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Passion on Park Avenue

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I LOVED THIS BOOK!!! I can't say that enough. I am SO happy to know that this is a planned series because I'm going to need more of the characters I met. I've always been obsessed with books that take place in NYC, and I love that this one took place on Park Avenue.

While at first I thought this would be a simple love story, I was immediately swept up in the plan for revenge and rooted for Naomi through it all. This isn't a typical rags to riches story; this has depth and emotion that I was surprised to find.

I'd compare this to authors such as Christina Lauren when it comes to the steamy romantic chemistry-disguised-as-hatred. These plots are quickly becoming a favorite of mine, and Passion on Park Avenue is at the top of that list.

Thank you to Gallery, Threshold, Pocket books for an advance copy of this book. All thoughts are my own.

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Passion on Park Avenue by Lauren Layne: Naomi is smart, successful, driven, and loves fashion. She's turned her love of accessories into a thriving business worth billions and she regularly makes the news as a top entrepreneur. She's thrown herself into her work and making sure no one can ever make her feel like trash again after her childhood in the Bronx.

Oliver is a blue-blooded New Yorker who grew up in the wealth and privilege of old money and a Park Avenue address. He's a gentleman who wears suits everyday despite being his own boss in the architecture firm he owns. He's a loyal son despite his parents and he's too busy to date anyone.

Naomi is dealing with a lot of changes. She's moving her offices, found two new and unlikely BFFs, being courted for a TV docuseries, and moving into a new apartment on Park Avenue. She's on the top of her game professionally, but still trying to lay old demons to rest…including her old tormentor and newest neighbor. Oliver used to tease her mercilessly as kids and now it's more of a fun and flirty banter.

Naomi is surprised by both how much Oliver has changed and by how much she's attracted to this adult version of him. Nothing is going like she planned as he challenges her and defies all her expectations. It's a rollercoaster as Oliver's constant presence tempts Naomi into getting the closure she needs while finding an unexpected option she didn't know she just might want.

Passion on Park Avenue is an entertaining former enemies-to-lovers romance. Lauren Layne provides a balance of the growing friendship of Naomi, Claire, and Audrey, surprising family dynamics, and the tension, anticipation, and heat with Oliver. Ms. Layne is off to a great start for a new series of smart and fashionable women not looking for their HEAs that I can't wait to follow. Fans of Catherine Bybee and Kate Meader will enjoy Passion on Park Avenue.

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If there's one genre that has emerged as a new favorite for me over the last year, it's definitely romantic comedy. When I read the synopsis of Passion on Park Avenue, I knew this was a book I had to get my hands on. One chapter in, I was hooked. PoPA is a childhood enemies to adult sizzling tension romance mixed with strong female friendship from the most unlikely of sources (um hello, a dead mans wife and his two mistresses becoming best friends the day of his funeral - and oh, does it work!) - and it happens to be set in my very own Manhattan - maybe I'll stumble upon my own passion on park avenue one of these days!

There are some kick-butt women in this story and I've learned that each of them will get a book to showcase their own story in this series! I've just closed the page on this one and I'm already anticipating Love on Lexington Avenue!

Thank you to Gallery books for an advance copy. All opinions are my own.

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I have been a longtime fan of Lauren Layne since her Stiletto series years ago and am literally obsessed with everything she writes. She has a finger on the pulse of what people want and knows how to deliver. Her banter game is strong and one of my favorite things about her stories. Naomi and Oliver were so delicious. I loved their spitfire back and forth banter and the chemistry they had in spades. 

I was immediately intrigued by the introduction Layne gave to this series with three women who have joined together (in tragedy) but who turned it around into a positive friendship. Passion on Park Avenue brings us Naomi Powell, who has clawed her way to the top to become one of New York City's wealthiest women. But when she sees blast from the past, and the bane (and bully) of her childhood existence, Oliver Cunningham, all her past inner feelings of inferiority come out.

I really enjoyed this story as Naomi was strong and assertive and very intelligent. While I don't necessarily like secrets in stories, I felt like the story progressed nicely. I love that initially Naomi had plans to show up Oliver but life got in the way and she had to make a choice between holding onto her grudge and her feelings for him. I also liked that in this story there was more of an emphasis on an emotional connection between Naomi and Oliver as it gave her decision more of a believable feel. 5 stars! ~Ratula

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I'm normally quite critical of beach read books, so take it as an endorsement that I really liked Passion on Park Avenue. It was the perfect blend of substance to the story line, with a little bit of cheesy romance that left me smiling and flipping the digital pages quickly.

There were also quite a few unexpected bombshells that surprised me and kept me guessing, even when I was sure that I had the story line all figured out. I'd definitely add this one to your summer reading list- and for those of us who like series, it looks like there will be more to come in this story!

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(I received a complimentary ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.)

I fell in love with Lauren Layne's writing after being introduced to the 21 Wall Street series a few months ago... so naturally, I couldn't wait to read "Passion on Park Avenue"! Naomi Powell's "rags to riches" story is compelling, although I personally would have liked to hear more about the years following Naomi's time on Park Avenue. How did she cope while her mother struggled financially and mentally? What did Naomi do in order to get her jewelry company off the ground?

I found the premise of the "Central Park Pact" to be amusing, if a tad bit contrived. Again, I would have liked to learn more about the other ladies (Claire and Audrey) and the process of becoming closer friends. I don't want to wait until the second and third books of this series are released in order to find out, and I think further elaboration would have made Naomi's story all the more interesting.

We eventually meet the stud (Oliver) and explore Naomi's complicated history with him. I found Oliver to be the most sympathetic and realistic character out of the whole lot, and I believe many readers who are caregivers will be able to relate to his dilemma. As always, Lauren did a great job of layering on more complexity as the story progressed, and the book became a real page-turned toward the end!

Overall, I feel this was a strong start to the Central Park Pact series. One key difference between "Passion on Park Avenue" and the other books I've read by Lauren Layne is in how graphic the sensual scenes are. "Passion on Park Avenue" was along the lines of a PG-13 rating, with very few sensual scenes. The 21 Wall Street series, on the other hand, claimed a steamy R rating. Maybe that will change as the series progresses - either way, I'll be sure to read the next book (which I imagine will focus on Claire or Audrey)!

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"Two miles in this city can mean the difference between real people and pretension.""For a moment Oliver's breath caught with an unfamiliar sensation. Want, yes. Desire, sure. But this moment was different. Fuller somehow, as though this woman belonged to him not just for right now, not just for a night, but for always.""He turned and walked back to his apartment, resuming his whistling and looking as though he had no idea that he'd managed to turn Naomi Powell's world upside down with one simple, unforgettable kiss.""If the kiss from Saturday had been the promise, this was the delivery. The sort of kiss that ruined a girl for all other kisses in the future."Lauren Layne is my go-to for smart, heartfelt romances. So, when I heard that she had a brand new series coming out, I was over the moon. So excited! And let me tell you, Passion on Park Avenue does not disappoint. It has drama. It has chemistry. It has lots of love/hate moments. There is steam. There is angst. Passion on Park Avenue had it all and I could not put it down...Passion on Park Avenue follows the story of Naomi & Oliver. When we first meet up with Naomi, her world has been totally turned upside down. But, it's that life changing moment, that brought two new and unexpected friends in her life. Her goal now is to take changes and make the life for herself that she's always wanted. The first step in that process, to prove that she can fit right in with the Upper East Side elite. It's no easy task when she discovers her new neighbor is non other than her childhood nemesis. Even though a lot of time has passed, Naomi finds it hard to separate the past from the present. Oliver represents everything Naomi should hate, but she's quickly finding that hating Oliver isn't as easy as she hoped it would be.....Passion on Park Avenue is a great start to the Central Park Pact Series. I was sucked into the story instantly and couldn't help but fall in love with Naomi. I admired her strength and determination. I felt bad for her that she felt like she had to prove that she was worthy to the social elite. I loved the push and pull that she had with Oliver. She wanted to hate him so desperately, but quickly found out that he is not the same person she remembers. There is more to this older version of Oliver than meets the eye. And Oliver, yeah, he's not perfect. But he is pretty close to it. Sure he's made some mistakes, but he's done the best that he could with the cards that he was dealt. I feel like he worked really hard to break through Naomi's frosty exterior and I really enjoyed watching their relationship shape and transform. While Oliver & Naomi's story started out as an enemies type romance, I have to say, I really enjoyed the slow burn between the two them. Their chemistry was intense when they allowed it come out to play and I just couldn't wait to see how their story would play out.Overall, I really enjoyed Passion on Park Avenue. It was a quick and easy read for me. I devoured it in just a few short hours. Passion on Park Avenue was a lot of fun to read and was well written. This book checked off all my boxes and has me excited to see where this series will go next.

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Refreshing, clean romance.
Sometimes it is so refreshing to read a fun, clean story that does not contain loads of drama and issues. I found this book to be a perfect story for a lazy afternoon.

A fast yet touching story that gave me all the feels we look for in a classic romance book. Layne crafted wonderfully complex characters that not only had a heart but reflected so much of what we have in our own lives. My heart broke a bit every time she helped Walter. Made me think about my Dad.

Layne scattered so many layers into this story; unusual friendships, funny scenes, a bit of snark, a bit of heartbreak, and a whole lot of touching moments. Not to mention a super sweet ending and happily ever after.

This is a beautifully wholesome story that will leave you begging for the next installation in the series. Who knows what she will bring us? But I do know, it will be delightful, just like Passion on Park Avenue!

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Passion on Park Avenue was a super fun, sexy read. I read it in one sitting and while I did find fault with a few things, overall, I enjoyed it.

Highlights for me:

* The sexy banter between Naomi and Oliver had me laughing out loud through the entire book. The sexual tension and chemistry between the two made this the highlight of the book for me.
* I also really loved the New York scenes and the juxtaposition between Park Ave and the Bronx. I’m always a sucker for a good New York setting.
* Oliver was just adorable. He was smart, kind, devoted to his family, and loyal. I found myself relating more to him in this book than to Naomi, which usually never happens for me.
* The “real life” struggles that Oliver and Naomi have to face- caring for sick parents, etc. was a refreshing departure from typical romance novels.

What I didn’t love:

* The three friends, Claire, Naomi, and Audrey, become friends really quickly and in a super unrealistic way. I didn’t mind the unrealistic part because I’m not really looking for reality when I read, but the set up of their friendship could have been done better. They seemed to just randomly stumble into each other in Central Park, discover each other’s identities and decide “hey, we should be friends.” This was really hard to swallow. I think that the friendship between the three women could have been better set up and established. It just felt so awkward and forced.
* There was a constant mention of fashion labels. I get that the author is trying to establish that Naomi has money, but the constant mention of “Chloe” bag and “Chanel” sunglasses became so distracting.
* The beginning starts with a death and there were completely crass mentions of death and hell by the main character that really turned me off.
* There were a lot of inconsistencies in the story- ie: characters who had supposedly never meet knew more than they should about each other. There was also a lot of repetition. The main characters having the same observations again and again - I hope some of these errors get worked out before the final edition is published.
* A lot of cliches - for example- Naomi states that she wants to wear red high heels because that is the opposite of what a “good girl” would wear. What!? Who says “good girls” don’t wear red high heels?
Naomi was immature and annoying at times. There were times when I really liked her, but also times when I found her super annoying.
* Steamy scenes did not deliver enough steam. There was a lot of build up, but very little delivery.

Overall, I enjoyed it- It was a nice palette cleanser and a fun distraction. This story is a perfect vacation or beach read! It comes out May 28th! Just in time was Summer! Thank you so much to NetGalley and Gallery Books for providing me with an ARC.

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I've been on a bit of a binge lately, devouring Lauren Layne books like it's my job. While Passion on Park Avenue was cute and different, fresh and certainly romantic, I struggled to connect with Oliver and Naomi in the way I have with Layne's other characters. I was more of a spectator in this story and while I enjoyed it, I would've liked to be more immersed in the story than I was. It was cute, just not my favorite from this author.

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Sigh. I have been struggling a lot with books lately and getting into a good reading mood. Since I have loved and adored every single LL book out there, I decided to give Passion on Park Avenue the chance to get me out of my slump. It did, and yet it didn't.

There were a lot of things that I loved about this book. At the beginning, it reminded me a lot of the movie The Other Woman. The way Naomi formed friendships with Claire and Audrey was cool. I loved how they supported each other even though they weren't lifelong friends. I adored Oliver. He was such a great guy. The romance between Oliver and Naomi was sweet. My favorite moments revolved around them. I loved Naomi's back story and how it related to Oliver and his father, Walter. The way she reacted to everything involving Walter was fun. I also liked Walter as a character all on his own. All these things are why LL is a go-to author for me. Her writing is excellent.

I hate to admit it, but there were things that didn't work for me in this book. That usually doesn't happen to me with LL's books. I had a hard time loving Naomi to start with. She was just so off-putting with her need to reach a certain status or have and wear certain things. That's not something I care about in life, and it sounded too braggy for my taste. I have a REALLY hard time with books that focus a lot on descriptions of clothing, accessories, etc. I am not a fan of being told what name brands are being worn. I get that a little needs to be done based on where this story is set (effluent NY), but I got tired of it really fast. The other thing that didn't work for me was the whole TV show/Dylan thing. It just felt weird and out-of-place.

While Passion on Park Avenue wasn't my favorite LL book, I still ended up enjoying it. It had some amazing friendships and a cute romance going for it. I'm looking forward to reading books about Audrey and Claire. I really loved them, so I am hoping to enjoy their books just as much.

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‘Naomi Powell had brought him back to life, made him realize that he hadn’t died with his mom, or with his father’s diagnosis; he’d just been living that way.’

I hesitate to call this a ‘sweet romance’ because for many, ‘sweet’ has a negative connotation. But I found this a sweet, heartwarming story with endearing characters.

Lauren Layne pens a story about three women who form an unlikely friendship after they discover they’ve all been deceived and used by the same person. ‘Passion on Park Avenue’ is the first in a series of three books which focuses on Naomi Powell. Claire and Audrey’s stories will finish the series.

Bronx-born Naomi Powell worked hard all her life to prove her worth. Once a resident of homeless shelters and the streets, she now lives and works amongst the Upper East Side elite.

Intent on proving to the family who turned her world upside down when she was nine-years-old, Naomi moves into the building where it all began. She makes plans to confront the Cunningham men who made her life hell, and she intends to show once and for all that they didn’t break her with their harsh words and vile treatment.

Oliver Cunningham is doing his best to get through each day. He has devoted the last few years to taking care of his parents; his mother before her death and now he’s taking of his father who suffers from Alzheimer’s disease. Oliver is a good man with a heart of gold and a sense of duty and responsibility. Putting his life on hold to care for his parents was never in question; even though he readily admits his father was not a good man before he became sick.

Relationships for Oliver have been put on the backburner, but when Naomi Powell interviews to move into his building, he’s surprised by his attraction to her. She’s feisty and apparently dislikes him if her words and actions were anything to go by. Oliver loves puzzles and plans to uncover Naomi, piece by piece.

From Oliver’s swoon-worthy actions to Naomi’s spunk and feistiness to the tender moments with Walter, I fell in love with these characters. Equally, I loved Claire and Audrey and cannot wait for their stories! This book is filled with great banter and dialogue.

The only reason this wasn’t a 5 star for me is I felt like Naomi’s secret was drawn out too long. I had wished it would have been dealt with sooner so that the story could have developed more. But I really enjoyed it and would highly recommend it!!

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I liked so much about this idea and the characters in the beginning. Naomi and Oliver had a fun banter and were hilarious at times. The friend group (who the series continues with) was a lot of fun too. But, as the novel went on everything started lagging. All the relationships, the plot, the chemistry, the secrets, and more. That's not to say this is a bad book, but I wanted more from it and from the solid beginning was hoping for more.

I think I see where this series is going to go and I think the next books do have potential and I would consider picking them up. I'm disappointed I did not like this more, but there was some magic lacking in the story.

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Passion on Park Avenue is First Wives Club meets Sex and the City. Naomi is a feisty redhead whose past makes her more determined to prove her worth to the Manhattan elite. As the founder of a billion-dollar company, she should have everything figured out. When fate lands her an apartment next door to her childhood tormentor and his womanizing father, she seeks the opportunity for revenge. One problem, these are not the same people who tore her childhood apart those years ago. Oliver is nice, grownup, and incredibly handsome and his father is diagnosed with Alzheimer's and not always the man he once was. The heat between Naomi and Oliver is intense, but Naomi does not know if she can put the past behind her.

This book was a quick read for me because it was so darn lovable. Naomi is easy to relate to and her friends Claire and Audrey are supportive, likable, and truly want to see her happy. The sexual tension between Naomi and Oliver made the book a page turner and I could not wait to see what happened next. Passion on Park Avenue is a modern Cinderella story, except Naomi does not need Oliver to be her Prince, just her equal.

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I only read my first Lauren Layne title last year (with strong urging from my friend Rachel), and proceeded to devour a couple more books in the same ‘series’ in the months that followed. Layne has proven herself capable of writing fun romances that leave me feeling at least a little warm and fuzzy by the time I reach the last page, so I was eagerly anticipating her new series starter Passion on Park Avenue. I devoured this one quickly, which is no surprise considering Layne’s writing is easy to read. Naomi and Oliver’s romance is set up well, and it was easy to root for these two (even when they were being frustrating… to each other and to the reader) to be together. It was a cute romance read, but I ultimately felt that it was a touch underdeveloped overall. That’s really what prevented me from getting fully emotionally invested in this story! I also had mixed feelings about the situation in the past, and the repercussions in the present day that I’m still sorting through. Bottom line? If you’re looking for a quick chick lit read for an upcoming trip or a beach day, Passion on Park Avenue is something I’d recommend for consideration (though I would borrow, not buy). (And, in case you were wondering, I still plan on reading the companion novels to come in this series!)

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I truly fell so hard for Lauren Layne's writing. In my eyes, 99% of the time, she can do no wrong.

Naomi finds out she's the other woman when the guy she'd been dating for 3 months, Brayden, dies. She decides to go to his funeral, but she couldn't handle it so she ends up at Central Park. It is there that she meets Claire, the widow, and Audrey, the other woman. The three woman bond so fast and in no time, become the best of friends. Two months later, Naomi is handling her accessory company and in the process of moving offices. She's also looking to change apartments, but she gets a call from 517 Park Avenue, letting her know there's an available space for an apartment and to go in for an interview. She immediately recognizes the name of the place because she used to live there. Naomi knows she never applied and when she arrives to the interview, she finds out it was her mom who sent the application. Not only that, it is there that she comes face to face with her past in the form of Oliver Cunningham, the guy who ruined her life and her mom's.

I got hooked on this story right from the beginning. I fell hard for Naomi. She's so captivating and intriguing. I completely love her nonchalant attitude, but how at the same time, she feels so much and so deep. She's so strong yet vulnerable, and that vulnerability is what makes her who she is and what kept drawing me to her.

Naomi, Claire and Audrey are such an amazing trio of friends. I honestly loved how they met and how they bonded right from the beginning. It's great to see how each one of them have a unique personality. I see Naomi as the badass of the group, very observant, fierce, forward, independent, and loving. Claire is someone who's very poised, put together and has a calming energy about her. I see Audrey as the wild card out of the three of them. She's not really a wild card but she has this free spirit about her, she's completely fun, outspoken, quirky, and she just brought so much lightness to the story. Lauren Layne writes the BEST FRIENDSHIPS! When it comes to her books, I'm always giddy in anticipation to read about the friendships. She makes them so real! I always want to be a part of the friendships in her books.

I was intrigued from the get-go with Oliver and what was going on in his life, especially with his father, Walter. Oliver has to go through so much to take care of his father; it's truly heart-breaking. He's very cautious in letting people into his life since someone had already bailed on him when he needed the person the most. Even with his cautiousness, he's so intrigued by Naomi and the hatred in her eyes towards him that he wants to peel all of her layers and little by little, he lets her in his life. I love how he keeps going out of his way to get to know her and woo her, even when Naomi treats him bad because of how mad she is at what he did. Two of my favorite scenes, involve the two first times they kiss. Oliver had me in love!

With Naomi, from when she found out Oliver was still in 517 Park Avenue, you could tell that Naomi's plan was revenge but as soon as she saw Walter again, her defenses started to lower and any thought of revenge went out the window. I loved the friendship that Walter and Naomi developed. It was so beautiful to read about it, so heart-warming. I love the path Lauren Layne took with this story, especially with how Oliver found out. She did such a wonderful job. I don't think this take is written much in romance books and Lauren Layne killed it. She added a twist to it that I just praise her for it.

I love how everything in the end came together. Every aspect of the story was done with perfection. There wasn't something I hated or disliked. I honestly loved everything! Lauren Layne is the only author so far that I don't have to read a book's description or see a cover to know if I want to read it. No. Everything she writes, I immediately want, no questions asked. She's so underrated as an author and I wish more people would read her books and put her name on high because she deserves it.

I urge you guys to pick this book up if you love contemporary romance, love friendship, love a slow-building second-chance intimate romance. This is another aspect of Lauren Layne that I love from her books. Her romances are always so character-driven and full of intimacy, which goes beyond just the sex. I really find it refreshing when an author can write such a brilliant story without needing sex scenes to make it stand out. No, LL's writing stands out on pure talent alone with the friendships and romances she writes.

I loved how hooked I got into the story from beginning. I loved how it completely drew me in. I loved how it completely stole my heart and I cannot wait for more!

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I am always a fan of Lauren Layne and her books. When I read the description, I was intrigued. A rags to riches story with some steamy romance sounded right up my alley.

I think the plot of the book was great. The daughter of the "help" comes applies to live in the same apartment where her life changed. And it also happens to be the same people/place her mother used to work for.

Naomi Powell was a self-made businesswoman. She grew up in the Bronx and didn't always have what the rich kids had. She worked hard and lived life the way she always wanted to. She had everything she wanted and yet life still had a way of reminding her that just because she had money didn't mean she was free from heartbreak.

The friendship between Naomi, Audrey, and Claire was one of my favorite parts of the book. I thought it was interesting the way their friendship came about. The way they could turn a negative and turn it into a positive with a pact was hilarious and empowering.

The Pact: help each other stay away from lying, cheating men!

Then, we are introduced to Oliver Cunningham, He grew up with a wealthy family. He seems like your normal playboy except he is anything but. He has grown up over the years and isn't the same boy Naomi once knew. And the kicker is that Oliver has no idea who Naomi is. She takes offense to this but decides this may work in her favor. She decides to live in the apartment where her life was turned upside down to prove to the Cunningham's that she made it and is worthy of their approval.

Overall, I thought Passion on Park Avenue was well-written and a pleasant read. I do wish there were more intimate/steamy scenes between Oliver and Naomi, but it still is a must-read in my book. I'm excited to read more in this series and see how things play out.

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Loved this book! I read it in one sitting. The friendship between Naomi, Claire and Audrey (and how it starts) is wonderful. The pact they make, how they help each other and watching the friendships grow and take shape was real. Then, the chemistry between bad boy turned good Oliver and Naomi was blush worthy at times. I can't wait to read the next two books. Seriously.

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4 <b> Park Avenue Princess </b>
I am a sucker for Lauren Layne and I have read almost every book she has ever written which means I am prepared a bit for steam and also a HEA that make you swoon. This story starts off in a place I would not expect, now I do not read blurbs but surprisingly that’s not what through me off! So basically prepare for a start to a book that makes you go.. really??
This story is about 3 women who all have something in common and they are trying to find out what that is through the entire novel (the hunt is still on) which I think excites me to read the rest of this installment.
This story is a rags to riches story, a story of deceit, a story of desire, a story of loss and one of love.
Unrelated story likes : In New York you can have a cheese platter delivered to go with your wine, Billionaires eat jarred pasta sauce and call it spaghetti and everything tastes better in a coffee mug.

I feel myself falling for this series so I can’t wait to learn more about the other girls.
P.S. Oliver is totally book boyfriend adorable

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I’m a big fan of Lauren Layne and always look forward to her books. While Passion on Park Avenue was enjoyable, I have to admit I found it a little underwhelming.

I’m going to start with the things I liked:

-I loved Oliver. He was smart and sweet and loyal and I just adored him. I liked his dedication to his family, even though they had their issues. I liked the romance between him and Naomi, even if it was frustrating sometimes.

-I liked Naomi’s new friends, Audrey and Claire. We actually don’t see as much of them as I expected, but I’m interested in both of their upcoming stories.

-While Lauren Layne is one of my favorite Romance authors, my usual complaint with her books is that there are always a few scenes more graphic than I care for. I’m so happy to report that that was not the case with this book! There’s innuendo and suggestive talk, but there are no sex scenes and I really appreciated it. I thought it put the romantic focus much more on emotions and actual relationship details instead of just physical stuff and I found it much more meaningful.

Ok, so now onto the things that didn’t quite work for me:

-For a good long while in this book, I did not like Naomi at all. She just came across so shallow to me. Everything was just about status and money and expensive stuff and I just couldn’t care about it. Also, her big revenge plan was to move back into her old apartment building and then let her mom’s former employer and his son know who she was and how she had as much money as them now. I wasn’t really sure what that would accomplish? It’s not like she was buying the building and kicking them out. Or buying their business out from under them. It just didn’t make a lot of sense to me.

-I also thought Naomi was an odd choice for the first book in the series. She was that brash character that always speaks her mind, even if it could be hurtful. The kind of character that is usually the main character’s best friend that you don’t really like until she gets her own book and then you get to know her better. I did eventually like her, but it took me awhile. I’m much more interested in Claire and Audrey’s stories (particularly Audrey and Clarke).

-One of the subplots include the development of a tv show based on Naomi’s rags to riches story. I found that interesting, but thought it could have been explored much more than it was.

Overall, I did enjoy Passion on Park Avenue. I liked the friendship and Oliver and how the romance focused more on the relationship than on the physical stuff. I felt like not a whole lot really happened in the story, though, and it took me a really long time to start caring about Naomi, so I’m giving this a little lower rating than I do most Layne books. However, I am definitely looking forward to the next books in this series.

Overall Rating (out of 5): 3 Stars

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