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Unfortunately I was not as “Lovestruck” by this book as I was hoping to be. Overall it just fell short for me and I struggled to finish it.

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After just a couple of chapters I found myself incredibly confused and annoyed. I think you HAVE to have a knowledge and appreciation for Greek mythology AND teen drama to enjoy this one. The writing was fine, the content was not for me.

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First, let me say that, while this book is not in my go-to genre, I loved Kate Watson’s debut novel and was hoping for some more of that magic. It, unfortunately, did not come in Lovestruck.

Kali, the daughter of Cupid, was a difficult character to like. Yes, she’s young but not so young that she should be so selfish (especially when her whole purpose is to match people with their soul mates). She’s so concerned about her wants and desires, she doesn’t see those of her friends. I also wasn’t a fan of the relationship between her and Ben, but I think the author was going for the toxicity there in to prove these two weren’t good for each other.

The one thing this story had going for it was the Greek mythology angle. It was interesting (and sometimes humorous) to see how Kali viewed the other Greek gods in her world.

Disclosure statement: I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book and was not required to write a positive or negative review. All opinions are my own.

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I think I've discovered that I don't care for mythology-based romances. This one is just not for me.

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This book surprised me. I requested it from Netgalley for the premise and I was not disappointed. Fun story with great characters and plot. I enjoyed it!

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LOVESTRUCK is unfortunately not for me. I had tried this book and set it down in hopes of one day coming back to it, but now it is time to mark as DNF. I'm sure other readers will enjoy!

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This was a really weird representation of Olympus and mythology in my opinion. Greek mythology and over the top teenage angst don't mix well. I thought it might have been too young for me, but honestly I don't think teenage me would have liked it either

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[The ARC of this book was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.]

Maybe it's because I'm in a bad reading slump right now, but this book just wasn't for me. DNF'ed at 27%..

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I'm not a big fan of science fiction so I don't think the book was for me. I tried to read the first 50 pages but I couldn't get into the story. I normally love Greek mythology but I think these were characters that I'm not familiar with therefore it was hard to imagine so many characters and keeping them straight.

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I have come to understand that I love Kate Watson writing. the way she able to define a plot and her characters is amazing. I will always look forward to Kate work

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Lovestruck is a cute but angst-filled YA romance about a goddess named Kali, daughter of Eros the god of Love. Kali is a Cupid in training who accidentally sticks herself with the arrow meant for her mortal target and falls in love with him against her will. Back home on Mount Olympus, her childhood friend Hector, son of Apollo, has been in love with her for years because he was stuck with an arrow while looking at her. Kali is determined to break the arrow’s spell and take back her own fate. To do so she must fulfill a prophecy and right three wrongs. She has some awesome goddesses and gods for friends who help her along the way and being a goddess definitely has its advantages. It was a cute story that kept me turning the pages even though I suspected the ending early on.

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A great idea that is executed to an okay extent, it's an easy read but it's just lacking something. Taking on the Greek Myths with a modern take has been done so well before, that it's hard not to compare this book with something like Alexandra Sheppard's Oh My Gods - which was so fresh and inventive. This instead was a fine read, if not particularly memorable.

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This book was adorable! I enjoyed the Greek mythology aspects and the journey of self discovery Kali went on throughout the book. The setting of the book between Olympus and the mortal world was a lot of fun too! It was a great fun and fluffy contemporary read!

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I really wanted to like this book. The idea seemed original in and of itself, but after attempting multiple times to read it at different points, it just didn't work out. I couldn't get through it with how the writing style was and gave up.

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"But you're more than the stars for me, Tony. You're my universe"

For any one that adores Greek mythology and its powerful Gods this book will enlighten your romantic self and make you swoon and laugh for days. When you aren't experienced (sadly like me) in mythology it can leave you a little dumbfounded. Yet at times entertaining, Love Struck is a cute story for young adults to read when they're looking for a fast and heart felt romance and coming of age story.

Kali, our heroine, has the worst luck in the whole Mt Olympus. From having had a terrible match that made her hate her destiny, to her best friend / crush stinging himself with his own Cupid love arrow and then later on stabbing herself with an arrow when she was supposed to match her target to someone else, she is one heck of a mess.

The story continues on Kali trying to take a hold of her destiny and make everything right again. She doesn't believe in faith and hates the fact that everything seems to be written in the stars for her, plus she also hates the guy he really has feelings for is stuck feeling fake feelings created by the arrow not with his actual heart. However, cute and melodramatic Kali's story is I found the sub characters to be more interesting and full than she was. Her best friend goes to hell and back to help her more than once (not literally) and has friends that literally go to hell for her and her issues. Yet, she seems to not understand the power she has over people and spends her days thinking about herself. At least this is what the reader believes after spending sometime inside her brain. I would've loved for her to be a little less self-absorbed and realize how the world around her isn't crumbling because of a bad match.

Another thing I enjoyed was the sub-characters and their stories, the romances between Artemis and Tony as well as Kali's best friend romance and Hector and his life as a muse it was all more interesting than Kali trying to fight off her fake feeling for a boy I also did not really care about. I wish there was more of Deya, more sisterhood, I wish there was more of Hector and Kali whose story really had potential.

Nevertheless, the story is a joyful one that entertained me completely. It also made me want to know more about these Gods, hence I might pick up a good mythology book next. Maybe send some recommendations through the comment section if you know of one I need to read?

--- 2.5 stars ---

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and feelings are my own.

What a ride Lovestruck was. Unfortunately, I don’t think it was a good one. Kali has the task of being Cupid - making love matches. If she gets it wrong, it can be reversed. However, she sticks herself while looking at her next Mark. If an immortal gets stuck, it can’t be reversed. She goes on a quest with the help of other gods and goddesses to find a way to reverse her match.

The concept sounded great. I was excited to read this. I’m glad it was a fast read because, whew. It was a doozy.

All of the characters were SO DRAMATIC. Like over the top. Ben, Kali’s match, was so emo. And not in the good early 2000s emo way. If she even talked about Hec, her bff, he would brood and get all agnsty. Like, I don’t have time for that. It was just really hard to get into the story when every character had the drama turned up to 10.

I did like the concepts of traveling back and forth to earth and each god or goddess having a certain job - like being a muse or making love matches. It was a great concept but I just wish it was executed a little better.

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Greek mythology young adult retelling. This was a very cute and fun story with a new take on the romance genre. It was a quick read and enjoyable.

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Sweet and very entertaining! Part of me sees this as a TV show just for the laughs and funny banter!

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This was such a cute, fun book! It has everything I love: romance, Greek gods, and excellent world building! It is a bit long for the story, but I enjoyed my time reading it and would recommend it to others.

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I absolutely adored the mythology used in this book. Kate cleverly weaves humor, romance, and Greek mythology in another amazing novel. She is an instant buy for me.

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