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The Billionaire's False Fiancee

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A decent story for this series, however it wasn’t one of my more favorite books by the author, I found it challenging to connect to with the main characters.

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ARC copy provided by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
2.5 stars
I do normally enjoy the fake fiancée, fake relationship trope. This one wasn't as enjoyable as her other titles.

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Alistair Beaumont doesn't believe in love but he loves his job. According to his grandfather's will, he will need to be married or settled down two years after his death and he has less than 15 months to make something happen if he wants to keep his job.
Jess, Alistair's PA has been interviewing potential fake fiancee so she could keep her job plus keep her dream alive. When she gets a phone call from Austria and she is an emergency contact. When she arrives to see Alistair, he suffers from amnesia and it seems perfect opportunity for her to be his fake fiancee.
Now Jess and Alistair are playing happy engaged couple. Will his memory comeback soon enough to put a stop to this charade? Jesse feels guilty of lying but she has been in love with him ever since working with him for last two years and why not enjoy while she can.
Everything seems perfect until his memory returns.
It is quick and sweet. I enjoyed reading Jesse and Alistair.
Thanks to Netgalley and the author for ARC in exchange for honest review.

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Yeah, this book totally didn't click with me.
I mean, everything just seemed utterly ridiculous to me. I didn't feel the supposed attraction between the main characters at all. It was ridiculous how Jess, who was a virgin might I add, lied to her boss about being his fiancé and ended up sleeping with him a couple of days later, and he didn't even notice.
No, this just didn't do it for me at all. This being so short and therefore rushed, didn't help matters either.

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Not my kind of read. Very predictable story filled with bland characters.
I don't mind the "formulaic" but the characters need to have something special or the writing needs to stand out. This book had neither.

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Jess dropped everything at a moment’s notice to help Alistair and becoming his fiancée definitely worked out for both of them in the end. The path to their relationship was bumpy along the way but in the end they both achieved the happiness they denied one another for two long years.

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This story is one of the better ones I have read..I loved this romance It was so heartfelt, romantic, exciting, fun
It tugs at the heartstrings. Jessica worked for Alistair but amnesia threw a wrench into the boss/employee relationship and allowed them to get intimate without him knowing who was although the fear of discovery was always there

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I would like to thank Leslie North and Netgalley for this copy of another exciting installment of the Beaumont Brothers.

Jess Green works for the Beaumont Brothers company as Alistair Beaumont's PA. What he doesn't know is that she's got the hots for him. Alistair Beaumont and his brothers own B3 and in their grandfather's clause is that they must find their true love within 18 months of his passing. Alistair has had an accident in a skiing trip, he's lost his memory. Can Jess fake being his fiancee to save the company and her job or will Alistair remember exactly who she is and is he really engaged to her or does he really WANT to be with her at all. All will be in the second installment of The Beaumont Brothers series.

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He likes being single. He likes the ladies. His grandmother wants him married and settled down. He has a plan. Fake fiancée will stop any interference with his life. Easy, have your assistant find you the right fake fiancée. But none fit to his liking. Until... Light reading. No hardcore sex, which was okay with me. An enjoyable read.

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Absolutely loved this book!!! It is the second in the series but could be stand alone.

Jess as been given the task of finding her boss a fiance to marry so that he and his brothers don't lose their company. The story takes a turn when Jess gets a call that her boss Alistair Beaumont has been injured in a skiing accident and she was listed as his point of contact. Jess rushed to his side, only to discover that he is suffering from Amnesia. She decides with the help of his brother that this is the chance to save both his company and her job. She tells him they are engaged. But when his memory finally comes back, what will happen... will he listen to her reasoning or will she lose her job.

Leslie North has a wonderful way of writing that pulls you into the story. I couldn't put this book down.

I received ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Well, this was disappointing....I did like the summary and that's what caught my attention. However, the execution was lacking. I wished that Jess and Alistair's relationship has moved a little slower. The way it was written, they were literally banging within minutes of Jess introducing herself as his "fiance"...Oh, and he doesn't notice that she was a virgin?!?!?! Yeah, OK...If you say so...On the overall, the story was very predictable.

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This is a a voluntary review of an advanced copy.

Loved the story but Jess to have known that posing as Alistair's fiancee when he had amnesia was going to end badly when his memory returned!

Parts were hard to read and so emotional when he takes off and that was just so cruel. But I loved that Jess moved on and started a life without him.

Glad that Alistair finally realized that what he wished for was not what he really wanted and came to his senses! Jess and Alistair had a great HEA.

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When it takes amnesia to turn a hero into a better person in regards to women, you have to wonder why a heroine could ever want to be with him in the first place. So is the case here with Alistair and Jess, the main couple. He was obviously a previous flirty, impulsive, manho of epic proportions and a Good Time Charlie to boot. He loved having fun and pretty much lived life by the seat of his pants before the referenced accident. Being really rich allowed him to be that way I guess. It truly was just his type of personality. He really didn’t seem to have anything in common with Jess at all.

Jess is portrayed as his young, pretty, hardworking personal assistant, who used to be attracted to Alistair until she witnessed his womanizing ways years ago. It took a knock to the noggin to give him a clean slate to unknowingly morph into a better man. I had to wonder if Jess needed a gentle tap on her forehead to bring her to her senses, as well. At 60% into, these two just didn’t seem like a couple who belonged together, even they were picking up on that vibe.

I was disappointed to learn the secret Jess was hiding from her employer. It didn’t bode well for her character. It also didn’t seem right for her to jump in the sack with Alistair knowing she had lied to him about being his fiancee shortly after the accident. He assumed he was having great sex with a woman he must have been in love with. I could site several different, alternative scenarios that could have handled this differently, but why waste your time. Just know I’ve enjoyed books by this author in the past, but this one just didn’t click with me.

Title: The Billionaire’s False Fiancee, Series: The Beaumont Brothers (Book 2), Author: Leslie North, Pages: 153, stand-alone but part of a series, very graphic sex scenes, just felt wrong.

Book 1 - The Billionaire’s Sham Girlfriend
Book 2 - The Billionaire’s False Fiancee

(I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced reader copy of this book via NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own. I was not given any payment or compensation for this review. There is no affiliation or relationship between this reviewer and the author, publisher, and/or NetGalley.)

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5 Stars for The Billionaire’s False Fiancé by Leslie North

ARC received from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review - opinions expressed are my own ...

You will love Alistair & Jess’s story - this is book 2 in the Beaumont brothers series it can be read as a complete standalone.

Alistair is in a skiing accident & awakes in the hospital with amnesia - Jess is called as she is the emergency contact in his phone. Upon arriving in Austria she decides to act the role as Alistair’s fiancé but she isn’t acting - she has loved her boss for 2 years & would ❤️ nothing more for their relationship to be a real one.

Jess wants to tell Alistair the truth but when he regains his memory he is angry at her deception- it’s only after the fact he realizes that what he also felt for her is love.

This is a quick delightful read !! I’m so glad these two found their HEA !! There is a great surprise coming as well at the end!!

You will throughly enjoy this book !!

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This is the second story in the series. I felt that Jess and Alistair's story lacked depth. I would of liked to have some scenes of them working together and how they got along before he had his accident. It would of set a nice base for where they story was going when she decides to be his fake fiancee. I felt for him when he had amnesia. He was showing his true feelings towards her and I think she took advantage of it too soon. Even if she does explain that what she did was to protect her job. I did like his reaction towards the end when we realizes that Jess had lied to him. I felt bad for both, but more for him.
Overall it was an okay story.

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The series continues with Alistair Beaumont who also needs to find a wife and settle down if he wants to save his family business. Jess Green desperately needs her job and seizes the opportunity to save it. When Alistair is injured during a skiing accident and suffers from amnesia Jess decides to take matters into her own hands by telling Alistair she is his fiance'. But once Alistair gets his memory back what will be the outcome?

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So, I enjoyed this book MUCH more than the first one in the series, though I did have a couple of issues.

**This review has spoilers from here on!**

The Good: I liked the characters, and thought the setting (in Austria) was written really well. The interactions between Jess and Alistair were really good - the smut scenes included! Even though it's still a pretty short read it felt more fleshed out than book 1 did and the HEA was nice and fitting. I liked that Alistair recovered his memories and that there was a rift between them because of this, and it wasn't just glossed over into an easy HEA.

The Not-So-Good: In the early chapters when Jess is lying to Alistair and then they fall into bed together? I felt uneasy with this as it touches on issues of consent, what with Alistair not really knowing who he is, let alone Jess. I also guessed that she'd end up pregnant, especially with the early mentions condoms and then no mention of them when they were sleeping together!

Overall a good read - definitely better than book one - and I'd be interested to try more from this author!

[I received a free copy of this book via netgalley and am voluntarily leaving my honest review.]

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The Billionaire’s Fake Fiancé
By: Leslie North


In the second book about The Beaumont Brothers we get to watch Alistair and Jess fumble through love.

She was looking to find a way to save her job when she flew off to Austria. Alistair really put his foot in his mouth this time when he said he didn't believe in love or the trappings of marriage. When he had his accident it couldn't have come at a better time for Jess. Using the ruse of being his fiancé with his temporary memory loss was brilliant. But will this ruse come back and bite her in the butt when feelings start to surface?

I have become a huge fan of this author. She writes with so much intensity and emotion pulled from each book it’s felt page after page. Some are quick witted story lines that are so perfect and lets you believe you have a front row seat. So being able to read this love story didn’t disappoint. The authors ability to have two separate individuals struggling in their everyday life and try to navigate someone else’s thoughts, needs and desires was intense and gives all the fills.

I really enjoyed this book and it kept me engrossed throughout. I really loved the characters and the way they interacted with each other. This is a fun, hot, romantic must read book and I would definitely recommend this book to anyone.

This book has everything I love in a book. Then you add that it's beautifully written and believable. It is easily a five star read. Written in dual POV my personal favorite this story flows so incredibly well that the next thing you know your 80% into the book and loving every second of it. The believable way the characters interact is perfect. Run, Hop, Jump or use your (1 click) finger to do whatever you have to do and get this amazing book. It'll break your heart, you'll want to scream with frustration and it'll let you discover that love just might conquer all. The chemistry is steamy and sweet and oh so romantic.

Thanks Netgally for letting me read and review.📚💕

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This is the second book in the Beaumont Brothers series and the second one that I've read. This time youngest brother Alistair is on the hunt for someone to play the role of fiancee and then wife for him. The terms of his grandfathers will mean that he and his brothers all need to marry before they can inherit his business. Middle brother Gregor has already found his ideal lady in the first book.

Before Alistair can start the charade he is injured in a skiing accident and loses his memory. His right-hand woman, assistant Jess comes to his aid but decides to solve his other problems by playing the role of his fiancee. The only problem being, that Alistair doesn't know that it is all an act.

I enjoyed this second book even more than the first. It's a quick read and I polished it off in one day. I think that I would have liked to see a bit more of Alistair's Grandmother, we met her in the first book and she was certainly an interesting character. Overall though, it didn't matter that this was a quick read, it was just the kind of thing that I was looking for and I really enjoyed it.

I received a complimentary copy of this book through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own

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This is the second book in the Beaumont Brothers series by Leslie North. Unlike the first, this seemed a little forced. The characters felt a bit underdeveloped and the situation presented rushed. I liked Alistair's character but Jess was a little too innocent for being that willing to keep up appearances. I'm hoping the third and final installment rounds the series off on a high note.

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