Cover Image: HEARTLESS ABDUCTION: Harlequin Manga


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I absolutely adore everything put out by Harlequin Manga and I will definitely continue to request and read these manga in the future.

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The drawings are beautifully done. The story is a great combination of mystery and romance.

** I received a copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for a honest review**

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I didn't care much for this. The romance wasn't there for me. Nella and Raul seemed like interesting characters but the abduction aspect and interaction made no sense to me.

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I think I say the same thing about all the Harlequin manga comics. I love how the illustrations bring the stories to life. The stories on their own are fantastic and some of them I've read in the book version, some I haven't. For the ones I haven't, the manga comic version always makes me want to go back and read them again to get more depth and detail, however, that does not take away from my enjoyment of the manga comic version. I love the illustrations. Some of them are utterly gorgeous.

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This book's filled with drama, romance, and of course, sparkling chemistry between the Hero and heroine and I couldn't ask for anything better than this. There are parts in this book that made me want to bump the Hero in the head for being such an a$$, yet it's understandable because he's simply protecting his family.

Enjoyed this manga so much and why it ends so soon? I want more! Can't wait to read another one from this author!

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I received an Advanced Reader Copy (ARC) from NetGalley and Harlequin/SB Creative as the publisher in exchange for an honest review

Book title: Heartless Abduction: Harlequin Manga

Author: Angela Wells; Illustrator : Keiko
I Liked, good characters, nice plot, happy ending, in one word good manga book

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Review to be posted on all sources mentioned on my blog in a few days.

I received this manga from Netgalley in exchange of an honest review.

Warning, this book pissed me off, so there will be cursing. Tons of it.

I have to confess I was quite uncomfortable by the title and the blurb. The cover is also quite creepy. But I still wanted to give this one a shot, Harlequin manga always have a happy ending and I was curious to see what this one would be.

And I was further creeped out when the title page has her in a cage.... Looking very distressed. Eh.

OH man, I thought her name was just Nella, but her name is Petronella. Sorry, I just got to laugh. Not really in the mood to dive into the whys, but it has do with something personal.

Wow, man, right of the bat he is calling her names and telling her she is a criminal. Not letting her talk or get a word in. I already hate the guy. Really, what is up with people in Harlequin Manga to just sprout random accusations and then not listen when someone is trying to explain or saying they are innocent. Instead you just kidnap them or blackmail them. Classy, nope. Really, he just kidnaps her. I am not sure about you dude, but that is so so very illegal. Fucking bastard.

"The man earns the money, the woman cooks. That's a given." You fucking sexist pig.

But of course, no fucking wonder, she is falling for him. Good lord. Woman, please have some selfrespect. :| Stockholm syndrome setting in already? That was fast.

And of course, why not. Luis recognises her. Urgh. I was so happy for another outcome, but of course not, it is Harlequin. The drama needs to add up.

Urghhh, I am so hating this guy. He is a total dickwad. I am sorry, I don't fucking care any more about the romance, I just want this story to be over and him in jail. :| Oh man, of course he is the jealous type. Hello, hello??? It is perfectly normal for a woman to have a male friend. I also got one, and believe me my fiance doesn't give a shit. Neither do I give a shit that he has female friends. Oh why the fuck not, it is all orchestrated by Mr. Dicky McDickface of many warts.

What the actual fuck? She just stripped naked? Well, that is not going to help your case woman. Really. Not. Oh, but now he believes her. Oh good grief, the story in this one is so terribly written. Good lord. Maybe I should also start writing books. :P

Luis, please, I get that you are badly hurt, but you are a fucking moron. Also this: "While I was comatose, things finally clicked together in mind." Wow, dude. No. Just no.

The truth about Luis' wife, well, gee wiz, I could have told you that from the beginning. Oh wait, I was doing that. But Raul the kidnapper and creepy dude wouldn't listen.

Ah, yes, the typical Harlequin ending. Marriage. Sorry, but I am just laughing SO SO much now. Stockholm syndrome! Whoooooo"!

Art was pretty decent. But the rest just plain sucked. I am not even going to give this 1 star. NO.

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The two stars are for the artwork. I don't generally enjoy fluffy romances where the main character is coerced or pressurised in some way. I don't think that trope always works with manga romances and it certainly didn't work for me. Also the male main character was just so unlikeable but the artwork was good.

Copy provided by Netgalley in exchange for an unbiased review.

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I liked reading this manga but I didn't enjoy the story. Romance built on a supposed abduction I not my favorite trope. But there is a good resolution in the struggle and they do get their own HEA.

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Nella is framed in a marriage fraud not of her making but Raul, her "brother-in-law" won't believe her and abducts her for the time his brother needs to recover and remember the details of their marriage and the theft of 20.000 dollars. Living in close quarters Nella and Raul get to know each other better, but Raul's suspicious mind is hard to appeace...

A good romance for readers who like a mistery subplot intertwined with the love story.

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📚I received an Advanced Reader Copy (ARC) from NetGalley and Harlequin/SB Creative as the publisher in exchange for an honest review📚

Book title: Heartless Abduction: Harlequin Manga

Author: Angela Wells; Illustrator : Keiko Okamoto

Release Date: 21 January 2018

Petronella or Nella is the sister of a Congressional candidate. Living in such a hi-so circle, her life has never been so easy especially on the night at her brother's party, a sexy latino named Raul accused her in front of the most important people there. Raul later showed her the marriage certificate belongs to his younger brother and Nella. Nella was left confused but finally decided to meet Raul's brother to prove her innocence. 

When she finally met Raul's younger brother who just woke up from coma, she was surprised because he thought that Nella is his wife. Nella certainly denied the fact. Raul was full of rage and he decided to test Nella. He suddenly took a good care of her, took her to a nice dinner, danced with her over a sexy Argentinean tango, and kissed her in front of other people in the restaurant. Little did he know, he started to fall for Nella's charms. 

Their things then start to get a little bit complicated as Raul kept denying his feeling towards Nella. He did not believe that Nella was innocent. Yes, he finally found out the truth---thanks to his brother and Nella's brother, yet it was too late. I am not going to spill the fun out by telling you how he expressed his remorse here. It is something you need to find out by buying and reading this sweet story wrapped in manga-style. 


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