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I thought this was a fairly straightforward but heartfelt and moving story, accompanied by beautiful artwork and colour scheme.

Though it's a topic rarely portrayed in fiction, both author and illustrator captured the experience of coping with pregnancy loss in a sensitive way that feels both personal and universal.

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This graphic novel has a heartbreaking story. The illustrations were so beautiful as well as the concept. But be careful as it may be triggering.
TW: miscarriage.

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A poignant tale about love and loss and how we heal in the aftermath. The illustrations are beautiful and the way the panels shift from color to black and white is astonishing.

Without ever even knowing the main characters names, the author manages to sweep you up into their story and carry you along for a ride that's just as painful as it is heart-warming. This is definitely a story I'd recommend reading.

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This is a subject close to my heart, and I was moved by the representation here of the author’s miscarriage. The author shared her journey and the path to healing. I loved the use of color as it slowly worked its way back into the world through her journal, the support group, her wife and friends. I imagine this was could have been a hard story to tell, and the emotions are plainly felt.

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I’d started this one technically early this morning. But as I’ve said I’ve had the worst cold so didn’t make it very far before my body started begging for a nap. Let’s just say it one.
So I restarted this up about an hr ago. It’s a rather quick storyline, I would’ve LOVED to see more of the story in between the pages the one she calls her story.
It’s about a couple who seem to be struggling to have a child, and then it’s joyous upon happening but it doesn’t come full term round.
I struggle with my own personal issues of never having any success with getting pregnant, it’s a constant why can’t I, what could be done, will this ever happen... so this kinda touched my soul and spread between the going holes of I’m not the only one I can relate sort of to this story and the pain of it. The artwork is pretty, and sets the mood color scheme wise where you journey through the grips of depression of color void, and into the realms of happiness slowly trying to creep over and pull you out.
I’d recommend to mothers, struggling women who just want to feel too like hey there is a story for us. It may not be a happy one but it shows in some way you can overcome the darkness and get through it.

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This is a graphic novels that I, as a self-professed “Lord of Nerds,” deem required reading, because holy smokes was this inspirational as fork!

This story follows a lesbian couple who have tried again and again to have a child but unfortunately they go through the traumatic experience of a miscarriage together. Waves is an educational and unique in its form. It’s brief, beautiful, and bears some truths that us in our daily, busy lives should pause and address every so often. It is sad but I found the book emotionally engaging. The art has this dreamlike feeling to it that you easily fall into. I will definitly be looking for more novels by Ingrid Chabbert.

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This was a powerful graphic novel that deals with the loss of a pregnancy. As someone who has lost a late term pregnancy I know it is hard to deal with and take as long as it takes to be able to move forward in your life. I think it’s great to have graphic novels that illustrates the emotions and struggles families go through, no matter what that family dynamics is. The illustrations were great! Two thumbs up!👍🏻
Thank you to BOOM! Studios and NetGalley for this advanced copy in exchange for my honest opinion.

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This graphic novel is short and simple while dealing with heavy themes of loss and depression. The author tells the story of the son she lost and how it impacted her life. It starts during her pregnancy and continues through her recovery afterwards, as well as, how it changed her career and helped her become a writer. I think the story depicts how the author felt wonderfully through the theme of water and more specifically waves, which really illustrates how she felt during this tragedy from drowning to finding solitude at the beach. Definitely an example of not sugarcoating this experience or offering a happy ending. This is a perfect example of showcasing what women have been forced to suffer alone and presents it fully.

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With breathtaking art and a heart wrenching story Waves was truly an overwhelming and immensely moving story.
I'm a big sap so I cried during my first read through and then cried again the second time I read it.

I can't recommend this enough, this isn't simply a graphic novel but an experience.

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This was one of the most beautiful books I’ve read in such a long time. I wrote about it on Goodreads and will write about it on Amazon. I also posted it to my Instagram and will write a blog post later today. Thank you to the publisher, author, and illustrator. This book made me cry and was just a completely perfect graphic memoir. I will read anything else that this author puts out and this illustrator. So, so impressed. Please let me know the ways I can support this book further. I am currently in an MFA program and we have visiting writers every year, I would love to have Ingrid Chabbert come as there a few graphic memoirist in the program. It is a paid gig and I can suggest her name.

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In the graphic novel, Waves, Ingrid Chabbert tells the story of the attempts by her and her wife to conceive, the joy they felt when she became pregnant, their heartbreak when she loses the baby, the effects this has on them and their marriage as they struggle to accept this tragedy, even learn to enjoy life again without feeling guilt, while never losing the memory of their child. This is a beautiful, heartbreaking, and, in the end, hopeful story. The lovely art by Carole Maurel works perfectly with the writing, depicting the waves of emotion crashing and then receding as the story unfolds.

<i>Thanks to Netgalley and Boom! Studios for the opportunity to read this novel in exchange for an honest review</i>

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The book deals with topics like abortion, infertility, depression etc. So be aware before picking it up.

The book is also filled with brilliant illustrations accompanying the story. The illustrations expresses certain emotions where even words could fails.

This was such an emotional read to me. It's a very short read so I would recommend this to everyone who likes illustrations, webtoons etc.

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I loved, loved, loved this and while I can't say I "enjoyed" reading this story it definitely moved me very, very much.

I don't tend to gravitate towards graphic novels very often, but I do if the artwork appeals to my personal preference and if the blurb is gripping enough. I had almost forgotten about requesting this one but I'm glad I got the chance to read and recommend this to whoever will read my review.

The artwork is absolutely stunning and I love how the use of color (or absence of color) beautifully complements the narrative and the current mood/atmosphere in the storyline.

I also thought that the structure and plotline of the story was excellently done. While the dramatic event, unusually enough, happened almost at the beginning of the storyline, it quickly became very clear that the story was not going to focus on that event alone. This story was so much more than just a story about two women trying to have a baby. It was about the grief, the sorrow, the bigger consequences; it was about the returning, the rebuilding, and the reclaiming of one's life after such a traumatic event as the one in the story.

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I'm more of a long review type (well, at least in german), but this will probably be one of my shortest., because I don't want to tell to much about the story.
"Waves" is a quick read with beautiful art and a serious topic. It's about the journey of two women and their wish to become a family. On the path lies joy... and then despair.
All of this is portrayed through the colours, which made the story feel even more personal and consistent.
I also really liked the relationship between the women. Their love and support for each other made reading this a lot easier.
Anyway, I highly recommend this book.

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Review to be posted at all sources mentioned on my profile closer to release date.

I received this graphic novel from Netgalley in exchange of an honest review.

I was in love with the cover, I believe I may even have seen this book on Twitter, so I just needed this book in my life now. And boy, it was just absolutely gorgeous. I will be trying my best to write a review however it may be quite chaotic as I am still full of emotion due to this book. This book made me cry (in happy and sad ways), this book made me root for the characters.

Our MC is trying hard to make a baby with her wife, but so far it seems they are having problems. In this book we see them try again, and it seems to all go well for a while... but then things end up badly. I was crying, I was just so happy that they had the baby, that it all seemed so well, and then something happened and they lost the baby again. I am at least happy they had the chance to take that photograph together. It makes me happy that these things are possible these days. At least they have something to remember them of their tiny little baby.

Throughout the book we see that our MC is falling down further and further in a deep pit. Her wife tries to help her, and it seems she also has the help of her notebook, her story. The parts with her struggling with her life and the loss of her baby are often seen with her on a boat in a sea.
Also, She apparently lost colour in her life during these hard times, but we see colour slip in bit by bit as she talks to counsellors, her wife, and when she writes down her story. I love how the artist/author made this happen. It wasn't instant colour, it was really bit by bit. Slowly, as she recovered and found her footing in life again.

I loved her wife, how our MC was worried that she may not want her, and how her wife comforted her and talked to her.

The art was absolutely gorgeous, I adore the style.

All in all, this was one gorgeous book, and I would recommend having tissues at hand. I would highly recommend this book to everyone.

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The ebb and flow of grief… Archaia still puts out some of the most beautiful graphic novels and Waves is no exception. The story quietly chronicles a young mother’s heartbreaking journey back to a new normal after she and her wife lose their long wished for baby. The moments of despair, guilt, and the relaxing of pain are all visible and moving in Carole Maurel’s beautiful illustrations as color slowly but surely comes back into her life.

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I haven't read many graphic novels as an adult, but Waves has definitely become one of my favorites. The illustration is beautiful and the writing is poetic. The story is a tragic one and yet it's not at all uncommon, though not often talked about. I think this graphic novel can be helpful for people who are going through similar situation, so they know they're not alone.

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A powerful graphic novel about a woman and her wife dealing with the loss of a baby born too early. This is such a heavy and emotional subject handled beautifully. I was crying along with the characters remembering my own miscarriage pain. I was struck by the depiction of waves and how it’s hard not to feel wrapped up in their emotion.

A book that I highly recommend with a warning of the subject matter.

Thank you to NetGalley and BOOM! Studios for an advanced reading copy of this book.

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This book is absolutely beautiful. Personal, thoughtful, revealing, and heartbreaking, it explores two women's ongoing attempt to have a child of their own - despite facing a series of obstacles, including multiple miscarriages. One I'm going to have to buy both for myself and for my library.

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Beautifully rendered story - heartbreaking and gorgeous artwork. The author's feelings about her personal experience with losing a child were evident on every page.

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