Member Reviews

What I liked:
The writing style
The characters
Part of a series: Love on Chance Avenue

I look forward to reading the other books in this series.

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Lovely festive read. It was a heart warming romance. It was a wonderful book to read. It was well written and flowed well.

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A very well written romance. I enjoyed the plot and the writing. Love Christmas books any time of the year. I highly recommend this book. I received a complimentary copy from Netgalley and this is my unbiased review.

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A heartfelt Christmas romance that you do not want to miss this season. Get your hot cocoa, warm blanket and get ready to snuggle in for this wonderful story. Charity has gone to a convention where she meets Quinn, they are both under assumed names but there is an instant connection between them. They soon find out that they are from the same town of Marietta. Charity has decided to swear off all men this Christmas season and Quinn has just gotten out of a long term relationship, neither are looking for more than being friends but their hearts are saying something else.

Loved this Christmas romance of slow building love. Visiting Marietta is always special at Christmas,I so wish it was a real town. Quinn is my new love, loved how he would not give up on Charity, even when she self doubted herself. I highly recommend this heartfelt Christmas romance.

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I absolutely loved this book. Christy and Quinn were perfect for each other. I loved how they had a whole town of support but that's Marietta for you. I also like how they were able to stand up to those who would cause them pain. Sorry they couldn't keep the dog but he got his happy ending too.

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This is Quinn and Charity’s story they met under false pretenses but revealed a lot about there true selves to each other during a short “travel agents resort tour”. There relationship grew by leaps and bounds when Quinn returned looking for Charity. Add in a stray dog whom Charity named Noel. It seemes like the real deal, is it..,,,

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A unique Christmas romance with memorable characters who have distinct personalities. Both Charity and Quinn will capture your heart, creating the type of emotional attachment that’ll keep you turning the pages, yet hating for the story to end.

This ARC book was complimentary, provided by the Publisher and NetGalley. I am voluntarily providing my honest review.

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This is Quinn and Charity’s story. They meet for the first time at a winter ski resort. Neither recognizes who the other is or that they have the same hometown. Quinn is so taken with Charity the he goes looking for her in Marietta, Montana. Charity grew up poor and lacks trust in herself and others as a result. Quinn’s ex tries to interfere in their relationship, but fortunately she doesn’t do any lasting damage. As a result, Quinn and Charity get their HEA.

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Every holiday season I look forward to a new, warm and fuzzy, feel-good Christmas read from master storyteller Jane Porter and once again, I am very satisfied with her offering! Porter always delivers stories with the best heroes and I fell in love with Quinn Douglas from the moment he stepped into the story. But there's so much more in this story besides a tall and gorgeous hero.
Not Christmas Without You is packed with memorable characters, a heartwarming plot and all the charm and glitter of Christmas, complete with an adorable dog named Rusty Noel. If you're looking for a great book to lose yourself in, grab your soft and plushy blanket and a cup of cocoa and curl up with Jane Porter's Not Christmas Without You! Highly recommended.

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Anyone who enjoys contemporary, heartwarming romance will probably, like me, love this delightful addition to the Marietta romances. There are so many familiar families, characters, events and places in the story, it is like visiting a community you know well and feel at home in. If you've not read any of the stories set there, you're really missing a treat! As usual, even though so much is familiar to me now, you really can read and enjoy this story without knowing any of the others - but I suspect it will certainly tempt you to read more in future.

In this story, Charity Wright is one of the Wright sisters who grew up on Chance Avenue and she still lives there with her parents now. She's had another failed relationship and is really fed up. When her travel agent friend suggests Charity go to check out the Little Teton resort for her, Charity decides to go, pretending to be her friend. When she arrives she meets a handsome gentleman who is pretending to be a sports writer and, although she's sworn off men till next year, the two get on brilliantly and have platonic fun together, even though they're both attracted to the other. When it comes to time to leave he discovers she's from his home town and has no idea who he really is. This is a story which starts with impersonation and ends with romance but only after and accident, interfering ex-partners, a lovely dog and lots of Christmas trees!

I have absolutely no hesitation at all in highly recommending this book to anyone who enjoys lovely, heartwarming romances with a brilliant dose of festive spirit added to the mix. This is a story of overcoming fears, acknowledging your soul mate and taking a chance on love. I requested and was given a copy of this book, via NetGalley. This is my honest review of the book after choosing to read it.

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Any story by Jane Porter is bound to be good. So reading Not Christmas Without You was not a taking a chance for me. However, it is part of the Love on Chance Series. This is Charity Wright and Pro Baseball player Quinn Douglas’ story with both meeting under an assumed identity. Both have also sworn off any kind of relationship, too. Still rose by any other name is still a rose, right? As they get to know each other, the attraction and admiration grows in spite of not knowing each other’s real name.

This is not an unusual story line but it is so well done. I was pulled into story, the place, the people, finding that I wanted both to come clean. See what was right before them, grabbing hold and holding on for dear life. This is a Marietta romance which takes place somewhere else, I enjoyed that more than I thought that I would.

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A quick and easy Christmas read based in Marietta, Montana. Charity goes to a small ski resort near Jackson Hole, Wyoming for a few days, posing as her friend who is a travel agent. There she meets Quinn, who is posing as a writer, although he is a professional baseball player. He is friends with the owner of the resort, and is considering helping him finance the resort. Sparks fly between the two, but she is recovering from a bad break up, and he is still trying to remove himself from the clutches of an old girlfriend. When he goes home to Marietta, he finds out he knew her family, and meets up with her again. Overall a sweet story, and one I highly recommend.

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This is just a fun and happy Christmas romance. This book was more or less a "sweet" romance but I never lost interest in the story and it was never boring.

Both Charity and Quinn were well written and likable characters and most of the secondary characters were also really fun to read about. A few of the secondary characters are not great people, but they were believable and I'm sure they weren't supposed to be likable anyway.

I really believed that Charity and Quinn were meant to be together by the end of the book and enjoyed watching them fall in love.

I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys contemporary romance.

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What a gorgeous, warm, heartfelt story this is! It’s Christmas with chocolate and buttered rum and all things good. I loved it! I loved Charity and I loved Quinn. The story had me from the start and held me in its pages throughout.
Set mainly in Marietta Montana, this is book four in Jane Porter’s Love on Chance Avenue series. Mind you, Chance Avenue doesn’t play much of a part in the story, which opens with Charity planning to spend a week at a resort in the Little Tetons masquerading as her friend.
The story focuses on love, of course, but not just the romantic kind - families and friends play a big part in this book too. It’s wonderful to see people pitching in to help those they love, to care for those who have cared for them in the past and to support the community in which they live. Not Christmas Without You does all of that in and more, but really it is the love affair between Charity and Quinn that takes centre stage. I hoped and prayed for them as their story unfolded and cheered at the end when they finally found their happy ever after.
This whole book has brought me smiles. It’s just perfect Christmas reading.

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Not Christmas Without You by Jane Porter is a lovely, heartwarming and sweet Christmas story that will make you long for a trip to the homey fictional town of Marietta in Montana.
We are once again, pulled into a perfect little story about two people who just need to believe in their own happiness and give love a chance to have a wonderful Christmas with each other. If you are a fan of Jane Porter and her stories this is one you don´t want to miss this Christmas or any time of the year, really. It´s part of the "Love on Chance Avenue" but it´s a stand a lone type of story, so it can easily be read without reading the other 3 books.

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This is a fun, touching story that left me with a warm feeling in my heart and a smile on my face. Both Charity and Quinn are amazing characters that are shaped and driven by their pasts. These two meet during a weekend stay at Little Teton Resort. Neither is who they claim to be and definitely not looking for a relationship but they just seem to click. When it turns out Charity is currently living in Quinn's hometown it seems that fate has other ideas for both of them.

Definitely a book I recommend. It's a perfect holiday escape.

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I never pass up an opportunity to read a book by Jane Porter. In fact, I don't even read the book's summary prior to requesting or purchasing. Her stories are replete with palpable feelings, concrete characters, and an entertaining plot. Not Christmas Without You is the fourth book from her Love On Chance series, and it can be read as a standalone. In addition, the first three books from this grouping are quite good.

Charity Wright works as a receptionist for a small real estate firm in her hometown of Marietta Montana. One day she hopes to open up her own dress shop, since her real talents are all about clothing design. Although she is smart and beautiful, she has very low self-esteem, which prevents her from making her dreams come true. Then she meets professional baseball player Quinn Douglas, while attending a travel conference at the Little Teton Resort. They immediately hit it off and come to find out, Quinn is a native of Marietta as well. Due to an incident at one of Marietta's local tree farms, they are able to evolve their friendship into much more.

I loved the beginning of this story and getting to know both Charity and Quinn. Their respective histories are quite tragic, yet inspirational at the same time. However, over the course of the narrative, I became overwhelmed by Charity's insecurities. I really liked Quinn and his ability to give back to the town that supported him during some very trying times. The secondary characters were truly genuine and I enjoyed learning about their lives.

Complimentary copy provided by the publisher via NetGalley.

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So when Charity and Quinn first meet at a travel convention they were both there using fake names with good intentions, so they are enjoying each other’s company for four days and even falling for each other not even knowing their real names and then convention is over and it’s not likely they will ever see each other again right, WRONG!
This was such a scrumptious read I wish I could give it ten stars for taking me back to Marietta and the way it made me feel, like all my feel good emotions were just bubbling to the top, warming me through and through like a good hot bowl of stew on a chilly night.

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Love! Love! Love! Words fail to describe how much I truly loved reading Charity Wright and Quinn Douglas’ story in Not Christmas Without You by Jane Porter, the fourth book in her Love on Chance Avenue series. This Christmas story gives Ms. Wright a chance to find her Mr. Right and a lonely man trying to find a missing piece of his life a chance to locate it. Charity is struggling after another breakup with the wrong guy when her friend Tricia, a travel agent convinces her to pretend to be her and attend a Wyoming resort’s presentation. There Charity meets Seattle Sportswriter Douglas Quincy looking into investing in the resort. These two hit it out of the park, agreeing to be friends as the event ends. The problem is Douglas Quincy was actually Marietta’s famous Quinn Douglas survivor, baseball player and brother to McKenna and Rory. Clearing up their identities was the first thing they had to remedy, which Quinn accomplished with a visit to Marietta and his family.

Quinn was such a gentleman and down to earth person wanting to be known for the person he is, not what happened to him, what he does, or the amount of money in his bank account. Charity did not recognize him, which was a first for him and actually endeared her to him. Charity had baggage from previous relationships, leaving her with little self-confidence. Yet, Charity was kind, caring, loving, and fiercely protective of her loved ones. She needed to learn how to love and accept herself before she and Quinn could find their Happy Ever After. When an ex-girlfriend of Quinn’s appears, threatening her, Charity must find the inner strength to prove her love to Quinn. Quinn and Charity were perfect for each other. They were both caring and compassionate people. Charity saves a lost dog, giving it a home. Quinn steps in, staying longer in Marietta, to help out an injured friend who is unable to operate his Christmas Tree farm.

Ms. Porter, an amazing story teller in her own right, wrote a wonderfully sweet, emotional and moving story that is definitely not to be missed. This story is filled with sexual attraction, fun dialogue, and endearing characters. I highly recommend this book to other readers.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book.

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A beautifully written romance that I won’t soon forget.

When Charity Wright went to Little Teton Resort in Wyoming, in her friend’s place, she had no idea she would meet the man she was destined to be with. Charity‘s last relationship ended badly and she had given up on men. She was only looking for someone to talk to while she was at the resort.

Quinn Douglas was at Little Teton Resort to see if it was worth investing in. He used a different name and profession because he didn’t want everyone to know he was a popular baseball player with the Seattle Mariners.

When Charity and Quinn met, under assumed names, they formed an instant friendship where they shared a lot of personal things with each other. In the end, they shared an unforgettable kiss. When the weekend was over, Charity headed back to Marietta without saying goodbye to Quinn. Charity told Quinn that she lived in Marietta during one of their talks, so he went there looking for her. Quinn also grew up in Marietta, but didn’t know Charity. The shock came when they met again and Charity found out who Quinn really was and Quinn found out Charity used her friend Tricia’s name while at the resort. Charity and Quinn were total opposites. Charity grew up in a struggling family with an alcoholic father. Quinn was popular and loved by everyone in town. But, Quinn didn’t care about Charity’s past or upbringing. He had fallen for her and he was willing to do anything to win her over. He just needed to convince her that she was worthy of his love and attention.

This book is hard for me to review without giving away too many details. But I can say, my heart went out to Charity with everything she had gone through and how she was afraid to fall in love with Quinn. Quinn’s tragic past is something that was visited in previous Marietta books, but it is told again in this story. Even though this is fiction, I still couldn’t help thinking how a person would overcome what he went through. This book is easy to read and follow and not a detail was missed. I felt I knew the characters well and enjoyed seeing them get their happily ever after. This book is the perfect addition to the other Marietta books and a wonderful, feel good Christmas story.

My favorite quote:
“Because you make me happy. Being with you makes me happy. And as we both know, life can be hard, and there are no guarantees, so we have to make the most of every single day we’re given.”

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