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My Favorite Cowboy

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A typical kind of romance. Lots of horses, and I don't like horses. This story was okay. The writing is good. It's just not for me.

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Audrey Martinez is a veterinarian that is so devoted to her work she has no time for men and has adopted a bit of a love them and leave them attitude, maybe it's a hangover from when her father walked out on her and her little sister Maddie after their mother's death. Someone has poisoned three horses at a friend's stables and she is desperately trying to save the horses.

Caleb Harper was deeply scarred when his mother walked out on him and his brother and sister when they were still small, he was affected more than the others (or maybe just in a different way) because he actually saw her leaving and begged her to stay. Now he never lets any woman close, he knows a million ways to let a woman go. When Caleb and his brother and brother-in-law find out about the poisoning they are the first to pitch in to try to catch the poisoner, but what is the motive?

Caleb and Audrey feel an instant attraction, but can they overcome their pasts and catch the poisoner?

I'll be honest, other than Donna Grant's writing there was nothing I liked about this novel, which is a pity because I like Donna Grant's other novels. I thought Audrey was severely lacking social skills, indeed so was Caleb, she needed her sister to point out basic human responses. She put her work above everything and had no friends other than clients or potential clients. Caleb was the sort of guy who sees a relationship hurdle and instead of acting immediately by, I don't know picking up the phone, he stews for five days, blames work pressures and doesn't want to use the telephone because its too impersonal! You just slept with the woman and then ghosted her for five days FFS.

The plot kind of fizzed out, mired in the quagmire of Caleb's indecision and Audrey's lack of self-worth, then got settled bish-bash-bosh by some circumstantial evidence and (of course) a recorded confession.

Overall, I found this cliche-ridden, turgid and the villain's motivations made no sense to me. A pity because I did enjoy the first book but revisiting my review of the second book it seems like I had the same complaints about the plot taking a back-seat to sex and angst in the second book.

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review.

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3.5 Stars

In this third book of the Heart of Texas series, Caleb Harper gets his chance at love even though he has harbored years of hurt feelings from his childhood. Caleb is a love’em and leave’em kind of cowboy who has had a lot of encounters, but no lasting relationships. When he meets veterinarian Audrey Martinez, Caleb feels something he has never felt before for a woman. Audrey and Caleb both have abandonment issues because of bad parents so neither one think they need or even want a true committed relationship. Audrey is a highly sought after horse vet and since Caleb runs a horse ranch, the two have much in common in that way as well as their mutual attraction.

When horses under Audrey’s care fall mysteriously ill, it seems someone has some nasty intentions towards her career. Caleb and his family are determined to help protect Audrey and solve the mystery of who is so cruelly harming the innocent animals she has devoted her life to helping. Caleb resists his growing attraction to Audrey sensing that this one woman he cannot so easily walk away from if their relationship becomes more than professional. Audrey has given all to her career which she loves and yet is very lonely although she resists Caleb as much as he does her.

Readers of the earlier books know the Harper family backstories and so met Caleb as a young boy in The Christmas Cowboy Hero though this can be read as a standalone. I like this series for the most part though these characters tend to spend too much time in their heads which causes the story to drag and adds quite a bit of emotional angst.

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Another cowboy romance that is part of a series, My Favorite Cowboy is book 3. I didn't read the first 2 and although this story was okay, there was just too much familial angst for me to go back and read the first 2. The men were not very nice and treated women horribly, the woman had other issues and it became tedious reading about them constantly. It's also hard to believe that sleeping together solves their problems for the most part. This was a non-starter for me, just couldn't enjoy it.

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I love Donna Grant. I think she is a great storyteller but these Cowboy romances are not for me. I love the complexity of the world's and characters she creates in her other series. This new series is a total wash for me. I like the idea of it but everything about it falls flat. I can't connect with the characters at all. They simply lack the presence of her other characters. I know other people will love these books but for me she set the bar so high with her Dark World series that I can't help but compare. It's not the's how they are written. I actually checked to see if they were by the "same" Donna Grant.

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Ah man i love this series of books. I would be quite happy if the author wrote 2 a year for the next 20 years.

This book is about Caleb. He is the most sensitive of the family, both Abby and Brice are already married, but Caleb was traumatised by the past and so closes himself off to women and just has fun with no committment.

Until he meets Audrey.

She is called out to an old friends stables because he has horses that are very sick and Audrey is an equine veterenarian. Audrey suspects poisoning and David asks Caleb and Brice to look at his security system and help Audrey protect the horses until they figure out what is going on.

Both Caleb and Audrey fight their attraction to each other and things do not go smoothly or according to plan..

A really great read, cannot wait for the next one, there has to be one because i need to read more about Brice and Naomi's fertility struggles.

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What a great story! This is the third installment and can be read as a standalone, however, it should really be read together as a full and complete story. I hope Ms. Grant continues on with stories for Jace and Cooper as they're a big part of the family. I did not want the story to end; what happens? Do Brice and Naomi adopt? Is the Rockin' H successful? How many more scrapes do they get I to? I will definitely be following Ms. Grant in the future.

This book was gifted to me by the author and the publisher in return for an honest review.

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A love story set around a rancher, a vet and lots of horses, and I really liked it.

Caleb meets Aubrey when done horses are taken sick, they spend a lot of time together and the attraction to each other is evident.

I liked how thier relationship developed, yes some might say how could you fall for some one over a couple of days, but those long days equal a lot of normal dates!

There is intrigue and danger mixed in with the developing relationship between Audrey and Caleb.

It appears this is a series as two siblings already have found there significant other, and I loved the supportive family set up, it's all very warm and welcoming.

A great read, recommended

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I love a good cowboy romance...There are so many to choose from and Donna Grants "My Favorite Cowboy" should be one of those picked to read, I enjoyed it very much and can't wait until its published so I can make sure all my romance reader friends find their way to a bookshelf to get it!

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Finally we get Caleb's story. All three of the siblings have had their issues with their mom leaving them at such a young age, but with Caleb since he was so young we assumed he was the least affected. But in reality he was the most affected and swore off relationships because of it.

However, when he comes across the sexy equine vet Audrey things change immediately. As these boys love to do is wade in when trouble is brewing and Audrey seems to be the latest target.

The connection was also quick but thankfully the speed of the relationship was slower paced with these two changing up the formula within this series.

Audrey has her own baggage and when two people meet in the middle with similar baggage sometimes it works and other times it doesn't. This time around it did for both of these very stubborn characters.

"Your stubbornness might very well accomplish what the person after you is trying to do."

We meet Cooper and Jace in Cowboy, Cross My Heart and in this book and my fingers are crossed that the series continues with getting of both of their stories.

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Audrey Martinez is a one-of-a-kind large animal veterinarian. She is a very popular and well-known vet who is contracted by two large ranches as well as working for a horse rescue organization. She is called to a horse auction house to help out three horses who are sick and have possibly been poisoned. Ex-military man, Caleb Harper is brought into the case and the two work together to find out what is happening to the horses and why. I really enjoyed this book that included themes of family, romance, mystery and sizzling secrets. Great characters who are flawed but realistic made this story so believable and heart-warming. A great addition to contemporary romance.

My Favorite Cowboy by Donna Grant will be available February 26, 2019 from St. Martin's Paperbacks, and imprint of St. Martin's Press. An egalley of this book was made available by the publisher in exchange for a honest review.

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Audrey is an equine vet who has only 2 main clients – 2 very large horse operations. In her spare time, she takes care of horses in a horse rescue. Now, she has been called to a sale barn to help an old friend of her family.

There are 4 horses who are very near death and Audrey does not understand what their illness is nor how they became ill.

It becomes obvious that the horses did not contract an illness, they have been poisoned.

Caleb is a horse rancher who is a four star bachelor who runs an up and coming horse operation with his brother. Caleb loves family and a few friends, but holds himself distant from most people. He is loyal to those who are part of his circle and he loves horses.

He and his brother become part of the investigation into who is poisoning horses, who is trying to hurt Audrey's vet practice and why has the violence escalated?

This is the third book in a series, but it works well as a stand alone. I read the first book in the series and liked it very much. The characters from that first book appear here, but there is full explanation of relationships and past events.

Audrey and Caleb are strong characters. Each of them are living with histories which have made them avoid close relationships with anyone other than family. Both of them are serial daters. They are perfectly happy to have sex with someone but there will be no emotional connections.

My one teeny disappointment with the two of them would be the idea that both of them use people and have no evident sense of regret about that. In other parts of their lives they are honorable people.

I liked both of them very much. I admire their dedication to the animals in their lives. I also admire the fact that they believe that when family or close friends need them, there is no question they will go the distance to do what ever is necessary to help.

The secondary characters are well developed. Each of them emerge as people who add to the plot and the action. The family and friends of both Audrey and Caleb are supportive, caring and humorous.

The plot is well done. There is mystery here and slowly the reader becomes a part of the danger and fear which seems inevitable.

I did feel that at the end the solution was rushed. I would have felt better if the villains had been explained a little more fully earlier than the last few pages.

Ms Grant has written another terrific story. She knows her characters well and their thoughts and actions are just what would be expected of them. The descriptions of the horse business is made interesting and is a foundation of the lives of all the characters involved.

I enjoyed this book.

I received this book from the publisher through NetGalley. I am voluntarily writing this review and all opinions are my own.

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Caleb has been deeply affected by his mother leaving them when he was just a kid. He's spent his years opening up a new ranch with his older brother, training horses and having meaningless one night stands.

Audrey has been just as affected by her mother's passing and her father's disappearance. She's one of the best equine vets and her little sister works with her. She is just as bad as Caleb when it comes to meaningless one night stands.

These two get brought together when some horses at an auction house suddenly turn ill. It's apparent that someone has poisoned the animals and they are racing to find out what the poison is, who is doing it and who is the target behind these actions.

Great suspense, returning side characters and a pretty hot attraction between the main characters. The only thing I wasn't a fan of was their fear of commitment getting in the way. I did like how they ultimately got back together. I would love to see a book on the sister. She's a spitfire!

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My Favorite Cowboy is a very good romance. I enjoyed the plot, setting and the author’s writing. Romance readers will enjoy this book. I received an arc from Netgalley and this is my unbiased review.

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I definitely enjoyed the third installment of this series. It is was light, page turner that held my attention until the very end. Audrey was a strong and capable heroine which I always appreciate. While her romance with Caleb was a little too insta-lovey for my preference, I liked them together. I wish the ending had been stronger, the mystery is solved a little too easily and the parts with their parents were too schmaltzy for me. Still this was a fun book and I am always happy to revisit the Harpers and Easts.

I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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I received an arc from Netgalley. I love the East and Harper families and enjoyed Caleb and Audrey’s story. Both of them have issues from their past however they learn to love each other and have a fierce attraction.

Trouble is following Audrey and she doesn’t know it. Audrey is a well known and sought after vet but trouble is near and threatening her practice. Caleb steps in to help find out who is behind the threats and once he meets Audrey his whole life changes.

You don’t want to miss this one and I sure hope Maddy’s story is next.

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Pretty boring in my opinion, the clue were almost all there and there were too many people from other books and their already told stories, I will not read other books from this series.

Piuttosto noioso e come giallo niente di che, inoltre c'erano troppi personaggi da altri libri che avevano giá avuto le loro storie. Non credo leggeró altro da questa serie.


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Book three and wow do I love this series. We meet the Harper/East clan again when Caleb is home from his military service and now working with his brothers, finding his place fitting in. This book had a different twist than the first two, plenty of suspense along with the plot which is stellar.
Audrey Martinez is an Equine Vet and in high demand. She's come back to fill the space her father left when he disappeared after their mother died. She now has her younger sister living with her as well who is a bit out there, but she's a huge help to Audrey. Audrey is under contract with two of the larger horse farms but helps out with any animal that's at the shelter and also at the auction barn. She does that on the QT and when a horse becomes ill, the owner calls Audrey in. Audrey can't figure out what's wrong with the horse and does the usual testing, anything beyond that has to be sent out of town. Meanwhile she meets Caleb and there's a lot of push pull there. Hold on to your cowgirls britches for that. The suspense builds and we meet the Harper brother's again as well as their sister and her husband. Audrey is family now, along with her sister when things really heat up and both are threatened. I'm going to leave it at that so you can read all the twists and turns this great book takes.
I enjoyed the suspense in this one and loved Caleb and Audrey. Can't wait for the next book.

arc from NetGalley and Publisher for an honest review.

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A well written perfectly paced story pulling you in from the start. The problems that start at the auction house only to be because of a better veterinarian who has great jobs offered her. It is about friends who come together and help solve the problem. Family and friends are everything with this story.

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I wasn't feeling too much holiday reading so this worked. It had a mystery and suspense element that made it better. Both Caleb and Audrey were both not into committment and relationships. Both into their jobs and were all for casual until they met the other. Their was just something there as much as they tried to deny and avoid it. Plus since they both are involved into this horse poisoning happening with no one knowing why heats things up.

It may seem sudden but the attraction lead to more and while they had bumps along the way and their own misgivings. They got through it with the help of siblings and family. It was fun knowing the Harper East clan and they do take care of family. I liked the story engaging and you feel right on the horse ranches. Equine vets are interesting not the usual type. I like this series.

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