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Dead Inside

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Dead Inside by Noelle Holten is the first in an upcoming series featuring DC Maggie Jamieson. I enjoyed reading this book and was curious about how it was all going to conclude. There are quite a few characters so you need to pay attention as they are introduced. I liked the main character of Lucy, a probation officer for domestic abusers…she herself is abused by her husband. No one would ever suspect what goes on behind closed doors of her home. Lucy hides it well. Or so she thinks.

When three domestic abuse offenders are found beaten to death, DC Maggie Jamieson knows she is facing her toughest case yet.

The police suspect that Probation Officer Lucy Sherwood – who is connected to all three victims – is hiding a dark secret. Then a fourth domestic abuser is brutally murdered. And he is Lucy’s husband. Now the finger of suspicion points at Lucy and the police are running out of time. Can Maggie and her team solve the murders before another person dies? And is Lucy really a cold-blooded killer?

I love how the author weaved together a gripping story and with different characters and various backgrounds that really kept me guessing. I thought I might have figured it all out but I was wrong! This was a fast paced book that you can read in a couple of hours. Very good- I look forward to the author’s next novel!

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3.5 stars Lucy Sherwood is a probation officer who supervises domestic violence offenders. Which is ironic, as Lucy well knows, since she herself is a victim of an abusive husband. When first one, then two, then three domestic abusers are murdered--the situation for both the police and the probation department
becomes a pressure-cooker. The fourth murder finds Lucy as a suspect.

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To start with - thank you to Netgalley for the opportunity to read this brilliant debut. Thanks also to Noelle Holten for writing an awesome debut.

This is the start of a series in which DC Maggie Jamieson plays the main role. She is a feisty, easily likeable character and one who readers will enjoy following. This book was centred around the work of probation officer, Lucy Sherwood. It was great to have the perspective of a different service instead of the usual police procedural. It gave the book tremendous depth from the start.

The beginning of the book introduced new characters very quickly and it was difficult to keep up with all the new names and their stories. As the book progressed this became less of a problem as each character had their own voice and part to play. Lucy dealt with domestic violence abusers in the probation service and also lived with the reality of it at home. This was her secret though. And one she manages to keep almost throughout the book.

The character of her husband, Patrick Quinn is so well drawn by Noelle Holten that I challenge anyone to like him. He is thoroughly despicable and vile and a brilliant “baddie”. To reflect Lucy’s dread as he comes into the room, I found myself taking an extra breath as I was reading. Her escape into work each day was understandable. Her fear of leaving him was evident and played out well. It was an uncomfortable read on times but this was well written and not gratuitous in any way.

It was a good introduction to a new team, and one which I am looking forward to reacquainting with in Noelle’s next book. I hope Dr Kate Moloney is involved in the full series as her punk character was a lovely invention. It is great when a new series starts, particularly one that starts as well as this one. I am looking forward to DC Maggie Jamieson’s next adventure and hope that it lives up t9 the high expectations that this book has set.

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I couldn't believe this was a debut novel!!!!! You would seriously think this author has been writing for years. I read it in a day because once I started I couldn't put it down. Lucy has a great career and good friends, on the outside she looked so happy but on the inside she was a crumbling wreck, my heart ached for her. The story makes you feel every emotion possible. This is one of my top reads EVER and can't recommend it highly enough. If I could give more than 5 stars, I would.

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Dead Inside was an amazing debut book, I was so excited to read it, The story wasn't at all predictable which made the ending more of a shock, I enjoyed this boon very much and looking forward to the next one.

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This is a real matchstick holding up eyelids read, from the opening page to the very end you just dont want to put down.... who knows what happens behind closed doors and how can you deal with battered wives when your husband treats you like your clients !!!!

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Complex story focussing on mental and physical abuse. We read it from a police view,victims view and the abusers view. Lots of twists and surprising turns.

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I first read the blurb for this cracking thriller back in July at the Harrogate Crime Festival and from then I have been waiting impatiently to read it. And now I have read it, it certainly didn't disappoint. A gripping plot with suspects galore. A different perspective in a crime thriller was the involvement of the Probation Service which I found very interesting. A well written thriller. I look forward to reading the next in this brilliant new series.

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This is a very intriguing debut novel covering a very difficult issue. I enjoyed meeting Maggie Jamieson for the first time and hope we'll learn more about her in future books. Lucy's story was heartbreakingly sad and unfortunately very credible. All in all a fascinating start to what I'm sure will be a long writing career for Ms Holton

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Wow what a great read
How could a person that three men were killed
DC Maggie Jamieson has to try
The Probation officer Lucy Sherwood is called because she knows them
Then her husband is killed and the police think that she might be a killer
I had an ARC from Killer Reads

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I absolutely loved this book, the brilliant storyline had me glued to my kindle, I can't recommend it highly enough and can't wait for the next in the series

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I think this one deserves to start with a little EEEEEKKKK! As one of Noelle's beta readers for this book, when I came to read the final version, it was my third time reading the book but you know what, that prologue reaches out and grabs me by the throat EVERY single time! #KillerHookAlert going on here! It is authentic, it is vivid and it is sickeningly terrifying!
It is hard to believe that Dead Inside is a debut novel; a hard hitting story of domestic abuse and murder, with a cast of completely relatable and engaging characters and a nail-biting plot, this one will keep you turning the pages way after bedtime!
It was impossible not to be moved by Lucy Sherwood's plight, by day she is a respected Probation Officer but at home she is a shadow of herself cowed by her abusive husband, Patrick. It’s a fantastic portrayal of domestic abuse and shatters the myth that abuse only happens to a certain section of society. It also addresses that whole issue of "why doesn't she just leave" underlying the many reasons why people stay in abusive relationships. It had me crying for Lucy but cheering her on at the same time. I loved watching Lucy with her colleagues and her developing relationships with others she meets at work; it was easy to see the woman she could be without Patrick controlling her. The whole time though, "what if Patrick finds out" was running through my head as I bit my nails down to the quick!
Now, Patrick- there are so many words I want to use for him but I'd probably get barred from everywhere! This guy made my skin crawl, he made my hackles rise and hell he made me want to reach into the pages and take him by the scrawny neck and...Ok so you get the picture? That's right I did not like this man! I felt so sorry for his kids and the damage he was doing to them. I really felt as though, I knew this guy, charming and manipulative when he wanted something and more than happy to justify his actions to suit his own twisted mind-set. There are so many Patricks out there in this world!
It's evident that the author has a working knowledge of the probation system and this shines through in her writing. You'd be hard pushed not to feel like you are smack bang in the midst of the criminal justice system such is the authenticity. It was refreshing to read the story from the Probation side of things, this is an area we don't often get to hear about in crime fiction and I'm looking forward to hearing more about the team as the series goes on.
With a whole host of characters it's impossible to talk about them all. There are a few familiar names there that might make you smile! A firm favourite of mine was DC Maggie Jamieson. Still reeling after the investigation into the brutal murders by psychopath, Bill Raven, we soon realise that Maggie's life isn't as clear cut as we might first believe when her brother gets in touch. Maggie has been moved over to the Domestic Abuse and Homicide Unit and is finding her feet and place within the team. Two of her colleagues, Mark Fielding and Kat Everett also made a huge impact on me. Oh Kat, she made me laugh with her straight talking and colourful language! Mark's view of domestic abuse offenders may not have been professional but they were totally understandable. He kind of warmed my heart a little and I'm dying to know how his friendship with Lucy plays out.
Of course it's not just about the characters, a multi layered plot gives the reader plenty to lap up. While we watch Lucy cope with the split between her private and professional life, Maggie Jamieson is caught up in a spate of murders. It's kind of hard to feel Sorry for the victims though especially when you know what they have been up to! It certainly gives you a little moral dilemma to chew over! There is more than enough here to keep the reader satisfied. Entirely topical in relation to domestic abuse but also relevant in times of multi-agency working and the communication issues faced, I was completely engrossed all the way through. And with an ending that promises and exciting follow up, this series is definitely one on my must read list!
From a gut punching prologue to a nail biting plot, sitting alongside a splendid cast of characters, Dead Inside is an outstanding debut from a writer who is sure to continue to wow us with her work! I don't know about anyone else but I am dying to read book number two already!
My review will be on my blog as part of the blog tour!

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What an amazing book. I was surprised that this was a debut novel.
There was lots of content in the book but it was so well written that it was easy to follow what was happening with each character.
It was not predictable at all and kept me guessing until the end of the book.
I can’t wait for the authors next book.

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Three men are murdered, all with a history of domestic abuse. DC Maggie Jamieson is on the hunt for a serial killer. But who are the real victims? Did the men get what they deserved?

An amazing thriller debut. I’m looking forward to reading book 2! It deals with tough situations and events very well and honestly. You can tell the author has strong experience in this field and it can’t through in her clear and believable writing.

My only negative was the sheer amount of characters - I had to keep going back to remember who was who! Siobhan, Shell, Sarah... it really threw me who was who for a bit, and that’s just the top of the iceberg.

Overall would totally recommend this to anyone looking for a new crime thriller series - a great beginning!

I received an ARC of this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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This is the first book in the DC Maggie Jamieson series, and also the first book by this author. Three domestic abuse offenders are found killed and Probation Officer, Lucy Sherwood is a connection between the three. Lucy though is hiding a dark secret from her friends and colleagues. Not only does she deal with domestic abuse offenders in her job, but she also experiences it first-hand from her husband at home. DC Maggie Jamieson is new to the domestic violence unit, and her first case is to try and find out who has beaten the offenders to death. When she discovers Lucy has dealt with them all she begins to wonder if Lucy is connected to their deaths….

This was a great debut novel and a fantastic start to the series! It was such a refreshing change to have a crime book that wasn’t just based on police procedurals but also seeing it from the other side of the fence with the Probation Service. I have never read a book where the Probation Service featured so prominently and it was completely mesmerising as to how that service worked. It’s obvious it’s not as easy as it seems! You can tell that the author has a background working for the Probation Service as everything to do with it appears so factually correct!

Lucy was an interesting character and my heart broke for her having to experience domestic violence at home and then deal with it at work also. She appeared on one hand to be your typical ‘beaten’ wife, thinking things will change and never quite plucking up the courage to speak up and tell somebody about what she had been experiencing. On the other hand though, you would never have said a professional woman in that job would be on the receiving end of abuse from her own husband. That for me was the scariest thing in that you can never tell just by looking at someone what is really going on behind closed doors. What was obvious though was that this, at some point, was going to have serious repercussions for Lucy, but how it actually all unravelled was shocking!

DC Maggie Jamieson is a great character and I look forward to more from her in future books. She is a clever woman, with good logical thinking and seems a welcome addition to the team. As the book, for me, focussed mainly on Lucy’s storyline, I didn’t feel as connected to Maggie as I wanted to, but hopefully in the next book we get to find out more about Maggie, both personally and professionally!

The book was a shocking look at domestic abuse and I won’t lie and say it’s been sugar coated, because it hasn’t! The language is appropriate to the storyline, but this and the story in general may be upsetting for some. It was really difficult to have any sympathy for the victims who had been killed, as some may say it was justice served! The majority of the other characters were all likeable and added depth to the story. It was most definitely a hard hitting book, but one that kept me turning the pages furiously! Would definitely recommend and I will be keeping my ears open for news of the next one!!

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This is a great debut novel, a real gritty storyline about domestic abuse which is unfortunately all too common in today’s society. I loved the way the story was portrayed and the effects that mental and physical abuse can have on a person. I also liked the way the story was told from different peoples perspectives. A brilliant book and I can’t wait to see what other books Noelle comes up with.

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I found this book quite hard going. It developed really slowly, and there was a lot of chapters dedicated to getting to know new characters. It felt like the first half of the book was just introducing all the main players.
There was also too much going on that the book couldn’t dedicate itself to being one type of book. There wasn’t enough time to completely emerge in the investigative side of the story, so we only see snippets of this. It also felt a little like a psychological thriller with what Lucy was going through. However, this was just a watered-down version of a PT. There wasn’t enough time to really get to know the ‘victims’. Even though we get introduced to all the characters, there wasn’t enough time to really get to know them.
In crime books, we the reader are usually along for the ride in unveiling who the killer or bad guy is. However, the investigation just felt a little bit half-hearted. The book was just spread too thin. It could have done with being either a longer book or cutting out some of the characters and could have been made more focused.
The best thing about the book was the small chapters, often only one or two minutes long. This really helped me move through the book at a decent pace. I could say I will just read another chapter as it is only small and then once finished still have time for another.
The ending was also quite good; I didn’t expect the dual aspect nor who was to blame for the killings. Overall, it wasn’t a terrible book, but it had a good premise and could have been so much better.

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An absolutely fierce debut book. Covering the gritty and often disturbing subject of domestic violence, this book also gives an educated insight into the difficulties faced by probation officers as they work diligently alongside the police. Whilst the overall story is that of a serial killer the multi agency approach adds real meat to the story. Looking forward to the next installment.

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Three men were murdered, and they all had two things in common: a history of domestic violence and Probation Officer Lucy Sherwood. DC Maggie Jamieson and her team are in the midst of their investigation when Lucy's husband becomes the fourth victim. Is it all a terrible coincidence, or is Lucy a killer? The team needs to solve these crimes, and soon... before someone else turns up dead.

I've had the pleasure of reading several unputdownable crime thrillers since I started book blogging, and I've come to have high expectations for novels in this genre. I want several characters who seem shady enough to be a viable suspect. I want to be shocked when something unexpected happens. Most importantly, I want to be surprised when the killer is revealed.

Holten's spectacular debut easily met all those expectations.

Dead Inside is a well written story told from multiple points of view, which I enjoyed because I like to get into the head of several characters. Getting into the heads of the abusive men in the story was disturbing at times, but the realistic portrayal of them was necessary to the story, in this reader's opinion.

I was somewhat taken aback to find myself feeling a momentary glimmer of sympathy after reading one of the victims final thoughts. That is something I wouldn't have thought possible as he had done something pretty awful in a previous chapter. I rarely feel anything other than disgust for such an unlikable character. For an author to make me feel compassion, instead, is quite impressive. Well done. Very well done!

The ending blew me away, knocked me off my feet, and now I'm dying to read book two of the series. I can't wait to see what comes next for DC Jamieson!

If you love crime thrillers and you're looking for a new author to read, I highly recommend this book... and I hope you love it as much as I did!

I received an advance reading copy of this book courtesy of Killer Reads via Netgalley.

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I can't believe that this is a debut!! I was totally hooked from the start and couldn't put it down. She has the ability to write such believable characters and story line that could have been a true story. It's difficult in places as it centres around domestic abuse but it's great that she has raised awareness about it too.
It was very important that she acknowledges everyone's experience will be different too. I think this book will be great as a crime thriller but it has the potential to turn someone's life around who maybe experiencing domestic abuse as it's the crippling shame and guilt that keeps women quiet and prevents them from getting support. Look forward to book No. 2!!

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