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Spin the Dawn

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I cannot fully express how stunning this book was. It took me on a unique and wild adventure that left my heart in shreds and a desperate longing for the next book in the series. The world-building and especially the characters wrapped around one another to create a tale that one cannot soon forget.

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I received this book an e-arc from netgalley. I read this book in about a week. It was a fun and enjoyable read.
This book is a Mulan retelling. It’s about a girl who lives in China a long time ago. Her dad is old and sadden by his wife’s passing and the 2 older boys dying in the war. He has a daughter and a son remaining.
He use to run a tailor shop. Now the daughter does most of the work even though she isn’t allowed because she’s a woman. Then, a palace soldier comes and demands the dad go to the palace and tailor for the emperor. He knows he can’t refuse. The daughter sneaks off to go as her brother who was injured in the war.
When she gets there it turns out to be a competition to see who can become the next great tailor. It’s a wonderfully book. It’s been marketed as Project Runway meets Mulan.

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I had such high hopes for this book, and, in the beginning, I was thoroughly enjoying it. The story follows Maia, a young girl who has taken over as the seamstress for her father’s shop. Business has not been going well for her family, and they have been severely affected by the recent war. Just when Maia starts to run out of options, someone from the royal court comes to her family shop, requesting that her father travel to the palace to become the imperial trailer. However, Maia must go in his place and pretend to be her brother, as no females are allowed to be tailors. Upon arriving at the palace, Maia finds out that there is actually a competition between the best tailors in the land to become the imperial tailor. They are set with various tasks to prove their skill, and Maia finds both enemies and friends. The end of the story sets her on an imperative journey for one final task, one that comes with a heavy price that she must find a way to pay. I loved reading from Maia’s perspective and seeing her fight for the recognition that she deserves. However, I felt that most of the other characters were somewhat undeveloped, and certain plot points were barely glanced over before the story moved on. I really just wanted a lot more out of this book. Several things were just laid out for the reader, and I wish there had been a little more intrigue. Other things were so obvious to me that it felt ridiculously overdone when Maia finally found out for herself. The ending, however, has me entirely intrigued and awaiting the next book. I’m hoping that the author continues the arcs of the other characters and maybe explains a bit more of the history and culture of the setting.

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Spin the Dawn had me at Mulan meets Project Runaway! The description of this book had me hooked and I was so excited to dive into this world! Maia Tamarin is such a strong, female main character. She is an amazingly talented seamstress, but because she is a woman she is looked down upon as never being able to become a master at her craft. The emperor calls on Maia's father to come compete in a sewing competition to become new Emperor's new seamstress. Maia's father is not able to travel and compete, so Maia goes in his stead disguised as her brother. Of course, there is lots of trials and trouble along the way. There are so many interesting characters and this book had such unique elements in it! I loved this book so much and am so excited for book 2!

I received this ARC from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

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FINALLY managed to get to this and I'm kind of mad it took me so long to do so. This was nothing I expected it to be and I loved it! i loved the tournament aspect and Maia's interactions with Edan, and the journey part! I cannot wait to see what comes next!

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I... did not see this coming. DNF @ 82%

This was very unexpected. Considering all the hype and my general obsession for this book the first time I saw it, I expected nothing less than to love it. Unfortunately, it just didn't happen the way I expect it to.

I loved the writing and how original the plot is. But the romance fell flat to me. The chemistry was nonexistent. And I couldn't care enough about Maia and her journey. I think the only reason I got as far as I did was because I was just too damn stubborn to give up on this. Alas, it's time to throw in the towel and admit defeat.

I wanted to love this book so much. No one is more disappointed than I am, trust me.

I received an e-arc from the publisher via Netgalley to read and review.

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This was an amazing book. disguising herself as a boy and going to the imperial city to become the royal tailor is such a good spin on the Mulan legend

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This was a good debut novel and I really liked the Asian inspired representation of the characters. But the story just felt a bit generic and nothing different from so many other YA novels. I also didn’t connect much with the romance which lowered my enjoyment of the book. I still would recommend it to readers of YA fantasy and those looking for diverse representation.

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This was my first book by this author, and it wont be my last! Such a great book! 5 stars! Quick and easy read!

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This was such an unexpectedly fantastic YA fantasy. While I knew I would enjoy it based on beautiful cover and synopsis, I was not prepared for how much I would fall in love with this story. I absolutely cannot wait for the sequel.
Thank you so much for allowing me to read an ARC!

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In this feminist work of art, Elizabeth Lim has created a fantasy journey that feels like the start of an epic saga. Spin the Dawn has a plot that is as hard to pin down as the shifting sands of the desert and is polished as smooth as silk. While the book is easy to get wrapped up in, it is difficult to describe. The plot is reminiscent of the song Bohemian Rhapsody in that it begins as one thing, and ends as another.

This story can be split into parts. In the first part, we have a story that will remind readers of Mulan as a woman who is told she cannot do something fights to reach her dreams. In the next part, there is a competition that is what is likely referred to when people compare the book to Project Runway. This is where some fantasy elements will come into play. Then, the story becomes a journey, physically and spiritually. The intricacy of the plot and how finely its woven together should not be overlooked.

I must admit that I am struggling to find a weakness. This book had everything that I look for in a story and reminded me of my favorite author, the great Tamora Pierce. The amazing character development, the stunning settings, the blossoming of a potential romance, and the underlying message sent by the story as a whole comes together so exquisitely that I cannot find a single element that I would change other than pushing forward the release date of the sequel. This is a series that demands to be devoured. I would recommend this book and preemptively, the entire series, to any fantasy lover, especially those who seek out feminist stories. This book is great for fans of Tamora Pierce and A Court of Thorns and Roses. I simply cannot recommend this book enough. This is an amazing debut that took my breath away.

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I loved the folklore that was created in this book. There is a sprinkling of magic mixed in the clear skill of the seamstress that just made this a fun read. I’m sure it will be a series and I’m excited for the next instalment. .

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Project Runway meets Mulan in this sweeping YA fantasy about a young girl who poses as a boy to compete for the role of imperial tailor and embarks on an impossible journey to sew three magic dresses, from the sun, the moon, and the stars. Maia Tamarin dreams of becoming the greatest tailor in the land, but as a girl, the best she can hope for is to marry well. When a royal messenger summons her ailing father, once a tailor of renown, to court, Maia poses as a boy and takes his place. She knows her life is forfeit if her secret is discovered, but she'll take that risk to achieve her dream and save her family from ruin. There's just one catch: Maia is one of twelve tailors vying for the job.

I received this book in exchange for an honest review via Netgalley. I was drawn to the book because of the odd described combination of Project Runway, an amazing fashion design show that I was obsessed with as a teenager, and Mulan, which is a classic all on its own. I wasn’t sure how the book would compare with that combination but it was right on the money. I’m excited to introduce you to this epic YA Fantasy novel.

The character of Maia is the protagonist and narrator of this book. I often struggle to like narrators, since I spend so much time with them, and by the end of the book I’m excited to get some space even if I loved the story. However, I never hit that point with Maia. She’s a spunky main character with a unique backstory that makes her more engaging as time goes on. The secondary characters were just as well developed. Many of the characters had skeletons in their closets that I did not predict and I enjoyed getting to know them as the story unfolded.

The setting the author created in this book is a dynamic and interesting world that is steeped in Asian influences. Through the story, the reader gets the chance to explore a lot of what this world has to offer. The religion, culture, food and every other aspect of this world was well thought out. I felt completely immersed in the setting and was so happy that the author offered the opportunity to explore the world, rather than introduce a promising setting but base the entire book within the confines of a palace.

The first few chapters of this book were confusing, despite the engaging character and setting. The first chapter is a bit of a preface, which shoots us forward in the book, and the second chapter is full of background information about the character and her family. Luckily, the pacing of the novel skyrockets shortly after and I soon felt pulled into the events of the book. After about a third of the way through, I found it nearly impossible to put this book down.

Spin the Dawn is the first book of The Blood of the Stars series by Elizabeth Lim. The character and setting introduced in this book was unique and delightful to get to know. The opening chapters of the novel were disorienting, but I encourage you to stick with the novel and you’ll soon be swept up into the story. I’ll be eagerly awaiting the next book of this series and encourage you to pick up this book as soon as you’re able.

Spin The Dawn Is Available Now On Amazon, Barnes And Noble And At Your Favorite Local Bookstore.

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Ok. I’m not going to lie, I wasn’t sure I was going to like this book, and I was so wrong. It’s really good. It is a beautifully written story that has everything you could want out of a YA fantasy novel. The adventure is epic and fun, the romance is swoony, the system of magic is interesting, and the main characters are wonderfully likable. I absolutely loved the Chinese culture in this book, especially its influences on the magic system. It all works so seamlessly and transports us to a really vibrant world that I can’t wait to see more of. The whole story has a traditional folklore feel to it as well, which adds a level of maturity and simplicity in the storytelling. Maia is a great heroine and really comes into her own by the end. I loved her arc, but I do wish we could have seen it progressing a bit stronger throughout. The chemistry and tension with her love interest are fabulous from the get-go, and the pace of their relationship was perfect. The journey they take together is fun and fantastical and super fast-paced. The ending packs a punch and left me wanting more. I am so pleasantly surprised by how much I liked this book and I cannot wait to see where this series goes.

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Wow! What an adventure. Suspense, action and heart stopping romance all rolled up into one book! I can’t wait to see what happens in the next installment!

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This was billed as Project Runway meet Mulan and I think that is the perfect description. This story takes on a lot of the same tropes as many YA fantasies, and I can't say it really offered any new spin on them, but I still enjoyed it. I've said it before, but I think I am finally too old for YA novels. I can see this being the perfect read for a teen, but there young voice and certain situations irked me. I'd recommend for teens of all ages, particularly those starting out in the fantasy genre as Maia is a good character to get behind and root for.

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Actual Rating - 4.5 Stars

Is this the year of magical writers or what? Almost every book I've been picking up has a lush, gorgeous writing style and Spin the Dawn is no exception. Elizabeth Lim weaves (pun very much intended) words like silk and just adds all the necessary elements to make this a fun, engaging read.

Maia Tamarin is an easy protagonist to root for. There is something about her that feels so real. There's a point at the start of the story where Maia admits she's doing this as much for herself as she is for her family and I somehow really liked that. A main character who is not just about being selfless but also looking out for herself is something I don't see often. And Maia has so much at stake that it made me root for her right from the beginning.

Edan is a sweetheart. And the romance...well. Okay it's complicated. I generally don't like a romance that happens fast but Maia and Edan are so cute that I just can't help but love them. But when I think about it, it only seems fast because of the story's pacing. Actually their "travel together" time is over a long time but the author doesn't show every single day of those travels, making the duration seem much less than it really is, and now I shall stop rambling.

BUT REALLY, the cute bickering? domestic banter and just all the wholesome goodness of adorable romance in this book makes me melt.

The magic system is wonderful. It's not fully described but there's equal parts complex and whimsy which gives an overall aesthetic to the book that is simply BEAUTIFUL. There's the complex magic of enchanters, and the simple and beautiful magic of Maia's special scissors that add to the world building so wonderfully! And there are NO info dumps at all. We learn about magic along with Maia as the story progresses which makes it all the more interesting.

The plot kept me on my toes! There are these quiet twists, tense action scenes and surprising revelations every few pages that makes it SO difficult to put the book down. The plot pretty much started at the very beginning and the end left me screaming into the void because HOW can you expect me to be okay after THAT little thing at the end?

Also the copy I have had a sneak peak of book two? excuse me but that was cruel! How many souls do I sacrifice to get a copy of "Unravel the Dusk"?

But seriously, a lush fantasy with magical writing, an engaging plot and relateable characters.

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"Spin the Dawn" is a beautiful start in this new series. The world-building is excellent and the characters are well-written and complex. If it were possible, extra stars would be given for the female strength portrayed in such a powerful way. I can't recommend this enough!

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Wow. Holy crud. Wow. I am absolutely blown away by this amazing, beautiful, magical, and enchanting tale. The blurb does not do this novel justice at all. This book is so much more. SO. MUCH. MORE.

I could not put this book down at all. I read it in one sitting. The characters, the plot, the world building... all magnificently done and beautifully crafted! I really needed this breath of fresh air in my reading life. Maia is an inspirational, determined, exceptional, and stubborn character and I love her to pieces as a narrator.

I absolutely cannot wait for more from this author and this series. This has become one of my favorite reads of this year by far.

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wow wow wow. i am truly blown away by how amazing this story is. the book blurb does this a slight disservice by pitching it as a cross between mulan and project runway. not because it doesnt have those elements, but because this is SO much more than that.

the story is captivating with enthralling writing and charming characters. oh my gosh. edan is one of the wittiest characters i have read in a while. his banter with maia is such a delight to read. from start to finish, i was entertained with every page.

but what really impressed me is the blend of cultures. the world is an array of different people and traditions and i love how this captures that so well. this story richly mixes the folklore of both east asian and middle eastern cultures and creates a vibrant setting, perfect for maia and her adventure. i love how this didnt just stick to one, like most stories do, but expanded beyond that. it made for quite an enchanting world to read.

i am so desperate to get my hands on the next book - if only i could find my own enchanter to make it happen!

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