Member Reviews

This was a wonderful fictional account of the story of Joseph. You always mull things like this in your mind. How could he forgive his brothers and the horrible time he spent in that pit. This gives you an idea of what might have happened around the basic story.
The flow was nice and smooth, really keeping your attention. This would be great for a new Christian who might not have a strong Biblical background.
I will watch for more by this author.

I received an ARC from the publisher through NetGalley. If you watch my other reviews you will see I am not biased in this area.

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I'm always a little leery of Biblical fiction, as I've mentioned before. I still read it sometimes, though, because sometimes I find a real winner of a book that way. When I came across Joseph, Rachel's Son available for review, I decided to check it out—but wasn't at all sure I would like it. This time, I was pleasantly surprised.
The story begins as Jacob readies his family to flee from his father-in-law Laban. Jacob carefully planned the flight in order to best protect his children, and particularly Joseph, the child of his favorite wife, from possible vengeance. Once the confrontation with Laban was over, along came Uncle Esau—how would the family escape from his desire for vengeance? Then, the family settled in Canaan. Their life continued to be stormy, until things came to a head between Joseph and his brothers.
Suddenly, Joseph found himself sold to slave traders and on his way to Egypt! He had to learn many lessons on the way to his new life, and then had unexpected temptations to face once he reached that faraway land. A surprising turn of events found him at the head of the country, and he was stunned one day to recognize his brothers, begging for help! How should he respond to those who had wronged him?
I really liked this book. The author has done a superb job of sticking to the Biblical account, while fleshing it out to make it into a fascinating novel. I really appreciated the way he handled the scenes with Potipher's wife. It would have been very easy to make this part of the story into something I don't want to read, but he used great discretion. There was actually nothing in this book that I did not like, which is very rare when it comes to fiction based on Bible stories. I highly recommend this book for anyone who wants a fresh look at the story of Joseph.

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Joseph, Rachel’s Son by Mark Morgan recounts the Biblical story of Joseph, son of Jacob, son of Isaac, son of Abraham. Sold into slavery by his jealous brothers, Joseph is delivered to Egypt. It is here God uses him to save the sons of Israel.

Whether you’re a Christian or Jew, most people likely know the story of Joseph. I’ve read quite a few novels already based on his story, and of course seen the movies and musical. I was a bit disappointed when reading this version that there wasn’t much added to the story. Now, if the point of it was to make the Biblical story more readable, then Morgan surely achieved that. But I can’t truly say this was a told in a new or exciting way. It starts off quite slow, in fact focusing more on Jacob than Joseph. There were only a few times where the narrative was expanded upon.

I do see where Morgan may have preferred to not add to the Biblical narrative, but with a novel at times it is necessary to in the very least expand on what we know. Personal dialogue, for instance, is an easy way to do this.

With all that being said, I did like how Joseph’s faith was the main focus. He wasn’t just any ordinary person. In fact from a Christian point of view, Jesus doesn’t even come from Joseph’s lineage but from Levi his brother. Morgan makes the point, as does the Biblical narrative, that Joseph was put where he was to ensure the sons of Israel survived. It was his faith that helped him through his ordeal, and changed those around him. Some novels portray Joseph as an intelligent man who was given the interpretation of dreams, and while that in itself was quite a bit, it was ultimately his faith that allowed him such favour.

Overall, this was a quick and easy read. If you’re familiar with the story of Joseph this will not bring anything new to the table. But for those who are not as aware, this is a nice introduction to the story of Joseph, the power of faith, and the power of our God as El Shaddai, God Almighty.

I received a free copy of this novel in exchange for an honest review.

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Mark Morgan has an uncanny ability to bring to life and flesh out stories from the bible. It's very easy to read and comprehend. I can't wait for him to write more stories like this one.

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every ttime you read the bible or a bible story you can learn from it so someone elses prospective is always great to hear to. I thought I knew this Bible story really well! The author has tapped into the characters, their motivation, their fears, their hopes and their relationships with others. He has also put some events in order, which needed a lot of detailed research it helps me understand better. I wish it was a little longer.

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This is a fictionalised story from the Bible; given the depth of characterisation and a new perspective. It’s a wonderful book that adds more emotion and wonder to the unfolding proceedings.

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Regular Bible readers may be familiar with the story of Joseph, second-youngest of Jacob's eleven sons; others may only have heard of him in connection with a technicolour dream-coat; and still others may never have heard of him. Whichever category you fall into, this book presents Joseph, the boy and man, as you have never seen him before - not because it contradicts the Bible record or even adds to it excessively, but because it brings out the life behind the Bible record.

Once again, the author takes a story that may often be viewed as 'Sunday School stuff' and tells it so that the characters come to life as real people like us, living in a completely different society but still facing many of the same basic issues as us - and in a way we can learn from (for both good and bad). Really, the biggest problem with the book was that I wanted more (as with many good books), but it's still a thoroughly enjoyable, well-written book and suitable for a range of ages.

Read the Bible story hundreds of times? You'll still get something out of this - and will probably enjoy reading Genesis even more next time because the people will seem more real. A Christian but never read the Bible? Books like this can be a great way to become familiar with some of the Bible stories, and will hopefully inspire you to read the Bible itself next. Somewhere in between? Just read it - you won't regret it.

Note that I received a complimentary copy of the book from NetGalley. I was not required to write a positive review and this is my considered opinion of the book.

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