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Now or Never

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Holy moly! Winnie and Holden melt my cold dead heart. I loved their passion and their partnership. It wasn’t easy considering she has hated him since they were kids and he was the misunderstood bad body back in town making amends. Now they are grown and find themselves back in the same town and trying to figure out life...and love.

I was worried about the family dynamics this time around considering their loss, but they are still as strong and up in each other’s business as ever. Now Or Never, the final book in this series, gave me the closure I needed because I wasn’t sure I was ready to say goodbye to the Braddock family. That being said, I could always use a novella or deleted scene or for them to be real and adopt me...

P.s. I’m still recovering from her dads letter. Tears. For. Days!

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I really enjoyed this one. I sadly didn't get my review posted on time. But it was a good book, and I really liked the character development and story overall

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Apparently I’ve decided to read this series out of order. Or at least I skipped the first 3 books and now I’m reading in order. Regardless, I was excited to read this one because instead of focusing on hockey and the San Francisco Thunder team, it focuses on family. The Braddock family to be exact. The previous book in the series featured one of the Braddock sisters and it was nice to see some of that story continue in this book.

They’re grieving the death of their father and Winnie is now taking it pretty hard. She realizes she’s not in a happy place in her life and has to make some changes so she stays back at the family summer house in Maine after breaking up with her longtime boyfriend to try and figure out what’s the next step she should follow. She wasn’t counting on her brother deciding to surprise their mom with a house renovation and she’s face to face with her childhood nemesis and town bad boy, Holden, who took on the job.

NOW OR NEVER is actually quite sweet. There’s no sports romance in this one but it was nice to still follow the family of one of the players and not have all the siblings magically end up with people in the team. There was already history between Holden and Winnie, most of it bad and some of it was the typical bad boy likes good girl but knows she’s too good for him kind of thing.

If you like a good reformed bad boy story, then you’ll enjoy this one. Holden has turned his life around and dealt with a lot of the emotional issues that put him in that state of mind all those years ago. He’s trying to right his wrongs and that’s not an easy thing. But he was also the one that could connect with and help the heroine get through what she’s dealing with. It was sweet to see them connect on that level.

I’m always a sucker for a hero that works with his hands and found Holden endearing, alpha when he needed to be, but overall incredibly sweet. This was a story that had a lot of heart. Full of small town charm and family centered. Can’t wait for the next installment in this series.

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I had a whole review written and GR ATE IT.

In a nutshell:

I really enjoyed the bittersweetness of this book. Winnie and Holden dealt with heavy issues... overcoming your past and events in your present. They offered each other comfort and redemption that they truly needed.

I love the Braddock family and I'm sad this series is over.

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Truly enjoyed this book. entertaining plot, characters I actually liked, and a satisfying ending. looking forward to reading any future books in this series.

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Received in exchange for a honest review

What I liked the most is how much Holden had changed and how he helped Winnie. He believed in her and supported her. At first Winnie had a lot of anger towards him and it was justified to a point. He had to prove to her that he wasn’t who she saw him as when they were younger. He changed and was building his future. She wasn’t making the job easy but he perservered and in the end it pays off. For Holden, he had many hurdles to cross. His sister and gaining her trust, Winnie and showing her he isn’t the man she thinks and getting her to see who he really is, a town and showing them he has changed and even showing himself that he can have it all. He works hard and cares about others. He takes pride in his work and strives to overacheive the expectations of those that hire him.

Winnie is grievng but also trying to find herself. She is lost and not sure where to turn. When Holden shows up to do the renovations, she has a outlet for her anger and pain. He takes it to a point but he also helps her heal.

I love the dynamics between Holden and Winnie. They are strong and stubborn but also vulnerable and finding their way. They are attracted to one another but fighting it to a point. When they finally give in it is explosive. I love how Holden truly sees Winnie and challenges her while being supportive and caring. He helps her find her way while they are falling in love.

The story is sweet, sexy and one about famiy and second chances. About changing and growing but also loyalty and love. You fall in love with HOlden from the beginning as he proves to all around him that he is a great guy but also to himself that he is worth the chance. The romance is sexy and one that shows us how the support of one who loves you helps you heal and find your way. How family helps you be stronger and so does the love of the right person.

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Now or Never, part of the San Francisco Thunder Series is actually hockey adjacent. It is book 4 in the series and there are enough appearances by characters from previous books to make it's ability to stand alone a little shaky. Taken as what it is, an enemies to lovers romance, Now or Never is entertaining, a quick, sexy read. If you are expecting a sports romance, this isnt one. That being said, I found the story engaging, the characters interesting, and the passion level high. Now or Never is a good addition to the series, and I look forward to the next book.
I received my copy through NetGalley under no obligation.

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***ARC Provided by the Author via NetGalley***

Winnie's story is the one I've been looking forward to. I think because it was after death of their father.

That sounds wrong. I wasn't looking forward to that part, but I was interested in seeing where the characters ended up at the end of the drama when things were back to normal...or the new normal.

Holden was the perfect match for Winnie and I loved that they had a messy history. I loved that both of them came to the relationship with previous expectations of who each of them are...or were.

Victoria Denault is a favorite of mine because of books like this one. There is a lot going on with the characters, they are complex and they have depth.

I enjoyed this title and I recommend it.

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I've read a few of Denault's books but this is my first in this series ... and I'm SO upset at what I've been missing!  (This one can stand on its own, btw.)  These characters are complicated and such a joy to read.  

Winnie has recently lost her dad and is reeling.  She's hiding at her family's cottage and doing her best to ignore everything & everyone.  Unfortunately she's not able to ignore Holden.  She gives it a good try though, and is quite abrasive with him for a long time, but Denault does a wonderful job of gradually bringing things around - with Winnie warming to the changes in Holden as well as working her way through her grief with his help.  

Holden has a terrible history in the town and Winnie isn't very receptive to the idea that he's changed.  Realizing why he was so difficult as a child makes you just want to give him a huge hug and not let go for like a week.  He was never a bad person but he worked hard to push buttons and even though he's outgrown that it's going to take a while to live down his reputation.  He's a truly good guy though and that shines through, especially with his treatment of Winnie.

Things are difficult between the two but it was (happily) low on the melodrama.  These are people with real issues they are working through and they handle it in a manner that resonated with me.  There's quite a few 2 steps forward & 1 step back moments but it never got old (while it easily could have) and I found myself rooting for them to figure things out.  But I finished Now or Never wishing for more pages because I didn't want their story to end.

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This was a cute, heart tugging story.

I loved the battle that Winnie was going through and how she tried to cope in the wake of her Dad's death. I loved Holden's insistence that he right his wrongs from years before rather than just running to somewhere else.

A truly amazing story!

** ARC received from Netgalley **

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First let me say how much I love the Braddock family! They are so genuine and loving and just a really fun group. I think they are the reason this series as a whole (I still need to read book 1, OOPS) is so enjoyable. But sadly Now or Never just didn’t 100% do it for me. Don’t get me wrong, it was entertaining and a super quick read, but there was something missing. I don’t know if it was the chemistry between Winnie and Holden, the pacing, the storyline? I just know that something felt off and there was some kind of spark missing. It was a good read, but just not my favorite of the series. I do think there should be a mystery Braddock that we don’t know so I don’t have to lose this family. Just sayin. But if you are a fan of the series definitely make sure you check this one out.

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Now Or Never

**received an ARC in exchange for an honest review***

4 ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

Winnie’s story hits a spot that not many books do. She had to deal with losing a parent and how she has to deal with all of the emotions. I also loved the way her relationship grew with Holden. Even though they had things to get past, the way they leaned on one another to make a new path for themselves. Victoria does a great job with this story and will have you wishing there was more so that you can see what will happen next with them and the rest of the Braddock clan.

Winnie is done, her father has just died and so has her relationship. She knows that she can’t go back to San Fran and she can’t go back to Canada, but she can stay in the home that reminds her of her dad in Maine. Or at least she thinks she can, until she finds out that her brother has decided to finally have the place renovated. And of course it is by the one person she doesn’t want to see, Holden.

Holden is trying to start over, after loosing out on a career in the NHL and making bad decisions when he was younger, he wants to prove that he has changed. And his first job is the Braddock family’s cottage. And when he finds out that Winnie is there, he doesn’t know if he is excited or annoyed. But what he knows he is going to do is show everyone that he isn’t who he use to be.

Winnie tries to stay away from Holden but she can’t deny that she is attracted to him and how he wants to change. And as they spend more time together she sees that he is willing to change and that maybe she should give him a chance.

But is the change lasting, or is Holden still someone that can’t be trusted?

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Now or Never is a second chance romance, and the finale to the San Francisco Thunder series. This last installment follows Winnie, the oldest of the Braddock girls, as she learns to deal with grief. Instead of being around her family, Winnie sneaks off to her family's cottage where she runs into her old high school enemy, Holden. Growing up Holden always made fun of Winnie, and she's not ready to let that go when she runs into him now.

From the beginning this book is heartbreaking. It picks up a little bit after When It's Right. The Braddock family is all together and grieving. From the previous novels, we know how closed off Winnie is compared to her sisters, and we see that again as she closes off from everyone while she's grieving. I knew this book was going to be heartbreaking, because of the content, and because of what we know of Winnie's character.

"I love my family more than anything. I've willingly sacrificed a lot to be with them during the hard times, and I regret none of it. But...right now, for some reason I can't understand, I don't want to be anywhere near them. Or anyone. I feel a flicker of guilt at that thought, but I also know I can't control my feelings"

Winnie is in mourning, and she's angry. She lashes out at people and closes her off from them. Denault gave us such a realistic portrayal of grief in this novel, and it really affected my experience reading the novel. Not only is the portrayal amazing, but her behavior isn't excused, Holden calls her out on it in such a caring and respectful way, and helps her try to work through her grief.

I'm so glad this wasn't a book where the love interest "saves" the grieving person, instead he's there when she needs him, and will call her out when she needs it. In fact, both characters do so much growing throughout the novel. Winnie is dealing with grief and her family, and Holden is dealing with repercussions from how he acted in the past. He's a different person now that he's grown up, but he has to work to prove himself to everyone that matters to him.

"Anger is like an old comfortable sweater that only later on I realized is made of barbed wire and leaves me with more scars than I can heal."

Holden was kind of a terrible person when he was younger. He acted out a lot because of issues he was dealing with. Even though he was dealing with so much and acted out pretty horribly, his behavior isn't excused. He acknowledges that how he acted was awful, and even though he was grieving, that's no excuse for his actions.

I did hate that there was some drama between the two just because Winnie and Holden wouldn't talk to each other. I hate when this happens in books. Thankfully it was over pretty quickly.

Overall this is a solid finale to the series, and honestly my favorite book of the series. I loved reading about the Braddock family and seeing how each sibling reacted to their father's illness, how they all grew, and seeing how much they meant to one another.

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I had trouble with this book to be honest, it was kind of a letdown and I wanted to strangle the heroine throughout the entire book, Holden was too good for her and I kind of understand why Ty cheated.. I'm disappointed this is the end because I'm a huge fan of the author, but the book left too much to be desired

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Another fabulous addition to this series . Winnie and Holden have known each other since they were kids . It is a relationship built on taunting , extreme dislike and Winnie having punched Holden the bully in the face breaking his nose. It is years later and the life and those years have changed both people. Holden is now fresh out of the gate as a new business owner starting a contracting business. Winnie and her family have just suffered an extreme loss. They have lost their dad . Winnie now realizes everything she thought she knew is different is obscured . She makes a clean break. She decides to split from her decade old relationship with her boyfriend and come to the place that has always made her feel at home. The lake cottage in Maine has always been the family's refuge and may be exactly what Winnie needs. Holden is excited to begin his first huge project. His friend Jude has hired him to renovate the lake cottage in Maine little did he know was that Winnie had taken up residence there to regroup. It starts off as childhood enemies but soon turns into something that neighed Winnie or Holden thought they needed !! Each of them need to heal and believe in themselves again but it may take the love of one another to make that happen . Loved their story .
~~Michele McMullen ~~

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I have been going crazy waiting fro Winnie’s book, and it couldn’t have been better. Holden is simply AMAZING, and this story is just so special and beautiful. Just beautiful.

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I have never read this author before but the blurb really caught my attention. I absolutely LOVE second chance romances. Add in the twist where the heroine, Winnie, broke the hero’s nose when they were teenagers and I was hooked. They reconnect after the heroine’s father dies and the heroine is wallowing in her grief at the family vacation cabin. The hero, Holden, is hired by Winnie’s brother to renovate the cabin.

Holden and Winnie have a complicated past. Holden was not very nice to her. But they are all grown up now and Holden has returned to his hometown and wants to show folks he’s changed. It is a tough battle but he wins.

Winnie is really struggling with the loss of her father. And she is reevaluating her life. She is very sad. It was hard to read, but in the best way. I loved almost everything about this book and was willing to overlook the slightly predictable conflict.

This can be read as a stand alone and enjoyed completely. I look forward to reading more by this author.

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Brought to you by OBS reviewer Heidi

The Braddock family has been devastated by the death of their father, after a hard battle with ALS. After the funeral, they all head back to their respective homes to try to pick up the pieces and move on with life, like he would want. However, in the line to get on their plane Winnie and her long-time boyfriend, Ty, get into an argument. She realizes that she’s only still with him because it’s easier than ending things, but their relationship is well past its expiration date. She breaks up with him right there in the airport with an audience! She decides to go back to the family’s summer cottage and stay there indefinitely. However, she didn’t expect her childhood nemesis, Holden Hendricks, to be camped out in their driveway. Her brother hired him to do some renovations when he thought the cottage would be empty.

Holden screwed up his life when he was a kid after his mom died. He lashed out at everybody including Winnie. His mistakes ruined his chances of making it in the NHL. When he got out of juvie his own dad wouldn’t even have anything to do with him.

Now he has come back to where it all began to start his own home renovation company and to make something of his life. He’s trying to build a relationship with his sister and wants to be part of his nephew’s life. The problem with small towns though is that nobody believes he’s changed and he’s constantly having to prove he’s different, even to his own kin.

Holden doesn’t know what has Winnie so upset, but he hears her drunk crying every night. He’d do anything to lift her spirits and make it better for her. But she hates him.

Eventually Winnie and Holden find a way to co-exist in such close proximity. She even starts to question if she may have misjudged him. And, when they give in to their passion they never want to go back to the way things were before! But can a tiger really change its stripes? Will Holden’s reputation and Winnie’s lack of trust be their undoing?

“If you’re worried about some weird client-contractor rule you’re breaking, keep in mind I didn’t hire you. I didn’t want you here at all.”

His lip quirks up in the corner. “But now you love me.”

I smile back at him. “I’m pretty sure fucking your client is a bigger broken rule than just having them do manual labor for you.”

I have really enjoyed this series so far and this book was no different. I loved Holden! He definitely had a shitty childhood and this story just goes to show that you never know what someone is going through to make them act the way they do. I also was annoyed with how his sister treated him in this book. The poor guy could not catch a break when all he wanted to do was to right the mistakes he had made. And, I knew that one of those mistakes he was trying to fix was going to seriously mess things up for him and Winnie!

This book was mainly about Winnie and Holden, but don’t worry we got to see the other Braddock siblings as well. I absolutely love Jude and how relentlessly his sisters tease him! Although he does, his fair share of teasing them as well!

“Were you going to tell me you’re coming to visit?”

“Were you going to tell me you’re banging my contractor?”

“No. It’s none of your business,” I say firmly, trying not to sound shocked that he knows. I’m going to have to murder Sadie or Dixie later, whichever one told him. Maybe killing them both would be easiest. “Why are you coming?”

“Why are you banging the contractor?”

I grit my teeth. He’s in one of those snarky moods that he’s been perfecting since he was a preteen. Back then he used to parrot back everything I said on our twelve-hour drives to Maine from Toronto and it would get me so mad I would scream. If he wants to play, I’ll play to win. “Well, where can I start … he’s built like a tank and hung like a horse.”


“Not to mention that scruffy beard and the way it feels between my–”

This was another great read and I hope that the series isn’t over now that all of the Braddocks have significant others!

*OBS would like to thank the publisher for supplying a free copy of this title in exchange for an honest review*

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The book opens with a scene from the past when Winnie breaks Holden Hendricks nose, now many years later after the loss of their father everyone is supposed to leave Vermont and hand back to their home towns. Winnie makes a sudden change in her plans and in her life when at the airport decides to go back to the cabin. She does leave more at the airport. When arriving back at the cabin she believes that she will have it herself for the winter to pull herself together. Holden who has not been back in his home town in years is really not looked at to favorably. When he shows up at the cabin with his trailer Winnie is confused and putout. Also she did not know anything about Holden but her brother who has decided to fix up, remodel the cabin for her sister’s wedding next year. Not wanting to let anyone know she is still there she decides to deal with Holden. While the story goes along the author shows you Winnie dealing with her grief, and also her past with Holden. Holden wanting to make things right from his past and the people that got hurt and wanting, hoping for something anything with Winnie. This was a very good story with excellent characters and a good look at grief that people go through. I remembered what it was like when I lost my father when I was reading this story.

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Now or Never is a fantastically sweet pseudo-sports romance about making amends and second chances.

I’ve been a fan of Victoria Denault since her debut novel. Not only does she write great romances, but I also love that they are hockey-centric, since I’m a big hockey fan myself. And while Now or Never is technically in a hockey series, I was sort of confused when I realized that it actually had very little to do with hockey. I say that only to inform you of what I didn’t know going in. That’s why I called it a “pseudo-sports” romance. This one is more of a straight up romance, not that there’s anything wrong with that.

Denault really has a way with developing her characters, especially the supporting characters. In every one of her books, they’re always so well-developed and dimensional. They’re memorable, their relationships are well-developed. Nothing is on accident. Her character building is all very good and this book was very much the same.

I really enjoyed Holden’s character in particular in this book. I enjoyed the fact that he has somewhat of a checkered past and is still paying for those mistakes and has to try to learn how to overcome his own notoriety. It’s a slightly different second chance story. I just liked seeing the person he became and watching him prove to everybody that people change.

There were a lot of emotions in this book on many different sides. It was very well rounded, many solid plot lines that drove the story and ultimately drove the relationship between Winnie and Holden. I really enjoyed this book and their love story.

As I’ve said with pretty much every other “hockey” romance, you do not have to be a hockey fan to enjoy this book, and that is most especially true with this one. I definitely recommend giving Victoria Denault’s books a try though. She’s a talented author and writes great love stories. I can always count on her for a good, solid book.

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