Cover Image: Until the Day I Die

Until the Day I Die

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Totally improbable and over the top ridiculous, but fun and entertaining. This is not a great thriller, but might hit the spot if you're in the mood for something fast paced and kind of bonkers.

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This book started out a bit slow for me and it wasn’t until about half-way through that it picked up. Erin is mourning the loss of her husband who died in a car accident five months ago, she’s not coping and has pretty much checked out on her daughter who is also devasted by her fathers death. Erin forces Shorie to go to college and she also wants to sell their business, that’s where things get interesting. This book is told in both Erin and Shorie’s perspective. This is a good read, it has mystery, suspense, murder and intrigue.
Thank you netgalley for this arc

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While I've read and loved Emily Carpenter's last books, this was kind of a disappointment for me. I kept reading to see if the plot would improve but I didn't connect at all with the story. It felt too unrealistic and kind of a soap opera but with techie stuff. I will definitely read her next book and I hope I enjoy it more than this one.

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Review This book! Emily Carpenter does it again. In Until the Day I Die, the reader will be cheering on heroines and hating on the bad guy villains. This is a fast paced thriller that explores relationships and brings the suspenseful, creepy factor that this author has perfected. The twists and turns and the END!

Lets get to the creepy details, but with no spoilers! This book is told in alternating perspectives between Shorie, a college student and Erin, her mom. Erin's husband Perry was killed in a tragic car accident just 5 months earlier. Erin is having a really hard time and an "intervention" is called , and she is sent to a "restoration spa". Okay , can i get one of those interventions? Pretty please.

I could not PUT THIS DOWN. So many twists and turns and an unexpected ending that will leave you rereading parts of it (or was that just me?).

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Thank you NetGalley for the chance to review this book!

Emily Carpenter is usually known for what I like to call "Southern Louisianna suspense" and almost a little Goth like but this was a little bit of a different path for her and I loved it. Its a pretty fast pace book with twists and all.. At times it was a little overwhelming for me and almost confusing.
All in all it was an ok book for me!

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Absolutely loved this book. Couldn't put it down. Going to look for more books by this author and get them all. I am so glad to have found another great author to add to my collection of favs :-)

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This book started slowly, and with the key characters in a deep rut emotionally. I nearly gave up on it early on, but persevered and the story soon hooked me in enough that I had to know how everything would play out. The main characters both have strong storylines which kept me guessing about who was manipulating who, though I have to say that this wasn’t a plot that felt relatable in any way, so it definitely lost some of its power over my emotions.
Overall, an escapist book, with a great app central to the plot...any chance of getting to work on making it real?!
Many thanks to Lake Union Publishing and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.
#UntilTheDayIDie #NetGalley

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Picked this book from NetGalley on the recommendation of @lindsays_books and it did not disappoint!! I will say, it took me a little while to get into the book, but once I did I was completely hooked. And that ending!!! 😱😱
Without saying too much, I loved trying to piece together what was happening and who was involved. If you like thrillers, I think you’ll enjoy this one!

Thanks to Lake Union Publishing and NetGalley for the advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you to Netgalley, the author and the publisher for this ARC.

Likable characters, with a slow start that never really picked up for me, this wasn't my favorite Emily Carpenter book. It reminded me a little of Liane Moriarty's latest book. A messed up therapeutic retreat with alternative methods. The first half of the book I just felt sad. Erin's husband dies, she loses her grip on managing daily life, and her daughter, Shorie, is left to mourn on her own. Working in finance, the idea of Jax was really cool and interesting, so hopefully Emily Carpenter patented that, lol. All of this said, it was a decent read, but not my favorite of Carpenter's. Hopefully you enjoy it more than I did, as the reviews I read before diving in were stellar and could not say enough positive things. To each their own, and I hope this is the right book for you!

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I made the mistake of starting this book late in the day. I didn't put it down until I finished it at 3 a.m. It was a roller coaster ride of a story told by two strong women that kept me guessing until the end. Emily Carpenter continues to bring us books that keep her readers in suspense from the first page until the end.

This book is told from two perspectives - Erin, the mom who is still dealing with the grief of losing her husband in a car accident several months earlier. She and her husband owned a software company that was a major part of their lives and now she is considering selling it because of her grief. Her daughter, Shorie, is leaving to go to college. She doesn't want to go, she wants to work at the software company but her mom feels like she needs to get away and experience college life. Shorie is very worried about her mom's state of mind and convinces her during an intervention with friends and family, to get some rest at a rehab facility in the Caribbean. Things at the resort aren’t exactly how the brochure described, and unless she’s losing her mind, Erin’s pretty sure she wasn’t sent there to recover—she was sent to disappear. Who is behind the danger to Erin and will she and her daughter be able to stop whoever it is before its too late?

I loved the way the story was told from Erin's and Shorie's perspectives because it gave us more of an insight to each character. I also liked the relationship between the two of them - mothers and daughters love each other even as they try to pull away to live their own lives. They were both so well written that they felt like people I knew and I experienced their terror and confusion along with them. I barely breathed during the last 50 pages of the book.

This is a wonderful story of survival and mother/daughter love and I highly recommend it!

Thanks to the publisher for a copy of this book to read and review. All opinions are my own.

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Not bad, but not great either. For sure it is a fast-past thriller with a lot of twists. But for me it was too chaotic. I really like the main characters Erin and her daughter Shore but some situations that they were in were just weird and impossible in real life.
It was my first book written by Emily Carpenter but not last, I will definitely check her other thrillers.

Thank you to Net Galley and Lake Union Publishing for a free copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Until the Day I Die follows a mother daughter pair after the death of the family patriarch. This book is out March 12, 2019. After starting a wildly successful tech company with the help of some friends, Erin and Shorie Gaines, are left with loose control, devastating grief and something fishy going on when Perry Gaines, their husband and father, suddenly dies. Erin, unable to deal with her grief, is sent to a tropical island paradise to heal, while Shorie goes away to college, despite wanting to stay and work at the family start-up. Shorie quickly notices something is amiss in the code of the company's app, but no one takes her seriously. This is the believable portion of the book and a plot line I thought was written well. The plot of the book involving Erin on a tropical getaway? Not so much. It quickly becomes clear that she was sent there by one of the friends in their start-up to be killed and gotten rid of, all because Erin wants to sell her shares in the company. Erin is whisked on this wilderness adventure hike and people begin dying right and left at the hands of the retreat staff. It's messed up. This part of the book was just so unbelievable and the plot was hard to follow. Then, when everything was wrapped up in a tiny, perfect bow, the ending makes it almost seem like there could be a sequel and I was not good with that.

Thank you to Net Galley and Lake Union Publishing for a free copy in exchange for an honest review.

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A very tense thriller! It wasn’t spooky but it was one of those who can you trust books! Erin seemed sane but then you also didn’t know if she was reliable along with all the people around her! The atmosphere of the jungle made it even more nail biting and gave it a more sinster vibe. Left me questioning and guessing until the end very enjoyable!

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This book was great! It was tense and full of wondering what could happen next. I liked the characters and the writing. I thought the nostalgia attached to Perry was spot on and just the feelings that were inspired by his character were moving. I enjoyed how different clues were revealed and how things became clear to each character. I thought the characters were written well and organized well. The only thing that I didn't particularly enjoy was the part where the particulars of the app, Jax, were explained. It just didn't flow to me. Parts of the beginning were a little slow but it was still interesting to be able to continue without feeling bored. Overall, I really liked it.

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I just love Emily Carpenter books! They are always a fun, imaginative, and exciting read! This wasn't one of my favorites, but I did enjoy it!

This was a very slow moving book. The beginning got me engaged, but then my interest was lost as the plot dramatically slowed down. I wouldn't say that I lost interest, I was still interest in the plot, I just found myself skipping paragraphs and skimming to get to the next part.

The characters... they were a bit un-relatable. I didn't connect to a single character and towards the last 1/4 of the book I really didn't care what happened to them. I know we are dealing with a grieving mother and daughter, but their behavior was just so unbelievable I actually laughed out loud at things they said or did. The supporting characters were no different. I can't imagine having life long friends act that way towards me after my husband/father died tragically.

All that being said, once the story picks up again it is quite a wild ride! I liked the change of scenery to the tropical jungle setting and this is were there story gets even more imaginative and completely unrealistic. I can absolutely appreciate a fantasy novel that is not rooted in reality, however I feel that's not how the author was trying to sell this book.

The ending came quick and tied up in a too perfect bow. I felt like I worked and worked for a so-so ending.

Although my review sounds negative, it was a quick and overall enjoyable read. I give it a solid 3 stars and look forward to reading more from the author.

"Until The Day I Die" is due to be released in the U.S. on March 12, 2019. Add it to your TBR list now!

Thanks to Netgalley and Lake Union Publishing for allowing me an egalley to read and give my honest opinion.

Happy Reading!

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Ok, so I didn't love this one, but will that make me stop reading books from this author? Nope! I have read her previous books and really enjoyed them! With that said, I am still a fan and eagerly await her next book!

Until the Day I Die was a bit of a slow burn. It picks up about half way through, (the 53% mark) and takes off from there. A bit implausible and a slow burn keeps this from being a 4/5 star read but a 3 to 3.5 star read instead. I think this would be a good beach read.

Grieving the loss of their father/husband, you hear from both Erin and Shorie while their chapters alternate throughout. Erin isn't handling her husband's death well and her friends decide she needs to take a trip and book her into a rehabilitation clinic called "Hidden Sands". Something sinister appears to be going on though behind the scenes that leaves Erin very uncomfortable and needing to know what exactly is going on. Who wants to do her and Shorie harm?

A big thank you to NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for the opportunity to read an advanced copy of this book.

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Erin is struggling with grief and is losing control - her husband Perry died suddenly in a car accident and her daughter Shorie is pulling away, dealing with her grief as well. Erin is now on her own, with friends and partners, trying to run a successful tech company. She feels like a few weeks in the Caribbean is just what she needs to readjust and start fresh. Her daughter, however, is worried that her mother's mental state is worsening and her business partners cannot be trusted. Is Erin's vacation just a relaxing getaway or are the "friends" in her life trying to make her disappear for good?
This was a good, fast-paced read that I really enjoyed!
Thank you to Emily Carpenter, Lake Union Publishing and NetGalley for the ARC of this great book!

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Thoroughly enjoyed this fast-paced thriller about a mother, daughter, loss and grief, and greed. Erin and Perry are happily married and running a successful software app company with their best friends Sabine and Ben. Then, the unthinkable happens, Perry is killed in a tragic car accident. Erin, and their daughter, Shorie, are devastated. Erin is having a hard time dealing with Perry’s death, and an intervention is called by family and friends. She is sent to an toney ‘restoration spa’. This sets up the storyline.

Story is told in two voices, Erin and Shorie, at the same time. Ms. Carpenter gives just enough in each character chapter to keep the story flowing and keep you reading till the early hours of the morning. The story line is realistic from the software standpoint, a little far reaching in the spa dealings, but that just adds to the mystery set up here.

When you read this author, you always know you will get..thrill ride with many twists and turns and an ending that might not be tied up in a neat little bow! Thanks to the Author, Publisher and NetGalley for this ARC. Opinion is my own.

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2.5 STARS (aka 'just okay') - I had previously read and very much enjoyed Carpenter's book The Weight of Lies so I went into this book anticipating a gothic suspense read that would draw me in with some intriguing characters.
Until The Day I Die has an interesting premise (I loved the idea of the Jax app even though I'm far from a techy gal) and a stunningly eye-catching cover but the execution of the story fell short for me in a few areas. The book had a very slow start with a large cast of characters but unfortunately, I didn't connect with them, especially Shorie and Erin. It also felt like a few of the tertiary characters were superfluous and didn't have much impact on the plot.

The middle of the book picks up dramatically when the action ramps up for some nail-biting scenes. Unfortunately, there were also scenes that felt implausible (or much too convenient) adding to the book's incohesive feel. When you add in the epilogue which felt frustratingly extraneous, I didn't finish this book with all the bookish feels that I had expected.

This book had good bones, a beautiful cover and an interesting plot but overall, it was just an okay read for me. That said, I remain a fan of Emily Carpenter and eagerly await her next literary offering.

Disclaimer: My sincere thanks to Lake Union Publishing and NetGalley for providing me with a complimentary digital copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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This has a good start—interesting characters and situation—but it was a little too slow-going. It just wasn’t for me, unfortunately.

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