Member Reviews

I'm rating this a 4.5/5 stars.
This was a pretty good read. The mystery surrounding the 2nd voice of the story kept me intrigued. I wanted to know whether this person was talking about Taylor or Anna when they were saying that they "knew" them. To provide some constructive criticism here, there was only one thing that bugged me with this story... Taylor was from the United States and hadn't been in the UK long enough to pick up their dialogue and slang/lingo. When she was speaking or thinking, I believe that the author should have left her voice as being American and not European. That bugged me throughout the story, but it didn't take away from the story either.

The story itself is pretty entertaining and exposes the dangers behind social media. People are always in such a hurry to post the intimate details of their everyday lives. This ranges from pictures of their children to their engagements, new jobs, or going out of town. Lots of times, people do not believe that their oversharing of their lives, events, locations, etc. is providing too much information online, but in essence, it really is. You can never be too careful and you never know who's watching your tweets, minding your Facebook timeline or living for your Instagram posts. You never know who is watching your every keystroke closely and secretly wishing that they were you and were living your life. While I understand that Taylor was pregnant and lonely due to her husband's frequent travel, she shouldn't have been so careless and naïve, but then again, if she hadn't of been so trusting, we wouldn't have this suspenseful story to read. This story is full of characters who love to overshare information, those who tell lies as if they're breathing air, those who are manipulators and those who are pure, flat out crazy.

Thank you to the author and NetGalley for the read. I look forward to seeing what this author comes up with next.

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This book had me from page 1! A great page turner, left me wanting to know What Happens Next?!?
The storyline of being in a new home, with a never-there husband is so relatable. So many of us rely on social media to fill the lonely gaps. Of course no one expects it to lead to a stalker!

And the strangle boring, lonely days of life with a newborn! I remember it all to well. Taylor behaved as any of us would, under the circumstances.

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I love this author's writing style. The dialogue isn't awkward, the flow is perfect, and the characters really come to life. I'm dating a pilot, and we recently relocated to another state, so I really relate to Taylor and Anna's loneliness. The author sets up a slow build for suspense and a big reveal, and her writing style keep me intrigued even though very little really happened until about seventy percent in. My one criticism is the ending. Too quick, too final, and the author missed a perfect chance to bring back the rest of the characters who were ultimately innocent of the crime.

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This book kept me guessing to the point where I stayed up all night to finish it. There are so many twists, turns, and red herrings that at some point everyone was a suspect. They all have secrets, flaws, and lies they tell themselves. I really felt bad for Taylor; pregnant and virtually alone in a new country, trying desperately to make friends, build a new life, and rebuild a broken marriage. The role social media played in the story was terrifying and terrifyingly realistic. I would definitely recommend this book and read more from this author.

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Omg this was a fabulous thriller where looked with suspicious eyes at everyone who came in touch with the main character Taylor who was pregnant and along with her husband had shifted from US to London. Joining a book club, she made friends. But it seemed that secrets seemed to dodge her. Everyone in the book club had something to hide.

The book was delicious and I love when the story has a book club with wicked members who had ulterior motives. Dual POV with voices of Taylor and a stalker had me shivering. I get scared of these social media stalkers.

Social media a boon and a bane, in this, it was a bane, a scary weapon for harassment. The story had me checking up my social media and erasing pictures. The book read fast, some of the scenes were nerve wrecking. The twists were creepy and the turns were fun. It kept me gripped all through from beginning to end!!

I loved the book, the book loved me back. Sighhh. I love thrillers!!

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OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fantastic book, I didn't know who did what, it was soooooo good. Thank you Net Galley and Crooked Lane Books for an early release of this "What a Ride" book. I cant say enough. Just wonderful, I got into All of the characters. Sooooooo good.

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Overall I enjoyed this book. It was fast paced and had the theme of ‘everyone is a suspect’ which I liked. This kept my attention & I wanted to constantly know what was next. I would recommend this to anyone who likes a thriller that keeps you guessing. I did think the ending was not very original but that didn’t ruin the book for me.

I would like to thank NetGalley, the publisher, and the author for giving me the opportunity to read this book in exchange for my honest review.

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This is a gripping read that certainly makes you stop and think about the amount of information that can innocently be posted on social media and how, in the wrong hands, it could be used against you.

In the main the story moves at pace, although, there were definitely times when I cruised an odd chapter.
Overall though, an easy read that maintains interest and with a solid ending.

Thanks to Netgalley, the publishers and author for the opportunity to preview this book in exchange for my honest review.

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just finished the book, the ending was abrubt, it felt familar like i had read it before, i haven't but it felt like so many other books i have read. a marriage in trouble, a friend, supposedly a trusted friend, but is she or are the other friends, the ones putting her in danger

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I liked this book a lot until the last quarter or so. That’s when it got a little weird and the ending... a little lazy. All in all I enjoyed the plot and the characters. But it’s one of those novels that falls flat in the end.

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Wow! This took a twist that I did not see coming! I love stories like this! I thought I had it all figured out and then boom...I was wrong! Great writing, great characters and great story! I'll be sure to watch for more books from this author. #IknowYou #NetGalley #AnnabelKantaria

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My very first book by Annabel and I will definitely be picking up more books by her. This book was twisty and full of intense moments!

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Really fun mystery that keeps me guessing on multiple levels. Not clear who the 2nd voice is until the very end as it is purposely left ambiguous. Similar to other thrillers with a different spin. Love the American in London. I think my only gripe was that sometimes the American said UK phrases that she would not have known yet. Fast, easy read.

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3.5 stars

This is a good example of a book that has unlikable characters and a creepy storyline but yet you have this compelling need to find out what is going to happen next and can't flip the pages fast enough to get answers. Even though it has some flaws here and there at the end of the day it accomplishes what I assume was one of the goals of the author, which is to entertain the reader.

Taylor Watson has recently moved with her husband from California to the London suburbs and is feeling lonely and is desperate to make some friends. Even though she is pregnant, she isn't interested in joining a parenting group and instead signs herself up for a walking group as well as a book club. But as she gets to know new people, Taylor can't help but feel more and more uneasy. Something bad is about to go down, but what?

This book was a nice mix of a classic 'everyone is a suspect" plot but also had this modern feel to it with the way the author incorporated social media into the story. Now even though the book held my interest, I wouldn't say the story is jammed pack with twists and turns. That's not to say I was able to guess everything correctly but other than one minor detail, I don't think anything came out of nowhere especially if you read books in this genre quite often. I did strongly dislike the big final dramatic scene as it just felt lame and not very original. But overall, I did have a good time reading this one and if you like books in this genre, you might consider checking this one out.

Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for providing me with a free advance digital copy in exchange for an honest review.

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This reminded me of the book/show "You," as it has that creepy, stalker vibe to it. The story is a reminder that we truly don't know the people we "meet" on social media and the need for caution with what we share and whom we trust. It's told from Taylor's POV, as well as the stalker's. It lagged a bit more than I would've liked, and the characters weren't as developed as I expected, but it was still a solid suspense. I found the ending to be too abrupt and a bit sloppy compared to the rest of the story.

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Taylor, who is pregnant, and her husband have moved to London from California and so Taylor joins a walking group and a book club in an effort to make new friends. Her husband is often away for lengthy stretches for work. Their relationship is healing from an affair that Jake had. Her new found friends include Simon, Caroline, Anna and Sarah. But one of them knows a lot about Taylor, much more than Taylor could ever suspect. The plot takes the reader on a creepy trail and keeps the tension tight right from the first page. I devoured this book in a couple of nights. While I had the mystery figured out before the climax I still wanted to find out how it would all pan out. The ending was a little disappointing for me in being too neat to be realistic but well done to the author in keeping me in suspense for most of the book.

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This book lays out why putting your daily life on social media can come back to bite you. People often don't think much about putting their daily events out there for anyone to read. And sometimes that person can be a stalker who do not have your best interests in mind. Such is the plot of this wonderful book. Be careful what you put out there, folks.

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Well....that was fun!

Taylor Watson is a retired Delta flight attendant who has just relocated from Santa Monica, Ca to London, with her often traveling husband, Jake. Pregnant, and lonely, she joins a 'walking group" and meets Simon and Anna.

Shortly thereafter, she's invited to join a "book club" hosted by her neighbor, Sarah, and her friend Caroline.

As, Taylor's narrative opens, we learn that she is recounting HER STORY to us...…

BUT then the narrative changes, to the voice of a "mystery narrator"...
"I KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE" (You think you're so discreet, don't you?)

Returning to our main protagonist, Taylor, we continue to learn more about her new life and blossoming friendships.

BUT single chapter "revelations" from our "mystery narrator" interspersed sporadically become more personal, and more menacing...

"I KNOW WHAT YOU READ" (and we're actually friends on GoodReads)

Someone is being stalked.
Someone is the stalker.

And, ANY of the five characters could be either one.

Each character was a master of "barbed comments" AND the more subtle " innuendos", causing me to revise my "guess" every few chapters.

Cleverly written, I was completely engaged in the story from page one!

If you enjoy books that use "social media" accounts as the "weapons" they can be, and psychological thrillers with plenty of viable suspects...….mark your calendars for the U.S. release date of this book-June 11, 2019!

I would like to thank NetGalley, Crooked Lane Books, and Annabel Kantaria for the digital ARC I received in exchange for a candid review!

I look forward to reading more from this author!

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A completely twisted thriller that makes you second guess new people in your life. The story was interesting and the characters engaging but Taylor’s character should not have been from California. She spoke using very British slang and phrases which made it hard to believe that she came from California. Otherwise a good read.

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I’m giving this book 4 stars based on the build up and the intriguing ideas it had. It really makes you think about social media and the implications of posting everything about your life online.
I liked the twist in the last third of the book. The characters were OK, although I didn’t really connect with any of them.
But the ending... I was not a fan. I felt like down. The build up was amazing, I thought it was going to have an explosive conclusion. But instead everything... just... ended. Really disappointed.
I won’t let this stop me from reading her other books though, as the tension building was amazing.

I received an ARC through Netgalley and all opinions in this review are my own.

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