Member Reviews

When Luke must go home to be with his sick mother, he takes his assistant Sabrina with him and suddenly they're in a pretend relationship. Although this is a common trope, it feels warm and genuine. I believed the characters and I could feel for them. I would read more by this author. Well written and familiar feeling.

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2.5 stars
This book had a lot going on. A fake relationship. A girl in love with her boss. A man with dark secrets. Whew. It just seemed like a lot of plot lines for one story.

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I liked this book. It was a pretty easy read. And was super cute.

The characters were fun and played off one another well. And added some adorable romance to the story. They were unsure and sweet. And I loved the slow build between the. As they teansitionned to different roles in each others lives.

I honestly went through this book pretty fast. But that's a good thing. I was able to breeze through the pages because I wanted more of the story.

Definitely a 5 star read for me

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I really wasn't sure what to think of this book when I first started it. I half expected it to be more of rom-com, with heavy stress on the comedy.


It was far from that. Yes there were parts that I laughed, but it was so much more than that. I loved the angst in it, especially near the end. I'm glad the author didn't just have Sabrina back down and take him back too quickly. I loved that she stuck up for herself and believed in herself despite the fact that she had been in love with him for years.

An amazing read!!

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You can’t judge a book by its title can you? I seriously wasn’t even aware that it was an ACTUAL WORD!! And I call myself a writer 🙈
But seriously, this story caught me by surprise! I was pretty sure I was in for something sexy. I wasn’t wrong! This book chalk full of steamy goodness!🔥🔥But I was pleasantly surprised to find how invested I got with the story.

Luke is a rising star in the film industry and Sabrina is his personal assistant. She’s of course been in love with the actor for years but doesn’t hold out hope that he’ll ever return her feelings. While Luke often plays into his persona of a cocky bastard hunk, he’s not all that he seems. Inside he’s hiding a painful secret.

There are some moments, particularly in the beginning, where I feel this book gets a little over the top with the “cocky” puns. It gets a little ridiculous 😂 but I after a while I stopped noticing. You just have to smile and just go with it.

I think if you like Christina Lauren, particularly the Beautiful Bastard series, you’ll probably really like this book! I really really enjoyed it! It’s ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ for me!

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Title: Cocksure

Series: Cochrans of Cocker County Book #1
Stand Alone Title: yes
Author: Shiloh Walker

Genre: Romance

Blurb: Sabrina

He’s the cockiest bastard I’ve ever met and I mean that with all the affection and adoration in the world. I’ve been in love with him for years, and not just because of those intense blue eyes or that slow smug smile that promises to make all your dreams come true. I’ve seen what lies under that smile and his cocksure attitude. It’s enough to make me melt.

Not that I’d ever let him know. Not only is Luke Cochran one of Hollywood’s up-and-coming movie stars…he’s also my boss. I’m his personal assistant and have seen all the women who come and go in his life.

I don’t even hold a candle. But a girl can dream…right?


Sabrina is one of the sharpest, funniest, kindest people I’ve ever met. Sometimes, I think I’m taking advantage of her, but I seriously cannot cope with my hectic lifestyle without her to keep me on track.

Of course, my life just got totally knocked off track. One of my sisters called. They need me back home. My mother is sick and the last thing I can think about is the promotional tour I’ve got coming up.

Sabrina’s coming with me. She’s the only person who can keep me focused and centered in a time like this. Besides, my family adores her. And it’s just a quick visit. My mother is tough. She’ll be alright.

But then something happens that knocks me for a loop and when my mother tells me that all she really wants in life is to see her kids happy and settled down, I do the stupidest damn thing ever and announce that Sabrina and I are in love. Now I’ve just got to convince my best friend to play along with me and act like she’s my fiancée and we’re stupid in love.

No big deal…right?


Favorite quote(s): “Because you know exactly what I feel when I look at you. You can see it in my eyes….it’s the same damn thing I see when I look into yours.”

Thoughts: I love a good friends-to-lovers romance and I’m a big fan of Shiloh Walker. I was a bit hesitant when I started the book though….with a somewhat cocky and arrogant character it’s a challenge to also make them likeable. Considering its Shiloh Walker though, I pushed my way through the beginning, sure that if anyone could pull it off, she could. Sure enough, page by page, you are drawn further into the story. Personally, I found it a little slow to start with but it really just got better and better as it progressed. I really enjoyed the emotional connection between these characters and the engaging story - not to mention a great HEA!

Rating: B

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Sabrina has been in love with Luke Cochran for years. She is his assistant. As a famous actor, he gets caught in some scandalous situations The last one may affect his reputation and damage control must be done quickly. As this is going on, he finds out that his mother is very sick. Sabrina goes with him to see how his mother is as she is more than an assistant but a friend as well. While there, his mother is worrying about his future. Luke and Sabrina fake an engagement to make her feel better. Sabrina is now stalked and harassed by Luke's fans. After making love, Luke says something to Sabrina that is unfair and she refuses to see him. Luke has a terrible secret which affects him deeply. No one knows and he feels he cannot tell anyone. Will this keep him and Sabrina apart? Will Sabrina forgive him for what he said? Great book. It has a storyline about abuse that may bother some people. I feel that it was very important to the story and talks of healing from abuse. I received this book from Net Galley and INScribe Publishing for a honest review. The opinions expressed are my own.

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I've seen the name Shiloh Walker for a while now, but always associated her work with paranormal and erotica type of stuff. Of which, I've never read her stuff before so I could be wrong on all that.

This cover looked different than the usual Shiloh Walker books I see at the library -- seemed more contemporary -- and I decided to take it for a spin via NetGalley.

Here's the thing: You have to suspend belief when it comes to the powerful kind of kisses that make you lose track of where you are/people around you/weak in the knees kind of thing <-- and it happens a lot. It was ok, but not so good that I'd be seeking this series or the author out.

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Luke Cochran is one of Hollywood’s up- and coming- actors and he knows it. With a smile that promises untold pleasure he’s making quite the reputation for himself. Sabrina is his long-suffering assistant who tries to keep his head on straight. She’s also in love with him. One of the few that REALLY knows him, she knows it’s unrequited. So when he tells his family they’re engaged, she agreed to to the farce, changing everything forever.
I absolutely loved this book. I’ve been a fan of this author for a long time, but I think this is probably my favorite. I wasn’t sure how much I was going to like this book since I’m not a fan of promiscuous characters, but this story and the characters were very well written and I’m glad I read it. I highly recommend.
**I voluntarily read and reviewed this book

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This was a great book from startto finish!
Luke and Sabrina were absolutely made for each other. Loved the chemistry between them

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Cocksure was not Shiloh Walkers best work in my opinion. I just couldn’t connect with Luke, he really had no substance to him, and then when there was a plotline where he had substance, it didn’t seem natural. Same with Luke and Sabrina’s romance, it seemed forced at best. Overall not a terrible story, and I am glad I read it, but one I would never reread.

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Thanks to the publisher for an ARC to read and give my honest opinion.

Being a PA for a cocky Hollywood star Luke Cochran has Sabrina all tied up in lust. Luke would be in dire shit without his perfect PA. After the tabloids get ahold of his public ménage in a museum bathroom it's all Sabrina can do to keep his life prioritized. His mother is suddenly having heart problems before his big movie premiere and suddenly Luke blabs that he and his PA are engaged. What next?

What did I like? The book had some serious situations that just grab your attention and hold it. The lust between Sabrina and Luke was fun and believable without being too over the top. Luke's situation was a good twist and it made me keep reading....there was no putting down this book.

Would I buy this book? Yes.... the book was amazing. I would definitely recommend it to anyone who loves romance. This author did an amazing job. There are some intense situations like attempted m/m rape so whoever may be sensitive to those issues.

Thoughts for the author. Loved to beta read for this author, and this book was amazing. Five huge stars for entertainment!!

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"Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for the advance copy of this book, in exchange for an honest review."

Loved this book very much. It had just enough sweet, sexy romance and the storyline was great! I highly recommend!

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Three and a half stars.

Who doesn't love a fake relationship with your boss romance? Sabrina has been Luke Cochran's assistant for four years and probably in love with him for all that time. Luke on the other hand, gorgeous millionaire actor that he is, doesn't have a clue. However, when his mother suffers a heart attack and tells him how much she worries about him he panics and tells her that he and Sabrina are secretly engaged.

But Luke is hiding a secret from the world, something that made him run from home at the age of eighteen and his trips back were non-existent until Sabrina pushed him to make the trip. Can a fake relationship turn real and can Luke tell the truth?

I liked the plot and the characters but I was put off by the incessant sex. Honestly, page after page after page, then there would be a snippet of plot and then page upon page of sex. I got bored and just flicked past it all wondering at times if there was any plot coming soon. Maybe I should have expected it given the title, I'm sure some people reading this are itching to go and buy the book - and good for them. It just didn't work for me.

However, I am really intrigued by Luke's large family, Devin in particular, and look forward to reading more in this series.

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review.

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Luke and Sabrina!

Shiloh Walker is a new to me author. I found spots in this story far too long and drawn out, while it felt that other places were rushed. The characters were well conceived, and there were spots of fun, understanding and compassion, as well as little twists to make the reader want to read on. I did enjoy this book enough that I’d look for another to try.

I received an ARC of this book courtesy of NetGalley. All opinions expressed in this review are my own and given freely.

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Once again, Luke has only thought of himself by acting out in a public location and it could cost him. Luke would hate for his actions to blow back on his family. When Luke learns his mother is having health problems, he drops everything to be with her in her time of need. Thank goodness for his trusty assistant Sabrina. With her by his side, he can get through anything.

Sabrina has been in love with Luke forever, and he's never noticed her. When Luke blurts that he and Sabrina are engaged in a moment of panic, Sabrina agrees to go along with it. That is when their relationship takes an unexpected turn. But Luke has a secret... one that could threaten their very fragile new love.

COCKSURE is a sad, heart-breaking tale of a young man dealing with a secret that has scarred him. It has made him the man he is today, in some ways, one that he is not very proud of. Luke has to confront his past and what happened to him in his youth to find true happiness. It will not be easy with a certain person on his case, trying to expose him as the bad guy. Luckily, Luke has Sabrina. I really felt for both characters. Was I surprised Luke hurt Sabrina? No. Almost anyone would lash out at the ones they love in a situation like that. I know it was not the right way to handle things, but emotions were high. In the end, Luke was willing to make amends for what he did and that's what counts. I give COCKSURE a 3.5 star rating. It was close to 4, but I felt the story was a little drawn out and a little all over the place at one point. It does redeem itself very much in the end.

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Luke and Sabrina such a great story. I fell in love with them . Luke is a big time star that can be cocky, full of himself and downright self centered but when a young talented assistant stops on his doorstep she soon becomes his right hand woman.
Sabrina knows that is so ridiculous to be in love with her boss but really nothing can or will ever happen between them. It doesn't hurt to admire him from afar. When they find out he is needed back home and his mother is ill he knows without a doubt that he cannot survive there or anywhere without Sabrina . What happens when a little white lie begins to feel so real! Just you wait and read Cocksure !!!
~~Michele McMullen~~

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I have been a fan of Shiloh Walker since the Ellora’s Cave days so when I saw this book available I jumped at the chance. This book had one of my favorite tropes, unrequited love and one of my not so favorite tropes, fake relationships. I loved it all.

Sabrina has been working for Luke as his PA for the past 5 years and have been in love with him from pretty much the very beginning. Unfortunately, he is oblivious of it all. What they do have is this amazing friendship, he was there for her when she needed him and Sabrina was okay if this was all she gets from him. When Luke hears his mother is ill, Sabrina, the amazing PA she is, arranges everything for him to be there for her. When he sees how ill his mother really is, he tries to appease her guilt and fears by saying he is engaged to Sabrina. As they go through this fake relationship, secrets they have been both keeping is revealed and feelings get more and more complicated.

Wow, I did not see all the emotions that was pulled from me coming! My heart ached for Sabrina, she loved Luke so much but to read about her knowing she would eventually have to let him go made me so sad. And to finally understand Luke and what made him leave his family was gut wrenching. But on the flip side, I just loved how kind Luke is, he is seen as this manwhore and (dare I say) how cocky he is, but to those he loves and cares for, he will go all out for them. And to see how Sabrina was the calm in Luke’s chaotic life, mentally and physically was beautiful. Then when Luke ends up hurting Sabrina, she did not forgive him easily or too quickly, she really made him work for it. Oh all the feels in this book! I highly recommend this book!

Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for giving me the opportunity to read this book. All opinions are my own.

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Shiloh Walker is a new author to me but after reading Cocksure I certainly will be checking out previous books as well as waiting for book 2 in the Cochran’s of Cocker County.
Luke Cochran is a cocky playboy movie star he relies heavy on his personal assistant Sabrina to make sure he is in the right place at the right time and when he gets a call that his mother is sick he makes sure Sabrina not only makes the arrangements she also travels with him.......
Sabrina has been attracted to Luke from the moment she met him but she could never let him know after all he is a star and he is her boss. What she never expects is for Luke to tell his mum in a moment of madness is that they are engaged.......
Sabrina is so funny and she knows how to run Luke’s business life but can she convince everyone she is part of his personal life as well. This book is a mix of fake relationship, friends to lovers and forbidden love all rolled into one great read. Great characters who are strong, funny and have depth also make this book enjoyable and I would recommend it to anyone looking for a fun read.

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It’s ironic that after being a Shiloh walker fan for many years and totally addicted to her Paranormal works; COCKSURE is my first contemporary read by this talented author. So….did Iove it? No. But the plot design was good and the support characters have so much potential for future books in the series.

Luke’s character had dark secret, that was pretty obvious early in the story, and Sabrina’s long time infatuation was front and centre to everyone but the self-absorbed, and apparently clueless actor. Sabrina described Luke as being extremely smart and perceptive, but he didn’t realise over a 5-year period that he was this woman’s entire world?

For me the story felt the story was tedious in parts and far too long, however I was compelled to read to the end and see if this tragic couple could finally find some peace and happiness in each other’s arms. I did feel that after so much build up and angst throughout the final chapters, that the ending was abrupt.
I know it sounds like I didn’t like the book, but I actually did; it just went on too long and some aspects were unbelievable. That said, I will continuing this series as I’m keen to see which Cochran is featured next.

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