten years prior. Cassie transitions into a life where she works with a new firefighter crew that vastly differs from her Austin crew and where she has closer contact with her now sick mother.
As a teenager, Cassie learned how to close herself off to protect herself emotionally, and she continues to grapple with those effects as a young adult. She exhibits physical, mental and emotional strength as she lands her spot as the most highly valued crew member. Despite her previous captain’s advice to not show emotions as well as to not develop further relationships with another crew member, Cassie finds herself facing new emotional territory as she works with the rookie, whose status makes his nickname Rookie. This gentleman makes a perfect romantic lead, one admired even by the rest of the crew. While he may seem almost too good to be true, he makes a likeable character worthy of interest; I appreciate seeing a nice, respectful guy receive the affection of the lady. On that note, some descriptions about him or the team dynamics at the fire station get borderline cliché at times. However, the overall story hits a sweet note that has some depth to it.
Though mostly on the sweet side, this story also dives into themes like forgiveness. Cassie and her mom make a good example of how to ease into trust and how seeking reconciliation impacts the possibility of a genuine connection. Through her experiences, Cassie learns how to deal with her past and move on more open to relationships. The story falls short of giving that a full exploration since it ends at the end of the bliss of the first step of healing, an important one but only the beginning. Forgiveness sought and given gets multiple perspectives here, showing each one’s importance. This point serves as a good reminder to all readers.
I have enjoyed How to Walk Away a little more than The Things You Save in a Fire, but both have sealed Katherine Center as an author whose new releases I follow and seek. I appreciate how she’s written characters in my age group and shown positive messages, surprisingly an accomplishment I haven’t seen often. Now I would like to check out her back catalogue.

Thank you so much NetGalley for giving me an opportunity to read this book early!

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I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It is the first time I have read a novel by Katherine Center and I fully intend to read her previous books. The characters were likable as well as believable, and the story flowed very smoothly. It was also a trip down memory lane as my dad was a fireman when I was a child. Cassie, the main character, is navigating a male dominated career in the fire department and doing a great job. When her mom falls ill, she makes the decision to move to a different state and start all over again in a much less friendly environment. I loved the feistiness of the character and her ability to adapt and grow. Thank you St. Martin Press for allowing me to have the ARC on this book.

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Thank you to NetGalley and St Martin's Press for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Perhaps not a 5-star read for everyone, but as a firefighter’s wife I was immediately drawn to this book after reading the synopsis and it did not disappoint. Everything regarding firefighting was right on par with what I’ve learned from my husband and the camaraderie and antics at the firehouse were believable.

Cassie was a strong, sassy female lead who never failed to stand up for herself, and I enjoyed seeing her softer side come out as the novel progressed. I loved Owen, but would have enjoyed learning a bit more about him as he felt a bit one-dimensional. I like how the author managed to balance out the drama, romance, and mystery throughout. The theme of forgiveness played out nicely and I loved the throwback to Center’s previous book, “How to Walk Away.”

Overall, a well-balanced and fantastic book, one that I plan to purchase after its release.

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I absolutely LOVED How to Walk Away and was so excited when NetGalley gave me the opportunity to review this book before its publication (August 2019)!

Fans of JoJo Moyes and Kristan Higgins will enjoy the strong, yet emotionally barred Cassie Hanwell, a paramedic/fire fighter who has to leave a life she fought to earn behind, to face issues from a past even further behind. Cassie has a very different vibe than the character in Catherine Center’s last novel. This surprised me at first, but left me with admiration for an author who can present us with a totally different, but still very believable, character.

Patriarchy, forgiveness, and trust are some themes you will come across. You will learn more about firefighting than you expect, and actually enjoy it! The bonds Cassie builds between male and female characters involve different sets of rules and challenges, not to mention the journey she takes within herself.

In both of Center’s novels, some problems remain unresolved, and I find this so important. I also enjoyed a head nod to the narrator from How to Walk Away, and - did I notice - a potential character for a new novel?! I sure hope so.

My reason for the 4 rather than 5 stars is that, especially near the end, I jumped from action to action, where it felt like I was skimming to major plot points rather than reading word for word. I could have used some more development with some characters who became pivotal at the end, who I forgot even existed prior to that moment.

Thanks again to NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book early in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you to St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for an ARC of Things You Save In A Fire by Katherine Center.

This is my first book I have read by Center, And I was so looking forward to reading it. I wanted to like this book but I started to get confused a bit. I mean here you have a girl, that gets angry when anyone calls her a girl, she insists she is not a girl but a firefighter. Okay, then it comes to she doesn't have time to have a relationship with anyone. Then next thing I'm reading is her and this other firefighter are getting a little romantic together. I just couldn't figure out if it was a romance or if it had to do with strong-willed women or if it was something to do with the women's movement back in the day. I am sorry to you all that loved it, and that is awesome because that's your prerogative. But it just didn't do it for me.

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This is one of the sweetest, most uplifting stories that I’ve read all year. First, imagine a female firefighter who has the tenacity of a wild cat! That's Cassie and she must give up her old life (and job) to help out her estranged mother. She's been asked to move across country, not knowing that this just might be a new beginning of her own! I purposely am not giving details of the the story because you will just have to experience it on your own. I'm giving this book five stars for realistic, lovable characters and the fabulous story that kept me reading late into the night.

Things You Save in a Fire by Katherine Center will be available August 13, 2019 from St. Martin's Press. An egalley of this book was made available by the publisher in exchange for a honest review.

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Well written with strong characters and a strong storyline. Definitely see this book doing very well. This was the first I have read this Author and will absolutely read more from her. Highly recommend this book ..

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Hello 👋🏻 Where do I sign up to be the president of the Katherine Center fan club? I loved How to Walk Away and thanks to NetGalley and St Martins Press I was able to get an ARC of Things You Save in a Fire so now I’m officially obsessed. The main character Cassie is a complete bada** and now I’ll be over here dreaming of being strong enough to do a one armed pull up 💪🏻 Review below!

⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
Cassie is a firefighter who has worked hard to prove herself both physically and mentally capable to serve in the fire service. She’s disciplined and independent, living a life that’s completely in her control. That is, until a ghost from her past reappears and sparks a chain of events that sends her life careening in another direction. I thought this was a beautiful story about love and forgiveness combined with a unique look at being a woman in a male dominated industry. You’ll love the cast of characters, and like Cassie, a few of them may surprise you. I highly recommend reading this book when it comes out August 13th 2019!

Review can also be found on my instagram @kels.reads

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I read Katherine Center’s How To Walk Away, and loved it. This one didn’t disappoint! Her characters are so likable, although with many flaws. This is a story of a broken family that left a 16 yr old daughter with emotional scars that were deep and painful. Her mother left her and her father, on her 16th birthday, and in ten years, Cassie still couldn’t move on.
Cassie is a tough firefighter, respected by all who work with her. Her ailing mother needs her help, as she loses her sight, and Cassie reluctantly leaves her home and job to help. She must learn to forgive her mother, before she can adjust to her life changes, and she finds that a challenge.
This is a story of emotional and personal growth, learning to trust, love and live life, while letting go of the losses and heartbreaks of childhood. I rarely read a book in two days, but this one kept pulling me in, a authentic page turner.
Thanks to NetGalley and St Martin’s press for the ARC!

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Thank you to NetGalley and St Martin's Press for an advanced read in exchange for this review.

Katherine Center does such a good job writing books with strong female leads.  TYSiaF is no exception.

Cassie is a strong and vulnerable character.  She takes a chance to leave her firefighting job and go to Boston to care for her estranged mother.  Her new firehouse is old school and not used to a female firefighter.  Will she end up risking everything, including the hero she has become?

Enjoyed this one.  How to Walk Away is my favorite, but this ranks up there.  I liked Cassie and thought she was a good combination of courage and vulnerability.  Center does it again!

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