Member Reviews

I will always be young in my heart. My favorite genre is YA through and through. I devoured The rule of one, the premise was so original. Then i found out about the book being actually a series and here we are! Ava and Mira have me rooting for them. Loved the new friends/allies made on the way, Owen and Zee. I cant wait to see where the series will go and the encounter with Roth. Amazing series, can't recommend enough because they have been way underestimated in the bookstagram world.

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I will not be giving feedback on this book as I couldn’t really get into it but I think others may enjoy it.

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Very entertaining but not as good as the first book. I enjoyed the rule of one but I didn’t like this sequel as much. I felt the story was slower paced than the first.

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2nd installation in this dystopian series, The Rule of Many picks up right where the first book left off, with twins Mira and Ava working with the Common revolutionaries to try to wrest some control back from the increasingly authoritarian state of a future US, being taken over by Texas. The story is very action-based, which makes it a quick read, but the characters are a bit thin/underdeveloped. Still an interesting enough dystopian world and plot. Entertaining but not necessarily great. 3 stars

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I really enjoyed part two of The Rule of One trilogy. In this episode, we see the twin sisters fighting their way to Texas, meeting up with others that are in the revolution, and joining in a battle to take back the state of Texas from The Rule of One. I really enjoyed this narrative and thought the interpersonal relations of people finding out they had sisters, brothers or twins that had been whisked away at birth to be really compelling.

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Okay, first of all, this one was so much better than the first! The pacing was much better, and I loved the plot twists (even if some of them were easy to call)!! Now I don't usually care about girl power and all that, but this book had some majorly epic girls and I have to acknowledge that, haha!

I did hate the amount of cussing though... While I do have to admit that sometimes it was funny and fitting, *cough* Blaise and Malik *cough*, most of the time it just felt unnecessary. There were some inconsistencies, like how did they just know Theo was only a half-sibling? Or how did the city not realize to look for yellow doors? And I will admit some parts played out like a bad soap opera, but it was honestly funny, so it didn't bother me that much. Though this has nothing to do with the plot, I need to know what happened to the state of Georgia. Like, poor Georgia was put through the wringer and as a Georgian, I need answers! My absolute favorite thing about this book, though, was the family bonds and the found family ties! Rayla and Owen have my whole heart, on top of Haven and Theo and literally everyone else in the Common.

Now let's get into the fun stuff: characters~ Owen is my baby and must be protected at all costs. If I ever ended up in a rebellion, it would happen just like Owen. Honestly, though, Owen and I might as well be the same person, even though he is a giant idiot. But he's also a little tech nerd and I understood all of his references (#ITnerdsforthewin). Let's see, Kano is great. So is Pawel. Haven is absolutely amazing! And Theo is also my baby. Mira is still so reckless though, and it drives me crazy... And like, I really need her to give up the pity party... That being said, I do have to admit that I totally ship Theo and Mira, and Ava and Owen need to become a thing!

There were a couple of trigger warnings in this book. I'm not entirely sure how to word them, but I will try my best. The first is a trigger for choking/forced feeding, and the second is a torture trigger.

Overall, this book had me entertained and much more dedicated to the storyline than the first, and I am so looking forward to the final book of this trilogy!

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Suffers from a bad case of second book-itis, I just couldn't care enough about the outcome through all the chaos.

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Like with the previous book, it took a little while to get into this book and get into the action. Once the action got going, then the book was fast-paced and interesting. I thought it was a duology, but there has got to be another instalment as the book finished with loads of questions still to answer. The premise of this book is interesting and potentially could happen in the future - if the world became a little more twisted. I mean China already has a one child rule so.....

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I didn't care for the first book, but I was given the arc of the second. I slogged through the first one, but I couldn't even get through the first fifty pages of this one. I just couldn't bring myself to care about these cardboard girls with no personalities.

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I thought this was an awesome sequel. I read the first one and then jumped right into this one! I liked the growth and development that both Ava and Mira went through in this. I liked all the new characters that were introduced as well. I do think that it was left open to the possibility of a third book in the future which would be great in my opinion.

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I liked this installment. I will be looking forward to the next one. I liked the POVs of Mira and Ava read like different people. I also liked the addition of Owen.

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Thank you to NetGalley for the free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

The Rule of Many is the sequel to YA dystopian novel The Rule of One. I worry that this book suffered a little bit from second book syndrome, in that there is not a ton of plot progression or character development. I did like the introduction of some new POVs, but that may have come at the expense of deepening our understanding of Mira and Ava as characters.

I did like what felt like a different spin on the twin relationship, because they don’t always agree or have a perfect read on each other. The book was action-packed, but not much more was developed about the world and the ending left me a bit apathetic as to what would happen next. It could be that I’ve read a lot of this genre, and have pretty high standards for it. While they are both enjoyable reads, I think if YA dystopian is not your genre, you may want to skip this series.

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This review was taken directly from my blog, Annie Likes Words.

When I read a sequel, one of my biggest concerns is how the authors expand the narrative; I want a sequel with higher stakes and wilder adventures than its predecessor. With The Rule of Many, that is absolutely the case. The world of Ava and Mira Goodwin expanded far beyond the first installment in this series. I got to see their overarching role in the revolution, and the glimpses into different aspects of their society gave me a more well-rounded view of the world they live in.

One of my major critiques in my non-spoiler review of The Rule of One was the similarity between the voices of different characters. However, the voices among the four narrators were very distinct; if you’d have taken away the names at the beginning of each chapter, I probably would’ve been able to decipher who was speaking.

The last half of the book had a nice pace; we spent a decent amount of time with each character, developing their plot, before we switched and got to glimpse into the current position of another character. The beginning was a tad slow, but once things got moving, I followed right along and had no complaints about the pacing. Some of the romantic and chosen-family relationships between characters developed a little too fast to be believable, but it was better than having things move too slow.

While the progression of events was paced nicely, some of the cause-and-effect felt a bit stretched; the characters sometimes reacted in unconventional ways that sometimes took me out of the story and made me question if that character would actually do that thing. If you’re looking for a strong narrative with sound cause-and-effect, this might not be the book for you, but it’s got a lot of fun, fast, exciting action and is a good escapist story.

This has nothing to do with the story itself but that cover, oh my goodness it’s quite honestly one of my favorite covers at the moment. Drop a few books with gorgeous covers in the comments so we can geek choose books by their covers together.

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I'd already read the first book, "The Rule of One" and eagerly awaiting this one (the second) it didn't disappoint

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I really enjoyed the second installment of this series. It was fast paced and kept you guessing. I recommend this to anyone who enjoys dystopian novels.

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This book was AH-MAY-ZING! I LOVED it!!!

I was planning to post about The Rule of One, but all I was worried about after finishing it was seeing what happened next, so instead of writing a review, I immediately started reading this book.

These books were AWESOME! I would have read the first book in a day, if I didn't have to adult so much (ugh). I still zoomed through it in like 2 days.

Until I read this book, I did not realize how long it has been since I last read a dystopian book. For a while, that's all I read, but lately, I've been reading mostly YA Fantasy. This was a great book to get back into the genre!

I didn't realize that this book was written by twins until after I got done reading both books and started writing this review. That makes it so much cooler!

I don't have anything negative at all to say about this book! It was awesome, and you should go read it right now!

The only thing that I am upset about is that book #3 is not out yet, and I don't know how long I will have to wait for it. It is not listed on GoodReads or their website, so it will probably be a while. I will definitely be watching for it, though!

Thank you to the Saunders twins, the publishers, and Xpresso Blog Tours for allowing me to be a part of this tour!

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This book felt like a little bit of drag to me. It failed to grab my interest and the new perspectives introduces were just terribly distracting. They just weren't that interesting and took away from the main focus of Ava and Mira. I don't know I really liked the first book and saw a lot of potential for this one but it just dissapointed me.

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The Rule of Many picks up right where the Rule of One left off. This is a sequel where it’s really important to have read the first book before starting. For that reason, it’s hard to say much about the plot of this one at all since it would be spoilers for the first book.

So - without getting into details - I will just say that I didn’t finish this book. It wasn’t working for me. It felt like all action and very little connection to the characters. I am not invested enough to continue through the series.

Thank you very much to Netgalley and the publisher for the advance review copy in exchange for my honest review.

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Huge thank you to Skyscape and NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to review this book!

After reading The Rule of One and not really liking it, I didn’t have very high hopes for The Rule of Many but I’m happy to say I was pleasantly surprised. I enjoyed the second book FAR more than the first.

Full (spoiler-y) review here:

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Currently working on book 1 and then will get to book 2 as soon as I can! I can't wait to get to it.
Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for allowing me to read and review this book.

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