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Under the Northern Lights

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Member Reviews

This had me from the first page! It is really good and a must read. Mallory a photographer loves capturing wild life but on one of her journeys she gets stranded. Hurt and scared she is trying to survive. When all of a sudden Michael comes out of no where and saves her. Taking her back to his cabin where they are stuck until spring a bond is formed. Love both of their stories and their journey! Book given to me on netgalley by author

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This is a very enjoyable sweet romance, and a story about the renewal of hope and love. Mallory is a wildlife photographer on her way to her annual trip to a remote area of Alaska. On the way she runs into bad weather and the plane she is piloting crashes. She's injured and it is by sheer grit that she's able to get herself out of the wreckage and her wound tended. Just when she is losing hope a miracle appears in the form of Michael. He saves her and takes her to his cabin where he takes care of her and gets her well. Michael has spent the last 5 years hiding from a painful past. Mallory and Michael slowly fall in love...but Mallory has to eventually leave...Michael won't...he's too broken. Will his love for Mallory be enough for him to give love a real chance? Michael and Mallory are both very likable protagonists and I enjoyed them both.
This is the first book I've read by this author...I will definately look for more. Thank you to Netgalley for providing me with an advance copy of this book to read and review.

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Initially, I wasn’t sure I was going to enjoy this book. The cover and author is what caught my attention, but the blurb made me second guess it. I’m so happy I decided to read it. Mallory is a wilderness photographer who spends a few weeks in Alaska every year to take pictures. Her plane crashes and she is left injured and alone in the cold. Michael lives in the secluded Alaskan wilderness. He left New York five years prior and chooses to live alone out in the middle of no where. He comes across Mallory’s plane one day and finds her there. He takes her back to his places and cares for her. There is no way to get back to civilization until Spring so the two spend a lot of time together. They slowly build a friendship. When it’s time for Mallory to go back home things get a little sticky. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this story. It was a slow build relationship with two wonderful characters. I will be telling my reading buddies all about it when it’s release day.

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Hmm... I really am struggling with my review for this book. The premise of the book hooked me from the start. A self reliant woman piloting herself in the wilds of Alaska crashes into the woods and is saved by a reclusive man who heals her and shelters her until spring. But as I read the book something felt off to me about the story. The writing and characters were great but I felt the story was very one-sided, focused entirely on Mallory's fears, pain, and heartache and leaving me confused about Michael's own thoughts and feelings. I think having Michael's POV would have made me more sympathetic towards his plight beyond what he tells Mallory. Except for this issue, I really enjoyed reading this story and can't wait to read another book from this author. 3.5 stars

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Hi! I thank you so much for the opportunity to read and review this title by SC Stephens. Unfortunately, after reading a few other reviews I have decided to give this book a pass. I wish it had been disclosed earlier that this book was a bit heavy with religion. As this is not my cuppa tea I wouldn't have requested it. I prefer not to read the book and have to review something that just doesn't work for me. I know this ahead of time and it saves me from wasting my time and SC from an unfair review. I love her work and would hate to leave a bad review for something that isn't her fault.

Thank you, again!

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really liked the whole trying to survive in the Alaskan wilderness vibe this book had going on. There were a lot of intense moments with dangerous wildlife and extreme weather conditions. This book would have been perfect as a women's lit book focusing on surviving extreme elements. Honestly, that was enough story right there to keep me interested.

But adding in the romance element felt weird. I never really bought their relationship. I think mainly because I didn't really care for the male protagonist. I felt like the author threw characteristics at the wall that sounded good and what stuck is who the character was. Of course he's a doctor. Of course he's had a tragic event occur in his life that has caused him to shut down and want to escape humanity (like any mature adult who spent years of his life and thousands of dollars dedicated to helping people). Or course he's attracted to her pretty quickly. Of course he tries to fight it. Of course...

***Advanced copy obtained from Montlake Romance via Netgalley***

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To be clear, I didn't go into this book expecting Kellan Kyle. And the religious overtones didn't really bother me, though I do think that because of the weight these overtones are given, this book definitely falls into an inspiration/christian romance category and understand why some readers may have felt betrayed. But the fact that we were given a hero who couldn't be more different than this author's most notable hero, and the fact that there are fairly deep religious themes running through this book weren't my problem.

My problem was the pacing. While the story definitely starts off with a bang, I felt like the first 15% of the book gave an incredible amount of detail and moved very slowly. Then things picked up once our heroine met our hero (and their decidedly intense first meeting). After that, things moved almost too quickly for me in a way that didn't feel natural given their circumstances. I felt a little confused and disconnected to their storyline and then, ultimately, I found myself bored.

This story had an incredible amount of potential - I am a sucker for a good "stranded"/"plane crash" story - but unfortunately, the execution just didn't work for me.

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Unfortunately, I was DNF on this book as I found religion to be a main focus in this book which I was unprepared for. Thank you for the opportunity!

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I will say the biggest draw for me to Under the Northern Lights was that it was written by SC Stephens. After Kellan Kyle, I think many people gravitate toward her books. I think that has a backlash, though, too because many of her books are very different than Thoughtless.

Under the Northern Lights was a good book. Many people had problems with the religious aspects thrown in, but I will say that was not a problem at all for me. SC Stephens did a great job making Mallory and Michael both feel real; I understood their emotions and what they were going through. I did like that it was a slow burn throughout, but did feel as if the ending could have had a little more to it (once they meet up).

I look forward to more books by SC Stephens!

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This is a very slow burn book that is about mallory a women who goes to the wildreness to take photos of animals and her plane crashes Micheal a reclude with his own sad story who lives I'm the middle of nowhere saves her
They are forced to live together for the winter passion runs hot when the snow comes but will he leave his exile when all Mallory wants is to go home and take him with her

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2.5-3 stars

This book wasn’t bad. It was interesting. Definitely a slow burn kinda book. Did I enjoy it? Hmmm.... I guess you could say it had it’s moments with me. I wasn’t expecting to be the way it was.

I enjoyed it up until 22%. Then I finally saw what other people were saying. The god talk! Ughhh

“It’s never too late to change your mind,” I offered. “God loves finding lost sheep.”

Oh man...

I didn’t think anything of it when she was praying to God in the beginning when she’s going down in the plane. Yes, I mean... come on. She’s scared. And yes, she wears a cross. But to me it was more to each their own. Pray to whoever you want to pray to in a sticky situation.

But once we got 22% in. The turn. I was not feeling Mallory. I automatically branded her a bible thumper. And I couldn't shake the feeling as I kept reading.

God... was always there in everything she did. Mallory always silently praying about things to trying to make Michael see that god has a plan.

“Do you go to church? Or … did you, before you came out here?” He frowned and studiously began unwrapping the tan, clingy fabric. “Once upon a time. I don’t buy into all that anymore, though.” Sadness swelled in me. I knew a lot of people who had either never believed or who had stopped believing, and most of the time, it was grief that had caused the break. “I’m sorry.” His eyes flashed to mine; they were guarded now. “For what?” “For whatever made you turn away.”

The religious talk is not constant but it’s there. It made this book have a religious feel to it. And I really wasn’t feeling that. The parts I clung to was their day to day lifes. Their daily routine.

This book reminded me a lot of the tv shows The Last Alaskans. Their day to day life. How everyday was just a survival.

This book wasn’t all romance. In fact I was say theres hardly any romance in this book. It was more about a man trying to hide away from a horrible tragedy that happened to him. And a women trying to survive.

This is the second book I’ve read from this author that wasn’t the Thoughtless series. I hate that I have to write this. But I’m having a hard time fully embracing her other stories. I’m just not feeling how these stories are unfolding and being written. Hopefully in the future things will change.

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not really my jam. i requested because it sounded interesting and the tags said general fiction/adult. nowhere did it say christian or religion, but this book has so much religion talk in, i just couldn't hack it.

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A sweet and endearing love story that takes place in the heart of the Alaskan wilderness. Slightly terrifying at times, heartbreaking at others, this story talks of loss, loss of a loved one, loss of faith in humanity, loss of faith in a higher power and how one person has dealt with his grief. Alone, Mallory makes her annual trip to photograph Alaskan wildlife. It's her passion. Her calling. Until the unthinkable happens and her world is turned up side down. Surviving is the only option. It's the only thing that matters. And that's what she does. Until another harrowing experience leaves her at the mercy of the very animals she adores. Her savior comes in the form of a harsh looking man that helps her and takes her to his cabin. Where she will be stuck all winter long. Other than her family thinking she is dead, she may as well make the most of it. Slowly they begin to form a friendship. That for her blooms into more. But is he evne capable, or willing to open himself up to her? Or anyone? Deeply passionate and terrifying in equal measure, this story will leave you satisfied and the vivid way Alaska and it's beauty are painted it certainly makes for some pleasant images. A well written and beautiful tale that deserves all the stars.

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I did see, prior to picking up this book to read, reviews saying there was lot of religious aspects to this story - usually an insta-NO for me.

However, as this was a SC Stephens book, I decided to read this one.

And whilst I kind of liked it, it was also kind of meh for me. Not just for the religious overtones either.

I think the main thing that didn't do it for me was Mallory.

I liked Michael, I loved how he stuck by his thoughts and what he wanted to do. I hated that Mallory pushed him to do things different, didn't take no for an answer, then when he asked er to do something, she was like nope, not happening. Pot, meet kettle.

The whole story just felt a little light on... everything. I don't know, this one just wasn't for me (and I hate saying that, because this is Kellan Kyle's mum).

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<b>3.5 Stars</b>

Under the Northern Lights is a love story borne from tragedy. Taking place deep in the wilderness of Alaska, our heroine, Mallory, was on her way to take photos of animals in their natural habitat when her bush plane’s engine stalled and she crashed. Surviving the crash was a big enough challenge but now she is stuck out where nobody exists...except bears, wolves and other critters who want her for lunch. Until she’s saved by a mountain man. A man who chose to move away from civilization and bask in his own sorrow.

A VERY slow burn romance, this book is far from smut. Michael is a grieving widower and this isn’t some quick connection out in the wilderness. It’s borne from survival. Working as a team to get through the harsh Alaska winter. Predators. But in time, feelings grow. But can this man ever go back to a normal life? Odds are no.

I think this book could’ve been cropped down by about 75-100 pages and not lost important content. I felt some things were repetitive. Though I pushed through that repetition, it was enjoyable in the end. Far from smut, I’d tag this woman’s fiction before romance but that’s just my take on it.

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Under The Northern Lights
By: S.C. Stephens


So Intense page after page!!!

Well let me start by saying I am huge fan of this author. I discovered how I loved reading again ironically when my family was living in Fairbanks Alaska in 2011. I was reading S.C. Stephens Bloodlines first 3 books. She writes with so much intensity and emotion pulled from each book it’s felt page after page. So being able to read this love story didn’t disappoint. The authors ability to have two separate individuals struggling in their everyday life and try to navigate someone else’s thoughts, needs and desires was intense and gives all the fills.

Mallory Reynolds is a driven woman fueled by her passion for photographing wild animals in remote locations. Every year she makes a trek deep into Alaska, but this time the unthinkable happens: she crash-lands after her plane stalls out in a storm. Injured, vulnerable, and threatened by the very creatures she loves, Mallory fears the worst—until she’s rescued by Michael Bradley, a mysterious mountain man living in self-imposed exile.
Mallory is grateful for Michael’s help but desperate to return home to let her family know she’s alive. Unfortunately, neither of them can leave Michael’s secluded cabin until spring. Mallory’s stuck with a stranger for months.
As Mallory recovers, a deep bond begins to form between the pair. Mallory is convinced that fate brought them together, but Michael is buried in his past, unable to move forward. Undaunted, Mallory tends to Michael’s heart as tenderly as he cared for her wounds—but will her love be enough to heal him?

I really enjoyed this book and it kept me engrossed throughout. I really loved the characters and the way they interacted with each other. This is a fun, hot, romantic must read book and I would definitely recommend this book to anyone.

This book has everything I love in a book. Then you add that it's beautifully written and believable. It is easily a five star read. Written in dual POV my personal favorite this story flows so incredibly well that the next thing you know your 80% into the book and loving every second of it. The believable way the characters interact is perfect. Run, Hop, Jump or use your (1 click) finger to do whatever you have to do and get this amazing book. It'll break your heart, you'll want to scream with frustration and it'll let you discover that love just might conquer all. The chemistry is steamy and sweet and oh so romantic.

Thanks Netgally for letting me read and review.📚💕

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Slow burn romance with a very thought out ending. This was very different for SC Stephens but great nonetheless. I loved the setting and how our characters met. It was so different from the sea of sameness that we tend to see in this genre. I would definitely recommend this book to friends.

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This story is an emotional slow burning romance and it take place in cold, desolate Alaska. Two people are brought together through a chance of fate and it changes their lives forever. They weren’t looking for love but find it in the most unusual way when they are thrown together. This is a sweet and tender love story filled with emotion. The characters are flawed and unforgettable and the story is intricately weaved.

Mallory, a pilot and a photographer takes her annual trip to Alaska. She pilots her small plane to do what she loves, photograph animals in the wild. After the plane Mallory is piloting crashes in the wilderness, she is stuck in a cabin with Michael, a reclusive man with secrets. Even though he is aloof, an attraction slowly grows between them.

Michael, a big brooding mountain man with a lot of baggage rescues Mallory. Michael, hurt and grief stricken, left his life behind and now is living in isolation in Alaska. Michael lives in Alaska by himself because he is running away from demons he refuses to share with with anyone, including Mallory. Michael and Mallory slowly get to know each other when they are stuck together for months with no way to get to the nearest city. Life in Alaska is not easy and totally different from anything Mallory has ever known. Mallory is good for Michael. She has a big heart, but is it big enough to get Michael to open up and live again. This is an intriguing story by S. C. Stephens.

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Too much religion. Really, too much.... Mallory got really annoying.
Too much drama (I mean, cutting himself from civilisation because the way his wife died...)
It was almost Christian Romance, not my cup of tee, sorry.
I expected SO MUCH MORE from this author... (the lack of steamy scenes surprised me, like i said, it's more about Christian Romance...
The ending, it felt too rushed.
I'll refrain to share my review since it's an ARC

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I am a huge huge fan of SC Stephens and devour every word she writes. This is completely different from her previous books but definitely worth a read all the same. The blurb had my interest piqued and I couldn’t wait to dive in. It was a little slow to start with but once it got going I couldn’t put it down. I have to say that I really admired Mallory’s strength and courage, she’s my kind of heroine. My heart hurt for Michael and I was desperate to find out what had hurt him so badly. This is most definitely a slow burn romance that at times brought tears to my eyes and had me shouting with frustration. I can’t wait to see what this author writes next!!

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