Member Reviews

Love a good sisterhood book!! This one will make you want to drop everything and move to the beach, for sure. Of course the saccharine quintessentials of the genre (it’s romance, after all) frustrated me, as usual.

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Really enjoyable, I can always count on Ms Hunter to write a captivating story. Had a hard time putting it down and was eager to see how everything would play out.

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In typical Denise Hunter fashion, this story pulled me right in and kept me absorbed to the last page. Three sisters, torn apart and estranged by past happenings, meet at their grandmother’s house when she disappears unexpectedly. Maddy, Emma, and Nora can barely tolerate each other but work together to find their grandmother and fix up her house. With a neighbor, Connor Sullivan, as a love interest and appealing hero, this story should appeal to those who enjoy clean contemporary romance. Themes of forgiveness, healing, and family are woven through the tale.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy from the publisher through NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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A fun summertime beach read. Muddy and her sisters, Emma and Nora are summoned to town when their grandmother goes missing. Handsome restaurant and marine owner Connor, sees about the elderly grandmother and is concerned when she goes missing. When the sisters arrive is quickly becomes obvious Emma and. Nora are still harboring grudges against each other from times past. The trio does u it’s in their efforts to fix up and clean out grandma’s house. Each sister comes with problems in their personal lives, from martial issues to jobs lost. Connor convinces Mandy to work to help manage his restaurant when his manager has to suddenly leave. Connor has hidden heartache as well, after losing his wife three years ago.

Once grandma returns, and a hurricane approaches, family secrets from past generations suddenly arise as truths and hurt feelings come to the surface.

Can each sister overcome hero’s heartache and reunite with their family, and other loved ones? Can anyone have a second chance at love?

Thank you to the author for an ARC. This review is my honest opinion

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This book portrays why Denise Hunter’s voice is such a strong one in the Christian Fiction world.

The sweet, small town vibes blend perfectly with the heart (and soul) deep themes of redemption, second chances, and the bonds of family through the trials of time.

I highly recommend this precious standalone. Especially for a beach read.

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Denise Hunter writes the absolute best romance novels. Everything about these novels that is heartfelt and touching. Her characters are realistic and relatable, and the settings make me want to be right there with them. Hunter's books are far and away better than many other books in this category.

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Take a trip to the beach with Denise Hunter’s newest release, Summer by the Tides. A coastal beach town, sisterly relationships in need of mending, and of course, sweet, sweet romance… This book has the makings of a delightful beach read, not to be skipped this summer.

Reeling from a betrayal that hurt both romantically and professionally, Maddie Monroe heads to Sea Haven, North Carolina when she hears (from the handsome neighbor, naturally) that her grandmother is missing. Little did she know, this trip is exactly what she needs.

Sea Haven offers the perfect venue for sorting through issues, like Maddie’s distrust of men, and mending long-fractured familial relationships. It’s heartwarming to see the drama play out—secrets uncovered, truths acknowledged—as Maddie reconnects with her sisters and gets to know Connor Sullivan pretty well, too, in the process.

If you’re in need of a solid contemporary romance this summer—no matter where you’re reading—I highly recommend Summer by the Tides.

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I received a copy of this arc from NetGalley for an honest review. A fun summer read for those looking for an escape.

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SUMMER BY THE TIDES reeled me in from the very first page. The characters made me feel at home, and the descriptions of the shore made me feel like I was there. The community of Sea Haven, North Carolina is a place I wouldn’t mind visiting.

When sisters, Maddy, Nora, and Emma all get calls from their grandmother’s worried neighbor, Connor, they go racing to her beach house. The sisters are worried when they can’t locate her, especially since there are some things in her home that are amiss. As they work together to locate their grandmother, they remember fond summer memories.

Now estranged, the sisters are also harboring secrets, which never bodes well. Their grandmother’s neighbor isn’t what they expected, and Maddy dislikes him on sight. But things seem to change as they get to know one another.

The story is a little choppy at times, going from past to present and back again. There are often hints about what has come between the sisters, but it takes a long time to reveal the truth. I liked the family dynamics between the sisters and their feisty grandmother as well as Connor and his sisters. The characters all had a depth to them, and we learn about them a little at a time.

There is definite chemistry between Maddy and Connor. I enjoyed watching the girls fix up their grandmother’s home along with Connor’s help. Emma’s dog is a nice addition to the story as well. The story ends nicely. I only wish the epilogue could have continued on a little bit more.

Ms. Hunter is an author whose books I enjoy. They all have a small town feel with lots of family dynamics and friendships and lean toward Christian fiction. I look forward to reading what she writes next.


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This was one of those books that I picked up late at night because I couldn't sleep, and then stayed up 3 hours until I read the entire thing. As someone who is typically NOT a fan of Christian romance, Denise Hunter has a way of tangling me up in a story to the point that I feel as though I actually know the characters as living people.

Well worth picking up....though I recommend not staying up until 2 am reading it. =)

Thank you Netgalley for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.

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With a cover that says summer and a title that brings memories of times at the beach, Summer by the Tides by Denise Hunter was a nice summer read, although it wasn't my favorite book by the author. Denise Hunter has quickly become one of my favorite authors, and while this story was good, it didn't captivate me the way most of her other books have.

Besides being a Denise Hunter book, I was drawn to this story because of the mystery of the missing grandmother. I was excited to see Hunter weaving a bit of a mystery into her story. Once I started on the story, however, I found out that the book wasn't as much a search for finding the grandmother as it was about the sisters coming together.

While still an interesting story, it didn't engage me the way other books by Hunter have. It still made for a nice read, and I'm excited for what Hunter will release next.

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This story started off slow but, something brought me back to it time and time again. Eventually after I had the lay of the land I was able to connect with the characters and the story. I am glad I did not give up on this story.

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When Connor Murphy is concerned that his elderly neighbor has gone missing, he calls her granddaughters to notify them, but he has no idea of the trouble that is brewing. When Maddy Monroe receives this phone call from Connor on the same day she loses her boyfriend and her job, she feels like life has spiraled out of control. When Maddy arrives at her grandmother’s beach house, she is surprised to be joined by her older sisters, Nora and Emma. It is anything other than a happy reunion, but each sister seems compelled to stay in Sea Haven until their grandmother returns safely. Can the sisters forgive the pain and betrayal in their past and open up their hearts for the future?

Denise Hunter, the author has written a story that faces the reality of many families, in a way that makes the reader want to know what has happened, but more than just wanting to know their past, you want to know what is going to happen to Connor, Maddy, Nora, and Emma. I enjoyed each of the characters and could relate to most of them. I enjoyed the interactions of Maddy and Connor, it was very realistic and fun to read. I would love to hear more of Nora and Emma’s perspective. The Monroe sisters’ story is compelling and demonstrative of how secrets from your past can haunt you and shape your future if they are not exposed to the truth. I would love to see a sequel to Summer By The Tides that continues this family’s journey to healing. I would love to hear more of Nora and Emma’s perspective.

I received an advance copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. This in no way influenced my review, all opinions expressed are my own.

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This is a beach read must for this year! Although, if you’re like me, and there are no beaches nearby, anywhere is good 🙂 It’s got something for everyone. Great location, cute puppy, romance, family relationships, betrayal, faith and forgiveness. Not to mention a cute grandmother that has a little sneaky side to her!

I know that Hunter is a masterful romance writer. It’s one of the reasons I like her books so much. But what really captured my attention in this novel was the relationship between the three sisters. There were some laugh out loud moments, but also some serious moments that really touched my heart. Something big happened between them years ago (don’t want to spoil it) and to see how each sister acts and reacts towards the other was so interesting. To make things even more interesting, each sister is hiding something. One secret I figured out pretty quickly, but one was a total surprise (even though I suspected something). Seeing the sisters have to come together and work through their differences was really what kept my attention the most.

That’s not to say I didn’t enjoy Cooper and Maddy, because I certainly did. Their relationship was different then most. They had an honesty to them that I totally appreciated. Any time there seemed to be miscommunication, they weren’t afraid to bring it up or confront the other. In most relationships you see one of them get upset, think the wrong thing, and then they either ignore each other or fight for a period of time. I found Cooper and Maddy rather refreshing.

The bottom line is that once again, Denise Hunter brings a story that will put a smile on the face of readers, and leave them wanting more. I have never been disappointed in a book by Hunter, and this is no exception. I imagine this will be on summer to read lists all over, and rightly so!

I received a complimentary copy of this book. I was not required to write a favorable review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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To be honest, I just... didn't love this one. I've read one of Denise Hunter's books before (On Magnolia Lane) and completely devoured it + loved it, but Summer by the Tides fell quite a bit shy of my expectations. Let's start off with the main character, Maddy Monroe. She and her two estranged sisters meet at the family beach house to try to find out about their grandmother, who appears to have gone missing. Connor, Gram's neighbor, enters the picture to help out. I didn't start off loving any of the characters, though I didn't truly dislike any of them, and only Gram ended up growing on me -- though I didn't appreciate her efforts to set up Maddy and Connor. I also found the romance aspect of the book to be unrealistic and the romance itself felt contrived and unnatural. I did love how the family did end up loving each other by growing and working through their struggles, which I don't think is something our world sees enough of, so kudos to Hunter for that / the faith aspect of the book. 3 stars.

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I adore Denise Hunter's writing, and Summer by the Tides is no exception. Maddy's grandmother goes missing from her home on the coast of North Carolina, and Maddy finds out when her grandmother's neighbor, Connor, calls her. Maddy leaps into action, and when she arrives, find that her sisters Nora and Emma are also en route.
Maddy and her sisters have to do their best tolerating each other while they wait on updates on their grandmother. While they sift through memories in their grandmother's home, they work to process the secrets, from both the past and present, they uncover in the process.

This stand-alone is a wonderful summer read.

I already want to reread Summer by the Tides, since I flew through it the first time.

I was given a copy of this book. A positive review was not required, and the opinions here are my own.

Now, go read this book.

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SUMMER BY THE TIDES is a highly anticipated release for Christian romance fans. Hunter does an excellent job with her fully-fleshed, complex characters and a story that will pull on readers' hearts from beginning to end.

I knew after the first chapter that this story was going to be quite an emotional ride. The story mostly focuses on Maddy and Connor and the romance that develops between them (with plenty of chemistry and swoon-worthy moments), but it's about so much more than that. It's about fear, mistakes, forgiveness, and family. Maddy is stuck in the middle of her two older and estranged sisters. With all three of them staying at their grandmother's beach house where all the trouble started, they end up rehashing old grudges. The hope is that somehow they can find reconciliation, but it's a long ways off.

I really liked these characters, particularly Connor. He easily won me over and was the bright spot in all the mess. The other sisters had so many issues and fears and it was hard sometimes to always feel empathy for them when they were acting so childish and giving in to anger and fear so easily. A lot of it was hypocritical too - they were so judgmental of each other but not willing to change themselves. I particularly had issues with Emma (did she ever think that maybe her sister saved her from a cheater and terrible husband - and she's remarried, but can't seem to focus on that instead of her past?), and with Maddy who was so afraid and in denial that she was always sabotaging herself. I think the story felt heavy and more dramatic with these sisters than what I was expecting, which made it feel a tad overdone. Thank goodness for Connor and for the girls' grandma. I really enjoyed the romance and the inspirational aspects that lightened the story and brought some good introspective moments.

In the end, was it what I wished for? I enjoyed this book, particularly the romantic storyline, and am looking forward to more from this author.

Content: Some innuendo and references to affairs, but clean.
Source: I received a complimentary copy from the publisher through JustReadTours, which did not require a positive review nor affect my review in any way.

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Summer by the Tides is the perfect summer read! While it is an easy, beach read it also has a great storyline and I felt for the characters deeply.

I loved how each of the sisters had something they were going through that the others didn't know. There were some bitter feelings from the past and it made for tension which made the ending even better. I also loved the romance; Connor was a wonderful hero and it was sweet to see their relationship grow.

All in all, Summer by the Tides was a fantastic read. I recommend it if you enjoy contemporary romance.

*Disclosure of Material Connection: I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention/review it on my blog. I was not required to give a positive review, only my honest opinion - which I've done. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own and I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.*

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What can I say…another charming read from Denise Hunter. This is probably my favorite book so far. I just knew when I started this book, this was going to be a good one. Summer by the Tides captures your heart with a story of three sisters who past has haunted them, forgiveness and finding love when you least expect it.

Let’s begin with Maddy. After being betrayed by her boyfriend and her job, she get an unexpected message about her grandmother being missing and heads out to her beach house in Sea Haven. Surprised to see her sisters Nora and Emma, they got the same message and went there as well. There is a bit of a backstory between Nora and Emma, not going to spoil it for you but makes the book very interesting. All I’m going to tell you is that the last time they were here at this house, it change there lives forever.

During this time, as they go through the house, memories and mementos bring back the past. Buried secrets come to light with as their past and present rewrite their family’s story. Will they let history repeat itself or will they change the narrative to write another chapter. So much happening in this story that makes you realize how precious time is, especially with family.

Honestly, I took my time with this one because I didn’t want it to end. I loved everything from the sisters, the grandmother and the budding romance between Maddy and Connor. Both have some issues that make it tough but you really want to see them have a hea. Like I said before, after reading this one, I have to say this is my current favorite. If you are a fan of Denise than you will love this one. Here’s another good one to add to the list.

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I was given an advanced copy of this book for my honest review.

What an amazing book! Family drama, job losses, and falling in love all in one book. Maddy and Connor quickly became who I was rooting for in this book. A job well done by Denise Hunter, I could not put this book down. I can not wait to find more of her books.

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