Cover Image: Summer by the Tides

Summer by the Tides

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I am a huge fan of Denise Hunter's novels and her newest one coming out in May 2019 did not disappoint. When I am looking for a light hearted book, or a sweet love story, I turn to her work. Summer by the Tides tells the story of Maddy and her two sisters. The past tore them apart and when their grandmother goes missing, they return to their grandmother's home, the place where everything fell apart and find a way to make amends.

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A quick and enjoyable summer read, even though I read it in winter!

While there is a romance, family, secrets and betrayal are at the heart of this novel. The characters are likeable and the setting perfect for escapist beach reading.

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Gorgeous cover & intriguing title, 'Summer by the Tides' was an obvious pick for me. Who doesn't love the idea of a beach cottage on the Carolina coastline? Summer's spent idling the time away with the locals, savoring everything as a get away from the world. However, it isn't so easy breezy as it would appear. With flashbacks to their younger years, these three sisters thrown together upon the sudden disappearance of their Grandma - don't want to be in the same state as each other let alone the same house. What tore this family apart, and what big secrets are they hiding now? Next door neighbor Connor drew them together, and it seems he's feeling just a little bit agitated by the youngest of the three, Maddy.

While I wondered at times the extent of the drama and difficulties these ladies had faced over the years, it seemed a little far fetched. Almost too much - but it is balanced out by the easy going and loving family that Connor's exemplifies. The contrast is clear. His inner strength and faith despite the trials he has suffered is endearing and I loved his character. There's a yearning for Connor & Maddy to find the peace they are both seeking. It's a tender story in many places - all the while giving you the feel you are there, feeling the sand between the toes with the warm breeze coming in off the Atlantic.

Beautiful story, really hoping it's not a standalone. Different angle with the major characters being a lot older than usual. I first discovered this author via her Nantucket Island stories. It feels so good to be back by the Ocean. Loved it!

Thanks to Thomas Nelson for the eARC. This is my honest review.

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I really enjoyed this book! It was different than Denise Hunters normal formula for a love story, but I liked it! Having a story with not just the characters falling in love, but also with the three sisters relationships gave the book some depth and kept me interested and engaged until the last page. Well done!!

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I enjoy Denise Hunter’s books a lot, particularly her older ones. I liked this book in a new setting and will be interested to see if it becomes a series!

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Maddy Monroe had hopes of becoming a manager in the beautiful, large restaurant she worked. She believed Nick would love her in return and they could have a life together. In one disastrous day, Maddy's world fell apart. She left work crying without saying a word. At home she changed and dug in the garden pulling weeds cursing about the entire episode. She hadn't noticed her phone; it's messages or the texts. After sleeping through the night and most of the next day her best friend Holly started banging on the door. Friends are there whenever you need them and Holly was not leaving Maddy. When she discovered that the phone was turned off she gave her friend a word about not ever turning it off. Once messages were read and phone calls answered Maddy learns her Gram in Sea Haven, North Carolina has disappeared. She packed bags, loaded the car and drove the 4 hours to the cottage. Upon arrival she meets with Gram's neighbor, Connor who had called her. Gram's car was there, her dishes still on the table, but no Gram. Maddy's sisters soon arrived to help find their grandmother. Although the three sisters were less than friends despite being family they spent the next weeks trying to find Gram. Why doing so they decided to set the cottage to rites by painting, cleaning and readying it for sale as their Gram had wanted. The story continues to solve the Monroe family struggles as well as Connor and his sisters.
It's an entertaining journey learning of the families and their lives in Sea Haven, North Carolina. It is a different tale than the series books that I have read from Denise Hunter before. I enjoyed it. It was a pleasant read.
I thank the Thomas Nelson of HarperCollins Christian Publishing for providing me with a pre-release copy,

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The story was way too predictable--I guessed the gist of each mysterious secret hidden in the family, and usually was spot on. Nothing came as a surprise. But I still enjoyed the story and liked how realistic the romantic conflict felt, and I loved how much the story was focused on family. Though, I do hate how rarely the two best friend characters showed up, and how little we thought of Holly at the end. And I'm very tired of the "I thought your sister was your lover" trope. But, again, it was an enjoyable story, and I don't regret reading it.

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Three sisters are thrown back together by their missing aunt in this relationship reconstruction story. Two of the sisters have not spoken in twenty years over a love gone bad. They have refused to reconcile. Their aunt is AWOL and it all seems like a plot to get the sisters together in one place to mend fences and finally move forward as the close sisters they once were.

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I have always loved Denise Hunter's books and Summer by the Tides is no exception. I loved all the characters and the realness of their struggles. I was wishing I could meet them all on that stretch of beach. I highly recommend this book!!

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Maddy Monroe’s once perfect life, now seems in shambles. When she receives a phone call from her grandmother’s neighbor, Connor Murphy, alerting her that her grandmother is missing, she has no choice but to go to Sea Haven, North Carolina. Not only has Connor called her, but her two sisters who are on less than good terms. All three women must come together to find their grandmother.
As the sisters work together to help their grandmother, secrets begin to reveal themselves. Not only have the sisters been secrets from each other, but they find they have been surrounded by secrets their whole lives.
My Thoughts:
I found this story to be enthralling. I fell in love with the characters and wasn’t quite ready to say good-bye to them. I found myself connecting with each of them in a way that I hadn’t expected. The story line provided me when a variety of conflicts that allowed me to stay emotionally invested in the book. It seemed I was turning pages faster than I could read them because I wanted to find out what happened next. I had to force myself to slow down. This story has become one of my favorites by the author, Denise Hunter. I would give this book five stars.
I received an eArc copy of the title from the publisher via NetGalley for purpose of honest review. I was not compensated for this review.

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I loved this novel. It has it all.
It begins with the three sisters reuniting, all with secrets and past hurts that complicate their relationships with each other. So it seems to be a women’s fiction book. But then come Connor and Maddy discovering that their first impressions of each other weren’t correct and romance begins to grow. Add a clever loving grandmother to the mix and it makes for a wonderful lesson of truth and redemption.
There are so many layers in this book. Denise shows totally all the flaws and problems of all the characters. This enabled me to get to know and feel for the characters. And every one of them has secrets, these people and things are not as they seem on the outside.
This is a novel with betrayal, family tension, marital strife, estrangement and secrets. But it is not a heavy read. It is full of hope for the future and new beginnings. I truly enjoyed it. It is one of my favorites that she had written.
I was given a copy to read by NetGalley and Thomas Nelson (thank you) but the opinions are entirely my own.

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Loved, loved, loved everything about this book! It’s the perfect summer read. Just the right amount of romance, great setting, well-developed characters, tension resolved—this book has it all. Highly recommended. Denise Hunter fans will love it.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from Thomas Nelson through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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I received a free advance copy of this book from Thomas Nelson Publishing on Net Galley. Denise Hunter is one of my favorite Christian Romance writers. This book was the best so far of all the books she has written, This story about how a grandmother plots to get the 3 sisters together is the best.. I am not going to spoil it for you .I highly recommend that you get this book and read it for yourself.

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Maddy’s world fell as she heard the announcement, of the promotion she. didn’t get. General manager was retiring, and she was his assistant, Nick thenbeverage manger pursued her, till she finally excepted a date, and continued for six months. She played right into his plan and his promotion , not hers. She had been getting text messages and finally listened and found that her grandmother was missing. Conner been going over there and doing work for her. Finding three days of newspapers. Her sister Emma was flying in, then Nora and she were coming. The last summer they were there things were not what they should of been. To find the secrets that have been held. A time for
the three girls, to realize that resentment, jealousy was keeping them apart. For them to realize they were adults And excepting them to have and make their own decisions. Interesting of family secrets, learning forgiveness, and being excepted as a unique individual, Given ARC for my voluntary review and my honest opinion by Net Galley and. Thomas Nelson

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SUMMER BY THE TIDES by DENISE HUNTER is a romance novel in which the author digs deep into each character, uncovering their flaws and strengths. We see how keeping secrets, even if the motive seems right, never pays out in the end, and it is only when we allow the truth to come out that there is a measure of freedom. Of course, true freedom only comes when we hand everything over to the Lord Jesus and walk in forgiveness and truth with one another. I like the way Emma says that it is easier to forgive someone who has hurt you than it is to trust them again!
When the three Monroe girls, Maddy, Emma and Nora, rush to Seahaven to look for their Gram, who seems to have gone missing, they are all hiding something. When their Gram comes back they find out that she and their parents were also hiding things from them. Will they each be able to let go of their sense of betrayal, or will the past continue to hold them captive?
In spite of the seriousness of the issues addressed in this novel, there is a lightness about it and a sense of hope and redemption. I can highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys a good romance with a meaningful story.
I was given a free copy of the book by NetGalley from Thomas Nelson. The opinions in this review are completely my own.

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I had a really difficult time getting into this story. It was all over the place for a while, and then finally settled into a nice pace. The sisters definitely have their issues, and I love how their grandma played her hand! Boys, naturally, stir a lot of emotions amongst the sisters.....both in the present day and past narratives. The blossoming romance comes as no surprise, but is still sweet to watch unfold.

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