Member Reviews

The plot was okay, but the characters were grossly underdeveloped.
There was lots of eye rolling from myself, and I just didn't care for it overall.

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A good read, slightly predictable but did take me a while to get used to the characters.

Don't think I will read more from this author.

Thank you to Netgalley and Harlequin - Mira for giving me the opportunity to read this book.

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Amazing. Less spooky / creepy than what the cover and description make it out to be. But so awesome. I have read other books by Adele Parks, and this book like the others is written so well. Great story line and characters. Will read more from this author as soon as anything new comes out!

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This had a lifetime movie feel to it the way the drama unfolded. I loved it from the very beginning. Very easy and fast read.
The relationship between Mel and Abi seemed simple enough but they both carried secrets. Secrets that would be sure to drive both of them mad with hate and envy.
When Abi a long lost friend from college days reaches out to Mel during her divorce ,she's invited to come stay for however long needed . They haven't seen each other in 17 years. Abi captivates the entire family and extends her stay more than she should to plot a revenge . Mel has no clue what's about to happen and what a manipulative , revengeful person Abi has become once she finds out a secret her friend Mel has held since they were in college, Highly addictive and very well thought out from beginning to end.

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Fairly predictable suspense thriller that gets better as it goes along. The ending is trite and not true to the story but still an interesting and imaginative read.

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Unfortunately, I couldn't get into this book. I was initially quite intrigued, but then it started to feel fairly predictable and the characters rather cliched. I'm sure this will appeal to many readers, but maybe I've just read too many books that are too similar.

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A gripping and shocking read which draws you in from the first chapter. Really enjoyed this book with twists and turns a plenty

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This thriller kept me on the edge of my seat with twists and turns through the very last page! You definitely don’t want to miss this page turner!

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A wild ride from start to finish. This is the story of Abigail and Melanie, friends from school who have gone separate ways. Abigail became a television star and Melanie has taken a drastically different career path. In her last year of university, Melanie becomes pregnant and subsequently drops out. Years later, Abigail has returned to the UK desperately in need of a friend. This book brings to mind the movie "Single White Female" in all it's incarnations. I found myself absolutely transfixed for the most part while reading this book. The friendship between the two women changed by leaps and bounds through the book and I was on the edge of my seat the whole way. Fans of Paula Hawkins and the ilk will greatly enjoy this rollercoaster ride.

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Publisher's Description: "Imagine the worst thing a friend could ever do. This is worse. When Mel receives an unexpected email from her oldest friend Abi, it brings back memories she thought she had buried forever. Their friendship belonged in the past. To those carefree days at university. But Abi is in trouble and needs Mel’s help, and she wants a place to stay. Just for a few days, while she sorts things out. It’s the least Mel can do. After all, friends look out for each other, don’t they?"

"I Invited Her In" by Adele Parks was an interesting premise. It is the story of Melanie Harrison and her long-ago best friend Abigail Curtiz. When Abi emails Melanie out of the blue asking for help and needing a place to stay, Melanie's reaction is to tell Abi she can stay as long as she needs to. That's the first red flag. This is someone she hasn't so much as exchanged emails or social media messages with in 17 years, and she invites her into her home, with her husband and three children?

As the story unfolds, we come to learn why Melanie digresses to the way she acted at university and obliges herself to Abi, but I have a hard time feeling bad for her when things start to go haywire. It seemed like there were story elements that were intended to be surprises, but I had them figured out early on. The only thing that surprised me was the epilogue, but by then I was kind of over it. It felt like it took a really long time to get there, and honestly, I didn't buy it. (When you get there, you'll know what I mean.)

This theme has definitely been done before with the obsession and revenge angles. I won't say it was a bad book. It wasn't. It just wasn't very memorable or exciting for me.

Thanks to NetGalley and Harlequin - Mira for a free advance copy in exchange for an honest review. This title is scheduled for publication on February 5, 2019.

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My first Adele Parks and it was well worth the read. Something sinister is lurking in Melanie's friendship with Abi and just when you think the reasons Abi has reunited with her friend can't get any more twisted, Adele twists the plot even further. A spellbinding read thar kept me turning pages beyond my bedtime! Thanks to #netgalley for the ARC #adeleparks #harpercollins #tea_sipping_bookworm #goodreads #litsy #iinvitedherin #bookstagram

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I Invited Her In is an interesting read, although I feel like I have read something similar to it before. For me, I like thrillers with total originality that will keep me glued to the pages. I like twists and turns that surprise me and make me second guess everything I thought. Unfortunately, this didn't happen here. Perhaps if it was a little short and had a surprise twist at the end I would have liked it more. But it fell flat in these aspects for me.

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Thanks to Netgalley for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

This book is about Melanie, a woman living a happy life with her husband and 3 children, when her old friend, Abigail,that she hasn't been in touch with since college makes contact because she is getting divorced and comes to stay with Mel and her family. Obviously you know things go wrong with this arrangement. I thought this book dragged a bit at first. There was just too much build up of Abigail living with Mel and nothing too crazy happening, but then at around 50%, the story sort of picks up and there was a reveal around 60% that I really didn't see coming. I think at that point things fell into place for me and I sort of knew how it would play out. Overall, I think this was a pretty good book I just wish the first 50 ish % had been condensed a bit.

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Unreliable characters and the main character, Melanie, is quite annoying. I felt there was too much about the story; somehow, it didn't felt real.

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Thanks Netgalley and the Publisher. A gripping thriller of friendship and betrayal. This was hard to review as some bits I liked but there was also some I did not, too much detail in certain parts for my liking

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Thank you to NetGalley and the Publisher for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

This was a fabulous read by Adele Parks. It was quite difficult to put this book down. Just thinking about what the worst revenge a friend can take on you. You sleep with your best friend's boyfriend, get pregnant and don't say anything. Then one day 17 years down the road, this friend comes back to exact her revenge because she knows what happened. She knows what you and her (now) husband did. She knows he's the father of your son. How can she hurt you the most? By sleeping with your son and getting pregnant.

Melanie Harrison, dropped out of university to become a full-time mom to a baby she had after a one-night stand. She loses touch with her university friends, especially her best friend Abigail Curtiz. Mel has gotten married to Ben and they had 2 little girls who adore their big brother. To Ben Liam is his son and has never treated him any different than his own children. Suddenly Mel receives an email from Abi, in which she tells her that her husband has been cheating on her and she's getting a divorce and will be moving back to England from the U.S.

Wanting to be a good friend, Mel issues Abi an open-ended invitation to stay with her family until she finds a place of her own. Mel is soon fascinated by the glamorous celebrity that her old friend has become. After several weeks in their home, it becomes evident that Abi is there for more than just to reconnect with an old friend.

The tension mounts as the pieces to this puzzle are put together. The story is told from the perspective of Mel, Abi, Ben and Liam's girlfriend Tanya. A wonderful highly recommended read.

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Excellent book! Loved the characters and it was a great storyline. I would highly recommend this book.

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I received an advanced copy from Netgalley in exchange for my honest review.

When Mel hears from a long-lost friend in need of help, she doesn’t hesitate to invite her to stay. Mel and Abi were best friends back in the day, sharing the highs and lows of student life, until Mel’s unplanned pregnancy made her drop out of her studies.

Now, seventeen years later, Mel and Abi’s lives couldn’t be more different. Mel is happily married, having raised her son on her own before meeting her husband, Ben. Now they share gorgeous girls and have a chaotic but happy family home, with three children.

Abi, meanwhile, followed her lover to LA for a glamorous life of parties, celebrity and indulgence. Everything was perfect, until she discovered her partner had been cheating on her. Seventeen years wasted, and nothing to show for it. So what Abi needs now is a true friend to lean on, to share her grief over a glass of wine, and to have some time to heal. And what better place than Mel’s house, with her lovely kids, and supportive husband…

This book was an okay read. I felt at times that it dragged on. I love books that keep my guessing and I felt this book fell flat. I had guessed the plot half way through the book.

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Wow - not where I thought this book was going! Total surprise - still trying to capture it all! Since it wasn’t the book I was expecting, I had some difficulty getting through it -

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I am afraid, its going to be more like a rant post.. I did not like the book at all.. It disgusted me. I felt like I have been mislead (or more like there were “failed” attempt to mislead the readers). When it was supposed to be an mystery, to me, there was no mystery at all. I could see whats happening even before it started to happen. There was attempts to make it complicated/confusing which did not work at all and made me even more irritated.

None of the characters felt good or relatable. I could understand that Abi’s character is meant to be hated. But Mel? I hated her even more than Abi!! Girl!!! When your husband is saying that your attractive friend needs to leave the house, take the hint and make the arrangement!! I felt like entering the story and give her a good slap like Abi did way before it started -__-

A total disaster this book was and thank you very much.. I am in a reading slump now!!

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