Member Reviews

They've been in love with each other for centuries, but they don't know the other's feelings. She's Death and he's one of her Reapers. They don't think they can come together and love each other from afar. When an enemy starts taking away Death's magic it up to the man she loves to protect her, along with all her other Reapers. Will their enemy win? Can they out smart him. Will their love survive and thrive in a world full of danger, intrigue and betrayal?

Donna Grant continues the Reapers series with bringing together the Leader of the Reapers Cael and the woman who made them Erith or as everyone knows her Death. She weaves a tale of unrequited love and the dangers of facing a magic you know nothing about. When Erith is weakened by the enemy a former one of her Reapers. It's up to Cael and his fellow Reapers to protect the woman they love and respect. But, the secrets revealed will either bring the two closer together or tear them apart. Erith realizes that she can protect her family as thinks of the Reapers and their mates but will their hiding place put one of the women in danger? They realize that they can love each other. Emotions are high and feelings must be hidden from their enemy. When Cael is captured protecting his Reapers and then tortured its up to the others and Erith to rescue him. Allies they didn't think they had along with an alliance between two of their enemies have tensions running high. Your kept on the edge of your seat wondering if they'll succeed or fail. Erith's past is revealed to her love and the other's.

This story takes you on a ride of love, suspense, intrigue, and revenge that keeps you coming back for more. Donna Grant even throws in a little hope for a next generation. She shows that men who think they can't find love can and will find the love of their lives and can change with the love of a good woman and a little magic and a lot of love.

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The story we have all been waiting for finally happened, and it did not disappoint! Talk about a slow burn romance - this is the 7th book in the Reaper series, so we have been waiting SIX. BOOKS. for this romance to heat up into a beautiful, sexy fire. I loved all the twists and turns in the story, and we got to see other characters we love and are still waiting for their own happily ever after. Donna Grant has a way of making her readers totally invested in her world and characters, and what makes this book so special is that she completely delivers on such an anticipated couple's relationship. So much pressure but she nails it!

Mistress of War. Heather. Death. Erith. All very different names for one extraordinary being. Erith has lived for longer than recorded memory, her role changing from explorer to destroyer to judge. With her band of betrayed men reborn as Reapers, she seeks justice among the Fae world, passing judgment on those who have done wrong. But she is growing weak, her power and life force being drained by a rogue Reaper named Bran, and her only course of action is to become the Mistress of War once again. With her Reapers by her side and her secret love, Cael, she must put an end to Bran before he destroys everyone and everything Erith holds most dear.

The heat between Erith and Cael was so sexy and satisfying after so many books of them tip-toeing around their love for each other. Erith had been so strong for so long, and it was nice to see her relax a little bit and give control over to someone else for a change. While Cael deferred to Erith for a lot of things, I think their relationship was largely equal as they became closer. Erith could lean on Cael and allow him to take the lead at times, and then at others Erith pulled forward and protected Cael. It was a very symbiotic, compatible relationship, and seeing them be so comfortable with each other was truly rewarding. So many other characters became involved as well, like Rhi, Balladyn, and Xaneth, and it whet my appetite for more books in the future. Rhi is a really fun secondary character who just knows what to say at the right time. Balladyn and Xaneth have hidden depths to them, and that's what makes it so fun to see them in different settings. This book had so much to offer, I wish it never ended!

As always, I look forward to what comes next from Donna Grant! She never fails to deliver and make her readers' dreams come alive on the pages of her books.

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This is the Reaper book that I have wanted the most!

Cael and Erith, AKA Death!

Guys, this just might be considered a short story but there is SO MUCH in this!
Between the humanization of Erith, cause let's face it she was just a ball of badass and mystery in all the other books, and the brewing battle with Bran we have a huge journey!

Cael has finally deemed it time to tell Erith of his feelings and we all know that she loved him back! The upcoming battle with Bran and him stealing her life force made it obvious that this was the way their story would go. I don't think I have enjoyed any other reaper book as much as this one! Well maybe Daire's but still!

The growth of Erith was really nice to see. Like I said, she was humanized and it was a breath of fresh air. Seeing all of her emotions laid out for EVERYONE to see. You see how much she truly cares about all of her reapers and how she differentiates them from Cael. Then you see how loyal Cael truly is. It's inspiring really, all of the things he will do to protect her and the reapers.

There are so many players in this that you can see how this can branch out into other stories and it's quite exciting. You have Xaneth, nephew of Usaeil, who has played all the sides. Seamus, who showed Erith his loyalty and was released to help their cause. There's Balladyn, who was a nice addition in the reaper's story line. Last but not least, all of Eoghan's reapers. While there were heartbreaking moments in this, they were necessary and made the story feel full.

I definitely recommend this series, just know that they intertwine with the Dragon King series.

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This was everything I wanted it to be and more. Cael and Erith have been dancing around each other for a millennia. Long time for an attraction to simmer and boy, when they got together, they combusted! I was surprised by where Donna took these two and am still a little confused by Cael’s transformation, but it didn’t take away from the book.

While this was the end of the Reaper series, this isn’t the end of the Reaper’s. With a Fae to fin d and a psycho queen to see disturbed, I anticipate we’ll see more of our friends in the Dragon King books.

Here’s hoping we get also get something in the future with Xaneth and Aisling. Those two have some sparks that I’d love to see explored😉.

“At the female’s words, Cael saw Xaneth stiffen. Interesting that Xaneth was known for his ability to negotiate with both the Light and Dark Fae, but Aisling seemed to get under his skin.”

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This is book 7 in the Reaper's series and absolutely must be read in order or you will be completely lost as to what is going on! This one is about Erith (Death) and Cael. I really don't want to give anything away because so much happens in this book and one thing said might ruin it for someone. However I will say that I absolutely loved getting the full story of Erith. And I absolutely loved learning about all of her Reapers and the things that made her choose them. I definitely didn't expect this book to come out the way it did, but it was absolutely perfect this way! And that full battle that we were all hoping for? It is EPIC!! All I will say is that I completely loved every minute of this book and can't wait to see where else this series can take us with the other Reapers and characters!

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This is the first book in the series I have read. I enjoyed it to the point I have to read the others. If the origin of Erith is ever mentioned I have to read it. She is a tangle of strength and weakness that makes for a great read. Add in the Fae and Reepers and the story is hard to put down.

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I received for an honest review

This was a great paranormal read I was so into it that I just couldn’t put it down I read it in one sitting this is definitely a must read

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Erith, Mistress of War and Death, made all of the Reapers. They are her family, and she loves them all, but her love for Cael is something more. This is the story that has been hinted at throughout the series, and now we're at the point where they know that they are finally going to destroy Bran. It's great to get this conclusion of the big arc, but the best part is seeing Cael and Erith come together and figure out what that means for them and for the rest of their found family.

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This is the book that I've been eagerly anticipating since the beginning of the series.

I have enjoyed each book in this series but all along I've been waiting for this one. There has always been a palpable chemistry between Erith and Cael and the author really got that across in this epic love story. It had such rich emotions and edgy tensions between everyone. Erith and Cael had longed for each other forever but never believed they would ever be together. They went through so much that I was honestly reduced to tears at a few parts.

As usual, this book was all about the love story for me. I loved how it had me completely captivated from beginning to end. We also got the incredibly intense showdown between Death and Bran. So there was plenty of action and surprises and loads of plot twists and even some unlikely allies. I especially enjoyed the enticing parts with a couple of my favorite characters like Rhi and Balladyn. Now while I'm not completely sure if this book ends the series ..... it doesn't seem very likely with all of the intriguing tidbits that Donna Grant threw out there. Don't forget we still have the second group of Reapers, and of course, everything is set within the same fascinating world as the Dragon Kings. So there is always another epic love story to look forward to with Donna Grant.

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Well this brotherhood of elite assassins working for Death have their work cut out for them this time and no mistake. Death is a woman who has reinvented herself and yet at heart she is still the same powerful entity capable of huge atrocities that she always was. Having grown emotionally Death believes in justice but knows she is always alone even though a part of her yearns for more . Ironically as her powers and very essence are being drained from her she has to share her burdens with the one male who unknowingly has always held her heart but there's still a lot of heartache and pain to come !
This was I think what I'd been waiting for in this series as we finally see the true nature of Death or Erith as she's known to her Reapers. Erith has made mistakes and in this book the consequences hit hard. Cael has always had the ability to see what needs doing in battle hence his position of trust amongst the Reapers but he's a male who keeps his own council meaning he's never spoken of his deep abiding feelings for Erith. So for this couple to open up takes a lot but with so much at stake the time for hiding is far behind.
I absolutely loved this because it ties up loose ends and actually brings the Fae wars home to roost. If you follow the Dragon Kings series then you will be delighted with the way events in this story bring the conclusion and consequences ever closer. Like others I've occasionally despaired of ever getting answers but I admit I don't feel that about the Reapers series because things happen fast and furious. For me this was a very satisfying read that has encouraged me to continue reading these stories and I can't wait for the next development.
This voluntary take is of a copy I requested from Netgalley and my thoughts and comments are honest and I believe fair

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I have loved the Reaper's series and love how it coincides with the Dark Kings series. This book was no exception. And this was the one I was waiting for!! I was so anxious to see how Cael and Death would get their story. I was not disappointed. I have so enjoyed this series!

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Erith has been the Mistress of War and Death. She made all of the Reapers, both groups, and she loves them all but, she has loved Cael from the first time she saw him. Neither Erith or Cael has ever admitted their love for eh other but, times are changing and, now they know that they are finally going to have to destroy Bran.
The love between these two is epic and, never ending and, written so smoothly, it wraps itself around the readers' heart.
The storyline is fascinating, the characters all have such distinct personalities and, that is why i LOVE these Reaper books.
FYI-this is a stand alone book. However, you may want to read the previous Reaper books as, it helps to know the background of these characters and, why they do what they do.

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This is one I've been waiting for - dying for!! I was so worried, when the second group of Reapers came on board that I was going to have to wait. Thank the Lord I didn't! This book definitely lives up to the hype. It also gives a definite direction for future books and Dark Kings books. If you aren't reading the Dark Kings too - go, run, start reading them now. These Reapers books may be happening on the side - but they have some seriously important info in them.

I love Donna Grant - she is the queen of world building. Her characters inhabit those worlds so beautifully and truly. This book follows in that same tradition. Well thought out and sexy as hell.

Lets just say - they have a lot of missed time to make up for!


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Dark Alpha’s Awakening is truly a story that I have waited so very long to read! It is the culmination of not only a magnificent love that is no longer being denied but wholeheartedly embraced and savored, but it is also the no going back point for so many other important story points within Grant’s much larger story line for this this series and others that intertwine and parallel each other. Good things are happening as well as some not so good things, but both are leaving me in a lot of suspense for her next book! Her storylines never end with each book, but instead they build and blossom into something so much bigger than just one character’s story being revealed. I love these types of stories for you never truly say goodbye to a beloved character. Instead it is only a goodbye for now.

Cael has fiercely and quietly loved Erith for so many years that he has truly lost count. He serves her will and puts her plans into action. In all that time he has never once complained of his inability to know if Erith feels the same way that he does for her. Instead he waits and watches for her and ensures her judgments are carried out. With Bran’s maniacal plan bearing down on them and forcing Erith’s ultimate judgment for him, Cael begins to see Erith’s defensive walls begin to crumble. With the sudden weakening of not only the walls around her heart but also her very life force, Cael sweeps in to show Erith that this Reaper’s devotion to her knows no bounds. He is determined to show her that every part of her is beautiful and above all cherished and loved beyond her own comprehension. Will Erith accept Cael’s love or will she push it away as a sign of her greatest weakness?

There has been a long on-going dance that Erith and Cael have been doing for centuries. Watching and waiting with keen anticipation never prepared for their own epic love story. It was beyond what I expected and even hoped for because it was prefect for them. It fit who they are and their very essence. It had to follow the path laid out for them in order it to have the magnificence and purity that it required. It was a love story that shines and sings to the very core of their beings, and it proves to those around them that love truly can conquer all.

Donna Grant has time and time again surprised and amazed me and this book is no exception. She knows how to astound and draw you in as she reveals her masterful plot and the true depth of her incredible characters. She is a goddess of fantasy, and I can’t wait to read more of her! Each epic series that she writes shows off her masterful creativity and her stunning heart. There is nothing can this author cannot write, create, or breath life into!!

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So, what did I like about it?
I think I can now class myself as a fan of Ms Grant’s books as I’ve read a few of them. I find her writing style easy to read and I like the way she paces the development of the plot. I love the fantasy world that Ms Grant has created and that her characters are not black or white, good or evil but allowed to be complex souls with a multifaceted mix of positive and negative traits.

I connect to a story more if the lead female character is intelligent, resilient and can look after herself; I wasn’t disappointed here. Erith is an amazing character and I loved learning about her history and how she found her purpose. I liked the way that all of the characters in this story were written - even the villain of the tale – none of them were flat 2-dimensional creations, they all felt very real.

Based on the books that I’ve read so far, I realise that Ms Grant loves the romantic aspect between her lead couple to be concluded by the end of each book; I love Happy Ever After endings too. Woop! Woop!

This book isn’t just about the romance between our main couple, there are various aspects weaved together in this book and I liked that we were a fly on so many walls, getting to learn what drives the characters to do what they do while trying to piece together the mystery before Cael and Erith.

Dark Alpha’s Awakening managed to surprise me a few times, had me reaching for a tissue or two *sniff*, growling in anger and holding my breath on the edge of my seat worried what would happen next but fear not dear reader there was also plenty of banter to put a smile on my face and enough building passion to titillate anyone’s fancy. I found myself desperate to find out what would happen next, staying up late to finish just one more chapter, in other words I was gripped!

So, ummm, was there anything I disliked about it?
I really loved Dark Alpha’s Awakening but here’s where I have to be completely honest and tell you why my rating was 4 stars rather than 5.

You may think I’m being mean, but it’s mainly because of how the epilogue ended. Dark Alpha’s Awakening features a few existing background story arcs that have been ongoing through the series and continues through this story and beyond and that’s OK because I feel that the current situation was concluded to my satisfaction - the girl got her man and the villain was thwarted but what I hate is life-or-death cliffhangers, hooks yes but cliffhangers like the one here, even those relating to supporting characters, is a big no-no for me!

So, basically what I’m saying is...
I really enjoyed this novel; it was a tale that kept me reading from start to finish – I was hooked! Dark Alpha’s Awakening has everything that I look for in a good story; adventure, mystery, action, great characters, some humour, romance and a sprinkling of passion.

Due to the graphic nature of the violence and sex scenes, I would only recommend this book to adults who are not offended by this sort of content. If you enjoy paranormal romance tales with a multi-layered “against-the-clock” backstory that keeps you turning the pages from start to finish with honourable alpha heroes and heroines with plenty of gumption, lots of action alongside beautiful romance, oh and enough titillation to make you blush on the bus, then this novel is definitely one for you.

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Cael is a Reaper and takes the souls Death tells him to. Erith is Death and her powers are waning. A Reaper she sent to another realm for punishment escaped and is somehow siphoning her power. She has loved Cael for centuries but never told him. Cael has been in love with Erith since he first laced eyes on her as he was dying. Now they have to find a way to defeat Bran, the ex Reaper before he kills Erith. But first they have to figure out how he is draining Erith’s power and life force.
Action, betrayal, sex, and good vs. evil. I have been waiting for Death’s story and was not disappointed. I can’t wait to see what book is next,

* Voluntarily read and reviewed this for NetGalley *

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Cael is the leader of the Reapers. They are like policemen for the Fae. When someone has been judged they are sent to carry out the sentence. Only a very few ever live to know who they are. They work for Death herself.
Death is known by several names, Erith is the one she most comfortable with.
She has a soft spot in her heart for this particular Reaper but can't let it be known , and still keep her impartiality.
There is war on the horizon. Someone who was once a Reaper is now sapping her strength and looking to take it all. Can her team save the realms from all out war?.
This is an action packed, fantasy romance with great characters that you will easily fall in love with.
It is part of a series that is best read in order, so that you understand the background story. Although each book has it's own beginning and end.
Great fun, but keep the tissues handy.

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I really loved this book. From the writing to the story everything kept me going. Now the problem is my own fault I didn't read any of the previous books so I was lost. It made it difficult to really get into it at first, but again my own fault. The things is I was willing to keep going because it sucked me in and it was a fantastic story. Now I'm excited to read all of Ms. Grant's other books.
Thank you NetGalley and publisher for the ARC.

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Grant understands how to write romance. There are times when the overarching plot of the series steps up and takes center, and the romance never suffers for it - and the big picture story doesn't suffer from the romance either. There's a Goldilocks balance found here that other writers should take note of.

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I am just so enjoying this series! And finally we get one for Cael and Erith!

With Bran getting sronger and stronger, Death has to come to terms with who she was and who she is now to beat him. And part of that is facing her feelings for her favorite reaper, Cael. And he's been in love with her from the start.

Love their journey and how they finally came together. And how Cael was "awakened." And while it would've been nice to witness channel her Mistress of War self and join forces with Cael, I guess that would've been too much. Read it! I can't say anymore. Hope we catch another glimpse of the couple later on in the other books.

Thank you NetGalley and publisher for the ARC. Loved it!

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