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Packaged Husband

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Another great read by a talented author I really enjoyed reading it and will definitely read more and recommend reading it

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3 stars
Packaged Husband was good, but not my favorite. I liked Owen, but at times I wanted to strangle him. He was so uptight and old fora 40 year old. I wanted to shake him. The book was a rollercoaster for me. One min Was loving Owen and the next I was hating him for his behavior.

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I have read all the books in Noelle Adams Trophy Husbands series, but this is my favorite one!!

Chelsea is the youngest of three girls raised by their grandpa, "Pop", after their parents died. She has always been known as the pretty one and has been treated as a spoiled princess. Having never worked a job, or no real credentials, she's having a problem finding a job. She wants to get out from under Pop's thumb and live her own life without strings. When she is given an opportunity to help one of her brother in law's friends, Owen, with his image, she reaches out.

Owen is in need of a re-image of himself and his family's clothing store. He is on the nerdy side, a bit quiet, and very behind with trends in fashion. He sets up a meeting with Chelsea to feel her out on what she could do for him. At the meeting, Owen is very quiet and shy. For a multimillionaire, I found this refreshing. He was in awe of Chelsea and she had him in knots! Usually heroes are all alpha on the heroine, and I liked that Owen let Chelsea take the reigns!

Noelle is the queen of the contract marriage troupe and she does especially well with Packaged Husband! I loved how their instant attraction naturally led to a relationship that felt real and relatable. Told from Chelsea's point of view, I would've liked a bit of insight as to what was going on in Owen's head! Owen was harder to get a read on, but the slow simmer they had going was enticing to read! Chelsea really showed what her strong suit was and Owen embraced her abilities from the start. Yes, we have some angsty times, but overall I enjoyed this couples journey!

I voluntarily reviewed a gifted copy of this book from NetGalley. The rating and review are my opinion.

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Chelsea is known as the pretty sister. She has no marketable skills, nothing beyond her degree. She wants to prove to her Pop and sisters that she can make a life of her own, so with a referral, she sends her resume to Owen, a man in need of some makeovers, both of himself, and more importantly, for his company. She throws in a marriage of convenience suggestion just to catch his attention in her pitch, and she's completely surprised when he brings it up himself. Who knew her throwaway suggestion would actually turn out the way it does?

I thought this was such a sweet, sexy read. Owen, although a couple decades older than Chelsea, and hopelessly behind the times, is absolutely adorable. It was so obvious how much he thought of Chelsea, and she herself was a bit oblivious, even though that was what she accused him of, because it was obvious how much he cared about her even though she had no idea. I've read a couple of this author's previous stories, but I definitely like this one the best so far. Owen and Chelsea make for a wonderful couple - sweet, and perfectly matched, odd as they appear on paper.

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Packed with flirtious banter and lighthearted humour, “Packaged Husband” is a rom-com that cleverly written, refreshing and just plain entertaining. Noelle Adams has her characters flawlessly oscillate between sweet and sexy in a way only she can write and it’s a rom-com magic in my opinion and I just fall more in love with this author and her books and definitely has me coming back for more each and every time. Absolutely recommend

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this was really cute. i didn't love it *as* much as the first two, but it was still cute and fun. i liked Owen, but I struggled a bit with Chelsea. i did like the little twist on the plot this time, because if it was the exact same as the first 2, it would be a bit much. the ending was adorable and Owen is so swoony. overall this was just super sweet, cute, predictable-in-a-good-way and i am excited that there will be one more book in the series!

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This old fuddy duddy found herself a mess reading this book. I'm not sure why but it hit me hard. I had tears in my eyes and felt it as much as Chelsea.

I will be honest that I wasn't so sure how it was going to work. This slightly unrealistic chance that all three arranged marriages would work out. But I don't read the genre for realism, I read it for a story. I read it for feels, smiles, and hopefully a happily ever after. You will get all that and more reading Packaged Husband.

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I missed the first book in this series but I loved this book and the second.

This family is so interesting. These three sisters have all entered into fake relationships for vastly different but sort of similar reasons. I loved Chelsea and Owen. They way their relationship grows and the interactions between them.

I loved the interactions between Chelsea and her family. But even more than that, I loved the way that Owen always stood up for her, even when she didn't think he needed to. I definitely need to go back and read the first book in this series so I can visit this family again.

*This is my voluntary review of an advanced reader copy*

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Chelsea offered to help Owen masterson repackage his image to attract higher profile designers for partnership with Mastersons Department Stores. Chelsea felt after twenty four years of being the pretty one was getting old. Melissa was the one who makes things happen without even trying. Sam was the smart one. . Chelsea was the youngest and spoiled one- the pretty one. The spoiled princess, Chelsea can be counted on to look good and most people don’t try to look beyond that. Pop was her grandfather He founded a successful regional chain of restaurants - Pop’s Home cooking. Pop is the only family the sisters have since their parents died when Chelsea was eight . Chelsea admits to being spoiled and doesn’t try to deny it. But it’s time now for chelsea to live her own life. Pop was old fashioned as they come. Chelsea doesn’t have much of a temper. She’s a good natured person. She likes to laugh and understand people. Chelsea’s best friend is Eva who she had known since kindergarten. She called after lunch with Pop, she went shopping but bought nothing as she wanted to find the right dress for her interview with Owen. when eva asked what happened at lunch Chelsea just said Pop was disappointed she didn’t find a good job and disappointed in everything else about her. He also said Chelsea wasn’t grown up enough to get a husband. Owen tells her at her interview he would like Chelsea to be his trophy wife for one year if not that he would take the three month dating contract she had made up. Chelsea and owen go on a month of dates than take off to vegas to get married to make it look romantic . Chelsea even had Owen sing her Can’t Help Falling In Love With You and recorded it on her phone to show designers Owen wasn’t an old fuddy duddy.
I loved this story.It was a fast paced, sweet, romantic love story with just the right amount of anst. Definitely a new favorite of mine. I loved the plot also. I loved how Owen changed especially with Chelsea as the had more time together. I also loved the ending. I also loved the relationship chelsea had with her two sisters as well as Eva. I loved the characters and the ins and outs of this book including the couple of twists and I highly recommend it. .

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3.5 stars--PACKAGED HUSBAND is the third instalment in Noelle Adams’ contemporary, adult TROPHY HUSBANDS erotic, romance series. This is forty-one year old, businessman Owen Masterson, and twenty-four year old Chelsea Greyson’s story line. PACKAGED HUSBAND can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous instalments is revealed where necessary.

Told from first person point of view (Chelsea) PACKAGED HUSBAND follows the marriage of convenience between forty-one year old, businessman Owen Masterson, and twenty-four year old Chelsea Greyson. Owen Masterson needs a total make-over: from fashion to hair-cut, attitude and emotion, Owen’s outward appearance is a direct representation of the family owned business Masterson’s Department Stores, a business caught in a time-loop, barely able to survive. Enter twenty-four year old Chelsea Greyson, the youngest granddaughter of Pop’s Greyson, and a woman struggling to find her place in the world. Knowing Owen is desperate, Chelsea offers to become Owen’s wife, an offer with an expiry date after one year. What ensues is the slow building and awkward relationship between Owen and Chelsea, and the potential fall-out as Owen panics when his feelings become real.

The relationship between Chelsea and Owen begins as a business arrangement. Chelsea has no experience in the working world, and offers herself up to be the store’s latest intern. As the weeks turn into months, feelings develop between our leading couple, feelings that may not be reciprocated –in one way or another. The $ex scenes are intimate, passionate and intense without the use of over the top, sexually graphic language and text.

We are re-introduced to Chelsea’s sisters and their significant others: Trevor and Melissa (Part-Time Husband #1) Hunter and Samantha (Practice Husband #2), as well as their grandfather Pops Greyson, and Chelsea’s best friend Eva.

PACKAGED HUSBAND is a story of family, friendship, desperation and love. Owen’s cold demeanor, and lack of any personality is less than engaging-even our heroine calls him ‘grandpa’ and ‘old fuddy-duddy’, and in this Owen is a difficult character to like or get to know. The premise is entertaining; the romance struggles in the face of misperception, misunderstandings, and the lack of knowledge about one another; the characters battle issues of self-esteem, issues that are continuously reinforced throughout the story. PACKAGED HUSBAND is some-what heart-breaking in that Chelsea Greyson is hoping for love while Owen Masterson, out of touch with the real world, is oblivious to his wife’s fracturing heart.

Copy supplied by Netgalley





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Absolutely loved this book. I have been reading this series since the first book, and this one is sooo good the emotions are intense and the heartbreak is even greater. I can not wait to see what is yet to come with this series!

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As the youngest Greyson, Chelsea has had enough and desperately wants out from under her grandfather's control. Problem is all she knows is fashion and how to behave properly in any situation. Can she spin that into a carrier? Owen Masterson will definitely be a test. Talk about no social skills. Then he throws the craziest proposition her way and things really get wild.

This was a fun read with some very intriguing characters. The writing is excellent and the author did a great job of giving a common trope a fresh look. I definitely recommend this one.

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This is the third in a series about sisters who all end up with "marriages of convenience." I have not read the other books in the series, but this still made sense to me as a stand-alone.

Chelsea is the youngest sister, "the pretty one" and looking for a job for the first time at 24. She offers to help Owen, her brother-in-law's friend "repackage" himself and his store to attract a younger, hipper clientele. This book didn't really work for me. The major conflict between them is that they are terrible at communicating with each other. I guess it's because of the huge gap in their ages---he's 41. But BOTH of them are terrible at talking to each other, and even when he can tell something is wrong and encourages her to talk to him, she defaults back to keeping quiet about things that bother her.

Chelsea didn't really feel like a fully formed character---the whole point of the story is that she wants to get a job and fend for herself, but in the first half of the book, we see very little progress on that front. She takes Own suit shopping ONCE, she balks at being given a job by Owen, which is super confusing because the whole reason for their fake marriage is that she's going to help him revamp his business? So why wouldn't she embrace the opportunity to actually develop the job skills that she was so interested in at the beginning?

This is a sweet story, I guess. But there's very little development of what was supposed to be the major plot point (she repackages him), and all the conflict happens because they don't talk to each other.

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I was given an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest and independent review.
This is the 3rd book in the series, but they can all be read individually. What they have in common are that all of the male heroes are underneath their outer surfaces vulnerable characters and I liked that.
Lighthearted, romantic, sweet and easy to read. I really enjoyed this book.
4.5 stars

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Noelle Adams never holds back. She keeps it real when it comes to matters of the heart and healing of the soul. Through her characters she can deliver lessons of life, stories of hope and acts of courage without getting overly preachy and with a sense of humor. In Packaged Husband, an act of desperation has everlasting results for Chelsea and Owen. The key to understanding an Adams novel is to listen with your heart.

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4 stars.
So fun!!!
I had previously read the second book in this three book series- involving three sisters that each in turn enter into a fake marriage for a variety of reasons. Now having read this one also, I am pretty impressed with how entertaining and delightful a job Noelle Adams has managed to achieve with this particular trope.
I will in fact be jumping back at some point to read the first one that I somehow missed out on as I am in no doubt that it will be equally as enjoyable.

I feel like they definitely seem to have a little bit of a "tongue in cheek" sort of style to them, which I really do like.
I loved the MC's. I have never met a character quite like Chelsea (she's different, thats for sure) and Owen was so very easy to love.
Great book, no repackaging required.
What I really liked best about this book and also this author is how well the story and the writing just really flows- before I knew it I was up until 2am finishing this book. Honestly, I am not even sure where the time went.
Now I think about it I am fairly sure that I have read all her books in one sitting, also a good thing IMO.

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Packaged Husband was too typical for my taste. It's a cute story with fun characters, and fans of this series will enjoy this one. It's just not for me, though.

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Chelsea and Owen: what to say that hasn't been said before? It's basically the same dynamic from the first 2 books. No/lacking communication breaks down a perfectly good relationship that started as a business deal and became love.

Owen messes up. Chelsea gets upset. He fixes it. Happily ever after.

I generally love Noelle Adams books because they are easy romantic reads. Despite the similarities, for example, I binged her recent Christmas series. But the Trophy Husbands series has just been too similar across the books for my taste. I needed something a little different, especially since Chelsea is very different from her sisters.

Ah well, can't love them all, I guess. I can still love Adams' style and read other of her books. I'm seriously looking at her upcoming series inspired by Jane Austen books.

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Chelsea and Owen's story is a quick read. The premise is not as believable as some of Adam's other books, but the two leads are likable once you really get into the book. The HEA is satisfying and the fourth installment in the series should be an interesting read.

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Chelsea is out to find a job. She has lived off her Poppy's fortune all her life- she even admits she is a princess of sorts. With no formal education or job experience, she is unable to secure a job. Through a friend, she finds out the owner of the Masterson's Department stores is in need or repackaging. He is older and needs to attract more modern designers to his stores, but has been unable to appeal to them. Perhaps Chelsea could teach him how to act and dress more modern like and repackage his life and his stores in the process?

What starts as a one year job gets complicated fast. See, Owen Masterson wants a trophy wife for a year who will help him make the changes he needs to make. Soon, emotions are flying, sex is on the menu, and inevitably, these two characters are dealing with more than they signed up for.

Loved it! Loved the writing, the plotline, and how engrossing this relationship becomes!

I am voluntarily reviewing this book. Thanks to the publisher for sharing a copy with me.

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