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Between the Lies

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BETWEEN THE LIES by Michelle Adams looked intriguing from the synopsis but I had no idea how fast it would suck me in. This is one of those "clear the calendar" types of books where you HAVE to know what will happen. I finished this in 2 nights and it killed me to put it down to go to sleep after I got through the first half.
From the moment the main character Chloe Daniels wakes up after a car accident, she remembers nothing. With the "help" from her family, she starts to piece together the life she left...but is everyone telling the truth? Chloe begins to discover heartbreaking lies her family has told to "protect her" and how the perhaps the ones she trusts most are the ones not to be trusted.
This book is like a run-away train (in the best sense!) and has you hooked from the first sentence until the very last. A fabulous read for those who love psychological thrillers! Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an e-ARC of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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A physiological thriller buff will be pleased! Chloe Daniels wakes up in the hospital after being in a coma for an entire month as the result of an accident. She doesn’t remember anything about the accident, let alone who she is or who the people are in front of her calling themselves her family. So, she is taken home to live with them and to seek treatment with her father (a psychiatrist), to try to heal her amnesia.
But, something happened that nobody wants her to remember. Is her family working to try to get her to forget? Will her mind help her remember, regardless?
Is she in danger?
I found that the story lingered a bit too long in areas, JR I loved the quick chapters which led to making it a quick read.
I definitely wanted to get to the truth!

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Good thriller that had plenty of twists and turns and kept me guessing until the end. I thought it was a slow start and def felt as confused as Chloe in the beginning. Trying to figure out who she could trust and who was lying to her. I didn't figure it out till almost the final chapter so author did a great job of keeping everyone wondering.

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Michelle Adams main character Chloe has amnesia as the result of a car accident. Her young son died in the accident and she is estranged from her husband, Andrew. This novel is filled with flawed characters. Her father, a psychiatrist is trying to reshape Chloe’s memory. The reader immediately dislikes Chloe’s father. Her mother has her own problems. I am not sure there is a truely likeable character in this book. In Chloe’s search for the truth, there are lots of twists and turns. It is a book that I will be thinking about for awhile.. Thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for this ARC in exchange for an honest review. 3.5/4

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Between the Lies

by Michelle Adams

St. Martin's Press

St. Martin's Griffin

Mystery & Thrillers

Pub Date 05 Mar 2019

I am reviewing a copy of Between the Lies through St.Martin’s Press and Netgalley:

Chloe Daniels wakes up In a hospital not knowing how she got there, or even any memory of who she is or who the strangers who are calling themselves family are. She can’t even remember her own name.

As Chloe begins to recover slowly her parents and sisters begin sharing details of her life. The successful career, the home on the seaside the near fatal crash. But Chloe is sure they were hiding secrets from her, dark secrets. Her determination to find the truth may end up having devastating consequences.

I found Between the Lies to be suspenseful, and gripping read.

I give Between the Lies five out of five stars!

Happy Reading!

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This book is a fast and fun read where you try to spot the liar before the truth is revealed. I found it easily readable and read it straight through in about 3 hours. There are a fair number of red herrings, but in the end, things more or less make sense- so that's always a plus. Overall, a fun way to pass the time.

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"Between the lies" is a perfect title for this novel in that the entire time reading it the reader attempts to find the truth between the lies. The whole narrative is one lie heaped upon another.

This is a story of two dysfunctional families. About how dysfunction breeds dysfunction. A story of a weak woman who paid the ultimate price for her weakness.

The writing was compelling. The setting well described - though if the author is to be relied upon it rains ALL the time in Sussex. I was beginning to feel mildewed.

There were a few plot twists, but nothing shocking. I anticipated them before they were divulged. The resolution of the novel seemed a long time coming, yet when it did come everything was made clear. The clarity came bit by bit, like peeling an onion, layer after layer.

All in all, an absorbing thriller, though not as original as I hoped for. The whole amnesia trope is one that has been done time and again. Perhaps I am a tad jaded because I read so many thrillers.
I think that most lovers of the suspense/thriller genre will enjoy the read.

Though I rated this at 3.5 stars, I will be rounding UP for Goodreads, NetGalley and Amazon.

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Imagine waking up from an accident and having no memory of who you are and your past. This is what Chloe faces. As she struggles to put her life back together she dosent realize the people who appear to be helping her, may be hurting her. Who can she trust?

I really enjoyed this book. It pulls you in as you try to figure out what happened. I felt for Chloe and loved her throughout the book. Everything is reveled at the end and while I had an idea of what would happen I was still surprised by the ending. I would recommend this book!

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Between the Lies is yet another psychological thriller where the MC (Chloe) has amnesia/memory loss through most of the story, a plot device far too overused in the past few years. Don't misunderstand me, the story is easy to read and not poorly written, but there is also nothing special enough to separate it from the rest of this type available currently.

I'm sure most people would enjoy Between the Lies, I can see this adapted easily into a major motion picture. I simply read so much and when it seems that what I am reading is causing deja vu, I usually lose interest. This story was not an exception unfortunately.

I would recommend this to readers of psychological thrillers such as Before I Go To Sleep.

📖I received an uncorrected digital galley free from Netgalley, Michelle Adams and St Martin's Press in exchange for my honest opinion📚

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This story, while predictable in parts, was really entertaining. Lots of twists and turns. Quick read for me.

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Between the Lies starts with a terrifying idea and builds from there into a fast paced thriller that kept me guessing. Chloe wakes from a coma with no memory of what happened to her or even who she is. As if that's not bad enough, the more time that passes, the more she's convinced that those she should trust most are lying to her. Unreliable narrators can be quite effective in psychological thrillers and Chloe is certainly unreliable with her lack of memory and strange dreams, but she's not the only one. It seems that everyone around her is keeping some secret or other from her, and their reasons may or may not be in her best interest. I did figure it out before the big reveal, at least in part, but the thing is I thought I had the answer more than once only to be led in another direction, so getting the answer ahead of time didn't diminish my enjoyment. In fact, it made me want to keep going to see if I had it right. All in all, the story held my interest with its many secrets and twisted journey to the truth. Then we get one final twist that definitely had me sitting up and taking notice. The whole thing comes together perfectly and I recommend this one to fans of the genre.

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Loved this book! Loved this author! I can’t wait to read more books written by Michelle Adams. Between the Lies is a psychological thriller that will keep you guessing until the very end.

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I read this book in one day. The story of Chloe and the amnesia she endured after her car accident keeps you on the edge of your seat. You get a tidbit of info here and another there and you are never quite sure where her story is going. Definitely a recommend!

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This book had me from the very first chapter. A girl, trapped in a car, with no memories. This is a book that you cannot stop reading. At one moment, I thought I knew what was happening and then the book would take another twist. A fast read.....and one that will keep you up way after your bedtime!!!!

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I went back and forth between 2 and 3 stars, it does end up well but I just kept rolling my eyes so much that I ended up at a 2.
Way, way too much manipulation of the reader, too many weird secrets kept for no real reason. I get amnesia as a way to create a bit of mystery, but overall this just felt incredibly contrived. Too many superfluous characters that ended up not meaning anything to the story, and NO ONE told her the truth, which got really wearying to read. Chloe would get all worked up about something and someone would lie to her and then she would find out that they were all lying to her. They would apologize, and then the cycle would start over--bad thing-lie-hysteria-apology.
I read many, many psychological thrillers and this one just didn't do it for me at all.

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What would it be like to lose all memory of your past? What would it be like to have to put your trust in people who you can't remember, but who say they are your family and that they have your best interests at heart? What would it be like to find out that much of what you are told is a lie and that people are trying to manipulate your memories to their own advantage. Chloe Daniels not only has to deal with the tragic outcomes of the car accident she was in, but also has to cope with not knowing which of the people around her are trustworthy. She has to untangle the lies that she is told from the truths she is desperate to discover. This is a well-written, fascinating novel which draws the reader in, all the way to the final page. Highly recommended. Thanks to St Martin's Griffin and NetGalley for the ARC.

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Between the Lies by Michelle Adams is a gripping story of a young woman who suffers a head injury in a car accident and has amnesia. Unable to recall events surrounding her accident or her name and any details of her life before that fateful night Chloe goes to her family home and attempts to focus on the future. With glimpses of her life and the accident returning to her she pieces together some of the story and must confront those around her - so many lies, what is the truth? I enjoyed this fast page turner and highly recommend it. I received and ARC of this book, all opinions are my own.

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Thank you to St. Martin’s Press and to Netgalley for allowing me to read this e-arc in exchange for an honest review. All opinions stated are my own.

I.AM.Speechless. 5 Stars! ( I’m still a deer in headlights!)

This book came out TODAY—-If you haven’t read a book by Michelle Adams yet then please please please take a chance on her like I did! You won’t be sorry...

Me, who I like to think of as the “Queen” of figuring out thriller twists before they happen has been tricked! I figured out the “Who” but definitely not all of the twists and turns that this roller coaster of a tale put me through! It will be quite hard to summarize my thoughts on this suspense novel because there truly isn’t much that I can tell you without spoiling one of the many “ good parts.” But, alas, I shall try...

Imagine waking up from a coma, a grown adult,and having to move back in with your parents because you have no recollection of the life that you led before “ the accident.” Did you have a job? A house? An apartment? We’re you in a relationship? Where are all of your friends? Certainly you must have had some. Those close to you claim that “ Sometimes lies hurt less,” but are they really as interested in your well-being as you might think? All Chloe wants is to be able to remember , no matter HOW much it hurts.

She becomes confused and depressed when nothing seems familiar claiming that ,” Nothing in this house is mine. I belong somewhere else. I belong to another life that I cannot remember, a life that doesn’t exist anymore. “ Chloe has no idea who she should to turn to , afterall “ It’s hard to trust people when you’re not even sure you know them.”

Chloe suffers through visions, dreams, flashbacks, and bits and pieces of her past that she just can’t seem to put together. The gate outside her house is locked, there is no true escape from the house, she doesn’t even know the code. Even if she did get away she wouldn’t have the strength to get very far, and where would she go?

Despite rarely going outdoors, it seems that she cannot get very far before being approached by a few different men who all want to URGENTLY speak with her. One of them has grown quite fond of Chloe, in fact a bit OBSESSED, OR maybe maybe just in LOVE. Her admirer recalls ,” For me you had become something palpable, a mass growing inside of like a tumor. No, that’s wrong, like an organ, something necessary in order to keep going...You became my life, my reason for being. “

How can you possibly move forward when you desperately want to remember but everyone around you is determined that you forget? With shocking statements like ,” Stay with me, together we will be fine”, and “ If you come near her again, I will kill you!” This is a fast-paced, unputdownable page-turner that I read in a 24 hour span! I was salivating like a rabid dog during the last 15% of the book ....I NEEDED answers!!

Michelle Adams writes with such a beautiful fluidity that I’ve never experienced before. Her metaphors are outstanding, for instance: comparing the rain striking a window to a violent condemnation passing judgment on her character, describing a building (police station ) as being aggressive and having harsh edges, much like it’s alive. Her old house is an old friend that she can’t believe how much they have changed. The author’s words are a breath of fresh air.

“Between The Lies” is expressed with very intricate details. Every single character is flushed out; their reason for being there is dutifully explained. There is nothing lacking in this novel!

Brilliant! Cannot wait to read more from Michelle.Adams.

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This book was excellent. I couldn't put it down! The twists, the turns, the pace of the book! I loved everything about it! This was my first Michelle Adams book, but I can't wait to pick up a few more!

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Chloe Daniels wakes up from an accident with no memory of her former life. She is surrounded by people who claim to be her family,. but they seem to be keeping things from her. She finds out that she may have a husband and son that she doesn't remember but if so, she doesn't even know if they are still alive and if not, if she had anything to do with what happened to them. This is a very intense thriller. It will have you on the edge of your seat. If you are a parent, it will tug at your heartstrings, and you will especially to relate to this story of a woman trying to find out what happened to her child. The ending is a shocker.

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